Uniquely Three - Larry Stylin...

By LarryWriting

1.7M 46.9K 47K

Harry and Louis have been together nine months when Harry develops a strange illness. Much to everyone's surp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Mature, read authors note!)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (mature)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (mature)

Chapter 14

50.8K 1.4K 1.8K
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: Hiii guysssss! I'm writing a one shot and I'm actually having fun writing it! Buuuut... this is my first priority xD So yes... this chapter is dedicated to valedpoppy for making me the awesome fanart in the multimedia :D

[Louis' P.O.V]

By January, the mood swings got Harry good. He could be happy one moment and sobbing the next. It all started on our anniversary, January 2nd. I'd stayed home with him, because obviously, we'd been together for a year, and it had been the happiest year of my life. We had spent all day cuddling, we had ordered in whatever Harry wanted, which was of course pizza, and made love several times over. It was when we were snuggled up on the couch, even though we barely fit on it with Harry's belly being so large, watching Aristocats when Harry had his first drastic change in emotion.

"My tiny Louis," he had giggled, turning slightly to pat my leg.

"Nope," I fought a smile, although to be honest I didn't mind when Harry called me tiny. He was bigger than me, after all. "Not true."

Harry was silent for a moment, and when he spoke again, he was sniffling, "What?"

My brow furrowed, and I propped myself up so I could look at him better, "Kitten?"

"Not my Louis?" he whimpered, trying to squirm away, pressing his hands over his eyes.

"Oh!" I gasped, reaching for him. "No, no, baby! I mean yes, yes, I am your Louis! Always your Louis. Sure baby, your tiny Louis, I'm your tiny Louis."

"Yeah," Harry sniffled, leaning into me and turning his head to bury his face into my arm. "My Louis..."

But from then on, he was basically happy for the rest of the day. Our visits with Dr. Shell had become more frequent since Harry was now six months along. On those days Harry was usually happy. Or days when I didn't have to go to work, Harry was happy. But on days I had to leave, it was hard on the both of us. It was only his hormones that made him so emotional, and he was generally already emotional if we were separated, but now things were so much worse. I'd have to plead with the boy just to get him to eat breakfast instead of clinging to me. There was, however, one line that always got him.

"You have to eat to keep our Jelly Bean happy!" I would insist, and Harry would nod weakly and accept whatever food I offered him.

Harry was such a good father to our baby. I would catch him speaking softly to his tummy, or stroking it as he sang to our child inside. No matter what Harry was doing he always had a hand splayed protectively across the bump even though he couldn't cover it's entirety. If he was sleeping, he'd keep one arm cradling his belly. Even Liam, who had been skeptical at first that Harry was mature enough to care for a baby, agreed that no harm could ever come to our little boy or girl if Harry was around.

Harry's pregnancy had been moving along smoothly through out the months, which I was extremely grateful for considering having a pregnant male patient was new for Dr. Shell, and the man always seemed to know how to take care of my family still.

This certain morning, upon waking up, I woke up before my alarm. I quickly went into my phone and shut it off before it could blare the alarm tone, stealing a glance at Harry. He was still fast asleep. If I could get up, get dressed, and sneak off to work before Harry woke up and had time to realise that I had to leave him, I could save us both a lot of heart ache. I changed into my scrubs as quietly as I could, checking and making sure my paper ring and note were still on the nightstand. I didn't like wearing the ring to work, because so easily it could get torn, lost, or damaged. I mainly wore it around the house, but as soon as I had the money, I'd buy both Harry and I wedding bands that we could wear all the way up until our wedding.

Once I was dressed I hurried into the kitchen to snag a granola bar, and then waited in the living room for Liam and Niall to show up. Once again, they only lived down the street from us, having moved in a little after New Years. Luckily I had gotten my stitches out in time to help them. Because they were close by, they always arrived pretty quickly.  Niall came sleepily through the door first, dragging himself in and flopping down on the couch, "S'too early... where's Harry?"

