Changing Fate {Kingdom Hearts...

By yunru28

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Xion's dead...For good. Roxas blames himself for her death, even though he really didn't have any other choic... More

Chapter I
Chapter II
Chapter III
Chapter IV
Chapter V
Chapter VI
Chapter VII
Chapter VIII
Chapter IX
Chapter X
Chapter XI
Chapter XII
Chapter XIII
Chapter XIV
Chapter XV
Chapter XVII
Chapter XVIII
Chapter XIX
Bad Ending- Solitude
Good Ending- Complete

Chapter XVI

191 6 1
By yunru28

The slight wind forming through the air blew back Xion's bangs from her face a bit which uncovered her bright blue eyes. Namine blinked her own blue eyes at her friend as she held up her hand to cover her mouth as she giggled. Laughter interrupted the silence that was embracing the town as the two girls wandered around and talked. It was all just simple jokes and stories, some explanations here and there were exchanged as well. Namine felt a relief while this was happening, she finally felt like she belonged somewhere. She had a friend.

"Are you feeling better?" Xion asked with a slight head tilt.

Namine nodded her head as she put the tips of her fingers together and tapped them together. "I just felt... Left out I guess. Once Roxas and Axel found you, you guys formed your trio again... And I was just another nobody cursed to fade back into darkness."

"But you're not." Xion stopped in her tracks and grabbed Namine's shoulder, squeezing it tightly. A sudden gust of wind suddenly seemed to happen which blew Namine's hair behind her shoulders, showing off her worried expression. "You helped Roxas and Axel get here to the past, you helped bring us together, you helped us erase Xemnas' memories so we could be together without anymore interruptions... Namine you're really helpful. We want you with us. We were just excited to be together again it was just overwhelming... We didn't mean to make you feel left out." Xion let go of Namine's shoulder and instead, grabbed her hand. Namine looked down with Xion's hand squeezing her own. "Let's be a quartet instead of a trio."

Namine's eyes quivered as they stared at Xion while small droplets began to form in the edges. Xion gasped with surprise as Namine tried to quickly wipe them away. "I-I don't think I've ever had a real friend before who wasn't just using me for my power..."

When Namine lowered her head Xion bent down to look at her friends face. "Namine we're not like that! Come on chins up!" Xion forced Namine's head to lift up and giggled. "Please don't worry. Let's talk this out with the boys and find a world where the Organization will never find us! It can just be us four, together forever without any worries."

Namine smiled and shook Xion's hand in delight. "Yes! No more Diz ordering me around! I can just be...Free."

"Exactly! Come on, let's grab them some ice cream and head back to the mansion!" Xion kept a hold on Namine's hand as the two bought some sea-salt ice cream from the shop and made their way back to the mansion where the boys were waiting.

They almost made it inside the hole in the cement before a C.O.D appeared in front of them. Namine jumped back with surprised and dropped the two ice creams in her hand as Xion made a sudden halt and stared at the portal.

"Where is he?!"

The angry smurf came out from the portal and went straight for Namine. He grabbed her by the front of her dress and lifted her up in the air, making the two meet eye-to-eye.

"Saix let her go!" Xion summoned her Keyblade to defend her friend, but Saix positioned Namine in such a way that she was dangling in front of him, acting as his shield. Xion halted and lowered her Keyblade, glaring daggers. "What do you want?" Xion's teeth clenched together.

Saix scowled. He seemed rather angry toward the two young girls even though he always claimed he had no heart and could not feel any emotions. It was odd behavior for someone who seemed so emotionless. He was on a rampage and was ready to tear whoever intervened to shreds. His pupils dilated in a strange matter as he stared into Xion's soul.

"Where is the Superior?" Saix's menacing glare turned to Namine as he held her by the front of her dress. "He went to deal with you fools and hasn't returned. Have you defeated him? Where is he?!"

Namine whimpered and squeezed her eyes shut, refusing to look into Saix's unusual yellow colored eyes. Xion stepped up and answered for Namine since Xion could actually defend herself with her Keyblade.

"What will you do if we don't or do tell you?" Xion placed a hand on her hip to express her sass as she scoffed. When she saw Saix flinch, her grip tightened on her Keyblade but her eye contact with him remained strong.

Saix's eye twitched. He tossed Namine to the side like she was a rag doll and trudged toward Xion and snarled. When he was close enough to Xion, he towered over here and stared down at her as Xion mentally prepared herself for what he may do.

"There won't be any problems if you just tell me where my Superior is." Saix held his hand out to the side and his Claymore appeared. It gleamed in the sunlight as he prepared to attack her. "Last chance."

Xion scoffed and took a step back. She lifted her Keyblade so the tip was pointing toward her enemy in an offensive manner. She couldn't tell him where Xemnas was, even if she had to take him on by herself. Besides, she could always send Namine to get Roxas and Axel if she could sneak away fast enough. As far as Xion was concerned, Saix didn't know that Roxas, Axel, and Namine were all from the future. All she had to do was defeat him and quickly get away before he caught her.

"Guess this will end in a fight then huh?" Xion smirked as she tilted her head to the side a bit to give him a little "innocent" smile.

