The World is Ugly (Frerard)

By Litralee

9.6K 833 1.4K

Looking back, I can't even fully understand how this all happened. We used to have everything. A normal life... More

(Not actually that relevant) NOTE
1: Mama we all go to hell
2: Teenagers
3: When nothing is pleasant except for the smell
4: Family Portrait
5: Gerard's idea
6: Vampires will never hurt you
7: Hello Kitty: Party Poison
8: The Only Hope for Me
9: Playing God
10: Mission Impossible
11: The Worm
12: Motherly Call
13: Crazy Drunk Mother's Frank Detection Abilities
14: The Bread of Glory
15: The Long Chapter Where Nothing Really Happens
16: This Means War
17: Gerard's Franktionary
18: Friendly Encounter
19: Dancing With a Wolf
20. Gun.
21: The Rebel Florist
22: Gee and Simone Probably Franksearch While Frank Searches For Hello Kitty
23: Momma Simone and her Five Year Old
24: Let the Ships Set Sail
25: Tomorrow
26: Three Ghosts
27: ((vague frerard vibes rn))
28: Idek what to title these anymore i'm sleep deprived
29: What a Catch, Frankie
30: Memories of a Broken Heart
31: Serenade of Self-Destruction
33: this chapter is literally all about gerard's hair (kinda like my life lmao)
34: bro love
35: there hasn't been a serious title in ages lmao i'm not sorry
36: Im Just Putting Caps On The Title Now To Make It Look Cool Lmao
37: Frank, Sarcasm and Pointless Conclusions
38: and suddenly a wild update appears
39: this shit is almost at 40 chapters what am i doing w my life
40: ive reached 40 omfg im having an existential crisis rn help
41: all i can say is i love dean winchester tbh
42: I promise this thing has an ending lmao be patient
43: Everyone
44: post-valentine's special or smthn i literally dont know lmao
45: Bloodpie
46: It's march 22 again and im emo i can't function
47: in which a title reference is finally made
48: Chapped and Faded
49: Like Ghosts in the Snow

32: i love simone too much to leave her out of this ok

131 20 10
By Litralee

Stay alive, stay alive
For me
You will die, but now your life
Is free

Gerard's POV

Frank seems distant.

Ever since he got here, he seems distant and I can't do anything about it.

I mean, after being kidnapped and stuff I guess it's kind of normal for something to be a little 'off', but what's weird is that even now that we're officially dating, I don't feel half as close to him as I probably should.

I sit on the edge of my bed, on the spot that Frankie was laying in just a few days ago. It's strange to think that he's only a few feet away from me. But as much as I want to break that distance and go cuddle with him, tell him everything that's been troubling me and hopefully make it alright, I can't bring myself to do it.

And the reason why I can't is that whenever I'm with him and everything seems fine, I see that his mind is somewhere else. He avoids my gaze, speaks with little emotion and kisses with eyes wide open.

And I can't help but feel like it's all my fault. I've tried my best to make him feel better, I really have, but I can't help him if I don't know what he's dealing with, and I sure can't make him tell me either. I'm pretty sure he's avoiding the subject for a reason, and it must be good.

Maybe he just doesn't want to talk to you, my brain suggests. I roll my eyes.

What could I possibly have done wrong to him, huh? I ask myself.

I don't know... Exist maybe?

I bite my lip. I really find it hard to believe there's a part of me so determined to bring me down.

What is it? Did you realize how right I am?

I sigh. I'm really not in the mood to have an argument with myself. I have to worry about Frank right now and about what the fuck will happen from now on.

For instance, we can't always stay like this, the two of us living so dangerously close to a couple of extremely homophobic and brain-dead radical christians while dating, can we?

I hear a knock on the door, too soft and delicate for it to be from any of my parents.

"Come on in" I say.

"Gee?" Frank walks in, pushing the door gently.

I smile at him. He walks over to where I am sitting and plops down beside me.

"Hey umm... That girl you talked about the other day..."

"Yeah?" I ask, raising my eyebrows. "What about her?"

He shrugs "When can I meet her?".

I try my best to hide my surprise. "Are you serious, Frankie?"

He nods confidently.

"I thought you had said you needed some time"

"I said I needed time before we we went to see the guys". He laughs at my confused expression.

"I don't know, I need time to go back to my normal life and friends and everything, but I kinda still need to see people in general." He explains. "Not that you're not enough or anything... Don't get me wrong, it's just... I'm sorry I didn't mean..." he runs his fingers through his hair in frustration as he struggles to recover his ability to speak.

I ruffle his hair "Don't worry, Frankie. I know what you mean"

He nods, visibly relieved, and we fall into a prolonged silence.


"Oh right... Umm... Do you wanna go now?" I ask him.

"What?" He looks at me surprised. "Like right now?"

"Yeah, Frankie. Right now" I chuckle. "I mean, Simone is always at the shop, and it's usually so empty I'm sure she won't mind the company".