Liam hung up Niall's coat since the lad had carelessly dropped it on the floor, and I responded, "He's still asleep... I didn't want to wake him up. I should be going, however."

"Wait, whoa," Liam interrupted. "Harry isn't going to be very happy if you leave without saying goodbye."

"He can call me," I said slowly. "I just always feel so bad having to leave him when he's begging me not to..."

"You all are too cute," Niall chuckled. "And your baby is going to be even cuter. Can I have it?"

"My baby..." I frowned.

Niall laughed again, and then from our room I heard Harry's voice call out, "Louis?!"

"Oh dear," I sighed. "He already thinks I've left."

Harry came scrambling into the room, only in one of his maternity shirts and some boxers that were hanging low on his scrawny hips. He burst into tears when he saw me, hurrying over to squirm into my arms, "Thought you left without saying goodbye!"

"No, no, baby," I soothed, rubbing his back. He always tried to mould himself to me like he'd done before he was pregnant, but now his baby belly kind of got in the way. "I was about to leave, but I said goodbye to you. You were just sleeping."

"But... I thought we got to go to Dr. Shell's," he sniffled. "Thought you were staying with your Harry?"

"That's tomorrow, lovely," I told him softly. "Today is only the twenty-third."

"Jelly Bean wants you to stay here," Harry whimpered.

"I would love to stay with my Kitten and Jelly Bean, but I need to go to work so that I can feed them!" I explained.

"How far along are you, Harry?" Liam asked. "Twenty-four weeks?"

"Twenty-five," Harry told him quietly. "Jelly Bean can hear very well now..."

"How fat have you gotten?" Niall cackled.

"Not fat," Harry snapped defensively, and I stroked his curls soothingly. "It is baby. My Louis, how much does Jelly Bean weigh?"

"Jelly Bean weighs about 1 lb now, I bet!" I announced. "He or she gains about half a pound each week now, and Jelly Bean weighed 0.6 lbs last week."

"But how much do you gain, Harry?" Niall giggled.

"Harry's only gained about 15 lbs, maybe, and it's mostly all the stuff he needs for the baby. None of it is fat, really. As soon as Jelly Bean is born he can probably lose it all no problem. Not that it matters. My Kitten is always perfect, no matter what!" I told Niall.

Harry nuzzled his nose against me, "Thank you, my Louis."

"I wish I could have a baby," Niall pouted.

Harry grabbed my hands, moving them towards the side of his tummy, "Kicking here..."

I grinned as I waited for the small nudge I knew I would feel, "Sooner or later you'd think Baby Bean would run out of room in there."

"Tiny like my Louis," Harry shrugged.

Niall laughed, beckoning Liam over to sit with him, and I brushed my lips against Harry's, "Your tiny Louis. But I need to go to work now, baby, okay? Stay here and feed Jelly Bean?"

Harry's face fell, and he nodded his head sadly, sniffling a little, "I will miss you..."

I groaned, wrapping my arms back around him, "I'll miss you, too. So much."

"I can make you pancakes, Harry, if you would like," Liam offered.

"With applesauce and peanut butter?" I asked for the younger boy.

Liam's nose scrunched, "Of course! Is there other ways to eat pancakes?"

Harry sighed, pulling away and looking at his tummy, "Do not feel hungry... but Jelly Bean will need to eat. Tummy kind of hurts..."

"Because you're sad?" I asked slowly.

Harry shrugged, "I guess..."

I kissed the younger lad on the forehead, "Well... call me if you need anything. Your phone is on the nightstand."

Harry nodded, poking his lips out once more so I'd kiss him, "Sea bell...."

 "Always, lovely," and then I waved to the other lads, and slipped out the door.

[Liam's P.O.V]

The curly haired lad didn't seem as enthusiastic as he normally did... in fact, he seemed a bit tired. Normally he loved pancakes with peanut butter and applesauce even if Louis was working, but he seemed to be pushing most of his food around his plate. He was clearly trying to make himself eat for the baby, but ended up giving his uneaten stuff to Niall. Harry curled up on the sofa with Lucy, after feeding her of course, to watch the telly while I sat in the recliner with Niall. Niall basically straddled me, reaching up and running his hands over my hair.

