This Is Where We Fall (Hetali...

By mochikitty

38.9K 2.1K 2K

How are nations during the zombie apocalypse? They are just like their citizens, trying to survive. In a worl... More

The Beginning of the End (Prologue)
"Not Yet" -France & England-
"Tears for the Dead" -Russia & China-
"Ribbons" -Sweden & Finland-
"Voices" -France & England-
"What's Done Is Done" -Sweden & Finland-
"Don't Look Back" -Russia & China-
"So Close" -France & England-
"By the Sea" -Sweden & Finland-
"I Love You" -France & England-
"You There?" -Sweden & Finland-
"Silence" -France-
"Welcome" -Sweden & Finland-
"Lost and Found" -France, Canada & America-
"Silver and Blood" -Denmark, Sweden, Finland-
"The Story of Tonight" -France, Canada, America-
"Stay Alive" -Arthur-
"Here?" -Finland, Denmark-
"Red Metal" -FACE family-
"Unspoken History" -FACE family-
"Rest" -Berlin-
"A Perfect Night" -Berlin-
"I'm Sorry, Dearly Beloved"
This is Where We Fall | pt.1
This is Where We Fall | pt.2
This is Where We Fall | pt.3
Goodbye, Until Tomorrow [Epilogue]

"Bunnies and Eggs" --Russia & Lithuania--

1.2K 73 20
By mochikitty

It was mid-afternoon and the light outside filed through the blinds, casting thin rays of the sun on the wooden floorboards. Not much illuminated the interior of the cabin, but that didn't matter. Light was the least of their problems.

Ivan sat in the corner of the room, hugging his knees to his chest. Dried blood smeared on his cheek. Violet eyes were dull and stared at the empty wall before them. The Russian hadn't moved from that spot ever since the Lithuanian had taken him in. The memories of what took place were still fresh in his mind. His family was gone, now Yao was gone too. It was fully settling in.

Toris stood before him, leaning against the wall. Currently, he was cleaning the blade of his pocketknife with an old handkerchief he had found in an abandoned car. Not much was said between the two ever since the death of Yao and the return of the old master and servant. Ivan remained silent and dulled due to the loss of yet another person he cared about. Loss was so much more frequent now in the world.

"Berlin is ways away, but I'm sure we'll reach there soon if we travel at a steady pace..." Toris broke the silent with his soft voice, looking over at the Russian. Green eyes coated with gentleness and purity which was so hard to find nowadays. Even through these times, the Lithuanian's demeanor never changed. "That's where you were headed, right? All nations are heading there so I would be surprised if you weren't."

No answer came from the Russian. Ivan merely sat there, hugging his knees tighter to his chest. If it wasn't for his slight movement of his shoulders from his breathing someone could mistake him for a statue. What was the point in moving anyways? Everything had turned to shit and the future was just even more shit. Why not just stay put forever?

Toris stared at Ivan for a moment before sighing softly. They had to keep moving if they ever wanted to make it to Berlin. Herds came nearly every day and it only took time before they found them in this cabin. But, seeing Ivan's current condition, they weren't getting anywhere. Berlin was essential and once they got there, they'd be safe. That's the safe haven for all nations. Who knows, maybe they'd find some survivors? There were loads of countries Toris didn't know the statuses of. That included the other Baltics and Germanics.

After a second to think, the Lithuanian walked over and picked up his backpack from the opposite side of the room and walked back over to Ivan. Knowing the large man, his mentality still fixated towards the child side. So, a way to gain back his attention and self was to gain his attention using ways as one would do with a child. Toris sat down beside Ivan and unzipped his backpack.

"Hey, Ivan.." The Lithuanian said, hands rummaging around the bag. His tone was calm and slightly mixed with forced cheer. "I know something that'll turn your mood around." A small smile curled the edges of his lips as he pulled out a pair of soft bunny slippers. They were grey and had little bunny ears sticking up and a little pink nose on each foot. Ivan glanced up and stared at the slippers. No physical reaction, just a stare.

