From where we come

By Ashleelovesyew

54 23 0

Eva Gordan has grown up in tough neighborhood. Her mom's on drugs and barely takes care of her sixteen year o... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Ten

3 1 0
By Ashleelovesyew

I'm sitting at home alone on a Sunday evening. Micah and Gail went back to their home town to check on Gails father.

I was reading a book when there was a knock on the door.

I got up and answered it to find my mom.

"I need to borrow fifty dollars Eva, I need it." My mom said and held out her hand, expecting me to just hand it over.

"No, I'm not giving you money. I've already told you." I replied and rolled my eyes.

"Your going to give it to me girl." She said with a mean look on her face.

"Or what? Your not going to do anything." I said and began to shut the door but she pushed it open, making it hit me in the face.

She came in and sat on top of me, hitting me in the face over and over again.

"Get off me you bitch!" I screamed, trying to get up.

It was no use though. She continued to wail on me and I couldn't get her off.

"I'll give you money just get off of me!" I screamed and she got off of me and then kicked me in the side.

I got up in pain and fished out the money from my pocket. Before I could count out fifty she took all I had in my hand which was around four hundred dollars.

"You best give me money whenever I ask for it you rotten child." She said and walked out of the house.

Good thing I stashed the rest of my money up stairs.

I went to the bathroom and looked in the mirror. My face was pretty much covered in bruises. I lifted my shirt and looked at my ribs where she had kicked me. It was a huge bruise.

What am I going to do? I can't just give her money every time she comes to the door. I'm going to have to quit my job.


"Oh my God Eva what happened to you?" Gail asked when they arrived back home.

"My mom attacked me when I wouldn't give her money, then she took all the money I had in my pocket." I replied.

Micah hasn't come in yet he was outside unloading the truck. Im scared what he might do when he find a out.

"Did you call the police?" Gail asked, checking out my bruised body.

"No, I think I need to go to the hospital though. I think she might have broken some ribs." I replied and was startled by Micah dropping the bags.

"Don't say anything right now Micah We just need to get Eva to the hospital." Gail said as she helped me off of the couch.

Paisley had just walked in the door and ran to my side.

"What happened to you?" She asked.

"No time to explain. You can ride to the hospital with us." Gail said and led me out of the house.

We all piled in the beat up old pick up and sped off.

When we got there the nurse got me into a right away and laid me in the bed. She checked my pulse and a lot of other things out.

"We need to get an X-Ray done on your ribs and see how many are fractured or broken. I can tell you right now just by touching them that there's at least a couple." The nurse said and walked out of the room.

I waited for about ten minutes and the nurse cane back in and put me into a wheel chair.

They put me on the table and left the room. Paisley came in and held onto my hand.

"They arrested Zach. He won't give out the names of his buddies but they will be able to get it from the DNA traces they found when they did the rape kit." She said.

"I'm so sorry I wasn't with you. I should have been there." I replied with a tear rolling down my face.

"Its not your fault. Don't blame yourself. I don't blame you." She said as she squeezed my hand.

"You can't be in here young lady." We both jumped. It was the nurse.

Paisley nodded and left the room.

"Okay, Eva you will need to sit very still as we are taking the X-rays." The nurse said and the doctor came in and began taking them.


I'm finally back at home and u have three broken ribs and a slight fracture on two others. The police were notified and arrested my mother.

She probably won't be in there for long though, she never is even though I wish she would just stay.

I had to sleep on the couch because it was hard for me to move up and down the stairs. Micah slept in the chair or the floor so he could be next to me if I needed something.

I wasn't allowed to go to school for at least a week so they could heal a bit better.

Paisley brought my homework home everyday and studied with me. Micah wasn't going to school because he wanted to stay home and take care of me. I didn't like that though.

"So how are your ribs feeling?" Paisley asked.

"They are feeling better. Can't wait to get back to school." I replied sitting on the couch and trying to catch up on my homework.

"Where's Micah?" She asked.

"He went to the store to get some groceries. " I replied.

"Will you be fine by yourself? I have to go home and eat with my grandma."

"I'll be fine go ahead and go home."

With that paisley left and I sat on the couch still trying to catch up on my home work.

"Hey where's Paisley going?" Micah asked.

"She's going home to eat with her grandma. "

He shrugged and walked back to the kitchen to put the groceries away.

I put my book down and stood up slowly. It hurt really bad but I needed to walk around.

"What are you doing?" Micah asked coming into the room.

"I have to get up and walk around a little Micah." I replied.

"You need to sit down." Micah said. I could hear the anger in his voice.

"No Micah I was told I need to walk around a little bit."

Micah walked over to me and pushed me back on the couch. I grabbed my side in pain and cried out.

"What the hell is wrong with you!" I screamed as a tear rolled down my cheek.

Gail had just walked in and asked, "what's going on?"

"Micah pushed me down on the couch because I was trying to walk around a little bit. I'm getting really sick of your crap Micah!" I screamed, still in pain.

"Micah, what's wrong with you?" Gail said pushing him away from me.

"Nothings wrong with me. I didn't want her up so I made her sit back down." Micah replied coldly.

"You can't just push her down Micah her ribs are broken." Gail said in anger.

Micah didn't say another word, he just stormed out of the living room and up the stairs.

I didn't know what to do. He kept hurting me. If he loves me why would he continue to do this?

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