Do I Belong? (Bleach)

By toshiron

1.6K 37 10

Makoto has been the third seat of Squad 10 since Toshiro became Captain, about 20 years ago. But being the 3r... More

Great to See You Again, Ichigo!
Two Against One. Sound Familair?
Victory to the Soul Reapers!
I Didn't Do It! I Swear!
Escape? How?
Who Am I Really?
The Explanation I've Been Waiting For
Out for a Run
The Fates Test My Patience
Hiding Sucks
And Now I'm Stuck
Don't Follow Strangers, Friends
A Person Can Only Handle So Much
Like I Said-I Can Only Handle So Much
Huh... My Appetite's Been Ruined...
Welp. Time to Prepare, Huh?
And The Verdict Is...
A Sacrifice Had to Be Made

Too Much to Take In

97 2 1
By toshiron

I stared at the man, open-mouthed, wide-eyed.

"Captain Shiba? You're still alive?" I whispered.

Captain Shiba smiled warmly at me. "That's father to you," he said.

With tears brimming my eyes, I jumped up and hugged Isshin.

"I missed you, too," he laughed, hugging me back.

"Why did you leave?" I asked. Surprisingly, I wasn't angry. Just... Curious is the best word I can come up with at the moment.

I let go of him, and he had a serious look on his face. "I'm not going to go into detail now, but I am going to say this. If I had let her die when there was something I could've done to prevent it, I wouldn't have been able to look myself in the mirror again."

I looked at him, confused, wondering who he was talking about. Then I nodded, understanding. I laughed. "Sounds like you."

Isshin smiled again, but then decided to get down to business. "So why exactly are you here? I wasn't able to get any details from Kisuke, Rukia or Renji. Why exactly are you being executed?"

For the second time, I explained that Central 46 had accused me for kidnapping the sixth seat officers from each squad except for ten. Then I decided to share the similarities I had with each officer, like our piercing blue eyes and the fact that we've been the sixth seat at the same time, until I was promoted to third seat.

Isshin, my adopted dad-wait wait wait wait wait. Wait a moment.

Before Isshin could say anything, I spoke up, "Wait a minute. Your my adopted dad, right?"

Isshin nodded, giving me a questioning look.

"Aren't you Ichigo's dad?"

Captain Shiba-or is it Kurosaki now?-needed a moment to process what this meant. Once he did, he gave me a death hug. "My children have another sister!" He said, crying tears of joy.

"Ack! Can't... Breathe!" I gasped.

He released me. "Don't tell Ichigo, Yuzu or Karin about this. Ichigo knows I'm a soul reaper, but that's as far as it goes. Got it?"

I nodded.

"Also," he added. "Don't tell Toshiro or Rangiku that I'm here."

"What?!" I screamed. "You expect me to not share this amazing news?"

"Shhhh," he said, trying to calm me down. "I'll tell them, if that's what your worried about. But I don't think now's the right time. So, please don't tell them."

"Alright fine," I huffed, crossing my arms.

Suddenly, my stomach growled. I haven't eaten in too long.

Isshin laughed. "C'mon. We'll eat breakfast while we decide on what you're going to do."

I climbed out of the closet, still wearing the clothes from yesterday, and followed Isshin to the kitchen. I sat down on one of the chairs, while Isshin grabbed some cereal and poured it into a bowl. After he had a spoon and milk, he pushed the bowl towards me. I took a huge bite, swallowed and asked, "Aren't you going to eat?"

Isshin shook his head. "I ate earlier."

"So, what do you think I should do?" I asked, this time with food shoved in my mouth. Captain Hitsugaya would be so ashamed of me. But, he's not here. Muahahaha!

"Fortunately, you and Renji managed to get here undetected, so the soul reapers think your still in the Soul Society, so they're not about to come here to look for you."

I nodded, waiting for him to get to the point.

"So I was thinking... You should go to school with Ichigo."

I did a spit take. "You want me to do what now?" Then I realized the mess I made and quickly went into the kitchen to find something to clean up the mess. Once I was done, I sat down and proceeded to eat my cereal. "Why do I have to go to school?" I pouted.

