Rekindling the Flame

By MindlessCreations15

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Sequel to Reversed Psychologies. Seven years ago, after leaving Gibbs with a 'Dear John' letter, Jenny Shepar... More

Gathering the Matches
Adding the Kindling
Igniting a Spark
An Encouraging Puff of Air
A Tiny Flame
A Little Heat
Adding More Fuel
Waiting for the Flame to Catch
Heating Up
The Fires of Hell
Burning the Past
Untitled Part 13
Bedtime Shenanigans
Redefining The Road Trip
Up on the Roof
Riding the Waves
The Boy Next Door
An Awful Feeling of Dread
Sleepless Nights and Cranky Days - Part 1
Sleepless Nights and Cranky Days - Part 2
Fun in the Sun
Good News and Stalling Tactics
Childhood's End
A Sticky Situation
Back to Where it all Began

A Sizzling Heat

601 14 2
By MindlessCreations15

Chapter 12 - A Sizzling Heat

After three cups of real tea, a visit from Ducky and a slight sedative, Jenny was finally sleeping in Gibbs' room. She had given permission for Gibbs to fill Ducky in on what she had told him and, as the M.E. listened in repulsed silence, he too was filled with an angry desire to see the man who had hurt this beautiful woman so cruelly, suffer for his sins.

"Gunshot wound to the head was far too good for him," said Ducky when he'd heard the whole sordid story. "That poor girl, holding tightly to this secret for so long. It can't have been good for her. Let's hope she can move forward from this point."

"That's my plan Duck," said Gibbs gathering up the cups and putting them in the sink.

"Well if anyone can do it, it'll be you," said Ducky smiling. "I'm going to write out a medical certificate. Our Director shouldn't be a work for at least a week if not two."

"Duck, you can write out all the medical certificates you want, but unless Jenny wants to stay home, she'll just ignore them. You know what she's like," said Gibbs. "How are you going to convince her to stay home?"

"I'm not," replied Ducky smirking. "You are!"

When he saw the fear cross Gibbs face, he couldn't help but chuckle.

"Don't worry Jethro, I'll give you a head start. I plan to give this certificate directly to Sec Nav, insisting that the Director is not fit for work for at least seven days, after which a second assessment will take place before she is to return to any duties."

Ducky smiled when he saw Gibbs give a sigh of relief. For a man who was as determined and stubborn as Leroy Jethro Gibbs, he was as malleable as putty when it came to his family, especially the women. For years, Ducky had watched Abby wile her way around Gibbs, getting away with things that would see poor Anthony slapped into the next century, and now with little Anthony and Ziva, along with one Ms Jennifer Shepard, Gibbs had no hope. And Ducky would bet all the tea in China, that Gibbs wouldn't have it any other way.

"Actually Ducky, I think I might have a plan," said Gibbs brightening considerably. "It'll take some quick organising, but it may just work."

Checking his watch and seeing it was nearly five o'clock, Gibbs turned to Ducky and asked, "You staying for dinner? Abby's grabbing some Chinese on the way back from the movies, picking up Tim and heading this way. I figured it's not as tiring as the barbecue and we all have to eat."

"Well, that's very kind of you Jethro," said Ducky. "But I'm afraid I must decline. You see, I've already made plans for this evening."

"Ah, wouldn't be with a certain young doctor now would it?" probed Gibbs, grinning at his friend.

"Now that would be telling Jethro, and gentlemen never tell!" Ducky winked conspiratorially before gathering his things and walking towards the front door.

"Let me know if her condition changes won't you?" he said as he opened the door. "I'm not expecting anything to go wrong, but always best to keep an eye on things."

He was just about to exit, when he turned and said, "Oh, those sleeping tablets? Only use them if necessary. I'm hoping she won't need them, but if you find the nightmares are stopping her from getting a decent night's sleep, then please go ahead and give her one. Hopefully, now that she had purged herself of the secret, there may be an improvement to her sleeping patterns."

"Will do Duck," said Gibbs holding on to the door as the M.E. stepped onto the porch. "And thanks," he added.

