You Are My Everything { A Fre...

By Creamiepuffs

15.2K 258 88

Ariana "Ana" Cruz has just recently found out that her parents are really her adopted parents and that she is... More

You Are My Everything { A Fred Weasley Story }
[2] Do I know You?
[4] Last Monday Night
[5] Are You Mad?!
[6] Starlit Nights
[7] Part One: They're Coming
[8] Part Two: They're Coming
You Are My Everything Contest Results
[9] Part Three: They're Coming
[10] Part Three and a Half: They're Coming

[3] He's MINE! M-I-N-E!

1.5K 34 18
By Creamiepuffs

HELLO Readers! :)

I got a great response a couple of hours ago about my second chapter of "You Are My Everything"! So now, I decided that I would TRY to upload every weekday. I can't get to the computer on the weekends so to make up for that time I have my a goal to try to upload every weekday! Well, in this chapter I introduce a brand new character, that was created by the amazing KarreeLee! She won this secret "contest" I held and she won! Therefore she got to make a character that would become part of my story! She becomes a main character in the story after awhile! So ENJOY! :D

Chapter Three: He's MINE! M-I-N-E!

   I couldn't believe my eyes. She looked like my twin! Well, not an identical twin, but we did look so very similar. I couldn't believe it. I didn't want to believe it. I was so in shock that I couldn't comprehend anything that was being said at that exact moment. All I could hear was a loud buzzing noise in my ears. My mind was racing this couldn't be happening. I shook my mind of the thought after a few minutes of shock.

"I'm sorry, WHAT?!" I finally exclaimed after finally being shook out of my daze. I looked from Professor Mcgonagall to Hermione. Then from Hermione to Professor Mcgonagall. Then so on and so forth. I put my head in my hands. Why wasn't Professor Mcgonagall answering my questions?! When I looked up from my moment of frustration, Professor Mcgonagall's lips were pursed, and Hermione was sitting down looking just as dumbstruck as I. I sighed. Maybe that was not the correct approach. I shouldn't have screamed at the Professor. I sighed once more before turning to Professor Mcgonagall who was now sitting down dreamily in her chair behind her large desk.

"I-I-I am so sorry Professor." I said glumly looking down towards my black converse shoes. We sat there in complete and utter silence for a few more minutes before Professor Mcgonagall sighed.

"Licorice?" she said awkwardly. I mouthed a small "Yes please" at Professor Mcgonagall and the long piece of licorice was placed gently on my outstretched hand. Professor Mcgonagall then placed another piece of licorice in front of Hermione who was still looking darkly down at the floor.

"I believe I should be the one that should be apologizing Ms.Cruz. I am sorry for inconveniencing you, but Professor Dumbledore had explicit instructions for Ms.Granger here to be your guide through Hogwarts. She is an outstanding student and will support you through your life here at Hogwarts. We know of what had recently happened, and so I assume that that is why Professor Dumbledore had asked Ms.Granger to do this." Professor Mcgonagall told us. I looked over to Hermione. She was no longer looking glumly at the floor. She was now smiling and blushing like mad at Professor Mcgonagall. I smiled. Anyone who was complemented so highly by a Professor would.

"Thank you Professor." Hermione thanked her quietly. I smiled.

"Well, now you two both know why you are here. Ms.Granger, you will be Ms.Cruz's guide throughout the year. Ms.Cruz, you will follow all of Ms.Granger's instructions and you will also be meeting with me every Monday night starting next week in Professor Dumbledore's office. I will tell you the reason for the meetings during the very first meeting." Professor Mcgonagall said quickly.

"Well, I have one question Professor. Why was I chosen if I am two years younger then Ariana?" Hermione asked awkwardly. I shifted in my seat. Oh Merlin my butt was getting numb.

"Well, like I said before, you know almost everywhere around this school and-" However, Professor Mcgonagall was cut short because Hermione interrupted her. Hermione had jumped from her seat and hugged Professor Mcgonagall. I giggled. This girl was adorable! Hermione ran back to her seat and was blushing like mad once more.

"Well, I suppose I could agree to this set up." I said happily

"Really?" Professor Mcgonagall and Hermione said in unison.

"Of course! I'm all for meeting new people!" I replied with my smile still not disappearing from my face. Professor Mcgonagall shifted in her seat.

"Well, th-then off you both go! You should be able to catch the end of the main course, and desert! Off you go." Professor Mcgonagall motioned us to stand up and ushered us out of her office and in the direction of the Great Hall. As we walked down the Great Hall, I smiled and turned in the direction of Hermione.

"I'm Ariana. But you can just call me Ana." I smiled and stuck my hand out. Quite shocked by my voice, she turned to face me and smiled.

