Rekindling the Flame

By MindlessCreations15

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Sequel to Reversed Psychologies. Seven years ago, after leaving Gibbs with a 'Dear John' letter, Jenny Shepar... More

Gathering the Matches
Adding the Kindling
Igniting a Spark
An Encouraging Puff of Air
A Tiny Flame
A Little Heat
Adding More Fuel
Waiting for the Flame to Catch
Heating Up
The Fires of Hell
Burning the Past
A Sizzling Heat
Untitled Part 13
Bedtime Shenanigans
Redefining The Road Trip
Up on the Roof
Riding the Waves
The Boy Next Door
An Awful Feeling of Dread
Sleepless Nights and Cranky Days - Part 1
Fun in the Sun
Good News and Stalling Tactics
Childhood's End
A Sticky Situation
Back to Where it all Began

Sleepless Nights and Cranky Days - Part 2

441 13 0
By MindlessCreations15

Chapter 22 - Sleepless Nights Make For Cranky Days Part 2

"After our ice-creams can we please look in the gift store?" asked Ziva.

"Only if you promise to look with your eyes and ask either Mommy or me to help you if you want to look closely at something," replied Gibbs, not wanting a repeat of the behaviour they had experienced that morning.

"I will," said Ziva. "But, I only want to buy the candy that's in there," she added.

"No," said Gibbs firmly. "You are not spending all the money on candy. You can spend up to $4 on candy and that's it."

"Oh but Daddy," began Ziva.

"No buts Ziva," said Gibbs sternly. "You don't need any candy. There's plenty of snacks at the cottage and besides, you're already eating an ice-cream now. If you do decide to buy some candy, I'll be putting it away until later."

"That's not fair Daddy," whined Ziva kicking out her foot. "You said I could buy anything I wanted so long as it was less than $20."

"I didn't mean candy," said Gibbs. "I was talking about something you could keep as a memento of our day."

"But you didn't say that," said Ziva sulkily.

"Well, I'm saying it now," replied Gibbs hoping to end the conversation.

"I was thinking about getting a puzzle book Ziva," said Tony trying to be helpful. "Why don't you get one as well and then we can do them together?"

"Don't want a stupid puzzle book," snarled Ziva. "I want candy!"

Standing up, Gibbs took Ziva's ice-cream out of her hand and gave it to Jenny. Without saying a word, he picked up the little girl and carried her a short distance away so they were out of ear shot of the general public.

Putting her on the ground, he crouched to her level making sure they were eye to eye. Ziva swallowed hard. She knew she had crossed the line.

"Right young lady," began Gibbs sternly. "I've had enough of your attitude and sulky behaviour today. I realise you didn't get much sleep last night but that isn't my fault and it certainly isn't fair that you are taking your bad mood out on everyone around you."

When she didn't respond but continued looking down, Gibbs took her chin in his hand and lifted her head.

"Now this behaviour stops right now," he said firmly, looking directly into her brown eyes. "When we go back to the bench, I want you to apologise to Tony for being so rude."

She nodded her head in understanding.

"If I hear you speak that way to someone again, you'll be going straight to bed when we get back. I don't care if Tim and Abby are coming, I will not put up with that kind of behaviour from you. It is rude and disrespectful. Do you understand me?"

She nodded.

"I want a verbal answer Ziva," said Gibbs.

"Yes Daddy," she said softly.

"Good," he said. "Now off you go and I expect to hear an apology to Tony." He stood up and spun her around, sending her back to the bench with a firm swat to her bottom. Watching her hand fly back to rub away the sting, he followed behind her as she made her way back to Jenny and Tony.

Walking up to Tony she said softly, "Sorry Tony for speaking meanly to you."

He smiled at her. "That's ok squirt," he answered.

She turned to Jenny and held out her hand for her ice-cream.

Jenny looked sternly at her. "I think you also owe Daddy an apology for the way you spoke to him, don't you?"

Turning to Gibbs, who had taken a seat on the bench next to Tony, she said, "I'm sorry Daddy."

