Bad Dog, Submissive Mate

By WhoisAnastasia

208K 3.9K 241


Spank Me
Play with me
No One Night Stand
Bad dog
Pop Up
Touch Me
Apology Accepted
This Means War
Be Gentlemen
You Lose


11.9K 271 14
By WhoisAnastasia

"Go away you're so full of it. Nice try though, trying to butter me up so I fall for you and submit." I scoff hitting him with a pillow hopping off the bed.

He chortles sitting up, "Yeah I guess I was trying to butter you up."

"I know."

"But only so you'd say it back. I have a lifetime to make you submit."

No way am I saying that! I don't care how much ass kissing he does I'm not caving.

"You pick tonight to tell me you love me. You're unbelievable."

"What? You leaving me for a side piece?"

Biting my lip thinking it over just to toy with him I nod.

His eyes darken and his demeanor hardens, "I will slaughter any man that comes near you."

Smirking over at him I run jumping into his.arms making him fall backwards as I straddle his waist.

"I don't have a side piece. I'm not saying those words either."

"Why not?" He twirls a strand of my curly hair in his hands.

He looks so cute pouting underneath me. I could just eat him up. I bend down to kiss his lips but he turns his head so I kiss his cheek.

"You didn't answer my question."

Sighing I grip his face in my hand forcing him to look at me, "Give me time."

He nods placing me down on the bed walking to the door closing it behind him.

"Don't be so dramatic!" I call out.

He gets under my skin. To go from joking to him getting mad is so stupid! I didn't even say anything wrong!

I tossed and turned all night. J never came back and when morning came and he wasn't next to me I felt empty.

It was as if a part of me was missing. He was; but he was being so dramatic about the situation.

I got myself together like any other day and stomped out of his room. Walking into the kitchen fuming there he is shirtless sipping reading the newspaper.

Such a normal thing to do that'd be totally cute if I wasn't pissed at him.

Marching over to him I hit him over and over again not caring where the punches landed.

He laughs hysterically gripping my wrists, "Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

He forces my arms down pinning them to my sides.


"Where did you go last night? You didn't come back."

"Had to blow off some steam, my mate doesn't love me you know." He says it jokingly but clearly there is hurt.

I hurt his feelings.

That doesn't sit well with me and I want to make it up to him. I'm not going to say those words though.

"J I can't."

"Then we have nothing to talk about." He lets go of my wrists taking up his cup turning back to the newspaper.

I.want to be.mad but I have no right I guess. I wish my mom was here to tell me how to fix this.

That thought makes tears well up in my eyes. I wordlessly kiss his cheek sniffling.


He doesn't chase after me when I get to the door. Doesn't yell for me when I get to the car. Doesn't chase me down when I head down the street.

That's why I never say those words.

When I get back to my house I trudge to the door moping all the way to the kitchen for some ice cream.

"Hey Elle how'd it go?"

"Pretty good until last night when J said he loved me and I didn't say it back."

Danny shakes a spatula at me frowning, "You are cold hearted."

"Aw c'mon not you too!? You're supposed to be on my side!"
I whine sitting at the island.

"And normally I would be but think about it Elle. This guy moved his entire pack across the country, found you, stays, introduces you to his parents and says he loves. Which really he didn't need to say because he showed it."

Screw you and your point making.

"The least you could do is say it back."

"Yeah but Danny-"

He holds up his hand, "Do you love me?"

"Of course you're my best friend."

"Do you love this pack?"

"Daniel don't be ridiculous without a doubt."

"Have we ever hurt you? Betrayed you, even when you decided to leave and give up your title?"

I shake my head no.

"That's what love is Elle, we would never give up on you and that's how J feels about you. So sure he's mad now but it'll pass. He'll be banging on the door any minute now."

"Daniel I think you were a mom in a former life. You're too sweet and understanding."

"And obviously you were a man whore in a former life, who doesn't say 'I love you' to their mate?" He grumbles turning back to his pancakes.

Me, I suck.

Welp Danny was wrong he didn't come that soon. He didn't even show up that day.

I'm so stubborn that I'll never apologize even when I'm dead wrong, so it's been a day and I'll admit it is extremely weird waking up alone. Having no one to talk to or have sex with.

Why didn't he come to me? Why do I have to apologize?

I watch the sun set from the back porch with wine and the fire pit lit.

J comes out of the woods his hands shoved deep into his pockets.

He plops down next to me not saying anything. He holds my hand in his kissing it.

We stay like this for a little while until I can't take it anymore.

" I don't want to say those words and then you disappear."

"Who hurt you like that Elle? Why are you so against saying it?"

I spend so much time being tough, I bury the hurt I felt over my parents passing.

"My parents, I loved them and now they're gone. I love this pack but I don't want to fail my dad so I'd rather give it up to someone I trust." I sob.

"I'm glad Danny made me his Beta, it forced me to deal with my sadness instead of running from it like I wanted to."

J embraces me rubbing my back, "Babygirl your parents loved you. I'm sure they wouldn't have wanted you to live in fear of love."

I sniffle wiping the tears from my eyes, "If it makes you feel better I don't hate you."

He barks a laugh kissing me, "I'll take it, I won't push my luck with that."

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