"I like that you've grown this back out," he purred.

"Glad you approve," I laughed, and his tail wagged proudly.

Over on the couch, Harry was pressing buttons confusedly on his phone, "What is that one thing... with the typing?"

"Texting?" Niall asked.

"Yes," Harry huffed. "Want to text my Louis."

Niall pecked my lips before crawling off of me to go sit by Harry, holding a hand out for his phone, "You press this little envelope button here to start a new text message. Tap this little box to choose who you want to send it to... go to the L's, which isn't hard cause you just have us and Louis' family's numbers in here... but anyway! Louis. Tap his name, and then you can start typing whatever when the keyboard pops up."

"Oh," Harry said in surprise. "It is not in order of the alphabet..."

"Nope," Niall shook his head. "It's a keyboard, like on a computer."

"Have to find the letters," Harry pouted, slowly typing out: Miss u. Tummy still hurts.

I reached over and pressed a few of the keys, "Make him feel really bad... add in a broken heart."

I typed out a < / 3 and laughed.

Liam sighed at me, "Niall, don't tell Harry to do mean things, you devious little dog boy."

"Would never be mean to my Louis!" Harry gasped in disbelief.

Harry seemingly continued to text Louis, and Niall joined be back on the couch. Eventually Harry fell asleep with his phone cuddled to him, and remained asleep even until lunch. I made us all hotdogs, and then had Niall go wake up Harry. However, the boy only came scrambling back into the kitchen with his ears flattened, "Liam, he says his stomach hurts worse..."

I set down the hotdog bun I was holding, hurrying into the living room to find Harry curled up on the couch and whimpering. His phone had fallen to the floor, but it didn't matter because he was clutching his abdomen anyway.

"Harry," I said, worry making my voice sharp. "What hurts?"

"Tummy," he moaned.

"Yes, but can you show me where?" I asked.

Harry swallowed back a sob, pointing to his lower abdomen, but then he moved his hand to his lower back as well, "Hurts all over here... need my Louis."

"I think you need Dr. Shell," I mumbled worriedly, picking up his phone off the ground. "Call your Louis while I call Dr. Shell?"

"Dr. Shell?" Harry squeaked.

"Just to make sure your baby is alright," I nodded.

"Jelly Bean," Harry's eyes widened. "My Jelly Bean! Did not even think about that, in my tummy... tummy hurts... Jelly Bean is okay?!"

"We'll go see Dr. Shell and find out," I murmured, but that didn't stop Harry from panicking.

"Kicked earlier, though," he tried to calm himself, sitting up but grimacing at the pain. "Jelly Bean is alright, he or she kicked earlier..."

"Did you sleep differently than your normally do?" Niall asked worriedly. "You didn't jostle your stomach, right?"

Harry paled excessively, "T-that could happen? I could do that in my sleep?"

"Niall," I groaned, knowing how much he had probably just panicked Harry.

"Could have hurt my baby?" Harry shrieked.

"I'm sure you-" Niall attempted to soothe, but Harry burst into tears.

"W-want m-my Louis, have to go to Dr. S-Shells!" he wailed. "My b-baby Jelly Bean, p-please, h-has to be o-okay!"

"Call your Louis, then," I told him, already dialing Dr. Shell's number to let him know we'd be coming over.

Harry had his phone on speaker and was sobbing into it the moment Louis answered, "Tummy is hurting so bad, L-Louis, and Niall and L-Liam are s-saying t-that it m-might be J-Jelly B-Bean. I-I might h-have h-hurt our Jelly Bean!"

There was a clatter on the other end, and then Louis was frantically saying, "You're hurting? Are you okay? Why aren't you going to Dr. Shell's, what does it feel like? Have Liam take you to Lucca, I'll meet you there, oh God, it's going to be okay baby, it has to be, you and our baby will be fine, it's alright."