"Thank you for apologising Sweet Pea," he said. He took the ice-cream from Jenny and held it out to her. When she didn't take it, he looked down and noticed that her shoulders were shaking. Realising she had started crying, he handed the ice-cream back to Jenny and then picked up Ziva and held her close.

The little girl nuzzled into his shoulder and sobbed quietly. Gibbs rubbed soothing circles over her back and whispered words of comfort as she continued to cry. After a couple of minutes, she lifted her head and wiped her nose across her arm. Taking the tissue that Jenny offered, he cleaned up the mess on her arm then held the tissue to her nose to blow. Throwing the tissue away in the nearby rubbish bin, Gibbs said softly, "Are you OK?"

She nodded her head, but snuggled further into his chest.

"I know, you're tired," he said soothingly patting her back. "Would you like your ice-cream back?"

She nodded again. Once more he took the now, very melted ice-cream from Jenny and, after licking up the drips, handed it back to his daughter. Sitting on the bench, he held her on his knee as she leaned back into his chest and began to lick at the melting treat.

The four of them sat quietly watching as people passed either on their way to the maze or chatting noisily after having been in the labyrinth of passageways. After a few minutes he felt a tap on his arm. Looking at Tony he saw the boy pointing to the ice-cream that was about to fall in his lap. Grabbing it quickly, he took it out of the now sleeping Ziva's hands and held it away from his body.

"Anyone for melted ice-cream?" he offered, holding up the dripping mess.

When there were no takers, he threw it into the bin and reached out for the bundle of tissues Jenny was once again offering him. He managed to gently wipe up the melting ice-cream from Ziva's hands and arm without waking her and, standing up with her in his arms, he led the four of them back to the car.

As the four of them settled into the car, Gibbs turned to the back and said, "Oh Tony, did you want to buy a puzzle book?"

"Nah," said the boy fastening his seat belt. "I might save my money for something else."

"You sure?" asked Gibbs. "One of us could go with you if you wanted to get it?"

When Tony shook his head once again and said he would rather save the money, Gibbs turned around and started the engine.

"Where are we going now Dad?" asked Tony.

"Well it's nearly four o'clock and Abby and Tim will probably arrive around six, so I think we might just head back to the cottage and clean up before they arrive." He looked at Jenny for confirmation and, when she nodded in agreement, he pulled out of the parking lot and back onto the main road into town.

As they drove along the narrow road, a deer suddenly ran out in front of them. Slamming on the brakes, Gibbs managed to avoid hitting the animal, but the severity of the action had jolted Ziva awake.

"What happened?" she said, eyes wide and staring around her.

Damn thought Gibbs. He had hoped Ziva might stay asleep during the forty minute car ride home. With Tim and Abby arriving, the last thing he needed was a cranky five year old to deal with.

"Nothing honey," he said, looking at her through the rear view mirror. "A deer ran out and Daddy had to brake hard so we didn't hit it. You close your eyes and go back to sleep."

As he continued to glance through the mirror, Gibbs soon concluded that going to sleep was the last thing Ziva was planning on doing.

"Where's my ice-cream?" she suddenly asked.

"We had to throw it out," said Jenny. "You fell asleep and it was beginning to melt."

"Can I have another one?" she asked.

Jenny shook her head saying, "We'll be having dinner soon. You can have some of the ice-cream that's in our freezer for dessert."

"But I want my ice-cream," whined Ziva.

"Ziva," warned Gibbs from the front. "Remember what I said would happen if you continued this behaviour."

Crossing her arms, she huffed loudly and stared out the window.

After a couple of minutes of silence, Jenny and Gibbs jumped when Ziva suddenly yelled, "Don't Tony!"

"What's going on?" asked Jenny turning around so she could see both children.

"I was just trying to find something," said Tony crossly.

"You were not, you were trying to pinch me," said Ziva.

"No I wasn't!" argued Tony. "The box of crayons from the pub fell open and I was trying to collect them. A couple of them rolled under your seat," he explained annoyed at being accused of something he didn't do.

