Inglorious Impostor Presents:...

By sufman456

12.6K 314 192

The following content is designed for a tolerant, but not limited to a knowledgeable audience. Reader's discr... More

🖐️🏽🤔New Synop: Prefaced
The Narcotic Affair
An Interrogative Tale
Interrogation (2)
Penitentiary Plan
Escape From the Clink
Layout of the Bank
The Second Heist
Remarks & Twists
Liberty City Darking
Rob Jones
Connect the Shots
The Adventures of Blackman & iRob-Bins
The Aweing
Out with the Old & In with the New
I'm No Hero
A Nostalgic Appeal
Sailor Mouth
Intro to the Benjamins
Paradise & Unorthodox
Heist (3)
The Pacific, Detroit
Axel's and F's
United Tech (H4)
Kokomo Arkansas
The Object That Lived
A Dealer Once Said...
Blacking Out of the Charade
Part 31: Caught
Paradise & Unorthodox (2)
Elongated Schemes
The Man on Fire: I
Black to the Present
A Group Called:
The Trump/West Story
I Do Remember
Life of a Mack
Old Spice
A ?
Fake $1
The Hood
Nostalgics Anonymous
51st Grammy Awards
Teeth of the Century
BoyZ in Tha Hood
Misleading Titles
Just Watch Vid
Good O'l Pal
Black Jesus Returns!
The Final Blow
Screw You
The New Year
A King Wit Soul Mon
The One Who Drifted Away
At it Again 😧
Brief Intermission ( A/N Time!)
Now You See Me, Now You Won't
The 70s
The Final Aiih
Chill III
Chill IV/C4
C'V': Specialization
C6: Intercourse & High
C7: Frustration & Fury
Q & A (2)
Just Watch Vids (2)
C8: Multi-Talk😉
C10: Double & Magic🔥
Screw You (2)
The Journey of Distance
Woke Views~ Intertwining II

Aiih (2)

106 3 4
By sufman456

Again huh? Constant f-bombs and racial slurs ( which all it really is is the n-word). Recycle and reuse I see. Reused garbage from your previous hit ( is that what you call it?) and stating that fans hate you and of course, the infamous trap queen and "letting them bands go." Negro who wants to hate on you? We're just criticizing and writing detailed reviews. Obviously; ( bdw, always talking about the strip club so ain't you cheating on yo trap queen. Letting bands go. What kind of screwed up relationship is that?!) nowadays the white women not only flock on people similar to how you act but they attempt to imitate you by proving that they have a ginormous arsh but ( WHICH THEY DON'T YOU HARLOTS. AHH, the open sea. See what I did there? Right: outdated term. Wrong: There were no black pirates back then during the age of plunder and invention of the idea of robbery, thievery, harassment, etc. Which eventually spread across the Americas and significantly impacted the government at the time meaning that there was no democracy and instead, totalitarianism was encouraged. FUN FACT: I was just kidding. Imagine if that did happenz. This just in, ahh crap! Are you serious?! The SOMALIAN GOLD DIGGERS I SHOULD SAY. Slaves in ships headed towards the Americas is another example. Am I right?). Aihh. Don't get why every song starts of with a snare drum and a bass. Black music is the definition I presume, said my cracker Holmes. Hatin? More like eff the police. "How we do," how general and ill-advised could you possibly be? Vague fool. Freaking dropout. The Little Nine from Arkansas in 1957. There you go, rap about that. Degrading BET's audiences' knowledge ( how degraded can it already get? Hyah!) Moreover, married to the money I also observe? You ******' censored. Money doesn't buy you happiness. Money doesn't grow on trees. More importantly, money doesn't wipe your arsh clean. I oughta wake ya ass up 'n point a ***** glock to your ****** teeth. We'll see if he needs either a dentist and/or security. Money only gets you so far. You 🏃🏿🔫👐🏾👐🏾💰rs and your dreams. Being wealthy is only limited in a vast array of options, depending on how you spend the greens. Ask me, I'm a financial expert always... at your side.¿

Money is power but it isn't the key to life. What you're teaching young 💩💩ggas on the street whom I happen to play basketball with is to be a dopehead who doesn't know how to drive along with cooking pies. You don't cook pies you bake them! Infuriating baboon.

Write about those experiences as opposed to you writers who want talk about.... Kissing my brown arsh. Aiih. Here's your homework for tonight, other than touching yourself of course, compare the garbage on Wattpad with my intro. Not only that but see if it meets what I'm talking about and repeat and reuse with that vile video. You'll be supposed just how many similarities you might have. Yadda, it's been a while since I've used that word.

