You Rejected Me? Well, Joke i...

By EverythingAboutYou13

941K 26.7K 5.3K

"Annabell, I'm so sorry." Nate said looking at me with sorrow. I just looked back at him with a cold glare. "... More

Chapter 1- Rejected
Chapter 3- I'm the Great Wolf? What?
Chapter 4- Hello Mate.
Chapter 5- I will make you eat your fingers.
Chapter 6 Teaser
Chapter 6- Really Don't Care
Chapter 7- Training, and third time's the charm
Chapter 8- Cat's out of the Bag
Chapter 9- Karaoke anyone? Hell fucking no.
Chapter 10- We are never ever going to get together
Chapter 11- Joke is on You
Chapter 12- First love, but not last
Chapter 13- Come and Get Me
Chapter 14- You're Really Pretty
Chapter 15- Play Date
Chapter 16- The Bitch is Back
Chapter 17- Firsts
Chapter 18- Only the Beginning
Surviving Rejection
Chapter 19- How it Always Should Have Been
Chapter 20- The Plan
Chapter 20 - One Day?
Chapter 22 - Head Over Heels
More About Me

Chapter 2- Gone

45K 1.5K 347
By EverythingAboutYou13

The blue wolf that tackled me got off of me and growled at me as if he were saying "stay put" and went into the trees. Out came a gorgeous guy. He must have been in his late teens or early twenties. He had golden brown hair that would catch light as he walked and piercing green eyes.

            Nothing like our mate's. My wolf grumbled still upset.

            Oh shut up. He rejected us. She stayed silent.

            "What are you doing here rogue?" The hot guy said gruffly. I noticed that two of the guys had shifted to their human form and the other two were sill in their wolf form ready to attack. I'm guessing that this guy was the alpha. Could my life get any worse?

            I just whined and bared my neck at him showing submission. Then I laid down and put my paws over my face.

            "Just get up and shift." The guy said. I got up and grabbed my duffle bag with my clothes. I walked into the forest and shifted quickly as I pulled on a sweatshirt and sweatpants, which was all my clothing. I nervously walked back out. They guys were surprised that I was a girl. Sometimes I wonder how dense guys are? Do they expect every rogue is a guy? That all the women are at home cooking, cleaning, and popping out babies? Could they not smell my feminine scent? At least I hoped I didn't have a guy smell.

            "What are you doing on the Wolfsbane Pack territory?" The guy who was the blue wolf, I'm guessing was the alpha, demanded. Wait sixty seconds! Wolfsbane Pack!

            We are in deep shit. My wolf said. Even she was trembling in my mind, normally she would be telling these people off in my head. The Wolfsbane Pack was the most powerful and feared pack in the whole continent. They were known for ripping rogues to shreds as soon as they saw them. How could I have not known that the pack I would have to pass through to get to L.A. was the Wolfsbane Pack! Stupid. stupid, stupid. I thought to my wolf. She nodded her head agreeing with me.

            "I'm sorry. I didn't know I was trespassing! I'm just trying to get to L.A. for a new start. My name is Annabell Marie Cooper." I said. My voice was trembling.

            "Like we haven't heard that one before?" One guy snorted. A couple of the guys chuckled at this.

            "Silence." The alpha said. Everyone quickly shut up. "So go on." He said to me.

            "Well I ran away from my pack, The Shadow Moon Pack." I told him.

            "Why would you want to become a rogue with the risks?" He asked me, actually sounded intrigued by this.

            "Well, everyone hated me there. My parents and little sister died five years ago and I'm blamed for it. I was the slave of the pack house, and people's punching bag when they were upset." I said looking at the forest floor twisting my hands nervously. "Our future alpha, Nate, well his eighteenth birthday was yesterday. He found his mate, me, and rejected me on the spot. He said I'd be better off gone. So I took his advice and left. Even my own brother hates me."

            Before I finished telling them the short version of my story some of the guys were growling. It's no use. I told my wolf. They are going to kill us. Well what more do we have. We don't have a family and me don't have a mate. Maybe death will be kinder. My wolf just whined.

