In Love (Christian Beadles fa...

By princessqissy

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Jade Braun moves to Atlanta. She meets new friends, but one boy really catches her eye. His name is Christian... More

Ch. 1 New Start
Ch. 2 Meeting The Beadles
Ch. 3 Movie Time
Ch. 4 21 Questions
Ch. 5 New Boyfriend
Ch. 6 The Jenner
Ch. 7 School
Ch. 9 Oops
Ch. 10 Tell The Whole World!
Ch. 11 Riding ;)
Ch. 12 Lucky Escape
Ch. 13 The Beadles Tradition
Ch. 14 A Break
Ch. 15 The Hospital
Ch. 16 The Truth
Ch. 17 Alli Whoreson
Ch. 18 You Lied
Ch. 19 Playing Me
Ch. 20 Leave Me Alone
Ch. 21 Faint
Ch. 22 Spa
Ch. 23 Pop The Pills
Ch. 24 Paparazzi
Ch. 25 Bipolar

Ch. 8 Cat Knows

105 2 0
By princessqissy

*Christian's POV*

(Drama class)

"Class, this is Christian, he will be joining us for the rest of the year."

The girls all gasped and started fan girling. Oh gosh. They scream whispered, "It's Christian, Christian Beadles"

"GIRLS!" Mrs Ball shouted, "Treat Christian, like he is a normal student, or else."

"thank you" Christian said, making the girls fangirl even more.

"There's a spare seat beside...." The teacher scanned the classroom.

"Oh! Jessie!" she said, "You don't mind if Christian sits beside you, do you?"

Suddenly every girl in the class turned round, and gave me death glares.

"That's good, Christian, please sit beside Jade."

"no problem." He winked at me.

He walked towards me at the back of class and sat down.

"GIRLS! THIS WAY!" Mrs Ball yelled, "Watch the movie!"

The girls heads shot forward.

Christians slid hand onto my leg. I put my hand under the desk, and slid it straight back down. I looked at him, and shook my head. He frowned. Some girls had turned round to stare at him, I'd rather that they would not see him doing that today. I prefer not to be murdered.

"Fancy this.." He whispered into my ear.

"I know. It's typical." I laughed.

"You do realise, ever single girl in this class wants me right now.." he laughed into my ear quietly.

"What makes you think I do.." I quietly chuckled.

His hand found my leg again. Higher up this time. I bit my lip.

"You just bit your lip." his sexy american voice whispered.

I moved his hand away.

"People can see us, you know.." I whispered.

"No one's watching. We're sitting in the very back corner of the room."

"They could turn round any minute."

"It's not like we're making out.." he whispered.

I playfully hit him. He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers.

"Where's Kylie?" he asked.

"She has a meeting with a fashion company, she's out today, its a last minute thing." I wispered, watching The Merchant of Venice movie.

"Oh. Who are you having lunch with?" he asked.

"Uhh.. this girl Car, I met her yesterday."


We sat in silence watching the movie for about a minute.

"Care if I join?" he squeezed my hand.

I gulped. I wasnt ready for people to see us together.

"Uhm. Why don't you meet some of the jocks or something today. Hang out with the guys, and make friends?" I suggested.

"Yeah, okay. That's alright." he sounded sad.

"I'm sorry.." I looked him in the eyes.."I'm not ready."

"It's fine baby, Your choice." he whispered into my ear.

We let go of eachothers hands and watched the movie. I felt incredibly sad. I want to tell people now. But they will most likely hate me. But Christian and I can be happy. But people will try steal him from me. They will say bad things about me. I can't tell.

The bell rang for Spanish, Christian was placed beside me again.

Next class was History. Guess who was made to sit beside me? Christian.

Breaktime. I met up with Cat, I still hadn't told her Christian and I were dating.

"Have you seen the hot new guy?" she smiled.

"Uhh, yeah, I think I know who you're talking about.."

"I mean, no-one can get more perfect than him. His name is Christian Beadles. His sister is dating Justin Bieber, THE Justin Bieber!" she fangirled.

"Haha, yeah." I was disappointed.

"Whats wrong?" she asked.

'Uhm. Look. I know this sounds crazy. But..aghh."

