I Love To Hate You

By Robyn-Jay

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Elyon Baker has it tough. She lives alone in a crappy apartment for reasons even she doesn't like to think ab... More

Chapter 1: "Is it national 'hate' day?"
Chapter 2: "Sometimes, I really do love this job."
Chapter 3: "It's gonna cost him."
Chapter 4: "Whatever, the punch was good."
Chapter 5: "Is he killing her in there?"
Chapter 6: "Glad u didn't have to break some poor guys balls Little E."
Chapter 7: "They have some issues in the bedroom department."
Chapter 8: "What is with everyone going all 'Hulk' on my ass lately?"
Chapter 9: "Little annoying freak of a man boob!"
Chapter 10:"They were enacting a Cinderella porno."
Chapter 11: "I feel like something really bad is about to happen."
Chapter 12: "In your face muscle man!"
Chapter 13: "A way to shave every hair from his body and sell it all on EBay!"
Chapter 14: "Whoever this guy is, he must be related to the exorcist."
Chapter 15: "I was in the bad boys den."
Chapter 16:"I'm all for the clown! He could do some crazy shit in the sack."
Chapter 17: "Swap his shampoo for hair removal cream."
Chapter 19: "Every Fucker for themselves."
Chapter 20: "He's on his period right now."
Chapter 21: "I guess it's herpes roulette now."
Chapter 22: "You look like you just got into a fight with a twister mat."
Chapter 23: "Why is there a Gremlin casually lying on me?"
Chapter 25: "Dude! Stop feeling me up under the table!"
Chapter 26: "If you're a girl, you should only eat dust."
Chapter 27: "I'm channelling my inner Jaden."
Chapter 28: "Don't be fooled, she could have hidden the body in the lift."
Chapter 29: "I am Jack! Captain Jack Sparrow!"
Extra Chapter: "A banging headache and a weird craving for cheese." (Noah.)
Chapter 30: "Drops her underwear so fast they would hit China."
Chapter 31: "She was looking at me like I was her next kill."
Chapter 32: "That knee deep instinct to boot him in the balls."
Chapter 33: "I'm not talking about a hooker dress and giving you a pole."
Chapter 34: "These fucking jeans are giving me a killer rash."
Chapter 35: "I'll make sure you have small children!"
Chapter 36: "I look like I'm a prostitute on a bender!"
Chapter 37: "You may have no reproductive organs."
Chapter 38: "Don't make me do the airplane noises."
Chapter 39: "Seriously, the girl snores like a horny bear."
Chapter 40: "Grate her face off with a cheese grater."
Chapter 41: "God chose me to repopulate the world with my awesomeness."
Chapter 42: "Everyone has their own scapegoat."
Chapter 43: "The level of awkwardness is enough to shrink my balls."
Chapter 44: "You smile like a five year old meeting Barney."
Chapter 45: "I will shove this very high heel up your whorey ass."
Chapter 46: "I still hate him. I just love doing it."
Chapter 47: "My mouth feels like a piece of sandpaper."
Epilogue: "Ha fucking ha."
Extra Chapter.

Chapter 18: "Did you just compare me to mouldy cheese?"

13.4K 405 25
By Robyn-Jay

The first thing that went through my mind was: ‘fuck he looks like a mama bear pissed  off with the daddy bear.’ Then I started freak out because this anger was directed at me.

“Dude: chill.” Jaden said walking past me and strolling into the kitchen. He had better be getting my ice.

“Don’t just walk away and deal with this you asshole!” Noah called after him following Jaden into the kitchen. I waited about two seconds before scuttling after the both of them too. This is better than the movies.

“You are over reacting,” I heard Jaden say when I walked into the spacious and shiny kitchen. For a minute I stopped to stare at the glamorousness of it all, the marbled black and white work surfaces, the shining white cupboards, the sleek cooker and breakfast bar.

Once I got my eyesight back I turned my attention to Jaden and Noah, Jaden was bent over going through the freezer and Noah was standing beside him scowling.

“What are you looking for?” Noah askes sounding annoyed for even being curious.

“I hit my head on your bath.” I said wincing as another lance of pain shot through my skull.

“Served you right, letting me think you had been abducted and were being raped by some creeper peeper!” Noah said spinning around to give me the evillest eye I have ever seen. I couldn’t even laugh at his rhyming.

I looked down; slightly ashamed at myself.

“Sorry,” I said looking back up to say it to his face and not my feet.

