Alone Together Prompts

By promptingskenekidz

60.4K 2.9K 641


Prompt #1
Prompt #2
Prompt #3
Prompt #4
Prompt #5
Prompt #6
Prompt #7
Prompt #8
Prompt #9
Prompt #10
Prompt #11
Prompt #12
Prompt #13
Prompt #14
Prompt #15
Prompt #17
Prompt #18
Prompt #19
Prompt #20
Prompt #21
Prompt #22

Prompt #16

2.7K 131 20
By promptingskenekidz

Prompt- The time Alexis got really sick (I'm sorry this prompt was really long and I don't feel like typing it out!)


​I didn't feel well at all. In fact, I was surprised I was even standing right now.

​I'd been working long hours at work, trying to earn extra money so I could afford some new clothes. It was getting cold out, and a lot of my warm stuff was too small on me.

​Long hours meant barely no sleep. I was also biking to and from work in the cold with a thin jacket. Not to mention, I hadn't been eating well lately.

​I knew I was getting sick, but I had to endure it. I couldn't afford to take time off from work just for a cold or a small fever.

​My shift ended and I clocked out, getting on my bike and starting the journey home. Despite the cold, I found myself sweating as I biked. I felt sick to my stomach and dizzy. Maybe I'd take a hot shower and some cold medicine when I got home.

​Reaching the house, I dropped my bike in the garage and dragged myself up the stairs and into the house. I stumbled into the living room, impossibly dizzy now.

​"Damn," Jer said, noticing me. "You do not look good."

​I mumbled out something to him before collapsing to my knees. I threw my hands out in front of me as I fell forward, lying on the ground, clinging to consciousness.

​"God dammit Alexis," Jer said, standing up. "Hey! Alexis collapsed!" he barked.

​I heard the others coming into the room. I wanted to get up and tell them I was fine, but I just couldn't find the strength to get up anymore. I squeezed my eyes shut to block out the rapidly spinning world.


​Micah's voice was small and afraid. I forced my eyes back open, spotting him. Ace was holding on to the back of Micah's shirt, holding him back.

​"God, you're a pain," Ike said, kneeling down next to me. He pulled me up so that I was leaning against him, pressing his hand to my forehead. "What the hell. How are you even still alive? You're burning up." He looked up. "Jer, help me get him to bed."

​Jer came over and the two lifted me. They helped me up the stairs and laid me down on my bed. Christian came over and placed an ice pack on my head.

​I noticed Micah creeping into the room with Ace following him. He was watching me in fear.

​"Micah," I managed, voice weak.

​"Oh, shit," Jer said. "Kid can't sleep in the room if Alexis is this sick."

​"He can stay in my room when I'm not working night shifts," Ace said.

​Ike sighed. "I guess he'll have to stay in mine when you are working night shifts. Alexis is dying, Christian doesn't handle social interaction well, and Jer is an asshole to children."

​"Not just children," Jer said.

​"Alexis is dying?" I had never heard such terror in Micah's voice before. My muddled thoughts dragged up the fact that his mother had died of an illness.

​"Not literally," Ike said, lightly slapping the palm of his hand against Micah's forehead. "He's just sick. He'll be fine in a week."

​Micah moved towards me, but Ike grabbed him and pulled him back. Micah's eyes were watering as he looked at me.

​I wanted to tell him I'd be fine, but I suddenly felt exhausted. I closed my eyes, my head nodding off to the side. Christian readjusted the ice pack on my head as I slipped out of consciousness.


​I had been in and out of sleep since yesterday. My body felt weak, ravaged with fever. Christian had been coming into my room every hour to give me a new ice pack. My friends had given me water, juice, and medicine. Ike had forced me to drink some soup.

​Micah hadn't been in my room. I was worried about him. Where had he slept last night? Had he been scared?

​I had to check on him. I was too worried and I couldn't stop thinking about him.

​I climbed out of bed, trying to move forward. But my body was weak and just standing made me feel like I needed to sleep for a few hours.

​Stumbling forward, I collapsed to the ground, wincing as I landed. I tried to push myself up, but I just couldn't muster the strength.


​I looked over at Jer. He was glaring at me from the doorway.

​He came into my room and knelt next to me, rolling me onto my back, He slipped his arms under mine and lifted me up. I staggered and leaned heavily against him.

​"You are so lucky I'm strong enough to carry people who can't hold themselves up. I had to carry my parents to their bed all the time when I was kid," he grunted, steadying me. "Why the fuck are you out of bed? Jesus, you're not a damn child, you should know to stay in bed when you're this sick."

​"Micah," I said, letting my head fall against Jer's shoulder. I was so tired.

​"Hey, don't fall asleep on me, I'm not your damn lover," Jer said in annoyance. "The kid is fine. He slept in Ace's room last and he's sleeping in Ike's room tonight." Jer glared at me, switching his gaze to the wall. "Quit stressing about it. Stressing yourself is how you got sick. We called you out of work for the week, by the way. And don't bitch about it. It's your own fault."

​He shifted me and walked me over to my bed, gently lying me back down. He picked up the ice pack and pressed it against my head.

​"Just sleep. The kid is fine," Jer said. "We're keeping him out of here so that he doesn't get sick too. That'd be a pain in the ass. The sooner you get better, the sooner you can see him. He's not our damn responsibility, so quit being stubborn and rest."

​I closed my eyes, ready to sleep again. I had never been this sick in my life. I felt hot and cold and tired and weak and just wanted to feel better and get back to my life.

​Jer left my room, quiet as he slipped out. I heard his footsteps stop outside my door.

​"Is Alexis okay?" Micah asked, voice quiet and nervous. I knew Jer scared him.

​"I'm not his damn babysitter, kid. And I'm not your damn babysitter either," Jer growled. He was silent for a moment. "Yea, he's fine. Quit worrying. Quit asking me. It's annoying."

​He shut my door, leaving me in silence. I didn't know if there was a smile on my face or not. My friends would take care of Micah until I was well enough to do it myself again.

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