Harry continued to gurgle out apologies to Louis, who of course tried to soothe Harry in return although he sounded just as terrified. Dr. Shell answered with a pleasant, "Hello, Li- what's going on over, there?"

"Harry's stomach is hurting him pretty badly, we're bringing him to you," I said quickly.

"By all means!" Dr. Shell agreed. "Kepa and his... this... well, you'll see I suppose but just come over and bring the boy. We'll take a look. I'm... well, let's just hope nothing too severe is happening."

"Come on, Harry," I called to him, and he looked up at me from where he was still sobbing into the phone.

"You're alright," Niall soothed.

The blonde boy offered Harry a hand up, and the two walked in front of me. Where as Niall's tail was tucked between his legs, Harry's grey sweats had something else on them. A small red splotch that sent terror coursing through me, "Harry, freeze!"

"What?" Louis asked from the phone. "What's the matter?"

"Is that..." I grabbed Harry's hand and led it to the spot, showing him where to touch.

Harry instantly yanked his hand away in confusion, looking to his fingers. Both of our eyes widened, and Harry sucked in a sharp breath, "Blood?!"

Niall yelped in terror, rushing the boy so fast then he dropped his phone and the battery flew out of the back. We left the phone, and it would more than likely leave Louis terrified, but he'd meet us at Dr. Shell's. Harry was sobbing even more hysterically than before, cradling his stomach and whimpering in pain as Niall ushered him into the back seat. Niall slid in next to him, patting at his arms, "Everything is going to be alright. I'm sure everything's fine..."

"Blood!" Harry wailed. "Then why... blood?!"

"I don't know," Niall whimpered defeatedly.

I drove like a mad man towards Dr. Shell's, and even though Harry felt sick he still buckled his seat belt, crooning to his belly, "Oh Harry's little baby I am so s-sorry! You are not feeling good? Is that why I do not feel good, too? So sorry you do not feel good, w-we are going to get you help to m-make you feel all better. B-but you have to stay with Dada, okay? Do n-not leave me, baby Jelly Bean, need you so much! Dada just loves y-you... with a-all my heart!"

The boy's words made tears of my own spill over, dripping down my cheeks and splattering onto the steering wheel. Louis' car was already in front of the building at Dr. Shell's, and the second we pulled up he was leaping from it and rushing towards our car. He opened the front door first, his eyes widening as he saw my tears, and he burst into tears himself, "Oh God, w-why are you crying? Are they okay?"

"In the back," I whispered to him.

Niall was quick to leap out and bustle out of Louis' way so he could reach in and find Harry. Harry squirmed towards Louis, throwing his arms around the older lad and sobbing into his chest, "There is blood! B-blood..."

"Let's get you inside," Louis croaked.

Louis gently ushered the boy, who whimpered and walked slightly hunched over, towards the entrance, and Niall and I followed close behind. We barged into the downstairs lab, startling both Dr. Shell and his brother. Next to his brother was a strange looking bed on wheels... a bit like the beds at the hospitals that keep babies warm. However, Dr. Shell leaped up the moment his attention focused on us, "Oh, you all are crying?"

"Blood," Harry whimpered. "There is blood."

Dr. Shell's eyebrows shot up, "How much blood? Harry, go in the bathroom and check, this is important."

Harry and Louis nodded, and Louis ushered the younger boy gently towards the bathroom. Louis had one hand on Harry's hip and one hand on the boy's tummy as he walked behind him, and both were sniffling. Dr. Shell beckoned us over, and Kepa grinned at us, "Hey! You two are the ones I took hair from that one time!"

"Yes..." I said slowly, freezing and throwing out an arm to stop Niall from walking forward.

Kepa shrugged, "That just means some of your DNA went into the making of this experiment of mine!"

"Kepa," Dr. Shell huffed. "It's not an experiment. It's a person."