"Don't complain," he brushed off my puppy eyes. Damn, he's somehow gotten better with doing that. "I just want you to be around Ichigo. For your protection. I can't be around you all the time, so I decided Ichigo was the next best thing. If any soul reapers come to the World of the Living, Ichigo will be able to protect you." I was about to protest, saying that I could protect myself, when Isshin continued speaking. "Plus, you have no way of leaving your gigai. Your defenceless." I glared at him, knowing it was true.

"Fine," I sighed, giving in. "When do I start?"


"What?" I whined. "I only got here yesterday."

He gave me a look, saying I don't care, and I knew I wasn't going to be able to win.

I pushed away the empty bowl, and let my head bang against the table. "Okay, okay. I'll go."

I looked up and saw a smile on Isshin's face. I missed him so much.

"I'll be right back," he spoke and left the room. When he came back, he had a uniform in his arms. "Here's your uniform. Your already late for school, so you better hurry."

I went to the bathroom, not knowing why he would even have a uniform and changed into the horrid uniform. When the Arrancars had showed up in Karakura Town, Toshiro made us go to the high school. And the stupid school had stupid uniforms.

As I was pulling my shirt down, I noticed something in the mirror. On my stomach, there was the Japanese symbol for change. On its side was a different coloured wing. On the right, the wing was blue, the left was purple.

"What the...?" I murmured. I looked down at my stomach and saw that it actually was there. "When did I get this?"

Suddenly, I got really dizzy. I fell forward and landed on the counter.

I pulled down my shirt when my wave of dizziness passed. I held up my head. "What was that?" I murmured. I decided to shrug it off, and pretend it was nothing.

When I walked out of the bathroom, my stomach gurgled. Isshin laughed at this. "I see your appetite hasn't gotten any smaller."

I stuck my tongue out at him.

"I'm going to walk you to school. Just in case."

I smiled. That means I get to be with Isshin longer. He handed me a backpack and we walked out the door.

"Are Karin and Yuzu going to know I'm staying here?" I asked. Sure we only left the house two minutes ago, but I couldn't stand the silence.

Isshin shook his head. "We're going to try to keep you being here a secret."

"But the school knows I'm here!"

"Kisuke already thought about that. He placed a kido spell on them. If they were to be approached by any soul reapers in the Soul Society, they forget that you exist until the soul reapers leave." Then he chuckled. "I wouldn't let him put it on the girls. Only Ichigo, Orihime, Uryu and Chad don't have the kido on them."

I nodded. Soon, we arrived at the school. Isshin gave me another hug, which I obviously returned.

"Ichigo knows that you and I knew each other back in the Soul Society. Please don't go into more detail then that," Isshin commanded after our hug.

I nodded. "I know." I smiled at him. "It's nice to see you again, Captain."

He smiled back. "You too. Good luck on your first day of school."

I stuck my tongue out at him as he walked away.

I walked into the school, and couldn't help but smile. It's been so long since I've been here. I wonder how all my friends are doing.

Just as I was about to enter the class, the bell rang. I flinched because for a second, they reminded me of the Seireitai's bells, even though they sound nothing alike.

I peeked into the classroom and saw the students were standing and talking to each other. That means lunch hasn't started yet.

I saw Orihime and Keigo, and a giant smile grew on my face.

I walked into the classroom, with my hands raised in the air, and exclaimed, "Orihime! Keigo!"

Those two turned around faster than a flash step, raised their hands in the air just like me, and yelled, "Makoto!"

I kid you not, the entire class went silent and face palmed at the same time. Even Ms. Ochi, our teacher, face palmed. "It's nice to see you've returned, Makoto," she mumbled.

I smiled cheekily at her. "Hi!" I said and walked to my friends.

"Hey Makoto," Everyone greeted.

I smiled, suddenly glad I was going to school.

~ ~ ~

Throughout the school day, my mind had kept wandering to the weird mark on my stomach. Where has it come from?

At the end of the day, my mind was still on the mark.

"Makoto?" Ichigo asked. "Are you alright?"

"Uh, yeah, I'm fine," I mumbled.

Seriously? My zanpakuto finally spoke to me. How do you plan on convincing him that your alright?

"Shut up," I growled.

"What?" Ichigo asked.

I blushed in embarrassment, realizing that I had spoken out loud. "Sorry!" I shook my head like a madman. "Not you! Someone else!"