"They look cute..." A soft mumble escaped his lips as his violet eyes stared into the beady ones of the bunny slippers. Toris chuckled when he received a reply. It was an emotionless one and quiet, but it was still something.

"It is cute, isn't it." The brunette said, setting the slippers beside Ivan's feet. "You can have them... They look about your size."

The Russian glanced at where Toris set the slippers, feeling his stomach turn. Those slippers looked just like any old slippers you'd find around a house. Simple slippers one would wear to keep their feet warm at night as they roamed the rooms. Different rooms that had sleeping people in them. Or maybe people who were studying or working on their job. Oh, they resembled so much of the past-

Before Ivan could think any further, Toris spoke again.

"And, I found this when I broke into an old toy store." The Lithuanian pulled out a hand sized plastic egg, one someone would usually find in a fake kitchen set. Toris smiled brightly as he reached into his bag once more to pull out a black sharpie. Ivan looked over, curious to see what the other man was doing with a plastic egg.

"What are you.." Ivan began to ask. His question was answered before he could even finish. Toris turned over to him and held up the plastic egg. A grumpy face now was scribbled on the front, which was the reason of the sharpie.

"It's an angry egg! See!" Toris exclaimed with a bright grin. He moved it about before Ivan, imitating a voice for it. "Hello! I'm the angry egg! When I'm mad, I turn into a boiled egg!" He spoke in an obnoxious and goofy tone, making weird facial expressions as he did so. Ivan watching him, a little smile cracking his blank expression. Toris continued to make weird noises while moving around the egg, hoping this made Ivan feel better. It did. The Russian giggled softly which turned into a happy laugh.

"Heh... That is much of the weirdness. The angry egg is very funny." Ivan said with a slight smile. Yes, that childish tactic did work into getting him more active. Toris chuckled softly as he slipped the angry egg into the bunny slippers.

"You're back." Toris said, looking over at Ivan with the same smile. The Russian looked back, his smile faltering but still remaining.

"I've always been here." Ivan replied, scratching the side of his cheek.

"Yeah, but not mentally... You've been unresponsive and spacing out. Now, you're here." Toris leaned back against the wall, glancing over at the man. "Are you okay now?"

Ivan lowered his gaze as his grin disappeared yet again. An almost inaudible sigh came from him as he gave a slight shrug. "I don't know... I don't like the world. I don't like how things are now." Toris exchanged a sigh and nodded.

"I know... I don't like how things are either. But hey, it doesn't mean it can't change. When we get to Berlin, will meet up with the others and talk about how we can fix the world. We'll be able to get rid of this whole mess."

That's what would happen if they get to Berlin. All the remaining nations would gather up and discuss a way to get rid of the undead and reconstruct the world. Hopefully, there would be enough nations to do so. From the looks of it, even the strongest and long-lasting ones had fallen..

"Do you think you can stick around and join me into going to Berlin?" Toris said after a moment, looking over at Ivan. Ivan turned his head slowly towards the Lithuanian, keeping his eyes casted down.

"I suppose I can..." He answered dully. What was the point? If he stayed, his risks and future in this world would be the same. So, why not just join the Lithuanian. At the answer, Toris let out a light laugh.

"Great!" He nudged Ivan softly on the arm. "Now, how about you turn that frown upside down. If you don't, the angry egg will get even more angry. We wouldn't want that now, would we?" Toris pulled out the egg again and waved about the Russian's face. Ivan looked at in as a wave of giggles erupted from him again.

"I'm sorry, angry egg. I don't want you to be angry."

So, there they were. Ivan was now with Toris. The two were now together to continue their journey to Berlin; in hopes of bringing back the old world.

Author's Note:

As stated in my other fic, I apologise for the very late update. Some personal issues came up and I haven't had time nor energy to update any of my fanfics. But I'm back now.

Anyways, I hope you like this chapter!

Please leave your feedback in the reviews/comments! I love to hear them!

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