Niall's eyes widened, and he instantly raced over to peer into the bed thing next to Kepa. His facial expression softened, and he crooned, "Baby!"

"Cute, hmm?" Dr. Shell chuckled. "Unfortunately the little guy has an undeveloped lung... which, is why he's in the incubator."

"It's a boy?" Niall squeaked, and I slipped up behind him, looking down at the baby. He was average size, but he did look a tad sickly. He had brown wispy fuzz covering his head and a cute baby nose. White fuzzy ears were very visible in the lack of hair, and a tiny white tail poked out from under him. "What's his name?"

"Haven't named him..." Kepa shrugged. "I'm just gonna sell him anyway."

"No you're not!" Niall bellowed suddenly, his hands clenching into fists.

"Easy, Niall..." I touched his arm. "Kepa.... what did you say about our DNA?"

"I put you two's hair into the formula I injected to make this hybrid... cause I couldn't remember whose hair was whose. So yes... your DNA was used to make it," Kepa explained.

"So it's ours?" Niall squeaked.

"Not necessarily," Kepa frowned.

"Yes huh!" Niall argued, looking back to the baby. "So cute... look at his ears! And his nose!"

"He is pretty cute," I agreed. The baby squirmed in his sleep. He was dressed in a white onesie that was lined with green stripes.

"Can I hold him?" Niall pleaded.

Kepa shook his head, "He's sick... he needs to stay in there until he's well enough for me to sell."

"You aren't selling him!" Niall snarled, a deep growl building in his chest as his ears flattened.

Kepa scooted towards Dr. Shell, but then Harry and Louis came back from the bathroom and Dr. Shell moved towards them instead. Harry was still sniffling, but Louis just looked pale and frightened. Dr. Shell offered them both a grin, and I followed him to hear what was happening, "How much blood was there?"

"There's just a little in his briefs, it's," Louis shook his head. "I don't think he's still bleeding? But it came from... um..."

"Yes," Dr. Shell nodded. "And there isn't any skin tissue in the blood, correct?"

Harry made a face of horror, shaking his head, "No... just blood. But... my tummy does not really hurt anymore, either. We can look at Jelly Bean, please? Really just want to see my Jelly Bean."

"We'll do an ultrasound," Dr. Shell nodded, but he looked strangely relieved. "It doesn't seem that you've miscarried, if you need some reassurance. At this many weeks, it's highly unlikely anyway."

"Still have my baby?" Harry squeaked. "Not lost?"

"Right," Dr. Shell agreed. "I don't think you've lost h-... the baby."

"Can I know the gender?" I asked hopefully.

No one answered, however, because Harry was pulling Louis and clambering onto the hospital bed next to the ultrasound machine, talking to his tummy, "We really hope you are feeling better, baby! S-so sorry if my tummy made you feel not good..."

"I think Jelly Bean felt alright," Dr. Shell told the younger boy softly, pushing up his shirt nonchalantly. The trust that Louis and Harry had developed for the bald man was shocking considering events that had happened in the past, but both Harry and Louis looked the screen as Dr. Shell broke out the ultrasound wand and used to it to spread around the gel he had placed on Harry's belly. The ultrasound machine whirred to life, and Harry's insides filled the screen.

"It's too bad I couldn't ever manage to steal the 3D ultrasound..." Dr. Shell rambled gently, trying to break the tension. "At this stage we could get some really cool sonogram images. See what your baby will look like..."

"Just want our baby to be okay," Harry told him sincerely. "It is okay you do not have a 3D ultrasound. This is alright."

Dr. Shell reached over and turned up the speakers, and two different rhythms filled the room. Dr. Shell grinned, looking to me, "The faster one is the baby's... and that heartbeat there is indeed a healthy one."

Louis looked relieved for a minute as Harry made a sound of joy, petting his belly as he sniffled to the baby. But then Louis' face grew frantic, and he seized Dr. Shell's sleeve, "Wait, so Harry is bleeding then? Why is he bleeding, I don't think that's supposed to happen."