"My pleasure Jethro," replied Ducky.

"Enjoy your evening," called Gibbs smirking. "Say hi to Brigette for me!"

Ducky didn't reply but merely shook his finger at Gibbs in admonishment.

Smiling at his friend, Gibbs closed the door and headed back into the kitchen. Taking down some plates and cups in readiness for dinner, he then poured himself a cup of coffee and enjoyed a rare moment of peace before he was bombarded by his 'kids' both tall and small.

At ten past six, the front door flew open and in bounced Abby, Tim, Ziva and Tony.

"And," Gibbs heard Tony's voice proclaim. "I bet it won't be long before they bring out a DS game for Cars. That'd be so cool."

"But Ziva," came Abby's voice over the top of Tony's. "You should have just left it up there. If that boy wanted to throw his cap at the lights, that's his problem. You shouldn't get involved."

As she walked into the kitchen, Abby suddenly stopped when she saw Gibbs staring at her.

"Ah, hi Gibbs," she said brightly. "Had a good day?" she asked.

Gibbs looked sternly at Ziva who promptly blushed and hid behind Abby.

"Abby, before we launch into this," Gibbs began. "Just answer me three questions. Was there any blood or broken bones involved, were the police called and should I expect a law suit?"

"No, no and no," Abby answered smiling at him.

"Right," he said. "Then I don't want to know."

"Good decision," replied Abby, patting him on the shoulder as she dumped two heavy plastic bags filled with Chinese take-out on the table.

"OK you lot," said Gibbs as all four of his kids were now in the kitchen. "Get everything set out and feel free to begin. I'm going up to see if Jenny wants to join us." As Gibbs walked out the kitchen he said quietly to Tim, "Can I have a quick word with you?"

"Ah, yeah, sure Boss," said Tim a little nervously.

Knowing he hadn't been at the movies, he was fairly confident he couldn't be blamed for whatever havoc Ziva had inflicted, but with Gibbs, he was never entirely sure.

As Gibbs looked at the apprehension on Tim's face, he rolled his eyes.

"Relax Tim, I'm not gonna chew you out on something," he said shaking his head.

He laughed as Tim visibly relaxed and looked up expectantly.

"I was wondering if you could do me a little favour?" he asked pulling Tim into the next room.

As they entered the living room, Gibbs explained to Tim what he needed. When he had finished Tim smiled.

"Sure thing Boss, not a problem at all," he said confidently.

"Thanks Tim," replied Gibbs patting him on the shoulder. He then added before heading up the stairs, "You better go and get some food before Tony eats it all."

"Yeah right!" said Tim laughing and returned to the kitchen.

Entering the darkened bedroom, Gibbs padded softly to the bed. As he got closer, he could see Jenny's eyes were open. He sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair, pushing it behind her ears.

"Hi," she said, smiling up at him. "How long have I been asleep?"

"Oh 'bout three hours," he answered.

"I heard the troops returning," she said.

"Yep, sounds like the movie was a hit," replied Gibbs. "Abby brought home some Chinese. Do you want to come down and join us?"

"I don't know, I guess so," said Jenny quietly.

Gibbs gently ran his finger over her cheek.

"You don't have to, but the kids would sure love to see you," he said.

"I want to see them too, I just..." she let out a loud sigh. "I don't know I just feel so exposed at the moment, like everyone knows."

"Honey, no one knows except me and Ducky, and Ducky isn't here. He ah...had a date," added Gibbs smirking.

"Good for him," said Jenny smiling. "It's about time that man settled down."

"Hey, that's better," said Gibbs kissing the tip of her nose. "It's good to see you smile."

She smiled again and scratched her nose where his lips had left a slight tickle.

"Ok," she said sitting up properly and throwing aside the covers. "Let me at this food. I must admit I'm pretty hungry. I didn't eat lunch today."

"That's my girl," said Gibbs helping her up and drawing her in for a hug. "You did really good today. That's was an incredibly hard thing to tell. But I'm glad you did and now we can start to move forward."

She pulled away slightly and looked into his eyes.

"Jethro," she began.

