Living with him

By lifeainteasytolive

132K 2.2K 172

Storie Paige Whiteman is not a rebel by any means but she hates being told what to do she doesn't see eye to... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter five
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Read please!
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Chapter seventeen
Chapter eighteen
Chapter nineteen
Chapter twenty
Chapter twenty-one

Chapter sixteen

4.8K 81 5
By lifeainteasytolive

Storie's POV
"Shhhh!"the librarian once again exclaimed because me and Toby were being to loud.
I couldn't help it he drop his book on his foot and the noise he made I lost it. We had a free period because of our teacher not being here on short notice. So Toby thought it'd be a good idea to come to the school library to 'study'. We all know I don't study. I've been feeling a lot better I still have a cough but not as bad.
"Get down you know she's gonna yell at you"Toby whispers
"She just left"I laugh from my spot sitting on the table swinging my legs.
"We're suppose to be studying"he says opening his book.
"You go ahead and study your little heart out"I giggle
"Come help me"he says looking at me
"No I'm comfy"I say
"Babe"he whines giving me a sad look
"Fine"I huff and slide off the table and walk over to him. I pull a chair out to sit down but he pulls me by my waist and sat me on his lap than wrapped his arms around my waist.
"Alright let's study"he says
"Okay well you see how about you study and tell me all about it"I say leaning back
"Nope your studying to"he says as the library door opens and slams close I thought it was the librarian but then I hear Jamie talking with one of her bitch friends.
They walk by and laugh unnecessarily loud right beside us.
"That's so funny!"she exclaims as they sit a table away
"That's so funny!"I mock
"Storie stop just ignore her she's not worth it"Toby says squeezing my hand
I sigh knowing he's right I turn and look at the book.
We start studying but every five seconds we hear an obnoxious loud laugh from Jamie.
"What's the two parts of th-"Toby tries to question me
"Omg! Katy that's hilarious!"she squeals laughing
"Jesus! Can you shut the hell up!"I ask angrily
"Oh I'm sorry if we're disturbing you why don't you leave"she says with a snobby attitude
"No if you haven't realized this is the library where students come to study not where dumb bimbos come to gossip about the latest lip gloss"I growl
"You gotta be able to read to study" she says crossing her arms.
I glare at her as Toby stands up making me stand up then slings his bag over his shoulder and grabs my hand.
"Why don't you get over yourself" I laugh at her as Toby starts walking tugging me a along. I hear her say something but didn't catch what she said exactly I huff and walk beside Toby. We walk outside to the court outside and I sit on top one of the tables and I can feel him looking at me.
I sigh then look up at him and he's staring at me with that look.
"Yes"I ask
"Why didn't you just ignore her like I said"he asks standing infront of me with his hands on my knees.
"Because she was getting on my nerves"I say playing with one of his bracelets.
"She's not worth the time of day you know that she just wants a rise out of you"he says
I don't say anything or look up I keep my eyes locked on the my hands and start thinking.
At that time he puts his fingers under my chin and raises my face to look at him.
He looks at me concerned
"What's wrong"he asks softly
"Nothing"I say back in almost a whisper
"I know your lying"he says an kisses my lips gently
"I know"I sigh
"Why don't you ever talk about what's bothering you"he asks
I shrug "why talk about my problems when I know there's people out there that have it worse than me"I say
"Because maybe their scared to talk about how they feel and when they see your not they won't be"he says pulling me closer to him.
I nod and put my face in his neck and take in his warmth. We stay like that for a bit then the bell rings. I sigh and stand up and put my bag over my shoulder and take his hand and we walk into the school. He walks me to my class we stop by the door.
"I'll see you after class"he says kissing my lips
"Okay"I say kissing back
"Behave"he says raising his brow
I laugh then walk into the classroom and go to my seat in the front.
I know the front well its physiology and I love this class it interest me beyond belief.
This is probably the only class that I actually try and pay attention in.
All the kids come in and settle down and the teacher comes in and starts writing on the board.
The only thing I don't like is that Jamie is in here she sits in the back and creates disturbances all the time.
"Okay class get out your work from last class time"he says and I pull out my binder and get my work out.
Most of the kids are talking and being loud an the teacher was getting pretty mad.
"Quiet down"he says a bit loud
Nothing they keep it up.
"Quiet!"he says louder
A few kids stop talking
"SILENCE!"he screams
Everybody stops and looks at him that's the first time he's ever screamed like that.
"I am sick and tired of the disobedience I tried to let you sit where you want and enjoy this class but I'm done! New seats are being assigned! Everyone gather your things and go to the back of the room"he says smacking his pointer off his desk
Everyone gets all of their stuff and stands in the back of the room.
He starts listing off kids names he gets to the last row.
Not only am I in the back Jamie sits in front of me. How did I not see this coming?
"Excuse me sir I can't sit here"I say
"And why is that"he asks angrily
"Because I would prefer to sit up front"I say
"Deal with it"he says turning to the board
I huff and sit down.
"Goody two shoes"Jamie smirks
I ignore her and write down what we need to.
We're taking notes when Jamie turns around and just stares at me smiling.
I look up from my paper "what"I ask
"Oh I just wanted to invite Toby to my party this weekend so if you'd be a dear and tell him Saturday at nine"she smiles
"He has plans"I say looking back at my paper and continue writing.
"Oh I'm positive he will cancel them for my party"she smirks putting emphasis on 'my'
I ignore her and pay attention to the teacher talking.
"Maybe he could come to my room after"she giggles
"He has fucking plans already and it sure the hell don't have nothing to do with you!"I yell
"Miss Jackson!"the teacher yelled
"What!"I yell back
"Settle down or get out!"he yells
"I told you that I couldn't sit here hit you said to deal with it so you know what you deal with it!"I say shoving all of my stuff in my bag.
I stand up then look at Jamie.
"I don't know what I did to you that made you hate me but I won't let you ruin my life with your childish shit"I growl and walk out of the room and to the parking lot.
I get in my car and sit there for a second to think.
My phone vibrates and I look at my phone and see a text from Toby.
Where are you going?!?
I look out my window and see him in his classroom looking out the classroom window.
I text back

"To see her" then I start my engine and drive off.

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