Saix's anger flared. Xion could almost see the fire in his eyes burn as he started to yell and lifted his Claymore up in the air. Xion quickly jumped backwards just in time as the Claymore came smashing down in place of Xion.

Xion could tell Saix wasn't his usual self. He seemed more emotional than normal, his anger was out of control. Now that his "O precious Superior" was missing Saix didn't seem to know how to handle himself. He's been the Superior's pet for so long that he didn't seem to know how to function without him. It was a little pathetic, seeing Saix so worked up over this and out of his normal composure. He was like a mad dog just looking for something to attack.

Meanwhile more towards the back, Namine watched Saix lunged for Xion again in means to kill her. Namine knew she couldn't help Xion with brute force. So instead of making a big scene about it and yelling to Xion that she was going to get help, Namine scrambled to her feet and dashed into the woods so she could get Roxas and Axel for help. She took a quick glance back to make sure Saix wasn't following her. He was too blood thirsty for the traitor that he seemed to have completely forgotten about Xion. Namine sighed with relief and proceeded to find her friends.

Xion could see Namine scrambling away. She hoped that Namine was going to get help instead of running away in fear. But Xion knew her friend wasn't like that. She was going to get help. In the mean time, Xion had to keep this mad man busy. Xion knew she was no match for him, but she was sure she could at least keep him distracted for a few minutes.

With her quick reaction Xion lifted her Keyblade to block a swing from Saix's Claymore. The force was pretty strong and once the weapons collided with each other, Xion staggered backwards and almost fell. Once she managed to catch her balance Saix was already trying to attack her again. Xion ducked out of the way from the swing just before the spike went through her head. Xion panted with fear as she rolled away from Saix so she could properly stand on her feet.

'Maybe I shouldn't fight him...' Xion thought to herself. She suddenly got an idea. She was obviously too weak for her attackers strength, so instead Xion decided to turn this fight into a wild goose chase.

"Okay Superiors pet!" Xion waved her hand in the air to aggravate him even more. "Come and get me!"

Saix growled and instantly took the bait. He came charging toward Xion like a raging elephant, stomping toward her and bulldozing past anything that came in his way. Xion took a deep breath before quickly running away, letting Saix chase after her.

"Get back here you foolish, stupid, ignorant girl!" Saix roared.

Xion quickly made her way to the Sandlot as the barbarian chased after she. Considering it was getting dark in the town Xion assumed no one would be there; but she was terribly wrong.

Three teenagers stood in the middle of the Sandlot and seemed to be having a conversation. They turned when they heard Saix's threats and Xion's panting as they both dashed into the Sandlot and interrupted the teens conversation.

"What the heck is going on?!" Xion didn't recognize this boy, but he did have a cap on his head and a bit of his stomach was showing off. He seemed pretty angry. "Why are you chasing some innocent girl you blue haired freak?"

Xion stopped running when she was a few feet in front of the group of teens. She was involving innocent people in her chase now, and she had to make sure Saix wouldn't try to hurt them too.

"No tolerance." A girl with short white hair said monotonously. She seemed pretty bored by the action before.

"We're Twilight Town's disciplinary committee, ya' know?!" The last teen spoke up as his large hand made a fist and shook it at Saix.

"Leave the girl alone, bro." The boy with the cap on his head stepped out in front of Xion with his arms crossed. "That's not tolerated in Twilight Town. Please take your leave, loser."

This made Saix furious. "I do NOT take orders from mere children!" Xion saw his eyes flare as he yelled and headed straight for the teen that was currently standing in front of Xion.

Xion almost hit the boy for interfering. But if she didn't react quickly enough, he was going to get hit either way. With lightening reflexes Xion screamed, "LOOK OUT!" Before shoving him to the ground and taking the blow for him. The boy gasped in response as Xion was slashed right across her stomach.

Xion felt the sharp pain surge throughout her body even though she was only hit in that one spot. Saix hit her with such force that she was sent flying a few feet away from him, blood trailing behind her. Gravity took its toll and made Xion smash into the ground, laying on her side. Her Keyblade flew into the air and landed a little ways from her, it too mocking her actions and laying on its side. Xion curled into a ball and held her stomach, trying to stop the bleeding with her arms and hands. The liquid of course still seeped through her fingers and made a small pool beside her.

Saix calmly walked toward the little figure as it laid there, motionless. He chuckled with satisfaction and de-summoned his Claymore before bending over and grabbing Xion by the hood of her cloak. He lifted her into the air to see her status.

She of course, was unconscious.

"I knew it was a mistake to let her join." Saix muttered to himself. He turned to the three horrified teens as they stared at him wide eyed, their mouths hanging opened. "You three-" He pointed to them with his free hand. "If two other people dressed like me or a girl in a white dress come by, tell them I have their friend captive. Tell them I'll make a trade; their stupid friend, for my Superior."

The trio had no words as Saix made a Corridor of Darkness and stepped inside. Little did he know Roxas, Axel, and Namine had just entered the Sandlot to see their friend being taken away by the anger driven maniac.

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