America, America. We are united, we are free and we show our smiles with obligated glee. Not only you and me, but whoever the US happens to be involved with (The Middle East err..., got blown for a sec.) and the [bleeping/censored as my imaginary orchestra swiftly flourished and backs down suddenly] blaaaaaaaaackiiiiiineeeeeese!!!

Your lifestyle is driving people crazy. So why drive them to the state of mentally insane you turd. It's as if though you try to put emotion to your songs but we all know that that's the satisfied feeling of [drumroll]... That money and marijuana or "high grade," like how MJ suddenly went "dark" (which reminds me, go see Tropic Thunder. I haven't seen it because it's not on Netflix and it's rated 'r'... Hehehehehee! I'm a baby typing with my little rattle. I said it like a pedophile. and like how the movie industry is drastically going down too. Nothing inappropriate this time round. CGI, movies about the end of the human race every since the Mayans were wrong. Maybe they weren't. They could've predicted that tech could get advanced to a point where we all become lazy or that certain things are starting to go downhill...[This is where you comment🔫]

Wow. I can't believe it! I think the crack/cocaine (racism) is finally starting to wear off! Said the crack hose in Jose's backyard; lowrider's. Get outta here America and Waffle with your ill-gotten gains and stuff a Hershey's bar down your throat and gag for me (women only). ****** isidksoo ( now you'll never know what I said because well... that's for you to figure out). Hey.... Aiih!!!¿¿

My apologies America. When around the colored, I'm typically a soft-hearted person at best interest.

*Update* Desperate mumfunka. Doing it only for the money. Moreover, why are black people the only people who can say the n-word? Come on now, white people used to say it before you and all of a sudden, you own the word. That's all, you may proceed. Next! That's what I said when I watched some music videos but that's what I didn't say when I watched the Anaconda video by Minajjj. Prrrr, said you, a particularly active teenage boy. Freaks and Geeks... Hyah! I mean, I would tear up those arshes in that music video as that's what my Anaconda's for but, similar to an alligator in Louisiana, I'd take an alternative route and hit the jackpot from there, if you know what I mean. = Beating meat, like Rocky. My hero and inspiration. I want to be as strong as him. And for you douchebags who considered that as masturbation you sir/madam are wrong! Good day. I SAID GOOD DAY!

#1.those- Do not fear my fellow heathens, patrons, blacks, and Latinos. Ahh and let us not leave behind the crackers, similar how they did to us with British Parliament during our Revolution. John Oliver partially knows what thy twalks 'bout. Now onto business. Shall we malady? Ooh, my elbow and neck just popped at the same time. So, yes women harlots that are fully grown adults and not kids with *blank*, it's recommended and even order by the African monarch and your lord and saviour. Colour. Hah hah. Funny but do not refrain from slurping my **ck, not **ck as that belong to whites. First order of business, I hereby declare that such a subject is not permissible to be spoken by any person's mouth or so shall my salt shakers help me I'll have me bloody men devour your souls and unnecessarily behead you. Ahh, that refreshing drink of arse was quite quenching, would you say not ghetto Mr. Rogers? Eviction notice?! I'm afraid I cannot help you there my dear old sap. Now onto the second and final piece of this so-called business. Chapters related to the storyline are a-brewing in a steaming but bubbly cauldron of ship in my stomach. Patience is quite the virtue my friends. The reward will be most rewarding and desirable to those underneath rotten soil, hard-workers in the sun. Be warned and do not be deceived with women's looks. Stand your ground and tell them... Who's Rick Ross or big daddy? [This was done in a British, etc¿ accent (s¿)]

#2 in both the toilet and update: Which reminds me, the n-word ( excuse my language, both the incomplete and full word that was said a lot). Was that err... was that term somehow derived from what slave o-owners used to call the workers on the field ( My goal, as of this update, is to not be harsh. #Compton #NWA) when they were just taking a break? What I'm stuck on is how this word transferred over into modern society but it's origins were both derogatory and centuries ago. Sure that's the English language for yah but the n-word seems to have this, for lack of a better word, brutal history surrounding it. Why use it to shout out to some one? I get it in a context when you're just calling someone homeboy or buddy for the crackers out there but an instructor of mine one said that only the ignorant use that word. So are African-Americans ignorant is my question? Lacking knowledge, sure, if they aren't from the US but if they're from the US then that's a completely different story. The way they act is ghetto, there parents didn't teach them any better yet those students who go to school with them have to respect that and let them have their fun/hooliganism tolerated because of what?