"Hey, I know it's gonna take time. But I've got plenty of that," interrupted Gibbs, brushing through her hair with his fingers. "We'll do this together, OK?"

She nodded.

"I like the sound of that," she said softly, kissing him gently on the lips then nuzzling into his chest.

Continuing to run his fingers through her hair, he suddenly asked, "Jen, why did you cut your hair?"

"To piss you off," she said grinning up at him.

"It worked," he said gruffly. "Don't do it again!"

"Well you'd better stay in my good books then," she replied cheekily.

Pulling away from him she walked into the ensuite. She splashed some water on her face to wake herself up and quickly ran a brush through her hair.

"Do I look ok?" she asked self consciously and she walked back into the bedroom.

"Beautiful," he replied. "Always beautiful, but then I'm biased," he added. He reached out for her hand. "Come on, let's go down and get some food into ya."

She took his hand and smiled. She did feel a certain sense of relief having told Gibbs what had happened. And, while she knew it would be a slow process, she also felt that healing could now begin. Two months ago, she had been on her own, struggling through her demons, trying to be strong, and setting in place her plan of revenge. Now, she had someone who loved her, two beautiful children and, although she still felt cheated out of being the one to kill him, the object of her hate was dead and could never hurt her again. Yes, she thought, life was looking good at the moment. And, as she walked down the stairs, her hand nestled in Gibbs', she drew upon his strength and love to help get her through the coming battles she knew would inevitably arise.

As they walked into the kitchen, they found everyone seated at the table and digging into their meal.

"Oh hey, Director Shepherd," said Abby cheerfully.

"Jenny," corrected Jenny.

"Yeah, sorry, Jenny," she said. "Dig in, there's heaps here. Plates are on the side over there," she added pointed to the bench nearest the sink.

As she passed Tony and Ziva Jenny planted a kiss on each of their heads greeting them and asking if they'd had a good time.

"Yep," said Tony, his mouth full of food. "The movie was the best!"

He swallowed then said, "And we ate two buckets of popcorn and drank four gigantic bottles of water. Well not each, that's between the four of us," he amended realising his statement was up for interpretation.

"I'm glad to hear it was water," said Jenny, filling her plate with Chinese from the containers.

"Yeah," said Tony a little disappointed. "Abby was going to get us Coke but Dad said no."

He took another large mouthful of food.

"Mmmm, geth wath?" he began trying to talk while chewing.

"Swallow first Tony," said Gibbs taking his plate to the table and sitting down. "I really don't want another choking incident so soon after the last."

Tony rolled his eyes and made a big show of chewing quickly then swallowing.

"Guess what?" he repeated.

"What honey," laughed Jenny, stroking his head as she passed him and sat at the table.

"You know those chandelier type lights they have in the main foyer of the cinema?" he began. "Well this kid was being really dumb and started throwing his cap up there and it hooked on one of the lights. He started crying because it was a Cars cap and he wanted it back. So, Ziva- ouch!"

"So anyway," interrupted Abby after kicking Tony under the table. "What did you guys get up to today?"

"Abby, that hurt!" exclaimed Tony. "Why did you kick me?"

"Because," said Gibbs, "I don't want to know what Ziva did. It sounds like it was something I would need to get cross about and I really don't feel like getting cross tonight. OK Tony?"

"OK," grumbled Tony. "But it was really cool. Can't I just tell you a little bit?"

"No," said Gibbs.

Jenny, who was sitting next to Tony, leaned in and said quietly, "You can tell me later. I want to hear what she did."

"OK," grinned Tony.

"Hey!" announced Ziva. "That's not fair. Then I'll get in trouble."

"No you won't honey," said Jenny. "I promise." She smiled at the little girl who returned the gesture and continued eating. Looking up she caught Gibbs glaring at her. Smirking, she shrugged and took a large bite of food.

"Oh Gibbs," said Abby suddenly. "I bought some ice-cream for dessert. It's in the freezer in the basement."

"Thanks Abs," said Gibbs smiling at her. "What flavour?"

"Toffee pecan," she answered.