"What? Spit it out!"

"Christian's my boyfriend." I closed my eyes. I didn't want to see her reaction.

"You're so funny!" she laughed.



"Why are you laughing?" I asked.

"He's not really your boyfriend.."

"Yes, uhm. he is."

"Prove it Jade" she said.

I took out my phone. And hit Christian's number.

""Christian will answer is phone, just watch."

She looked over to Christian sitting with the jocks. I pressed the call button, and 2 seconds later he picked up the phone.

"Hey baby." he said.

"Hey. I told someone."

"Who?" I looked at him, he was smiling.


"Awesome baby, you okay?"

"She doesnt believe me.." I moaned.

"You want me to come to you?" he asked concerned.

"No, just talk to her, on the phone, one second."

I pressed the phone to Cat's ear.

"Uhhmm.Hello?" she stuttered.

A smile grew on her face. She knew the truth.

The bell rang and we headed for English class, one of the few classes Cat and I have together.

*Christian's POV*

After history class, I was surrounded by girls in the hallway. "Christian, you wanna sit with me at break?

"Hi, you want to come to my table?"

"Wanna sit with me babe?"

"Come this way Christian."

"Hey babe, wanna come with me?"

I was the new popular kid. All these girls throwing themselves at me, but all who I want to be with is Jade. I want to be able to hold her hand in the halls, give her piggy backs, kiss her, put my arm round her, and show off

my beautiful girlfriend.

""Dude, Nice to meet you, I'm James." Some built guy tapped my back.

"Christian." I said.

"Do you get this everyday?" He asked.

"Get what?"

"The attention from all the chicks?"

"Uhh.. Yeah, I guess."

Girls were still following me.

"Awesome. You gonna join the football team?" He smiled.

"I dunno, haven't given that any thought yet."

"You should dude. Come meet the rest of the jocks." He dragged me to a table, at it were about 12 well built guys. And the table beside them were some girls. All dressed like sluts. I'm guessing they are the 'popular' girls.

"This is Christian guys!" He said fist pinching some of the guys. I joined in, some gave me bro hugs. I was getting so much attention. It didn't matter to me though. I just wanna know where Jade is. My phone rang. It was Jade. I picked up the phone to hear news that she told a girl called Cat. The girl didn't believe her. So Jade put her on the phone. "Hey." I said. "It's true."

She let out a tiny squeal.

"Oh my gosh. Why's aren't you together right now then?" She questioned.

"Uhh. She doesn't want people to hate on her, which they would if we told." I whispered into my phone to save people from hearing me.

"Oh." The bell rang.

"Tell my baby I love her." I whispered and hung up.

I knew that would drive Cat insane.

I saw Jade smile over at me. I winked at her, as she walked off towards her next class, English which I was in. Hopefully we would sit beside each other again.

"Who's your baby?!" Some blonde girl asked.

Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. Oh crap. OH CRAP.

"Uhhhh." I gulped. "My new dog."

"Awhh! That's so sweet!" She said and pulled me into a hug. I just stood there awkwardly.

"Do you have any other baby's? As in a girlfriend?" She smiled.

I wanted to tell her yes, and tell her how wonderful Jade was..

"No." I replied looking down.

"I can change that." She winked.

"Uh. No thanks. I'm okay for now."

She huffed and walked away. She shakes her ass obviously wanting my attention.

"DUDE! Why'd you turn her down?!" James asked.

"I don't like her." I replied.

"Big mistake. She's the sexiest girl in school!"

"What about that new girl, Jade?" One of the jocks said.

"I laughed and said, "Oh, yeah she's beautiful?"

"Oh yeah! She's hot!"

"She's absolutely perfect, have you seen her boobs and ass? Like wow." Another jock said.

"I know." I laughed into myself.

They were talking about how perfect my girlfriend was, not even knowing she was my girlfriend. My God. I wonder what their faces will be like when they find out.

"I'm gonna ask her ouuut!" James said.

"Not if I get there first." another jock said. We all ran to history class.

The teacher welcomed me, handed me books and sat me beside the blonde girl that basically asked me out earlier.

"Hey." she smiled as I sat down.