I was silent, not sure how to word this.

This is getting pathetic, my zanpakuto said. Then, it was like he shoved something at me, because suddenly I was extremely dizzy, and I had a flash back.

Makoto was moving around the Seireitai, trying to avoid any soul reapers. She didn't want to be around any at the moment. Actually, she never wanted to be with anybody, ever.

Unfortunately, she was not about to get her wish. She didn't know that she was being followed until the man was standing next to her.

"Greetings, Captain Aizen," Makoto greeted grumpily, disgusted that he had hid his spiritual pressure from her so well. Being unable to control her own spirit energy, Makoto had the ability to sense spirit energy better than soul reapers. All of the sixth seat officers were like this.

"Hello, Sixth Seat Makoto," Aizen greeted with a smile. "How are things?"


"Mind if I walk with you?" He asked.

"Yes I do mind. I'm busy."

He laughed. "I'm sure you can take a little time off." Then he gave her a hard look, something no one in the Seireitai had ever seen Aizen do. Makoto stepped back in surprise. "That's an order."

In her shock, Makoto stupidly nodded and walked with Captain Aizen.

At some point, Aizen had led Makoto to his office. "Have a seat," he commanded.

Makoto listened, not sure why Captain Aizen had suddenly taken an interest in her.

"What do you want?" Makoto demanded.

Aizen laughed darkly. Makoto couldn't help but stare at him in shock. Aizen is normally so kind. What is he acting so... Evil right now?

"I know about you," Aizen said. "I know that your not like the others." Makoto couldn't help but feel that he wasn't just talking about the soul reapers.

"If you know this," Makoto began sternly, "then why did you drag me all the way over here?"

Aizen sat down on his chair. "Because I want to know how a changeling sees the Soul Society."

Makoto, unsure of what to do, whispered, "How-how did you know?"

He didn't answer, only smiled.

Makoto hardened her gaze. "I see that your not what the soul reapers think you are," she said coldly, again disgusted by this man, this time for making her reveal that she truly is a changeling. At least she didn't reveal the others, but she was certain that Sosuke Aizen already knew.

Before anyone could say anything, Makoto's soul pager went off. Makoto pulled it off and saw the message from Captain Shiba.

"You better go to him," Aizen said.

Makoto stood up, and left Aizen's office as fast as she could, not wanting to be around this man. Something was wrong with him, and he had plans for the future. What they were, Makoto had no idea.

When Makoto arrived at the Squad 10 barracks, Captain Shiba told her to go the World of the Living to fight a hollow. When she arrived, she found herself face to face with the infamous hollow, Nusumimasu, a hollow with the ability to take away memories.

I blinked a couple of times and saw Ichigo holding me, bridle style judging by my position, with a worried look on his face.

"Ugh," I groaned. "What happened?"

Ichigo sighed in relief. "You suddenly passed out. I was going to bring you to Orihime's place. Are you alright?"

"I'm fine. I can walk, and I don't need to go to Orihime," I said, hoping he'll believe me.

Ichigo hesitated. "Are you sure?"

I nodded.

He placed me down, and I was able to stand on my own feet.

"How did you pass out?" Ichigo asked.

"I'm not sure," I lied. "I got dizzy and suddenly everything went dark." That was half true. I decided not to mention the memory that my stupid, nameless zanpakuto gave me. Only Toshiro, Rangiku and Isshin actually know that I had lost my memory.

Why was Aizen a part of the memory, and what the heck is a changeling?

We quickly arrived at Ichigo's house, and I got ready to climb in through the window.

"Are you sure you don't want to come in through the front door?" Ichigo asked, worried.

"It's okay," I waved his worry off and started climbing. "I don't feel dizzy anymore." Once I was safe in his bedroom, Ichigo finally walked into his house. I watched him walk, feeling bad for making him worried.

I let out a big yawn, and decided to take a quick nap. I climbed into the closet, closed the door, and fell asleep before my head touched the pillow.

The picture at the beginning of the chapter is A picture I drew of Makoto in her soul reaper form, and wearing the school uniform. If you want to know what the symbol on Makoto's stomach looks like, go to the prologue. The picture is at the beginning of the chapter. I drew that picture too. Well, feel free to vote and comment!


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