Gibbs laughed when he saw Tony's eyes widen in delight.

"Eat your dinner first," he reminded him.

"I will," assured Tony. "Two treats, Chinese and ice-cream."

When everyone had eaten as much Chinese as was possible, Gibbs collected the plates and stacked them in the sink.

"How about we wash up first and let this settle a bit before dessert?" he suggested.

The vigorous head nodding he received in response told him everyone was feeling as full as he was. Shooing them all into the living room, he started a fresh batch of coffee and began washing the plates.

As Tony turned on the TV and began flicking through the channels, he suddenly jumped when Jenny squealed, "Stop!". Dropping the remote in alarm, he stood up thinking there must be a spider or something nearby.

Jenny laughed when she saw his expression.

"Sorry honey, didn't mean to startle you," she said. "Go back a couple of channels?. I think I saw something I recognise."

Sighing with relief that he wasn't going to have to contend with a giant arachnid, Tony picked up the remote and flicked backwards.

"That's it," said Jenny again.

Tony stared at the screen. All he could see was a screen full of mountains and loud music playing. As he watched, a lady suddenly spun into view wearing an old fashioned dress. As if this couldn't get worse, the lady suddenly started singing, "the hills are alive..."

"Oh I love this movie," said Abby.

"Me too," gushed Jenny. "It's my absolute favourite."

Tim and Tony stared at each other and shrugged. Then suddenly, things got a lot worse. Abby and Jenny began singing at the top of their lungs.

"The hills fill my heart with the sound of music," they both sung. "My heart wants to sing every song it hears."

As they continued belting out the opening number, Ziva tried to hum along even though she'd never heard it before.

"Hey Tony," said Jenny. "Can you put it on teletex so the words come up?"

"Ah, yeah, I think so, Why?" he asked a little apprehensively.

"So that we can all join in," she said joyfully.

"Again, why?" asked Tony.

Rolling her eyes, Jenny said, "Just do it!"

"O-kay," replied Tony drawing out the word to highlight his uncertainty. He pressed the teletex button and suddenly the words appeared at the bottom of the screen.

"There you go honey," said Jenny, pulling Ziva onto her lap. "You can read the words at the bottom and join in with us."

"Thanks Mommy," said Ziva.

Abby smiled at the use of the word Mommy. It was the first time she'd heard either child use that term for Jenny and it made her heart lift. Her Papa Gibbs was extending his family.

As Jenny, Abby and Ziva sang along to the opening title from The Sound of Music, Tony and Tim just stared at them open mouthed.

"You can join in you know," said Jenny between verses.

"Yeah, come on Timmy," added Abby. "Sing with us,"

"Er, no! Thanks, but I'll sit this one out," he said, finally closing his mouth and looking at Tony. "I might go and help the boss with the dishes," he said getting up.

"Yeah, me too," said Tony also getting to his feet.

With the girls warbling behind them, Tim and Tony made a quick exit into the kitchen.

"Please tell me that's not The Sound of Music," said Gibbs, stacking the last plate into the rack.

"Afraid so Boss," said Tim grabbing a tea towel and throwing another to Tony.

"What's it about?" asked Tony picking up a plate and starting to dry.

"Ah," said Tim, grabbing a second plate. "A nun, a captain, six, no seven kids and something to do with having to escape the Nazi's," he replied.

"Geez Tim, you obviously haven't been subjected to it enough," said Gibbs laughing. He turned to Tony.

"It's about a lady who thinks she wants to be a nun but the other Sisters don't think it's suited to her. So she takes up a position as a nanny to seven children belonging to a widowed Captain. Anyway, basically she brings love and happiness back into the home and of course she and the Captain fall in love and get married. It's set in Austria during the second world war and the Captain is opposed to Hitler. When he is called up, he decides to take the family and escape, on foot out of Austria. Which they manage to do successfully. It's actually a true story."

When Gibbs finished explaining the story, he looked at both Tony and Tim who were now staring at him as if he'd lost his mind.

"What?" he said defensively. "It was Shannon's favourite movie too."

"So, once the music part ends, does it get better?" asked Tony.