“Yeah, then I come home and find you two like this.” Noah said still sounding pretty damned pissed.

Huh? What the hell is he talking about? Is it because I drunk his booze?

“Here,” Jaden said closing the freezer door and striding up to me with a small smirk on his lips.

“Thanks,” I said taking the bag of ice from his hands and pressing it to the back of my head gratefully. That felt good.

“Elyon can you please explain to me what the hell is going on?” Noah said his voice sounding strained.  Oh right, mama bear: angry. Forgot for a second there.

“I got fired, came here and started drinking with Jaden?” I said but couldn’t help it sounding like a question.

“I think he means that,” Jaden said looking down at my legs with a sly smile. I frowned and followed his gaze to my bare legs. Oh. That. Yeah, that makes more sense.

“Jaden started it!” I said in a rush while stepping behind Jaden slightly and out of Noah’s line of sight suddenly feeling very self-cautious.  

This didn’t seem to help my cause.

“Oh I see, the minute he gets you into bed you no longer ‘hate’ him?” Noah said throwing a glare at Jaden who was trying very hard at holding in his laughter.

“What the hell are you talking about you lunatic?!” I demanded popping my head out from the side Jaden’s elbow. He thought I slept with the guy that took my best friends virginity not three days ago?

Though I was standing behind said guy hiding my bareness.

“You, him: exchange of bodily fluids!” Noah said sounding hysterical by this point.

I scowled and threw the bag of ice at him; hitting my target. His face.

“You listen here you retarded fuck, just because I drink some alcohol it does not mean I will jump into bed with the first asshole I meet.” I said my breathing coming short.

Jaden was now laughing his ass off that the elbow I was looking out behind from was shaking slightly. Noah was looking at me with wide eyes with a wet and red looking face. I threw that ice pretty well, if I say so myself.

“Then why the hell are you dressed in that?” Noah asked his voice much calmer now. I think I broke the ice at last, pun fully intended.

“Jaden soaked me at the same time I smashed my head off your bath tub.” I said scowling up at Jaden but he was still laughing. Asshole.

“Wait! Did you clean up the water?” Noah said panic flittering his face all previous qualms gone. Weirdo.

“Nope,” I answered smiling. Noah cursed and ran past Jaden and I mumbling to himself about water mark. Double weirdo.

Well that was cleaned up pretty quickly. If I do say so myself.

“That is one strange child.” I said walking out from behind Jaden and going to pick up my ice again.

“Why don’t you just stay bent over like that and I’ll get my phone?” Jaden said in a low voice behind me making me stand straight within the second.

“Don’t start.” I muttered pressing the ice back to my head and walking back to the living room. Noah still wasn’t back but I did notice, for the first time, the two plastic carrier bags at the front hall door.

I walked over to it curiously and taking a peek in one of the bags. Two bottles of vodka and a bottle of tequila. That’s a lot of drink for a Tuesday.

“Yes! He got it,” Jaden yelled grabbing the bags and placing them down onto the glass table.

“Why get so out of it on a Tuesday?” I asked flopping back down onto the couch; still holding the ice to my head.

“What else is there to do?” Jaden asked finishing the last of his whiskey and cracking open a bottle of vodka.

“Get a job?” I said rhetorically with a roll of my eyes.

“Like that would ever happen,” Noah said returning and taking the seat beside me shaking his head.

“Why would we get a job? Our parents are our own personal bank accounts.” Jaden said pulling out a bottle of Coke from the other bag. He filled a quarter of the glass with Vodka then topped it off with the Coke.

“Lazy spoiled brats,” I spat flinging myself into the back of the sofa as I was yet again reminded that I now had no job.

“Shut up and drink you’re starting to go back to your normal prissy self.” Jaden said sliding the glass of Vodka and Coke he had just made over to me.

“Don’t encourage her,” Noah said as I angrily drank from the glass realising I was much happier with the buzz of alcohol.

Stupid fat cow Linda I hope she slips on the water I threw at her. I wish I never had the unfortunate chance to meet her sorry ass.

I drank again as my thoughts grew darker.

“What were the two of you doing in the bathroom together anyway?” Noah asked eyeing the glass in my hand with worry.

I ignored his look and continued to drink while holding the melting ice to my head. I think my fingers had frost bit they were that cold but it helped my head so I bared with it.

“Nothing.” Jaden and I replied at the same time making Noah grow suspicious.