"Easy, Lou..." Dr. Shell soothed. "It's called spotting. Pregnant women experience it all the time. It's normal as long as there isn't buckets of blood. Well, I suppose it could be harmful if there were other symptoms... but there weren't. I have good news for you all. You've cleared the higher risking trimesters for miscarriage. You cleared that a good five weeks ago. Your baby should remain well inside of you. The only thing you'd have to worry about would be a premature labor. You don't want labor since you're not made for it, Harry, and you certainly don't want it premature. Your little baby needs to stay in there until it's good and grown."

"So he just randomly bled?" Louis asked skeptically.

"It sounds as if he was experiencing cramps, as well," Dr. Shell nodded. "They didn't sound like Braxton Hicks... which are false contractions, and they didn't sound like real contractions either. Harry will probably bleed a little on and off for the next few days. So you could just keep his briefs clean, or you could actually line his underwear with feminine products if you feel it necessary."

I looked to the boy in sympathy, knowing that I would be mortified in his situation, but it appeared that he could care less. He trying to take the wand from Dr. Shell since the man had removed it from his stomach and made the screen dark.

"Just want to see my Jelly Bean," Harry insisted, and Dr. Shell handed the wand to the boy. Dr. Shell used Harry's distraction to stick something into his Kitten ear slightly, and Harry twitched and squirmed, but Dr. Shell apparently got what he needed.

"His temperature is normal..." he said slowly. "He hasn't vomited, he isn't dizzy. Yeah, I'd say he's fine. His cramping is probably the stretching of his uterus. Gotta make room for baby, right? He can take tylenol for that, if needed. It should only last  few days. What about lactating, though? Have you noticed anything about Harry's chest?"

"Whoa," I gasped before Louis could speak. "Is that even possible?"

"He's a pregnant male, boy, what is normal about any of this?" Dr. Shell laughed.

"Touche..." I mumbled.

"No," Louis shook his head. "The only thing that's growing is his tummy... um... his chest, if anything, is just... more sensitive?"

"Everything is more sensitive, I bet you've noticed," Dr. Shell chuckled, and Louis blushed.

Harry let out a squeal, pointing at the screen, "Look, my Louis!"

Niall scurried over from examining little boy baby to look at the screen, "Whoa, cool..."

"Ha!" Dr. Shell grinned. "Your baby is sucking it's thumb."

Louis sat down carefully on the edge of the bed with Harry, looking at the screen in awe. He leaned and whispered softly to the curly haired boy whose ears had fallen into his hair, "Our baby is sucking his or her thumb..."

"Our baby," Harry keened. "Happy baby... is not sick..."

I turned from the couple, feeling as if I were intruding, and allowed Niall to drag me back over to look at the small little boy. Dr. Shell stopped us, chuckling, "You're pretty interested in Kepa's little boy hybrid, huh? I'll make you a deal... in about two months, when the baby is healthy, you can adopt him if you'd like."

Niall whirled around, "Really?! It will be ours?"

"Don't tell Kepa," Dr. Shell held a finger to his lips.

"We'll have to think about it, Niall," I warned carefully.

"We have two months to do that, but please Liam, oh please, oh please, oh-"

"We'll talk about it," I chuckled for a promise. "I mean... he is pretty cute. And apparently has our DNA?"

"Niall was born a brunette," Dr. Shell told us. "There's a possibility he has Niall's hair color."

Niall turned and raced over to look into the incubator, pulling me behind him. Something told me I wasn't going to be able to talk Niall out of this one, and besides... we'd been married for six months. Niall was responsible if he needed to be... I was fairly certain we could handle a baby.

[Louis' P.O.V]

Harry and I cuddled on the hospital bed after receiving what was probably the biggest scare yet. Harry had called me sobbing, saying his tummy hurt, and I literally thought my heart was going to stop. And then even more so when Harry hung up on me, or I'm not even sure what happened, but once Harry wasn't on the other line anymore, I gave Zayn what I hope was an understandable run by, and then leaped in my car and drove straight to Dr. Shell's.