He blinks a couple times before nodding. "Okay then. Let's go".

"I'll go get the keys" I say, getting up and strolling to the door.

"Wait!" Frank calls.

I turn on my heels.

"How do I look?"


I will fear the night again
Hope I'm not my only friend
Stay alive, stay alive
For me

Frank's POV

"Gerard!" A red haired girl calls enthusiastically from behind the counter when we walk inside the store.

I watch as she quickly abandons her place and leaves a client unattended when she walks towards my shitcop to hug him.

I feel uneasy about the situation. They both seem to be way more into the hug than I'm comfortable with.

"Hey Simone" Gee says.

I clear my throat.

"Oh! And this is..." Gerard begins to introduce me, but at that very moment her icy blue eyes land on me, and her lips form a perfect 'o'.

"OH MY GOD" she practically yells at Gerard's ear. She pulls away.

"Is that...?" She asks Gerard, as if I wasn't even there. Gee laughs at her excitement.

"Yeah, that is him" he replies.

"Frank hello!" Simone cheers, running over to me and hugging me like an old friend. I stare at Gerard over her shoulder. He smirks and shrugs. "It's so awesome to finally meet you"

I mutter something intelligent along the lines of yeah, umm... Same hi, but she doesn't seem to notice.

"I think I'll come back later..." The lady who Simone had been attending says as she picks up her purse and crosses the door.

"See you next time, Miss Hale!" Simone calls, waving excitedly at her leaving costumer.

"Someone's in a good mood today" Gerard points out.

"It's been a good day" Simone explains, shrugging.

"Give me a second" she says before rushing through the door at the back of the shop.

Gerard turns to look at me. "So?" He asks, grinning playfully.

"Wow she's... intense? I guess" I say.

"Childish is how I'd phrase it, but indeed she is".

"Remind me how you met her?"

"On my first day of Franksearch I came here to buy flowers". He explains as if he was making any sense at all.

I open my mouth, confused as to what the actual fuck to ask first.

"Umm... Franksearch?" I ask, with an awkward little laugh.

"Yeah... It's a long story" he blushes.

I laugh at his terrible evasive. "Yeah sure. And will you actually answer what on earth were you doing buying flowers or should I better not ask?"

He blushes even more. "Maybe I'll show you later..."

What the fuck.

"Sorry guys, I couldn't stand the apron anymore" Simone says, running through the door without any warning. She's changed into a more casual outfit.

"So hi! What do I owe your visit to?" She makes her way over to the counter, using it casually as a table to rest her elbows on.

"Frank wanted to meet you" Gee explains for me.

Simone raises her eyebrows at that. "Wow I'm honoured. I have heard a lot about you, Frank" she winks at me.

She distractedly begins to put away some stuff scattered over the countertop. "So what happened to you? Where have you been?" She asks.

I feel my throat constrict for a second as I freeze in place, finding myself incapable of giving her a proper explanation.

Gerard gives her a stern look. "Simone..."

She turns around wide-eyed. "What?"

"Please don't... It's too soon" Gee explains for me.

She winces, making it evident that she knows what Gerard means. I immediately relax and am able to breathe again.

"Oh! I'm so sorry, Frank" she says, looking concerned. "I thought it would be polite to ask. I'm so sorry. I didn't think it through".

I smile a little. "It's okay. I appreciate you caring" I manage to say.

Gerard looks awkwardly between the two of us.

"So... I heard you like gardening?" Simone asks, her tone hopeful yet still apologetic.

I feel my own eyes light up at that. "I do". She smiles knowingly.

"Wanna take a look around? We have more plants in the back. Most of my personal favourites are there" she says.

I don't know why I am surprised that she likes plants too. We're in a flower shop, after all, but still it's not often that you find another botanic enthusiast like myself. Especially in a town as small as this.

She leads the way, practically jumping as she chatters about the acacias and just how well she's managed to make them blossom.

I take Gerard's hand in mine and we both look at each other. I mouth a heartfelt 'thank you', wishing for a second that he could read my mind.

I thank him not only for taking me out to meet Simone, but for just about everything he's done for me.

I thank him for being there for me and for basically knowing exactly what I need. I thank him for being a dork, but my dork after all.

And I also thank him because he's made me learn a lot of things I didn't know before.

Thanks to him I now know that no matter how wrong everything goes, there will always be someone or something to make it all worth it. Thanks to him, now I know who that person is.

And [not] surprisingly enough, that's him.

My one and only shitcop.


Okay I have absolutely no idea what that inspirational part was XD  anyway it's kinda true and idk

Was feeling a little down today, so I just wanted to remind us all that there is actually always a reason to smile, and if there isn't there will be.

So stay happy not crappy ok?


Byeeee ily



P.s.: vote and comment if you want to. Not necessary tho

I feel like this fic keeps becoming shittier and shittier with every crapter lol

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