“Really mature guys,” Noah said now drinking from his own glass of Vodka and Coke.

“So mature blue cheese looks like milk compared to us!” I said with a nod and another gulp. Maybe I should slow down?

“Did you just compare me to mouldy cheese?” Jaden asked a huge smirk lighting his face.

“I compared myself too.” I said with a shrug and another drink. I had finished the glass. I sat it back onto the table and nudged it towards Jaden.

“It’s not water Little E.” Noah said with a frown as Jaden chuckled.

“Really? You could never tell,” I said with an eye roll.

“Sarcasm is a bitch and she will bite you in the ass one day.” Noah said scowling at me. I laughed and finally put the ice onto the table.

“That’s Karma you tool.” Noah’s face fell flat then a little blush lit his cheeks making me laugh even louder.

“And he blushes again!” I yelled pinching his cheek with me cold hand. Noah quickly slapped it away and took another mouthful from his glass.

“Here.” Jaden said passing me my, now refilled glass, back.

“Thanks big cheese,” I teased with a wink taking a small sip from the glass.

“Ugh, that’s a horrible nickname,” Jaden pouted running a hand through his hair.

“Nicknames aren’t supposed to be nice,” I replied with a small smirk.

“I think yours is,” Noah said indignantly. I rolled my eyes and looked at him.

“Little E is an insult to my shortness,” I said with a huff. Noah’s eyes widened and he began to stutter a reply.

“Relax, I don’t care. It grew on me,” I said with a shrug and a warm smile. Noah calmed down and returned the smile.

“So what about Jay?” Jaden said raising an eyebrow at me. I shrugged.

“I guess shortening the name is okay,” I said thoughtfully. This is a weird conversation to be having right now, but oddly I’m enjoying myself.

“Then Elly?” Jaden said tilting his head to the side and staring at me his eyes curious.

Once the words left his lips a strong pang ran through  my chest and shot my heart painfully. That nickname, why did he have to say that one? My Mum used to love calling me Elly, I was her little clumsy Elly the elephant. She used to buy me stuffed elephants till my room burst.

My Mum. God I missed her.

“Little E?” Noah’s gentle voice broke through my barrier and I jumped a little. Noah was looking at me with so much concern I thought something was wrong.

“What?” I asked a little dreamily.

“You zoned out.” He said carefully. I blinked a little then smiled softly.

“Yeah, I guess I did.” I murmured sitting the glass back onto the table.

“So what about it, is Elly a good nickname?” Jaden asked the gentle tone in his voice again. I turned back to him my smile still in place.

“No.” That name was only for my Mum.

Jaden looked surprised by my answer, I guess it was something to do with that fact that I was smiling and not glaring at him. He probably thought I would say ‘yeah.’

“Why?” Jaden asked a crease appearing in between his eyebrows.  

“Why do you want a nickname for me?” I asked ignoring his previous question with one of my own.

“You know what, since you don’t want me to call you it I will.” Jaden said taking a huge glug from his cup. I let the smile fall from my face. I ignored the fact he didn’t answer my question since I hadn’t answered my own.

“Fine Jay-Jay,” I said in a voice reserved for children...Or dogs. Jaden scowled and flipped me off. I laughed and picked up my glass again.

“You two need to grow up.” Noah said in a parental voice. I shrugged.

“Why? It’s fun like this.” I said with a smirk. Noah didn’t argue with me, instead he flicked my forehead and dodged my punch with a laugh. Yeah, I need to grow up. What about him?

“So who’s up for some shots of tequila?” Jaden said opening the bottle of tequila and giving me a naughty smile.

I laughed and smirked back at him.

What the hell?

After that we began to drink my sorrows away, I don’t know when Nicolas came home and I don’t know what happened after the round of shots but I do know that for that time with those guys I was happy, I wasn’t alone and I didn’t want my time with them to stop even if Jaden was there.

Shame you can’t always get what you want.  


Short chapter today people, sorry about that.

I think I have to start by talking about the amount of reads I have read and the fact it has went over 5000!!! My cheeks are so sore I have been smiling too much!

I have also gotten to no.190 on the humour list and 300> on the romance list!

This is all thanks to you! Yes you! Thank you!!!!

So, a little bit about Elyon here and not much else. Just a filler to get this part moving along ;)

Next chapter we get to see Elyon and Jaden’s prank play out haha

Thank you for reading: you are amazing!

Vote and Comment (If you please)

Robyn x

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