Beneath Your Beautiful {A Lol...

By selenagomezrox1999

35.9K 647 249

In several love stories there is the concept of opposites attracting but in this case they are exactly the sa... More

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Well, He's Wrong
One Of Those Girls
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A Date...With You?
Certainly Made An Effort
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You Know Each Other?
You Don't Know?
Are You Scared, Babe?
Goodbye Present
Selena? Interesting...
The More The Merrier, Right?
So, Let's Get Packing...
Until, Now
I Need Different
I Hate Him And That's All...
She Better Like It Rough
As My Saviour
You Never Expect The Unexpected
I Really Hate That Guy...
What a Surprise!
Whether She Likes It Or Not
I Will Make Her Love It.
Logan's Not Coming To Save You This Time
The Faint Whimpers
Whirling Blackness
All for the Best

What Do I Do With A Boy Like You?

1K 26 17
By selenagomezrox1999

Logan's P.O.V

Although questions were flashing in my head, desperate to receive an answer I kept quiet whilst she winced and moaned as I treated her cuts. How did the cuts get there? Something definitely wrong is going on. With the knowledge on her feisty and confident bad girl cover, I doubt that she is a suicidal. I remained silent since I knew how it felt to have your personal, unwanted secrets questioned. My parents died in a car crash when I was five, a car crash that could never be forgotten. I still picture the vague but clear and daunting image of them, driving together to pick me up from school, only for them to be picked up and hurled across to heaven by a lorry. The most perfect parents with the most imperfect death. Day after day, I lurked under those shadows, not wanting to be or questioned and day after day, I gradually began to paint layers of this bad boy onto me.

With this experience, I decided to allow those questions to remain silent and focus on those ugly cuts, tracing her beautiful cream skin. Here I am now, looking through my suitcase, picking out a grey V-neck T-shirt and a pair of black jeans, still thinking about what formerly happened. I'd never done that before. I've never knelt down in front of a girl to treat her cuts, I've never been a gentlemen and I've never even smiled before. Something is seriously going wrong with me. First butterflies in my stomach, now Mr Gentleman. This is going too far. I shake my head, with a hint of reluctance as I decide that I will always be the bad boy I always was and never change for anyone. Slipping on my jeans, I sigh. That's just not me. Well, guess that means back to taunting and teasing Selena. I grin - not smile - as I make my way out of the room and head over to my poor victim's room. Well, you can say Bad Boy's back in town so you better watch out, ladies.

Running my fingers through my wet hair, I stride towards her room, hidden by closed door.


Selena's P.O.V

Cautiously, I remove my towel, trying not to hurt my arm. From my bag, I grab a pair of light denim shorts and a sleeveless white top, along with my underwear. With no intention, to do so, my mind immediately clicks to Logan and the sneak peek of what's under that load of bad boy crap. I could say, I miss bad boy a lot. Just as I try to hook my bra after putting on my pants, I hear Taylor at the door.

"Hey Sel, can I come in?" I hear her ask.

"Sure" I respond. Just to clarify, we are not lesbians, just good friends that don't mind seeing each other naked.

My back towards the door, I hear the creak alerting me that it's open and she's inside the room. A few seconds later, I hear the door close whilst I struggle to clip these stupid straps togther.

"Hey Taylor" I call out, " Can you hook this flippin' bra for me?"

Instead of a reply, I feel fingers work at the back of my bra and once it finally hooked together, I sense those finger tracing my back, before pulling me into to a muscular body by the hips. Swiftly, I push the body from behind and turn around only to to see, no Taylor but Logan.

"Hey, babe. Didn't expect me?" he begins, observing the shocked expression on my face before again pulling me by my bare hips with his warm hands, towards his body, chest to chest. Not a very suitable position since I'm only in a bra. Well, probably I jinxed the 'missing the bad boy' matter.

"What about... about Taylor... what are you..." I waffle repeatedly before he places his finger on my lips to shut me up.

"You can say I'm a good impressionist," he bragged, amazingly transforming his deep voice into what seems like Taylor's.

"Get off me, you pig" I exclaim, roughly pushing him off me.

Instead, he harshly pushes me against the wall, his body pressed against mine, just like usual but now only causing me to wince due to the pain shooting up my arm. Immediately, stepping back, he grunts and stares at the bandaged hand which now had blood seeping through it. I glare at him, my eyes burning with fire. Before I can say anything he takes the roll of bandage which is propped on the bedside table and wraps more around my injured arm. Soothing out the creases, he moves back analysing his masterpiece.

