Escape From the Clink

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A week passes by. Just a day before their escape, Rob and Black check to verify that they have everything they need so the plan's outcome isn't disastrous. "Just like we discussed. A clean escape and we leave no evidence behind. We take out the guards using caution and stealth. Our destination is to a friend of mine: Igger. Once we're at his place, we'll figure out things from their. We have all the supplies, right?"

" Knife, food, a pin, and a pick axe from the craft class. Think that's it. With those keys, we'll be able to get almost anything along the way. I should know by now."

"Good thinking. Now all we have to do now is wait."

The following night...

"This is the big day! Remember Black, just like we discussed. Unlock the door, silently take out any guards in our way and move the body into a closet, and we go through the ducts and up to the roof. There we'll see a parking lot not too far from here and we'll break into a car and leave, leaving no tracks behind. No pun intended. Remember to avoid the lights."

"I can easily hotwire the car but won't the car alarm go off?"

"With the supplies, along with a car key, I think we'll be just fine. Just remember to use your skin color and acquired skills to its fullest potential. Got it?".

Just before unlocking the door, Black surveyed the hallway to make sure the coast is clear and the all the inmates were asleep. "We're in the green. Let's go!".

Rob and Black wandered along the halls in the dark, blending in with it. The duo looted closets and storage rooms for things they might need later on. Since the exit door is locked and heavily guarded, they travel through the ducts, just like they planned, and up to the roof.

"Did you hear shuffling in the ducts?" Asked a guard in the lunchroom.

"Check it out. Can't you see I'm eating?" A second guard replied, somewhat irritated.Through an open vent, Black used his dark color to blend in with the shadows as he slowly opened the ceiling tile and wrapped his arms around the sentinel, inserting a knife into the guard's neck while covering his muffled screams. Loads of fat and other unknown substances prevented the knife from sinking in. Luckily, it wasn't blood that leaked, it was quite the contrary; sugar and Little Debbie snacks. The knife slid almost instantly, as if though it was smeared in butter. But in the the end, the convict killed the officer.

"What a pig!" Whispered Rob as he peeked through the vent, looking at the officer's corpse and looking back at his bony figure. Black then dragged the body into one of the storage rooms and quickly climbed back into the vent, without the slightest bit of attention drawn.

"Jimmy, where'd you go? I need you to order the 'Justice Served Pizza'."

"Hurry up Black!" The, what appeared to be, shadows finally reached the rooftop and swiftly descended to the ground, taking out guards along the way like any other convicted African-American would do. Rob and Black then sprayed the stuff that you would normally spray on dead bodies in order to get rid of bad odors: finally reached their first destination and Black hot-wired the car while Rob disabled the alarm. The Ebola-contaminated figures then made their grand escape.

-I strongly urge you ( bird feces, burnt toast, beanie, noodle, etc.) listen with caution to each selected soundtrack within each comprehensive chapter. It truly establishes certain things and the tone.

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