Ahh, it's fun to mismatch rappers. See what I did. Told the truth... Is there err... Anything in particular sticking out? In addition, older sisters. What's up wit dat? Dere irritating, constantly bring up what they did for you in the past as well as the struggles they had to experience along with frequently giving out orders to their brothers because she claims that she's had to do a lot worse. Jeez. Not only that but... [That's uhh... that's where you come in. Fill in the blank. Ahh come on! I've been you a surplus of opportunities to comment! Go fondle yourself! Defecated holes, crackers, too afraid for my version of legal reform. Go gag yourself America. Jeez, I attempt to make a comeback after a lengthy writer's block and I get jack. What a surprise. Refer to the "Screw You" chapter for more details].

That, ladies and gentlemen and 'private', is my question to you. Hyah, finally ended on an ambiguous note.

Update as of when this fool decided to become a grumbling imbecile, going on about "love" which is lust along with contradicting himself when Waffle says he's not doing it for the pushy ( you know what I mean) but instead something else but that's besides the point, he then goes on by saying that he's going to eff that hypothetical woman on sight , thus uhh...proving my point. Not to mention making up words like zoowap ( guess that's what he graduated with). Now into business, I also can't deny the fact that I'm chasing pushy as well from a Latina. Moving onto professional business, ahem, my original intentions were to post the 675 or 679 bullcrap video by Washp Yo Self and his infamous, narrow-minded, overly ambitious pals but due to Wattpad having video content copyright issues with vids throughout YouTube at the time, well you already know how it is Silento watch me whip ( repeat x100000000) and me simply not having the time due to my original aspiration of focusing on solely the narrative. Well, if you'll allow me to, let me proceed with me journey of cranking up the following ( supplies sold separately. HYAH!): Hotline Bling with crappy parodies made from only one culprit ( : tightie WHITIES!) , the Weeknd with supposed MJ resemblance which really is just heavy auto tune and teenage shwip along with his hair kicking in tharr good voice though ( gosh, the only reason as to why I'm typing like you do nowadays with abbreviations and codes and whatnot is because of views, lemme just get the straight before you get all hyped up. Sorry, I meant America. Boy, it'd be funny if China was reading this. Communism, billions over there, Yeun currency going down and having shut down the stock market, and purely authentic gangs along smoking and all with pop stars and anime pork. Replace k with n. Additionally, I still respect the Chinese yah know. In fact, genetically speaking, it is possible that I'm related to Genghis Khan who's Mongolian I know but we all like noodle so please unite thank you appreciate. ), the song Lean On and it's weird music video most likely WHITE PEOPLE HAVING A LACK OF THERE OWN CULTURE AND HAVING TO EXPLOIT OTHERS AND CALL IT THERE OWN ALONG WITH HAVING TO SHOW YOUR VAJAY JAY TO THE WORLD ( better take note of this. It's indispensable.
Moreover, I meant to mention this in the China quote but screw it, here we go. ELLLLLL CHAAPO or simply, without the rolling of tongue and Latina festive celebrating theme, EL CHAPO BOI. My iggwah, done got arrested disappointedly. Dis fool, turnin round unshaven, gray hairs from too much of dat Internet shmex that America be going to. Joaquin Guzman last name Phoenix, for those of you that got the joke ahem, Pablo Escobar's descendant ( excluding the KC ROYALS) has fatally disappointed and the US now wants him extradited?! Stay tuned right after this's...), the two imbeciles mentioned in the chapter misleading titles should go and listen to sorry by Justin Bieber in order survive through another "that time of month again," Elli Goulding's one swing and a miss through the ballpark or attempt at being black by using the snare drum in her Delirium album ex's and oh's was the one particular song that came into mind, Demi Lovato's confident ( Hyah, Fetty wapz 679 for those of you that stuck around, my mistake) uggh fool confident repeatedly what's wrong with being Snapple Apple snaps punching people and lookin like the girl from agents of shield ( don't ask caught a glimpse like your mother did when she caught you doing [no need to elaborate]) and the music video being weird because it takes place in a prison and some old dude on a laptop I meant ended so many overwhelming questions jeez and I just gotta as my self... What be wrong wit bein' confident? True question yo, to resemble our fellow Canadians that somehow caught on by hitching on a joyful ride ginger ale.

If thou did not get joke allow me to explain. Sweet and short version: confidence and busting out of jail, getting arrested again, and aa old dude controlling a girl who got Lovato ( all in music vid bdw) busted in da first place and then both of them retaliating against the mastermind. Not to mention men being portrayed as weaklings. Da bleep. What's the correlation there? You tell Lovato. After all, you do like getting back up and trying even harder. I oughta go uh uh uh thrust on yo ugly ash ( CPR).

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