Akatsuki Child

By Infinity_of_Nobody

305K 8.5K 4.3K

Mai Kurochi is a 8 year child who lost her family in a very tragic and harsh way at the age of 3 that now lea... More



34K 735 979
By Infinity_of_Nobody

Chapter Dedicated to TheInfinityOfMaybe for making the awesome cover! Check her out! She writes amazing books and makes awesome covers.

On to the story!

"Wake up! Wake up! Wake up! " came the squeal of a small girl as she ran through the halls and right into her siblings room.

"Onee-chan! Onee-chan! Wake up! " she shrieked, jumping up and down on the 10 year olds bed.

"Mai.... Go back to sleep... " the 10 year old mumbled as she buried her head deeper into her covers, though secretly, she was smiling to herself at her sisters happiness.

"Come on! Wake up Rima! Wake up! " Mai whined. Hearing this made Rima sigh as she didn't want to hear her beloved sister whine.

"Go try waking Daichi up. I will meet you downstairs, OK? " Rima said to the small girl as she sat up while smiling.

"Hai! " Mai cheered as she ran out of the room and towards her big brothers room.

"Daichi! Daichi! Wake up! " Mai yelled in his ear, making the 12 year old boy jump out of his bed screaming as he fell off his bed.

"Mai! " Daichi growled making Mai stop giggling as she took a deep gulp. Daichi smirked as he crawled towards her, "Here comes the Tickle monster! "

Daichi then launched himself on his baby sister as he began tickling her.

"O-onii.... Onii-chan.... S.. St... Stop it... " she pleaded between her giggles.

"Only if you give me a kiss will I stop. " Daichi said, smirking playfully.

"OK... " Mai agreed.

Daichi stopped tickling the small girl and let her stand up. She then wrapped her arms around her big brothers neck, hugging him, as she pecked his cheek. "I wuv you Onii-chan. "

"I love you to. Now go wake mum and dad up." Daichi said as he walked out of the room.

Smiling, Mai jumped up and began running through the house again, but this time towards her parents room.

"Mama! Papa! Wake up!" Mai cried as she climbed up onto her parents bed. "Wake up its Christmas!"

Her mother, Shizu, and father Ryu, both chuckled lightly at their daughter as she was excited for her favorite holiday.

"Alright, Alright. Come on sweety. " Her father said while chuckling as he lifted her up and placed her on his hip. They all then walked down the stairs to the main room.

"Give it back to me! It's mine! " Rima yelled as she held her hand out towards Daichi.

"No it's not! It's mine! " Daichi yelled as he held his arm behind his back.

"Children, Children. What are you fighting over now? " Their mother said while sighing.

"Daichi won't give me my chocolate candy bar back! " Rima whined.

"That's cause it's mine. " Daichi snapped.

"Guys, that's Mai's candy bar. You both ate yours yesterday. And if you would have looked, Mai's name is on the back of it." Shizu said, sweat dropping.

"Oh...pssshh we knew that. " Rima said while Daichi laughed awkwardly.

"OK enough of that, time to open presents! " Ryu said as Mai began cheering.


The family was now walking down the streets of town at nighttime heading home after an eventful and fun day of many Christmas activities.

They were passing by an old looking store when Mai notice a black teddy bear with red eyes and red stitching sitting in the window.

Something about the bear caught Mai's eye which kept her hypnotized as she stared deeply at it, it was like the bear was calling for her, asking for her to come take it.

"Mai, sweety what's wrong?" Shizu asked her daughter.

"Mama, Papa! Mai wants teddy!" Mai said while pointing towards the bear.

"Now Mai, you already got a lot of new gifts today. Maybe another time OK? " her father said.

"Peas Mama!? Peas Papa!? " Mai begged with big puppy eyes.

Ryu sighed before looking over at his wife who slightly nodded as a small smile formed on her face.

"OK you can have it Mai. But you have to promise to be a good girl okay? " Ryu asked with a smile.

"O'tay!" She chirped happily as she tugged her parents towards the store.

They all walked into the old looking shop as a ding sound went off as the door opened.

"Why hello~" A man said as he walked towards the family. "How may I help you?

"Ah, hello. We would like to have that teddy bear please. " Shizu said while pointing towards the stuffed plush.

The man looked towards the two and his eyes widened as he realized which one she was talking about. "Oh no no no no! You don't want that near. It is evil. Very very evil." the man said.

"Its OK, we still want it. Our daughter seems to have taken a very strong liking to it. How much do you want?" Ryu asked.

"I warned you. It's on the house. Just take the evil thing and be gone. " the man said before walking back to his desk.

"Ah thank you very much. Here you go Mai. " Ryu said as he handed his daughter the toy.

As soon as Mai touched the bear it looked as if though the bears eyes glowed as Mai felt her heart suddenly skip a beat.

"Have a good day sir!" Ryu called as he lead his family out of the shop to the cold outside, just as it began snowing.


The happy family were all home now, enjoying the last hour of their Christmas night by watching a movie together.

Suddenly, there was a loud crash from the kitchen, making everyone jump.

"What was that!?" Daichi asked worried as he looked towards his father.

"I don't know. Stay here. " Ryu said as he walked in towards.

*Start song in media now*

Shizu quickly ushered her children towards her and held them tightly in her arms.

There was thumps and yelling before Ryu's scream rang throughout the whole house.

Quickly, Shizu jumped in front of her children as a man came out of the kitchen covered in blood.

"Who are you!? Where's my husband!? " Shizu yelled. The man looked at her before looking down towards the kids, making Shizu try to cover them more with her body.

"Well I killed him of coursssssse. " The man hissed in a malicious voice.

All of their eyes widened in shock and fear as tears began to fall down their cheeks.

"It'ssssss now your turnsssss. " the man hissed before disappearing and reappearing in front of Shizu as he pulled a sword out and sliced her head clean off making blood spurt out and all over the the kids faces.

Rima and Daichi screamed loudly as they cried for their mother while Mai just stared ahead, wide eyed, at her mother's head that was staring back at her with wide eyes, tears falling silently down both of their still faces.

"Now! Come, and take thessssee two. " The man yelled. A bunch of other men came in through the windows and doors and took Rima and Daichi away as they screamed for their little sister.

"Mai! No Mai! Stop it! Put us down! " Rima yelled as she reached for her sister.

"Mai! Run Mai! Run far away and don't let them get you! Run!" Daichi yelled, wanting his youngest sister to live.

The man looked towards where Mai was and kept looking around before shaking his head as he walked off. It was as if he couldn't see her.

After the man left with Mai's older siblings, smoke began to fill the house as it began to be engulfed by flames. You could hear the blares of the police cars, ambulances, and fire trucks in the distance.

Slowly and hesitantly, Mai took small steps towards the kitchen where her father went.

The sight mad her eyes widen more.

There on the ground laid her father all bloody with his body mutilated as his intestines were ripped out of him and his head was sliced, cleanly off.

Mai dropped her teddy bear and screamed. She screamed so loud that the windows cracked slowly before they shattered as all the cars and trucks pulled up in front of the house that was now completely almost engulfed in flames with Mai still inside.

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