"It's OK Tony," said Jenny. "I believe you. Just leave them there for now and we can get them when we arrived at the cottage."

"But I wanted to draw a picture," said Tony. "I'm bored just sitting here."

He moved his hand between Ziva's seat and the car feeling for the missing two crayons. As his hand closed around one of them, he felt Ziva grip his forearm and pinch it sharply.

"Ow!" he shouted loudly, tears immediately pricking at his eyes. Pulling back his arm and nursing it against his chest, he used his other hand to punch Ziva on the leg.

"Augh!" she exclaimed.

"Stop it both of you!" said Jenny crossly having witness the exchange.

"He punched me!" yelled Ziva.

"Because you pinched me!" yelled Tony.

"Well you shouldn't stick your hand under my seat! I don't like it!" said Ziva loudly.

"I was only getting the crayons!" argued Tony, raising his voice louder than Ziva's.

"I said, that's enough!" growled Jenny sternly. "Both of you keep your hands to yourself and we will be discussing this when we get back."

As Jenny turned to the front, Gibbs felt the tension tighten in his neck muscles. This day was just getting better, he thought sarcastically. Looking in the rear view mirror again, he could now see he had two children sitting with their arms folded across their chests and staring mutinously out their window. He felt Jenny rest her hand on his knee and squeeze gently. He smiled at her before focusing his attention back on the road.

As the car pulled into the carport and Gibbs shut off the engine, he turned to the back seat.

"Right, both of you inside and sitting at the kitchen table," he ordered.

As both children silently undid their seat belts and exited the car, Gibbs looked at Jenny. "I think they need some quiet time for half an hour or so," he suggested. "I was thinking we could put Tony in our room and Ziva can stay in hers. Give them the choice to ether read quietly or colour or, hopefully, sleep. What do you think?"

Jenny nodded. "Yeah. I was thinking the same. I think the lack of sleep last night is catching up with them both. They're just cranky and tired."

"I know how they feel," added Gibbs.

Jenny smiled at him. "Come on grumpy," she said patting his knee. "Let's get these two sorted."

As Jenny and Gibbs entered the kitchen, it was to find two angry children sitting opposite each other and engaging in a silent tongue poking out war.

"Hey," admonished Gibbs glaring at the two of them before sitting down at the end of the table so that he had a child on each side.

"Mom and I have decided that both of you need some quiet time for a while. So, for the next thirty minutes, you will go upstairs and find something quiet to do that doesn't involve anything electronic."

Seeing Tony's shoulders slump, Gibbs continued. "You can either read, or draw or lie down and have a sleep. Tony, you will go in our room and Ziva you can stay in yours."

"Why does Ziva get to stay in our room?" questioned Tony crossly.

When Gibbs raised his eyebrows and glared at him, Tony huffed to himself but kept his mouth shut.

"OK then," said Gibbs standing up. "I want both of you to come upstairs. Tony, you're to find something quiet to do and take it into our room."

As he led both children upstairs, he heard the familiar sound of Jenny making a fresh pot of coffee in the kitchen and his spirits rose as he anticipated the first sip of the dark, bitter brew.

Once Gibbs had settled Tony into his and Jenny's room with the Harry Potter book he was currently reading, he went down the hall to make sure Ziva was organised with something quiet to do. He found her lying on her bed, staring at the ceiling.

Climbing half way up the ladder, Gibbs looked at Ziva and said, "I think it would be a really good idea if you closed your eyes and tried to have a little sleep."

She rolled over so she was lying on her side facing him. "Why do I feel so yucky?" she asked, tears pooling at her eyes again.

"It's because you're tired," said Gibbs brushing her fringe back with his fingers. "When you don't get enough sleep, your body doesn't cope well with normal things and you get cranky and short tempered."

She nodded her head and sighed. "I'm sorry Daddy," she whispered.