            "Can you just make my death painless." I pleaded to the alpha.

            "Death?" The alpha said incredulously. He was looking at me as if I had five heads.

            "Aren't you going to kill me for trespassing?"

            "No! After what you have told us we are offering for you to join the pack." The alpha said. "I'm Cole by the way."

            "I'm Jason, the Beta." A guy said. He had blonde hair and blue eyes that sparkled with mischief.

            "I'm Jake, third in command." Another guy with brown hair and brown eyes said to me. "And that is Hunter and Sean." Jake said pointing to the other two guys with them.

            "It's nice to meet you." I smiled. It was a genuine smile, and my first real smile in years.

            "Shift into your wolf so we can bring you back to the pack house." Cole said before shifting along with the other guys. I went into the trees and shifted. When they saw I was ready they took off running. I could just barely keep up with them.

            When we got to the pack house I stared at it in awe. It was much bigger than the Shadow Moon pack house. I heard that the Wolfsbane Pack was twice the size of the Shadow Moon Pack, which would mean just over 1000 wolves. The inside was a literal hotel. I saw an elevator, restaurant, and even a reception desk. The house was 7 stories tall, but the seventh story was the alpha suite.

            Once we were inside a girl with red brown hair and blue eyes ran over to us looking like she was on a sugar high.

            "Who is this?" She asked quickly. Her gaze almost made me uncomfortable.

            "This is," Cole started to explain to her, "Annabell Cooper. She ran away from her pack and I offered her to be part of the pack."

            "Oh." The girls was smiling widely at me. "I'm Juliet, Cole's sister." She said holding her hand out to me. I shook it carefully.

            "See! Look what you did." Cole playfully scolded his sister. "You scared her!" I started to laugh a little at that.

            After his sister said goodbye, and made plans with me to get me new clothes, Cole showed me my new room. It was on the sixth floor. It was very large with an attached bathroom and walk in closet. The theme was red and black. Perfect.

            "Thank you!" I cried as I flung my arms around his neck. He stiffened for a minute and I almost pulled away in embarrassment. Before I could do that He hugged me back.

            "Your welcome." He said smiling down at me. It was the first time in a long time that I saw someone look at me without disgust. Things were starting to look up.

Luke's POV


            When I woke up I recoiled away from the sunlight. How much did I drink last night? What even happened last night? Oh right. Nate's birthday and Annabell trying to be an attention whore and saying that she was his mate. Yeah right.

            The truth is I don't really hate Annabell. I love her even though I don't show it. Since the whole pack turned on her I had to. What kind of future Beta would I look like if I didn't? After our parents and little sister were killed she was blamed. She was the only one that survived the attack. I should have been on that camping trip, but I didn't want to spend time with my family so I stayed at Nate's.

            What would your parents think if they saw you now? My wolf asked me and he probably shook his head. My wolf didn't agree with my actions. Sometimes I didn't agree with my actions but I didn't want to look weak. We should be protecting our sister, not putting her down.

            Oh shut up. I have a hangover, I'm not in the mood for you scolding me. I had parents for that but now they are here. I told him harshly. Yeah, I'm really cranky when I have hangovers. I was so harsh though because I didn't want to think what mom and dad would think of me. They would be so disappointed in me.

            I took a shower and got dressed. I couldn't wait for breakfast; Annabell sure knew how to cook. As I neared the kitchen I didn't smell any food. That was odd.

            As I stepped into it saw a fuming Nate.

            "Where the fuck is the food?" He growled. I shrugged my shoulders still not totally up.

            "I don't know man." I said looking at all the other teenagers who were in the kitchen looking mad. Annabell only really cooked for the teenagers since the grown ups here could do their own thing.

            "LITTLE BITCH!" I yelled. She would be able to hear it with her hearing. No response. I started to get nervous because I was looking bad. She was making me look bad. That's when I got mad. "YOU BETTER HAVE A DAMN GOOD REASON FOR NOT HAVING THE FOOD READY!" I bellowed as I started the long trek up to her room.

            When I got to the door something wasn't right. It smelled off. I paused to listen for breathing. Nothing.