I cross my arms, eventually after a painful series of movements, expecting something. Like an apology. Instead of what I need, he moves forward his warm breath brushing against my neck. His husky and painfully sexy voice, he whispers, " Take care, babe"

God, he has just crossed the limits. He casually strides out of the room before turning around sending a quick wink whilst I remain standing, clenching my fists in attempt to control my anger. Standing their motionless, speechless and cloth-less. Rubbing my throbbing arm, I sigh. Guess I should not have missed the bad boy.


Logan's P.O.V

Now I feel like me. Well, that was just the beginning; there is so much more up my sleeve. Chace and I are now waiting for the girls, in order to step out of this cabin and enter a world of exhaustion. I don't know why I even agreed to go this stupid worthless camp. Nothing, but a load of crap. Finally, after a painful waiting of 30 minutes they now arrive, dressed up only soo to be grubbed up. My eyes run down Selena's beautiful body, that is covered -  if it wasn't it would be even better -in a white top and denim shorts that really showed her sexy legs off. Although it's boiling like hell in here, I realised she is wearing a long sleeved white jumper but I soon remind myself of the incident and the fact she wants to probably hide it from Taylor and Chace. Rolling her eyes at my previously pervy reaction, she starts to exit the cabin as I reached out and grabbed her ass, pulling her back towards me, whilst Taylor's running in front along with Chace. Instead of the feisty push I usually receive, I feel Selena's fingers run down my chest sexily, whilst she smirks seductively. To my utter surprise, she reaches up on her tiptoes and her plump lips edge dangerously close to mine, our breaths intermingling. The pleasure, is only brought to a halt, when she steps on my foot - hard - and whilst I curse like a madman she leans over my shoulder and huskily mumbles, "Take care, babe", before sexily strutting ahead, her hips swaying to the inaudible rhythm. She seriously needs to know who she's messing with. This only means....payback. And, damn does this foot hurt. She needs to stop stamping on poeple's foots.

During my pleasant viewing of the swaying of a hips, Taylor interrupts my admiration by waving her hand in front of my face. Twirling a strand of her blond wavy hair around her finger, she cocked her eyebrows expecting something; something not good.

"What?" I ask, irritated.

"Our deal, remember?" she says tilting her head, mockingly to a side.

"Oh yeah. Well, it doesn't matter because the first person I saw was Selena" I justify smirking at my cunning thoughts.

"We.. we.. well that doesn't count. I pick who you kiss or else" she stammers before finally shooting lasers of fire into my orbs.

"Just stop. This is just ridiculous. We're acting like little children." I mumble regretting it almost immediately.

Grabbing me the collar, the tall blond stares down at me causing me to roll into a ball like a frightened hedgehog.

"Do it or else. You woke me up bitch, and if you do not do as I say I will put you to sleep and you won't be able to wake up." she hisses before placing me roughly back on my feet and scanning our surroundings. From the distance, I spot Selena staring at us, smiling with triumph. God, this is not good. Cauing me to turn back around, Taylor taps me on the shoulder and points at a huge thug, twice my size. Tattoos paint his arms and even from yards away I still manage to see the glints of silver piercing on his face. I turn back to Taylor, a pleading expression taking over my annoyed. What was the point in that? I am pushed forward, by my incredible cousin to kiss the most disgusting thing I've ever seen in my life. Steadily, I make my way over to him, only to be hurried by a screaming Taylor. Once I catch his attention after I tap him on his shoulders which I manage to reach by literally jumping, he towers down over me with a questioning look whilst I gulp. I have to get this over and done with, even though this will haunt me for the rest of my life but it's a better choice then I haunting others after Taylor kills me for not kissing this dude. With no hesitation, I reach up and press my lips to his, which are puckered in disgust. Instead of the shove I expected, I felt him pull me towards him and only to respond to my kisses, too passionately. Whilst, hysterical laughter echoes in the background, I push him roughly away making a run for it. During my sprint, I witness him mouthing 'Call me' and winking.

Head looking down, I reach Taylor, who is now joined by Selena - only making matters worse- awaiting the mocking and teasing.

"Ha ha ha, never knew he was gay" