BURN •jb•

Od beyfore

195K 8.6K 4.3K

[SEQUEL TO HEAT] It's been nine months since Justin and Charlie saw each other, both of their lives are comp... Více

Copyright & Description
2~Pool Party
3~Expect the Unexpected
4~The Wedding
5~Hotel Room
10~Moon'lit' Kisses
11~Momma Drama
12~LA Love
13~Bathroom Floors
15~Baby Talks
17~Small Thumps
20~I Love You
22~Moving On
24-"Hate You"
26~13th March 2014
29~The M Word
30~Baby Shower
32~Jacob or Eva
33~Tiny Tears (LAST CHAPTER)
Epilogue~The Beginning


4.7K 230 128
Od beyfore

I wake up with a small gasp, my heart is beating erratically in my chest as I feel my face burn up. "Charlie?" Justin asks quietly obviously hearing my heavy gasps for air. I would answer, only I'm running to the toilet trying not to throw up everywhere.

As soon as I reach the bathroom I empty the contents of my stomach the churning feeling continuing as I lean back to rest against the wall. The cool tile feels nice against my hot skin and no more than a minute later Justin comes in looking slightly tired but concerned nonetheless. "Hey, you okay?" He asks seeing me on the floor, my cheeks red and flushed and by that I think he knows what's the matter. He silently nods to himself and just as I think he might turn and leave he turns on the tap, rinsing a small towel under it for a moment before handing it to me along with a bottle of mouthwash. He then disappears for a moment returning with a bottle of ice cold water. I take it from him attempting to speak but something doesn't feel right and my throat is too sore to utter a word.

"Baby, are you okay?" He asks and in response my bottom lip wobbles slightly. I'm not really sure why, but the fact that Justin's standing there looking at me as though I might break only makes me feel weaker. My morning sickness had made a beautiful return over the last few days and I'd been feeling generally horrible to top it all off. I felt dizzy and weak 99% of the time and the other 1% Justin was either talking to me softly or I was sleeping. The sleep I did get was minimal and probably why I felt so faint all the time.

"I feel like shit." I grumble my head falling against the coolness and Justin shifts to get closer to me. "This is so gross, go away." I whimper pushing him away from me.

"Don't be stupid Char come here." Justin's voice says softly and looks to me almost helplessly.

All of a sudden I burst into tears, each small drop trailing slowly down my cheek as I sniffle quietly. Justin mumbles something to himself before leaning down to my level and hooking his arms around me so that he's carrying me bridal style through the bathroom door and back onto the bed. Id probably laughing and telling him to put me down whilst purposefully wiggling in his arms making it harder for him to hold me if I wasn't so sick right now.

Hopefully this will go away within an hour or two.

Justin lays me on the bed and pulls the blanket up from the bottom covering me with that instead of the quilt. He places the bottle of water beside me and folds the towel up before placing it on the inside of my wrist.

Justin calls the doctors and made an appointment for as soon as we get back to LA tomorrow not that it was any comfort to me right now. Something didn't feel right and that was even more unsettling than the constant swirling I felt all through my body.

I smile thanking him quietly before he climbs into the bed beside me.

Justin holds me softly. His hands draw soft shapes on the bare skin of my arm and when he gets bored of that his hand moves down to my stomach, lifting up his shirt which covered it so he could rest his hand on the small bump of Marshmallow.

I feel my breathing slow a little, the dizziness easing off a little but not getting fully better as Justin slide down the bed slightly. "It'd be really helpful if you'd stop making mommy feel bad right now." He mumbled in a soft voice making my heart fill with complete warmth. "You need to make sure she's okay." He continues kissing the side of my stomach softly making my stomach feel with slight butterflies.

Why me? He could have anybody and he has me? I smile at the thought as Justin makes his way back up to me, his lips brushing against my temple before I drift back off to sleep.

I wake up finding Justin well, not beside me.his side of the bed is still messy and the Blakey from the bottom of the bed is still neatly covering my body showing that I hadn't moved an inch in the last few hours I was asleep.

I still felt dizzy, the room span a little as I sat up slowly reaching for the bottle of water beside the bed. It was still a little cool and if I was quiet I could hear Jamie laughing loudly downstairs above the whirring of the AC in the room.

I could feel the cool edge of the air in the room against my skin but somehow I still felt burning hot.

I must've sat with my head in my hands for at least 15 minutes trying to get the dizziness to fade. It did a little and as soon as I lifted my head I heard hushed voices and quiet laughs from outside the door. The handle rattled for a few moments before the door swung open slowly revealing Jamie stood outside the door, Justin just behind him both with nervous smiles on their faces.

My heart filled with warmth and for a moment I wished I had a photo because the happiness which was coming from them both was amazing. As soon as Justin saw me his smile faltered a little, he was carrying a tray filled with things I like as Janie jumped on the bed and Justin placed the tray at the bottom of the bed. "We brought you some stuff. Are you feeling any better?" Justin asked as I shrugged quietly. "Where's your medicine to make the sickness a bit better?" He asked as I shook my head.

"They're not helping I took them already." I shrug hoping Justin would understand I still feel as shitty.

"Baby, you're burning up." Justin mumbles his eyebrows furrowed.

"I'll be okay, It'll pass...eventually." I murmur feeling my cheeks heat up a little. I don't like being like this in front of Justin. I feel so helpless and he's more than willing to look after me but...I just feel crappy.

I bite my lip nervously reaching for the tray at the bottom of the bed. There was loads I'd usually love to eat on neat little white plates and bowls. Steam flowed from a mug of peppermint tea (something my midwife had recommended for when I'm sick) as well as a glass of crandberry juice filled with small ice cubes to keep it cool. There was also some toast, done lightly the way I liked it with a little butter on along with a bowl of fresh multicoloured fruit which had me wishing I could just shove it all in my face. I picked a small slice of apple first, taking my time on munching through the things Justin and Jamie had prepared whilst listening to them talk quietly.

I learned a while ago that it's better to eat if I'm feeling sick because then at least I'm getting some tiny amount of energy into my body. Thinking it through more, that's probably why Justin's done all of this.

"Thank you." I say quietly patting the spot beside me for Justin to sit properly because right now he was sitting on the edge of the bed and I felt slightly bad. I picked up a strawberry out of the bowl of fruit glancing at Justin as he passed the TV remote to Jamie. "We need to think of a more annoying name than marshmallow so it  fits their character." I complain a small smile on my lips as Justin chuckles at me shrugging a little.

"What about names?" Justin asked his tongue flicking against his lower lip.

"I'm not even four months, we have plenty of time to plan." I dismiss quickly as Justin shakes his head.

"Not really, I mean, c'mon...you've got to have at least one idea for a name? One boys and one girls?" Justin challenges raising his eyebrows at me as I hum thinking of what I could actually say.

"Rose or Hanna for a girl or Joe for a boy." I say quickly trying not to put too much thought into it because if I really started thinking Justin might not get an answer at all - or at lest not this century.

"I like those." Justin replies quietly shuffling closer to me as I struggle to force myself to eat anymore food and take to drinking the mint tea instead. "I like Isabella for a girl." Justin says sheepishly clearly trying to hide from me as he wraps his arm around my shoulder, holding me close but I still spot his pink tinted cheeks. "and Zack."

I spend the rest of the day with Jamie and Justin. At some point dad makes a brief appearance as Justin and Jamie were playing soccer in the back garden together. Not long after that I went back upstairs to sleep some more after feeling sick again. When I woke up Justin had left a note saying they were at the pool so I slowly got ready to join them.

I used the time as an opportunity to work on my tan a little, I hadn't been as good at tanning since going to LA, sunbathing just wasn't in my day-to-day plans anymore and I was beginning to get a little paler.

Later than that I somehow convinced Justin to pack up all our things whilst I ordered Gina round for an hour. We were going back to LA tonight and after 3 days of Miami and Dad I was more than ready to leave if I'm being completely honest. Justin had organised for the jet to pick us up and in just under a half hour a car would here to pick us up.

"I think we should go see Katlyn when we get back." I mumble rubbing my head in hope of easing a little of the pain that had built up there with no success. Katlyn was the new midwife we had since I moved to LA and obviously couldn't keep my old one. "Just to be safe." I add quietly nibbling on my lip as Justin envelopes me in his arms.

I think he knows I'm freaked out by this more than anything. Morning sickness is meant to pretty much disappear during your second trimester, im practically 14 weeks and I feel practically the same as when it was at its worst apart from the exhaustion.

Justin drops the suitcases down on the floor of the living room huffing and slightly out of breath. Maybe when he was carrying 30kg of baggage down some stairs wasn't the best time to talk about medical appointments?


"I need to ask you something." I announce nervously. I'm wrapped up in a thick blanket my knees tucked up to my chest as one headphone hangs out my ear.

"Shoot." Justin says his eyes squinting at me a little as I let my head fall to rest on the pillow beside my head.

"The other night after...yeah...when you..." I cleared my throat awkwardly watching Justin rub his neck like he always does when he's feeling awkward. We never really talked about that whole event yet. I shake my head deciding that was for a different time and not right now when i feel like I've been punched in the stomach by a whale and the only way my eyes don't blur as though I'm on crack is when they're squinted. "You said 'don't hate me'. Why would I hate you?" I ask butterflies swarming in my stomach.

The phrase had been all over my head for the last 2 nights. What had he done that would make me hate him?

I'd never hate him. Even when all the shit was going on with Alex I didn't hate him, even when he was a cocky son of a motherfucker I never once hated him.

Sure, I may have hated his attitude and some of the things he said or did but never him.

"I did someth-"Justin was about to explain before he was cut off my a low noise followed by the captains voice saying we will be landing in around 10 to 20 minutes. I watch as Justin shakes his head, grits his jaw and his shoulders deflate. "I was just  drunk and over dramatic." He dismisses holding his eyes with my own for a moment.

There's more to it, I can see.

I mean, an idiot who'd met him once would be able to see.

Deciding to not push the subject I shake my head and skip several songs on my iPod before reaching some J Cole song.

I listen to music fighting sleep until we land. As if perfectly timed as soon as we're  waiting to be allowed into the airport I start to feel dizzy again and this time is teas of feeling as though I was in an oven I start shivering a little.


"Are you sure you're okay?" Justin asks as I shake my head. There's nothing I can do.

"I just wanna go home." I grumble as we take the stairs down off the plane. Justin holds my hand tightly as I slowly take each step focusing on the ground before me.

Thankfully with the plane being private we don't have to wait for our bags or anything and they'll be passed straight onto Mikey or somebody who'll take them back home.

However we do still have to go through arrivals which was horrible because I already feel like shit without having hundreds of people stare at me. At any other time LAX would fascinate me, it's 1am and still buzzing with people. The large lights and high ceilings kinda overwhelm you when you first arrive and I feel like the whole experience of just walking through all the people here is something that should be appreciated (just not today when I feel like this).

The worst part is after the exit. Justin hands me the hat off his head and pulls the hood of my sweater over my head as he sees the several flashes go off in the distance the same as me. We have security but it doesn't make these sorts of things any less terrifying.

As soon as we pass through the doors there's loud shouts, flashes and of course pushing and shoving. I cling to Justin desperately, trying to keep myself upright as my body feels as though it's swaying side to side in the middle of all the shoving.

"Justin, is this your girlfriend?"

"Charlotte are you really pregnant?"

"Do you think Charlotte is with you for your money Justin?"

"Justin how's the baby?!"

Their voices all scream different questions with similar meanings. How do they know all these things. My chest becomes tight now as Justin's hand grips my own and his arm wraps around me. He purposefully holds a hand I front of me, making sure that no matter what nobody will knock Marshmallow in anyway but what's really worrying me is the swimming feeling in my head.

The questions continue and my walk turns to small stumbles as in shoved a little bit less but the questions get harsher.
How y'all doing today😊😊😊

ANYWHOOO I cba to write a long ass authors note Rn BC IM tired asf it's 11:30 and I have to be up I. Like 6 hours 😊😊

I hope you guys liked the chapter, thanks for all your lovely feedback and shoutings from the last chapter ilysm 😘😘😘😘 130+ votes and 130+ comments for the next chapter 💕

Don't forget about Charlie and Justin's Instas 😉😉

Love you byeeee......Liv ❤️

Twitter - joyridejdb
InstagrAm - nayarxvera

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