"Class! I have an urgent meeting with the principle, so I cannot attend this period, please behave, I'll put a movie on the screen, and Mr Douglas from next door will come and check on you every few minutes."

Everybody said stuff like "Yesss" and "Wohooo!"

He left the room, I felt my phone vibrate.

1 new Message from Jade<3<3-

"Turn round baby..<3"

I turned round to see Jade's beautiful face, she winked at me. I bit my lip.

"Pshhhhh! Don't even bother Jade!" The blonde girl said.

""What do you mean Kate?" she gave the blond girl (who was apparently called Kate) a dirty look.

"Like he would date someone like you.." She laughed.

Jade laughed. So did Cat who I then realised was sitting beside her.

"And why not Kate?" Cat asked.

I laughed.

"She's a complete slut. I mean, look at her, she's the ugliest girl I've ever seen. She is fat as fu-" she laughed.

"THAT'S ENOUGH!" I yelled.

"Christian!" Jade shouted.

"No babe." I replied.


I looked into her eyes.

"Babe?" Kate asked.

"Yes. I called her 'babe'. Jealous much?" I laughed.

"Why did you call her that?" Kate pulled a face that looked like like a jealous whore. Ew.

"Because.." I looked at Jade. She looked panicked and shook her head.. "I don't know, I just did. Now leave her alone."

Jade and I held eye contact, she mouthed the words, thank you.

"Why do you care Kate? Just because he didn't call you babe?" Cat laughed.

"No! I can get any guy I want. Unlike Jade. " She laughed.

My phone vibrated. 1 new message- Jade <3<3- thank you. I'll reward you after school<3 ;)

"I'm pretty sure Jade could have any guy in this room if she wanted." I laughed.

"Hahahaha, no." Kate was annoyed.

I text Jade back, while Cat and Kate where fighting with each other.

"I like the sound of that<3 ;) ...when do you plan on telling everyone?"

I soon got a reply. "I'm not sure. Just not right now. I'm sorry :("

I text back, "no problem, love you always xx"

"Kate give it up, Christian will not date you." Cat said looking at me to back her up.

I looked at Jade. She didn't know what to do.

"Sorry Kate, you're really not my type. I like nice girls." I laughed.

"Like Jade." Cat added.

Kate was embarrassed and beaten.

Jade quietly laughed.

"My phone buzzed, "You too...could you drive me home today? <3"

I quickly replied, "of course baby..but won't people see us?"

She replied with a simple, "YOLO."

I laughed. And looked up to see her staring at me. We both laughed.

"What you two laughing about?" Kate asked, being nosy.

"Oh..nothing." Jade said quietly still staring into my eyes.

"Humph." Kate moaned, she turned to the screen which some movie was playing on.

I moved my chair closer to Cat and Jade's desk, and we began to talk.

"So..that was..eventful." I whispered so that Kate couldn't hear.

"Yeah. Thanks again." Jade whispered. We held hands under the desk.

"You guys are too cute. Just tell everyone already!" Cat whispered.

"Someday." I smiled.

"People will figure it out soon." Jade said quietly.

"How?" Cat questioned.

"Well, he's driving me to and from school. And he opens my door for me, and we smile all the time when we're together. And eventually girls will start asking Christian out on dates, so if he says no to all of them it can only mean two things either he's gay, or has a girlfriend." Jade chuckled.

She was so cute. I wanted to cuddle her so bad, and kiss her so much, an let her sit on my lap, and hold hands in public and fiddle with her hair, and attack her with cuddles and kisses and buy her flowers and tickle her, and give her piggy back rides. I decided to text her all of that.

She showed Cat and she awwed. Jade replied, "as soon as we get home we can do all of that.. <3"

Bell rang.

After a period of Maths, and a period of Chemistry I walked out meeting James and the other jocks. I found out some more names. There was James, Drake, Cameron, Daniel, Austin and Mike. All cool guys. But all they talked about was banging girls. They all wanted Jade. I had lunch with them, and the 'popular' girls, that included Kate.

All I could think about was Jade. I couldn't stand being around her but not kissing or hugging her all day. I needed to help her feel confident, and hopefully encourage her to tell everyone. Life would be so much better.

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