2 run away princesses at scho...

By JustAUnii

18.6K 451 291

Nicole and I are twin and went to school together. But my dad the lord of Scaleswind try to make me quite sch... More

Chapter 1 the new kids
Chapter 2
Athor note
Athlr note
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Thank you
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
#weforgiveyoujess #weloveyoujess
You people are awesome
Chapter 11
O my goodness
Chapter 12
What should i do
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 15
Yay yay yay
Update on contest
End of contest & winner
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
On hold now
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25: The End

Chapter 5

762 15 15
By JustAUnii

~~~Your POV~~~
When Garroth left I saw Nicole and Aph walk in.
"Soo do you like him." Nicole ask.
"Yes. But I don't know if he like me." I said with a smile.
"Garroth told us you guys kissed." Aph yelled.
"Yeah it was mag-." I was cut off because Garroth knocked on the door.
"Yes Garroth." We all say
"Can we plz go back to lunch or do you want me to drag you 3 girls to meet my sis." Garroth said.
"Wait ok." We said.
"Ok." Garroth said. So Nicole, Aph, and I turn off the light and hide.
"You can come in now Garroth." I said in a happy tone. So Garroth and Unifishy came in.
"Come out." Garroth said in a scary tone. We did not say anything in stead we tackle Garroth.
"Can you plz turn on the light Unifishy." Garroth said
"Ok." Unifishy said in light happy tone
"So did you get scared Garroth." I said
"N-No." Garroth said and studder
"Mmhmm but on the other hand who is this." We ask
"O hi I'm Unifishy I'm Garroth sister." Unifishy said
"Hi I'm (N/A) and this is my twin Nicole and my friends aphmau." I said
"Yeah. So Unifishy are you going to enroll to this school or what." Garroth ask
"YES. I don't want to go back home with Zane or dad. They will actually kill me because thay aways hated me." Unifishy said in a happy tone but a tear came down
"Ok. Hey Aph can (N/A), Nicole, and Unifishy lives with us." Garroth ask and looking at Aph
"Yes. But I think it time we go back to lunch now." Aph said
"Ok." We all yelled. So we all got out of the girl restroom and went to the lunchroom. We sat down and talk but Unifishy sat their and drew. Then 2 boy walk up to us and sat down in front of us.
"Can I help you." I ask in a confuse tone.
"Agh (N/A) those are the 2 most popular boys in this school." Aph whisper to me
"O sorry I'm laurnce and this is Danta." Lurnce told me
"Hi I'm (N/A). I saw you guys dancing with Aph and Nicole." I said
"Ok so I saw you dancing with Garroth." Danta said
"Ok. So why did you really come here." I said
"We wanted to ask you guys something." Donta said
"Ok what do you need to ask us." Nicole and I said at the same time
"We wanted to ask tomorrow we have to learn a new dance and we were wondering do you guys want to partner up again." Laurnce and Donta said
"YES!!" Nicole and Aph yelled. After we all talk awhile the bell rang.
"Bye lurnce and Donta." Nicole and Aph said.
~~~Unifishy POV~~~
After Nicole, Aph, and (N/A) jumped Garroth and Garroth interduce me. We went back to the cafeteria. I sat down and grabbed my sketch book from my pastel pink bag and 2 boys came up to ask something. I ignore them and drew Garroth and (N/A) holding hands.
"What this." Garroth whispers to me
"O it you and (N/A) holding hands." I whisper back
"Why Unifishy." Garroth whisper back
"Why because you like her. It pretty avios." I whisper back. After I said that Garroth look at me and turn back in to realty and blushed alittle bit.
The pic above is me. But yeah I don't like to make a long chapter and so their that. I'm making a other one because I'm bord and I don't have my iPad on mon -Thursday.
From one and only Unifishy

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