"It's actually pretty good. You'll probably enjoy it," said Gibbs laughing at Tony's disgust over the music side of things. "But, I hate to tell ya, the music doesn't end. It's a musical, there's singing all the way through it."

"You're kidding!" said Tony stunned.

"It's not that bad," said Gibbs. "I've sat through it several times now and I'm still alive. Although it's definitely not my choice of favourite movie."

"Can't we play a game or something?" asked Tony "Play cards, sand the boat, squeeze our heads in the vice?"

Gibbs laughed at Tony's suggestions.

"Nope!" he said determinedly. "Just as farting is every boy's right of defense, The Sound of Music is every girl's. And you need to be forced to sit through it at least once. And guess what kiddo? Today's your lucky day!"

Gibbs grabbed Tony's shoulders and steered him back into the lounge room while the boy whimpered and cried "No, please don't make me!"

As Gibbs sat down on the sofa next to Jenny, he pulled Tony on his lap and held tightly so the boy wouldn't run away. As Tony put his hands over his ears, Gibbs grabbed them and held them by his side.

"Sorry Tony, you will hear this and you will enjoy it," he said ticking the boy.

Tony squealed and struggled to escape.

"Shh!" said Jenny, Abby and Ziva together, looking crossly at Gibbs and Tony.

"We've been told son," said Gibbs looking subdued. "Never get between a woman and her chick flick!"

"Chick flick?" asked Tony.

"Yep, a movie especially for women," said Gibbs. "It will either have lots of kissing, cuddling, singing, sweet gentle men, children and puppies and, if you're really lucky, all of the above!" added Gibbs.

"Kill me now!" said Tony dramatically.

"It's ok Tony, I don't think this has puppies in it," said Gibbs laughing.

"Now," he said as he stood and placed Tony on the couch. "You sit there and don't move and I'll go and get the dessert and coffee."

"Oh good," said Tony brightening at the sound of dessert. "At least there's something nice to get me through this torture."

As the three girls turned and shushed him again, he pulled a guilty face and stared at the screen. It was now filled with women dressed in black and white outfits talking in a dreary old building.

"What are they wearing?" asked Tony.

"They're called Habits, Tony," said Abby. "It's what nuns wear."

"Who are they talking about?" he asked again.

"Maria," said Jenny.

"Who's that?" he asked.

"Shh Tony," said Ziva who was now fully engrossed in the movie, "Just watch it and you'll see,"

To Tony's dismay not only did the nuns suddenly start singing but so did the three girls again.

"This is torture," he groaned as he fell towards Jenny on the sofa and pulled a cushion over his head.

An hour later, having eaten dessert and being shushed about twenty times by the girls, Tony was finally beginning to get into the movie. And, to his horror he suddenly found himself humming along to 'My Favourite things."

When his Dad looked at him and smirked, Tony shrugged and in full chorus opened his mouth and sang

"When the dog bites, when the bee stings...." Only to discover the song had cut off as the strict Captain had entered stage and dialogue had began again.

Jenny, Ziva and Abby turned to him and burst out laughing. Blushing a deep red, Tony hid his face in his hands and groaned.

"Don't worry Tony," said Jenny laughing. "She starts up again in a minute."

Tony watched as, just as Jenny had said, Maria, now seated on the chair by the window, burst into song again, this time accompanied in full voice by Tony.

Nearly three hours later, after copious cups of coffee, water and juice as well as another serve of ice-cream each, Tony watched in tense apprehension along with Jenny, Abby and Ziva as the Von Trapp family huddled behind the tomb stones in the Abbey while the soldiers shone their torches around them. When Gibbs suddenly sneezed making the four of them jump, he was quickly turned upon by four angry faces shushing him aggressively.

Smiling, he turned back to the screen and watched as the Captain reasoned with the young Rolf. When the boy finally blew his whistle alerting the soldiers, he felt Tony tense next to him and could hear him whispering, "Oh no, please get away safely, please."

As the family finally made their way over the mountains and the song, 'Climb every Mountain' could be heard in the background, everyone gave a contented sigh.