"That's ok Sweet Pea," he said smiling at her. "Now, why don't you close your eyes and try to have a little sleep? When you wake up Abby and Tim might be here and you can play with them for a while."

"Ok," she said softly.

Gibbs kissed her forehead and descended the ladder. Leaving the room quietly, he made a final check on Tony. The boy was curled up on their bed, facing away from the door and presumably reading his book. Leaving him to it, Gibbs pulled the door almost closed and headed down the stairs and into the kitchen where a hot, steaming mug of coffee awaited him.

As Tony lay on his parent's bed, the book laying closed beside him, he heard a faint noise behind him. Rolling over, he saw Ziva push open the door and creep to the bed.

"You'll be in trouble if Dad finds you in here," he said grumpily turning back over so he was facing away from her. He was still mad at her for pinching him in the car.

"I don't care," she said climbing up on the bed and laying down next to him.

Rolling onto his back Tony looked at Ziva.

"What do you want?" he said a little curtly. But when he saw her eyes fill with tears, he quickly regretted his words.

"I wanted to say I'm sorry for pinching you in the car," she said softly. "Daddy says I'm grumpy because I'm tired, but that doesn't mean I can take it out on you. I'm sorry Tony," she said again.

Still facing the ceiling, he nodded his acceptance of her apology. "You really pinch hard," he said. "Look?"

He held out his arm and Ziva saw the beginnings of a bruise. "I'm sorry," she said again. "Here," she added offering her arm. "You can pinch me as hard as you like."

"I'm not going to do that silly," Tony said. "I just wanted you to know that it really hurt. So don't do it again, OK?"

"OK," she said.

She took hold of his arm in hers and snuggled up next to him.

"Can I stay in here with you?" she asked.

He shrugged. "If you want. But you might get in trouble if Dad catches you," he pointed out.

"Nah, I'll just listen for any footsteps on the stairs," she assured him.

Rolling back onto his side so that he was facing away again, Tony closed his eyes. He felt Ziva snuggle into his back and didn't pull away. She may be annoying at times but he liked having her next to him. Her warmth was a comfort.

It didn't take long before both children were fast asleep.

Sitting at the table, sipping on his coffee, Gibbs jumped when his cell rang loudly. Picking it up, he saw the caller was Abby.

"Hey Abbs," he said cheerfully. "Let me guess, Tim's got you both lost?"

"No," she said sighing. She sounded tired.

"What's up then?" he asked a little concerned.

"Nothing," she reassured him. "Actually it's been a great day. Long, but great. I'm just calling to let you know we haven't left yet."

Gibbs took a quick glance at his watch. It was twenty past five.

"Aren't ya gonna ask me why?" she asked. He could tell by the tone of her voice she was smiling. He knew this game, they used to play it frequently when he worked at NCIS. Falling back into the old routine, he refused to answer and waited for her to elaborate.

"Come on Gibbs, take a guess?" he heard her bubbly voice demand.

When the silence grew, he heard her sigh and say, "Ok, I'll tell ya then."

He smiled. Yep, this was the game.

"We got a break in the Halloway case!" she all but shouted.

"That's great," he said genuinely surprised at the news. "What did you find?"

"Well, as you know, forensics has come a long way in the last ten years," she began.

He lifted his mug and took a drink. This could take some time, he thought smiling to himself.

"McDonald managed to get the crime scene evidence from storage and I went through it. Seriously Gibbs, they knew nothing back then," she said, a hint of annoyance in her voice. "Nothing! The documentation was all over the place, nothing had been checked carefully. They just assumed the gloves belonged to Halloway because he was found wearing them."

"But," she said dramatically. "As you know Gibbs, I never assume! Guess what I discovered?"

"The gloves didn't belong to Halloway," said Gibbs.

"Exactly!" she replied. "Do you wanna know how I found that out?"

"Please," he said with a touch of sarcasm.

"Well, it turns out, that when I checked the inside of the gloves, there were two sets of finger prints. Now Halloway was left handed, so naturally one would assume that there would be pressure points on the trigger fingers of the left hand, but...." She paused for dramatic effect. "There wasn't!"