There was no need to worry, however, because Harry's tummy ache was just his uterus stretching and the little bit of blood was apparently normal as long as it was just blood. It was still scary, however, and I probably wouldn't be soothed if I hadn't have heard the baby's heart beat. Dr. Shell said his temperature was normal, and then he'd gotten distracted. Then again, we were pretty distracted as well. Our baby sucked his or her thumb. We'd seen it on the screen, and I didn't know I was capable of feeling such a strong emotion of adoration. Then again, I didn't know I was capable of feeling such love for Harry and our baby, but the love I felt was nearly smothering.

"Baby wants you to talk to him or her," Harry announced to me as Dr. Shell took his blood pressure. Niall and Liam were across the room, examining what I supposed was another baby, the experiment Kepa had made. Niall noticed me staring, standing and asking Kepa if he could show us. The boy shrugged, so Niall carefully wheeled the weird bed thing towards us. I peered into it, seeing an adorable baby boy dressed in white with green stripes sleeping in the bed. He had brown hair with white ears, a tiny white tail, and Niall was staring at him with the biggest eyes I'd ever seen on the boy.

Harry turned, confused as to why I was no longer paying attention to him, but he gave a dimpled grin at the sight of the baby in the bed, "Oh! So tiny!"

"Isn't he adorable?" Niall gushed, and Liam stepped up behind him, a small grin on his face.

"What's his name?" Harry asked.

"Uh," Niall looked to Liam. "Can we name him?"

"You should give him the middle name... James! Because... it is your guys' middle names?" Harry offered.

"How about his first name!" Niall crowed. "Mix it up a little bit..."

"That is kind of adorable," Liam shrugged.

"Baxter! James Baxter!" Niall grinned.

"Baxter James," Harry tried.

"Oh," Niall nodded. "I like that better."

"I do, too, actually," Liam nodded.

"No use naming him, I'm just gonna sell him!" Kepa called. "Bring him back."

Niall turned around, sadly wheeling the baby back over. Liam followed to comfort the younger lad, and Harry frowned, looking to me, "Niall and Liam can have Baxter, right?"

"I hope so, lovely," I said slowly. "That would be cool, hmm? Baxter and Jelly Bean could be friends."

"Yes!" Harry's face lit up. "Baxter would have to be nice to our Jelly Bean... because he will be older."

"Of course," I nodded. "Everyone will have to be nice to our Jelly Bean."

"Everyone," Harry agreed.

I wrapped my arm around the boy's waist, resting my head on his shoulder as he continued to watch our baby wiggle around on the screen, "I'm so glad you two are healthy... I love you both, so much, you know that?"

"Me and Jelly Bean love you too," Harry nodded. "You are my Louis, you are Jelly Bean's daddy... matter to us! Love you!"

I leaned to kiss his lips, "Thank you, lovely."

Once Harry was okay-ed to go home, Niall and Liam stayed to visit with Dr. Shell and Kepa, and I was fairly certain it was so they could talk more about little Baxter. At home, Harry and I took a bath before snuggling on the couch. Harry had to wear boxers, just in case he was still spotting a little, but luckily he didn't appear to be. I made us spaghetti for dinner, and then we watched Aristocat's until Harry was sleepy. That night as we curled up together to sleep, I rubbed Harry's back, his feet, and his tummy.

"Love you so much, my Louis," Harry told me quietly once I'd crawled back up and curled myself around him.

"I love you, too, darling," I hummed. "You and Jelly Bean."

Harry sighed contentedly, wiggling back better and moving my hands to rest on his tummy. With both of our hands on Harry's swollen belly, we slipped into a comfortable sleep.

[A/N2]: I didn't edit! Plus I still don't know much about babies... so if I mess up... LEAVE ME AL
ONE D: Just kidding, feel free to correct me in an inbox message and I'll attempt to explain my methods.

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