"Now, wasn't that lovely," said Jenny, as the credits began to roll.

Abby wiped a tear from her eye and said, "That's my favourite movie."

"I thought your favourite movie was Friday the 13th?" asked Tim.

"Well, this is my favourite old movie," she amended. "I'm so glad they make it to safety. It's hard to believe it's a true story."

"Based on a true story Abs," said Gibbs standing up and stretching. "I think Rogers and Hammerstein took some artistic licence."

"I don't care," she said sighing again. "It's such a nice ending."

"Why do they go to Switzerland Dad?" asked Tony.

"Switzerland was considered a neutral country," answered Gibbs. "That means it didn't fight on either side. So if you were within its borders you were safe."

Tony nodded his head in understanding.

"Well Timmy, we'd better be going," said Abby also standing. "Some of us have to work tomorrow."

"True," said Jenny. Then, turning to Gibbs she said, "I should probably go home and grab some clothes for work."

"Ah, yeah, we'll talk about that later," said Gibbs. He'd forgotten all about his conversation with Ducky. Oh well, he thought. That'll be something to tackle when the kids were in bed and asleep.

Seeing Jenny was about to argue, he placed his finger to her lips and repeated, "Later."

Still frowning, she was suddenly enveloped in an 'Abby' hug as the young girl squeezed tightly. "It's so good to see you here Dire...ah Jenny," she amended. "And I love the way Tony and Ziva are calling you Mom. Does this mean...?"

She was cut off from asking her question by Gibbs who pulled her away from Jenny and hugged her close whispering in her ear, "What do you think Abs?"

Everyone heard her delighted squeal as she grabbed Jenny again and pulled her in for a group hug with Gibbs. Bouncing up and down she said excitedly, "I'm so happy for you!"

"What?" asked Tim looking confused.

"Oh Timmy," sighed Abby, pulling out of the group hug and putting her arm around Tim. "I'll explain it in the car."

The two of them headed to the front door and with a final wave and a wink from Abby, they left.

"Well you two," said Gibbs looking at Tony and Ziva. "It's definitely time for bed. I think we might skip baths and showers tonight."

As both children got up, Ziva stretched out her arms and said, "Carry me Daddy."

Smiling indulgently at her, Gibbs picked her up, and putting his arm around Tony, led both children up the stairs while Jenny cleared the living room and placed the glasses and mugs in the sink.

When Gibbs returned about ten minutes later, he found Jenny curled up on the sofa watching the late news.

Looking up she said, "So are you going to lend me the keys so I can go home and get some work clothes?"

"Nope," he replied sitting next to her.

"Jethro!" she began in exasperation. "I need to go to work and I can hardly go in jeans or sleep pants so-"

"You don't need to go to work," said Gibbs calmly. "Ducky wrote you out a certificate earlier saying that you won't be fit for work for at least a week."

"Well, that's hardly going to stop me, I'll just-" began Jenny.

"Which," interrupted Gibbs firmly. "He has passed onto Sec Nav. So, Ms Shepard, you are not required at work for at least seven days."

"That's so... so...unducky," she finally said. "Did you suggest it?" she asked suspiciously.

"Actually no, thank you very much," he said in an offended tone. "It was all Ducky's suggestion. Although I fully endorse his actions."

"Of course you do," she replied sarcastically.

"Jen, think about it," he said softly, trying to reason with her. "Your body has just gone through an illness not to mention the stress you've been under. Your whole system is trying to recover at the moment. It's not gonna hurt ya to take a week or two and just relax. It's nearly time for summer break anyway. And knowing you, you'll have heaps of sick leave owing not to mention annual leave. I bet you could nearly take a year off and still be paid!"

"I guess," she said. "Actually, to be honest I wasn't looking forward to going back. I'm kind of glad Ducky's forced the issue."

Raising his hand, Gibbs placed it on her forehead.

"What are you doing?" she asked swatting his hand away.

"Just checking you're feeling ok," he said staring at her. "Did I just hear correctly?" He leaned in and cupped his ear for dramatic effect. "Did the great, all knowing Jennifer Shepard just admit that she might actually need to take a break from work and that her ever loving partner was right to suggest such a thing?"