"I'm Hermione. But I don't have a nickname, so you are just going to have to call me Hermione. The long name that it is." she then shook my hand. I laughed.

"Well, I have one question Hermione." I said firmly and somewhat girly.

"Yes?" she asked quickly.

"Where's our table?" I laughed half joking and half serious. We laughed and she lead me over to the Gryffindor table. I sat in between Fred and Hermione. Let the introductions begin! I said in my mind. As I gazed at the table, I saw the food. The food looked incredible. It still looked so warm and invitng. I quickly grabbed all the food that looked good. Shepard's Pie, steak, mashed potatoes, turkey and corn. Oh, how I love food! I just wanted to dig in and eat it all quickly, but before I could even pick up my leg of turkey, a hand appeared in front of my plate.

"I'm Harry. Harry Potter." A voice in front of me said. I looked up shocked.The scar. The lightening bolt scar was right there on his forehead. I gulped.

"Y-Y-You are Harry Potter?!" I squealed. Fred and Hermione laughed.

"Er....yeah. I guess you could say that." he laughed. After finally regaining composure, I held my hand out.

"I am A-" but I was cut short once again by the voice of Fred Weasley.

"She's Ariana." Fred said firmly and strictly. What was up with him?

"Thank you Fred?" I said confused

"You're welcome!" He said peppily

"Well, Ari, this is my younger brother Ron, Harry-As you know, Ginny-My sister, Lee Jordan, Angelina Johnson and Katie Bell." Fred introduced me to all of the people that were paying attention, motioning to each of them all the while.

"Ahem! Are you forgetting me?" said a loud and angry voice. I turned my head to see a girl with pale skin, jet black curly hair with green highlights and a nose ring staring straight at me with dagger eyes that were violet. Her eyes were gorgeous! Fred turned his head as well to see the girl.

"Right.....Ari, this is Violet. Violet Wicklan." Fred said awkwardly. This girl didn't seem to like me very much. And I don't even know her! I smiled wanting her to get to know me before deciding to hate me or something.

"Hi Violet! I'm Ariana! I like your hair." I said brightly. Her lips quivered somewhat. Then back to the cold, stern look that it was a few moments ago.

" Right.....And I like the fact that you are forcing everybody to like you, even though I am quite sure that they all hate you." she said sarcastically. My smile faded. I wasn't trying to do that! Since when is introducing someone forcing them to like you? She scoffed and flipped her hair at me.

"What the bleeding hell was that about?" I asked Fred wanting to scream my head off of her.

"I don't know. I swear, if she wasn't a girl I would beat her up in a heart beat. You know I would! But she usually isn't like this. She usually is really nice and kind to new Gryffindors." Fred said both angrily and confused. I sighed, I was only in Hogwarts a few hours and this is what I get? Someone that could be my twin, a crush on some guy I JUST met on the train, obnoxious guys that do cat calls at me wherever I go and a some girl who hates me that doesn't even know anything about me!  Wait. Did I just say that I have a crush on one of the twins? Ugh, this is going to be a long year.

"Ugh, I don't care what she said about me anymore. I just want to eat my food because I am STARVING!" I yelled frustrated. However, before I could even pick up my fork, my food disappeared and was replaced with desert.

"What?! Where did my food go? I didn't even get to take a bite out of any of it!" I exclaimed at really no one.

"I know, it happens Ana. That happened almost everyday last year." Hermione said attempting to comfort me. I sighed. I was sighing a lot today wasn't I?



   After the feast, Fred, George and I walked to Professor Dumbledore's office. I had been told the secret password during the ride on the Thestral.

"Acid Pops." I said clearly and simply. The griffin then spun upwards as it took us up to a door. The door was large and looked extremely heavy. The door was slightly open a crack and we could hear the echoing voices of Professor Mcgonagall and Professor Dumbledore.

"But Albus, her pow-" Professor Mcgonagall stopped herself. She had obviously heard us.

"There is no use in standing there and hoping that we don't know you're there. We know you are there." Professor Mcgonagall told us as she opened the heavy door with the simply flick of her wand.

"Ah, good evening Ms.Cruz and Mr. and Mr. Weasley." Dumbledore's dream-like voice said

"Please sit down." Professor Mcgonagall motioned at the seats in front of Professor Dumbledore's desk.

"Children, what we are about to discuss will never leave this room. Are we clear?" Professor Mcgonagall said. We all nodded. I knew what we were going to talk about. We were going to talk about my "abilities".


   After the meeting the previous night, we walked to the common room probably around 11:30pm. My feet ached from the long walk back. However, I was excited to finally enter the Gryffindor common room for my very first time.