            "Annabell?" I said as I flung the door open quickly getting ready to attack if I needed to. Instead of seeing her being held captive or something I saw something worse.

            Everything was gone. There were open drawers and her scent was faint. Nothing was left besides the furniture. There were two pieces of paper on the bed. One was addressed pack/Luke and the other was addressed to Nate. Why Nate?

            I hesitantly picked up the one addressed to me read it.

            Dear whoever reads this, or whoever cares,


            You got your wish! I'm gone and I'm never coming back. I can tell when I'm not wanted. Sorry you had to put up with me for so long. I have been such a burden to you! I mean cooking all the meals, oh and don't forget cleaning every damn room for this pathetic excuse of a pack. Should have thought about that. And Luke, if you are reading this, sorry for not being a worthy enough sister. Sorry for our parents death. I'm sorry that I couldn't protect them from 10 rogues when I was only 11. I'm sorry that even though I just shifted I didn't have enough skill. Well now you just pushed away the only family you have left. Don't come looking for me, not that you would, I would rather die than come back here.


            Bye bitches,



            What have I done? I thought as I collapsed into the bed. My hands were shaking as I reread the letter again. The words "I'd rather die than come back here." stung, but she had every right to say that. I was one of her tormentors. I could have prevented this. No, I should have prevented this. I let my ego get the best of me. Why the fuck do I care why people thought of me? Right before my father died he mind linked me to always take care of my sisters. I didn't know why he said that so I ignored him.

            She was right though. She was only eleven, and I was thirteen. An eleven year old cant fight off ten rogues! Before I knew what was happening I was crying.  It was my first time crying since my parents passed. I don't know how long I was crying for, probably only a couple minutes, before the door flew open to reveal an angry looking Nate. When he saw me he looked concerned.

            "What happened? Where's Annabell?" He asked looking around wildly for her.

            "Gone." I said in a hoarse whisper. I still couldn't believe it. My baby sister was gone. I was one of the reasons that she was gone. I'm a horrible brother. You are right. My wolf said pissed at me and sad that he just lost his sister.

            "What do you mean she's gone!" Nate bellowed. I've never seen him look so upset.

            "Well she's gone. She left us." I said handing his note to him. He ripped it out of my hand. He quickly read it and his eyes started to water. Wait, what? Nate, the boy who I have never seen cry, was about to cry! He crumpled it up and sat down on the bed next to me looking dejected.

            I took the note and read it. After I finished I was fuming. Annabell was telling the truth yesterday! She was Nate's mate! He rejected her. Before I knew it was punching him square in the jaw. When Nate looked back at me his face was pure shock. Then it quickly turned to anger.

            "This is your fault that she's gone!" I screamed at him.

            "No I'm not! I was just the tipping point! You tortured her just as much as any of us! You are her brother!" He screamed back at me.

            "Yeah, well you're her mate!" I yelled back. I was about to punch him when he stopped me.

            "You may be my best friend." Nate growled, his wolf was close to the surface because his eyes turned black, "But I will not let you disrespect me." I lowered my hand.

            "Fine." I said.

            "Okay, so how do we get her back?" Nate said once we were both calmed down.

            "Why do you want her back?" I sneered still mad. "You were the one that rejected her." I said with disgust.

            "I fucked up!" He yelled throwing his hands up in the air, exasperated.

            "Well, we don't." I said.

            "What do you mean we don't! Would you rather her get killed out there!"

            "Look, I was her back as much as you do, but she even said in her letter not to look for her. She went as far as saying that she would rather die than come back." I said. It was hard to say, but Annabell ran away for a reason. She is better off than living with a bunch of bastards like us.

            "I guess you are right." Nate said slumping his shoulders. He looked so broken. I heard him leave and go to his room. I sent a message to the pack saying that they would have to find their own food. After that I laid down on Annabell's bed and fell asleep, dreaming about our family before it was all gone.


Chapter 2! Yay! So anyone have an idea who should play Cole and Jason? And who should Annabell be with Cole or Jason? I'm not sure yet...






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