When he didn't respond she continued.

"The pressure point imprints were found on the trigger fingers of the right hand glove, indicating that he'd been shot by someone right handed. I ran the prints through AFIS and I got a match! Guess who the second set of finger prints belonged to?"

He remained silent.

"Go on Gibbs, guess!" she urged.

"I would say First Sergeant Andrew Mills?" replied Gibbs.

"And you would be right Oh Great One," said Abby. "Anyway, McDonald's team tracked him down and are probably bringing him in as we speak. And once again, Abby cracks the case!"

"Good job Abbs!" said Gibbs and he meant it.

"Oh Gibbs," sighed Abby. "I have missed you saying that."

"Well, if you hurry up and get your butt over here I'll say it again," said Gibbs smiling.

"Yes Sir," said Abby.

"Wrong hand Abs," said Gibbs automatically.

"How did you...never mind," responded Abby laughing. "So anyway, I've rung Timmy and he's on his way. We just have to swing past your place and grab the stuff you need and then we'll be on the road."

"Why can't Tim do that before he picks you up. It will save time," suggested Gibbs.

"Tim, go through Director Shepherd's underwear? He'd never open his eyes again," giggled Abby. "He's relegated me to that task."

Gibbs snorted and shook his head. He could just imagine how red Tim would have gone when Abby suggested he pick up the necessary items for him and Jenny.

"Ok Abbs," said Gibbs still smiling. "Well, you text me when you're leaving so I know when to expect you. Oh and you may want to grab some dinner on the way. We had lunch out so are just grabbing something light for dinner."

"Okey Dokey Gibbso," she said. "Talk to ya soon." And she hung up.

Picking up his mug, he filled it for the third time and headed outside to find Jenny. Seeing her sitting on the swing seat near the front door, he gingerly sat down and gently rocked the swing.

"That was Abs," he said looking at her. "Looks like they got a break with the Halloway case."

Jenny's eyes widened.

"Really?" she said excitedly. "What did they find?"

Gibbs filled her in on all that Abby had told him.

"So, looks like we might have some good news for Susan after all," he concluded.

"That would be so good," said Jenny genuinely relieved. "It will help her to find closure and move on."

Gibbs put his arm around her and pulled her against him. He knew deep down that was the only thing she really wanted as well. Kissing her on the temple, he set the seat swinging and the two of them rocked gently, listening to the water lapping at the shore.

A few moments later, Gibbs felt Jenny lean more heavily against him. Looking down at her, he realised she had fallen asleep. Extracting himself carefully from under her, he laid her gently on the seat and, after kissing her head tenderly, he headed back inside.

Checking his watch, Gibbs noticed it had been thirty five minutes since he'd sent Tony and Ziva upstairs. Figuring he should check on them and let them come down should they wish, he headed up. Peeking into his and Jenny's room first, he smiled at the sight that greeted him. Both children were fast asleep. Ziva was facing the door, her body curled into a ball. Next to her, sprawled on his back was Tony. One arm slung over Ziva's waist, the other up around his head. Despite having separated both children in the hope of calming them down, they had managed to resolve their differences in their own way. Backing out the room, he quietly shut the door and left the two sleeping peacefully.

Back in the kitchen, Gibbs found himself with a rare moment of solitude. Deciding to take a walk down to the boat, he grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and quietly exited the house, making sure he didn't wake Jenny as he stepped off the veranda.

Walking onto the jetty, Gibbs strolled to the end and took a seat, dangling his feet over the edge. The afternoon was another example of the perfect weather they had been experiencing. Blue skies, peppered with the occasional white fluffy cloud. The days were warm and dry, cooling off at night to ensure a good night's sleep. As he sat there, staring out onto the water, he watched as an occasional boat sped past, the occupants heading home after a day of swimming or fishing. He heard a dog barking in the distance and wondered if it was one of the Halloway's. Thinking back on what Abby had told him, he began to ponder about how their lives would be changed with this new information. They were certainly owed compensation. As to how much? Well that he didn't know, but enough he was sure to make a substantial difference to their lives. However, he knew that it wouldn't be the money that would make the most difference to Susan Halloway. It would be the confirmation that her husband hadn't betrayed his country and the knowledge that her son could reflect on his Father's memory with pride.