"Oh Merlin! I'm going to see the common room for the very first time!" I exclaimed excitedly when we reached a large portrait of a fat lady.

"Wait. Why did we stop in front of this portrait of a fat lady?" I asked somewhat annoyed. The twins laughed at my confusion.

"Well, excuse me! I am rather slim thank you very much! Password?" The fat lady yelled at me obviously annoyed.

"Oh! I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to! Oh Merlin I am so sorry!" I exclaimed apologizing to the portrait of the fat lady.

"Oh, it's quite alright dear, I suppose I could loose a few pounds." the fat lady said looking and feeling her stomach.

"Anyways, password?" the fat lady questioned us again.

"Balderdash." Fred said simply. The portrait then swung open to reveal a circular hole. George then went inside.

"Wait, so the common room is behind the portrait? That is....wicked!" I squealed in pleasure. Fred then began to go into the portrait hole before stopping. He then went back out and held my hand, gesturing for me to go inside first. The moment me and Fred's hands touched, it felt as if one thousand bolts of electricity went through my body. Yes, I am aware that is even chessier than the last cheesy moment. I smiled the second I entered the common room. It was amazing. It was decorated in scarlet and gold, which were the house colours, a stunning fire place that dominated over one entire wall, a large window and the room was filled with stuffy and comfortable chairs. This place was outstanding. It felt, just so cozy and inviting. Fred and George were standing beside me, staring at my outstanding expression. Then suddenly, an icy voice ruined my thoughts.

"Hello? Are you mentally challenged or something? Move away from the door Cruz. Why were you out after hours with George?! And....uh... Fred?" The cold and hateful voice of Violet Tonks yelled coldly and hatefully at me.

"Huh?" was all I could say. I was so confused. Why did she care? Everyone went out after hours, and we were out because we were explicitly asked to go to Dumbledore's office! I was about to respond when Violet beat me to it.

"Whatever! I don't care what you have to say! Just move away from the door! Merlin like can you do anything?! You should have just been in Slytherin with all the other cows. What? Are you going to cry to your mum and dad? Hmm Cruz? Are you?! " Violet yelled hatefully and bitterly at me. Before I could stop myself I began to cry and I ran to where Hermione was standing in awe. She brought me up towards the girl's dormitory where my trunk was already by my bed. Thankfully it was beside Hermione's. Professor Mcgonagall must have done this to ensure that Hermione would always be with me. I plopped down onto my bed and began to cry. Hard. Hermione was there trying to comfort me by rubbing my back. Why had Vi had to bring up my mum and dad?! I began to cry even harder. I missed them so much. Suddenly, I heard steps running towards my bed. There in front of me were Ginny, Angelina and Katie. All carrying carrying tissues. They were there to comfort me. I loved them already. My sobbing was still really hard, it hadn't gotten any better since Hermione and I ran up to the girl's dormitory.

"Ana what happened down there?" Katie asked me concerned

"Yeah, when we got there, Fred and George were yelling at Vi about  you for some reason. Then when we asked Fred why they were yelling at Vi, he told us to go up here and to bring tissues." Angelina explained.

"Yeah, and then when we got up here, we saw you and Mione." Ginny finished.

"Ana, we know that we've only known you for a couple of hours, but Vi must have done something really bad if she caused you to cry like this. Ana come on! We can make you feel better if you just tell us what happened between you and Vi." Ginny told me sounding as if she was about to cry along with me.

"So what happened down there?"  Ginny, Katie and Angelina said in unison. I didn't answer. They all sighed.

"Hermione, do you know what happened?" Katie asked Hermione concerned. Hermione sighed. Of course she knew. She was standing by the stairs when it happened.

"Ana can I PLEASE tell them? They need to know." Hermione asked me pleadingly. I nodded. They had the right to know. I know I only knew them for only a few hours, but they were girls. Girls who actually wanted to comfort me. If anyone of them were in my place, and I was in their's, then I would want to know what had happened as well. And with that, Hermione began to retell what had happened between me and Vi throughout this entire day. This was going to be a long night.


Well, thank you so much for reading and I hoped you enjoyed it! Awww, poor Ariana! But don't you just love how all of the girls came to the rescue and tried to comfort her?!

Anyways, you should read these stories!

All of the stories written by CharlieA

Forever Mine by HaHaPhelpsHaHa

The Missing Link by 3DaysFromLove

Finding Fred Weasley by IamGeorge

Well, next chapter will be up most likely on Monday! Sorry for the long wait by the way! I hope you enjoyed this chapter! Thank you SO much for reading my story! You guys are amazingly great! :D

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