"Shut up Jethro," she said pushing him away.

"Oh no, this is a rare occasion. I am going to savour it," he replied grinning at her.

She leaned forward and jabbed him in the ribs then, putting her hand over his mouth she stifled any further comments.

As he grabbed her hand away, she replaced it with her lips and began to silence him with a kiss.

"Now that's playing dirty," said Gibbs, his words muffled by her mouth.

"I know," she said, between kisses. "But so much more fun."

Running his hands through her hair, he gripped her behind the head and kissed her deeply. Moving to her neck, he placed tiny kisses down her throat as Jenny tilted her head back, giving him easy access. Finding the sensitive spot at the apex of her neck, he continued to kiss her gently, his hands now moving down her back and resting on the curve of her hips.

"Oh God Jethro," she suddenly moaned. "Should we take this to the bedroom?"

"You sure," he asked, although in all honesty, his body was screaming for release and definitely didn't want to hear anything that sounded like no.

"Yes, I'm sure," she said breathlessly. "Come on," she urged, grabbing his hand and pulling him up. As they made their way up the stairs, Jenny hurriedly undid the buttons on her shirt. Following suit, Gibbs did the same and, by the time they had reached the bedroom, it was only a few more seconds before both were left standing only in their underwear. After locking the bedroom door to avoid shocking any midnight wanderers, Gibbs pulled Jenny down onto the bed. Reaching around, he quickly undid her bra, pulling it gently off her shoulders and adding it to the pile of clothes on the floor.

Cupping each breast, he bent forward and placed a soft kiss on each nipple, sucking gently until Jenny's moan of pleasure had him almost bursting for release. As she hurriedly made short work of removing his boxers, he did the same, placing his thumbs in the elastic of her panties and pulling them over her hips and down her legs. As Jenny kicked off the offending item, it wasn't long before they were laid together, completely naked and relishing in each other's bodies.

"God Jen, it's been such a long time," said Gibbs. Straddling her body, he began kissing down her breast bone and towards her abdomen, making small circles with his tongue around her navel.

She responded by arching her back, raising her hips to him. "Come on Jethro," she pleaded. "I can't stand this any longer!"

That was all the encouragement he needed. Raising himself, he plunged into her, filling her completely. She gripped his hips tightly with her legs, pulling him closer as together they moved as one, thrusting and pushing until Gibbs felt Jenny suddenly still, cry out and then collapse, shuddering around him. Within seconds, he followed, groaning in ecstasy until he too was a convulsing mass of tense muscle and sinew, before falling, panting, next to her. As they both lay there, breathing heavily and slowly returning to earth, neither one spoke. No words were necessary. Within a few short minutes, they had bridged the barriers of time. It was as if the past seven years hadn't existed.

Rolling into him, Jenny ran her fingers through the fine curls on his chest, kissing him tenderly. He caressed her back with his hands, moving down until he cupped her bottom and pulled her closer. Raising one leg over his, she played down his abdomen and allowed her hand to wander south seeking, once again, the object of her pleasure. She felt him jerk involuntarily, the sensitive skin awakening, stroking until she felt him harden, ready to take her again.

Sitting in top of him, she whispered seductively into his ear, "My turn to be on top Jethro, and lets take it slower this time." Smiling in response, he lay back and let Jenny take the lead.

Several hours later, as Jenny lay sleeping next to him, Gibbs couldn't help but smile at the self satisfied look on her face. He hadn't seen that expression in very long time. Her body completely relaxed, muscles limp from continual love making, face flushed from exertion and that beautiful sated grin on her lips. Leaning over her, he gently kissed those lips one more time. Shifting slightly, she turned and nuzzled into him, her warm naked body fitting perfectly with his.

He would get up soon, find some clothes for the pair of them and unlock the door knowing that Ziva would probably come wandering in around 5am. But, until then, he would hold Jenny close, watch the rise and fall of her chest as she breathed gently and appreciate that everything in his little world was perfect once again.

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