"Penny for them," said a soft voice behind him as a pair of arms reached around his neck and soft kiss was applied to the top of his head.

As Jenny sat down beside him and dangled her legs over the side, he put his hand on her thigh and squeezed softly.

"Thought you were asleep," he said bumping her shoulder.

"I was, but I woke up," she said.

"Obviously," he replied.

Smiling, she leaned her head on his shoulder.

"What ya thinking about?" she asked.

"The Halloways," he answered.

"Yeah," said Jenny sighing. "This will change many things for them. I wonder if they'll stay here or move away?"

"Dunno," replied Gibbs. "Up to them I s'pose."

"Hey!" said Jenny suddenly, pointing into the water. "Did you see that?"

"What?" he asked looking at where she pointed.

"It was a fish," she said. "Leaped straight out of the water."

"Feeding time," he announced. "Do you want to throw in a line or two?"

"Sure," she said grinning. "Why not?"

As Gibbs stood and walked to the boat to get some supplies, Jenny asked, "Where are the kids?"

"Sleeping," answered Gibbs, digging under the seats for the rods. He pulled out the tackle box and bucket and brought them and the rods back to the end of the jetty.

"I checked on them about 20 minutes ago and they were both curled up asleep in our room," he elaborated.

"Our room?" she asked.

"Yeah, not sure how, but they were cuddled together and sleeping peacefully so I don't really care," he replied.

Once Gibbs had tied a lure to the end of each rod, he stood up again.

"Ah, you might want to move?" he suggested. "Wouldn't want to hook you on the cast off."

"Gee, thanks for the warning!" she said sarcastically as she stood and moved away from Gibbs casting side.

Casting each rod into the lake, he passed one to Jenny and the two of them sat down again and waited patiently for any sign of movement.

Falling into a comfortable silence whereby the only sounds that could be heard was the water lapping at the shore, the various bird life and an occasional frog, both Jenny and Gibbs leaned against each other and watched as the lines bobbed in the water.

When Gibbs cell beeped suddenly, notifying him of a text, they both jumped at the sudden noise.

Picking it up and checking, he saw it was from Abby.

18.25. Leaving now. C u soon. Abs.

"Abby?" asked Jenny.

"Yup," answered Gibbs. "Just leaving now, so they should be here around ten."

Looking back towards the house, he added, "Well, if the kids have a decent sleep now, they'll be awake enough to stay up and spend some time with Abby and Tim when they arrive."

"Fish!" shouted Jenny suddenly.

She stood carefully and reeled in her line slowly and methodically, making sure the fish didn't escape. As she continued to reel in and pull back, a fish appeared on the surface of the water, splashing wildly and was soon flapping frantically on the wooden floor of the jetty.

"Well done Hon," said Gibbs, releasing the lure from the fish and dropping it into the bucket.

"That's my first ever fish," she replied proudly.

"Really?" said Gibbs surprised. "You've never been fishing before."

"Yeah, I've been. Just never caught anything," she said smiling.

He returned the smile as he fixed the lure on the line and handed the rod back. Casting it into the water, Jenny and Gibbs resumed their positions and, once again, fell into a comfortable, relaxed silence.

When, at nearly eight o'clock, Jenny caught her second fish for the evening, she decided it was time to head back into the house. Having caught a couple as well, Gibbs reeled in his line, and joined her.

"I want to check on the kids," she said as they made their way up to the cottage. "They've been asleep for nearly three house and I don't want them up all night," she added.

Entering the house, they both headed to the kitchen, Jenny to wash her hands and Gibbs to collect the things necessary to clean and gut the fish. Leaving Gibbs to complete his task, Jenny went upstairs.

She quietly opened the door to her and Gibbs' bedroom and smiled at the two children spawled out on the bed. As she stepped forward, she saw Tony turn his head and look at her.

"Hey sleepy head," she said affectionately as the boy's eyes sought focus. Sitting on the edge of the bed, she leaned over Ziva and patted him on the leg. Tony rolled on his back and yawned.

"What time is it?" he asked stretching his arms and yawning again.

"Nearly eight o'clock," replied Jenny. "Bed time!" she added laughing.

Sitting up, Tony rubbed his eyes and looked over at his little sister. Realising Ziva wasn't meant to be there, he said hastily. "She came in to apologise and then we just fell asleep."

"It's ok Tony," said Jenny smiling. "You're not in trouble. Dad saw you earlier and was pleased that you'd managed to work things out."

As Tony moved to climb off the bed, Ziva stirred. Flipping onto her back, she opened her eyes and saw Jenny sitting there. Leaning down to kiss her forehead, Jenny stroked back her hair.

"Hey little one," she said softly. "Did you have a nice sleep?"

Ziva nodded and sat up. Crawling over to Jenny, she put her arms around her mother's neck and climbed onto her lap. Wrapping her arms around the little girl, Jenny rubbed her back with one hand and patted her bottom with the other.

"You ready to have something to eat?" she asked both children as Tony walked around the side of the bed and stood next to her. Leaning into Jenny, he nodded his head. She put her arm around the boy and pulled him close.

"I'm glad you both had a good sleep," Jenny began. "Abby and Tim are running late and won't be arriving for a while, so you'll be able to stay up now until they arrive."

"When are they coming," asked Tony, sidling closer to Jenny until he was almost on her lap. Shifting Ziva to one side, Jenny made room and pulled Tony down so that he was perched on her knee. She wrapped her arm around his waist and kissed his head.

"About ten, your Dad thought," she said. "Hey, guess what I just did?" she said excitedly.

Ziva pulled back so that she could look into her mother's face. "What Mommy?" she asked.

"I just caught my first two fish ever," replied Jenny smiling triumphantly.

"Way to go Mom!" said Tony and lifted his hand for a hi-five.

"Did you go in the boat without us?" asked Ziva.

"No, we just sat on the end of the jetty and put in a couple of lines," answered Jenny reassuring both children that they hadn't been abandoned. "Daddy caught three fish as well. We thought we might keep them for dinner tomorrow night. Maybe we could take Abby and Tim fishing tomorrow and see if we can catch some more?"

"We should go in the morning," suggested Tony wisely. "Dawn and dusk are the best times to fish."

"Oh, how wise you are," said Jenny tousling Tony's hair. "Maybe you could ask Dad about that when you see him. He might take you out on the boat again."

Tony nodded and stood up. Heading to the door, he said, "Bathroom!" and disappeared.

Listening to Tony's hurried footsteps up the hall, Ziva giggled.

"Well Madam," said Jenny standing up and lifting Ziva with her. "Are you feeling a bit better now after your sleep?"

Ziva nodded and put her head down. "I'm sorry I was so grumpy Mommy," she said. "Daddy said it's because I didn't get enough sleep last night."

"Yep, that'll do it," said Jenny smiling at the little girl. Leaning in so that their foreheads were touching, Jenny whispered, "I'm glad you had a sleep though. You'll feel so much better for it."

When Ziva nodded, Jenny hoisted her up onto her hip and headed for the door.

"So," she said as they entered the hall. "Bathroom for you as well?"

"Yep," said Ziva smiling.

Kissing her cheek, Jenny put her down just as Tony emerged from the bathroom. "Off you go," she said placing her hand gently on Ziva's back and pushing softly. "Don't forget to wash your hands."

"I won't," said Ziva as she skipped into the room.

"Come on Mister," said Jenny putting her arm around Tony. "Let's see how your Dad's getting on with that fish."

And the pair of them headed down the stairs.

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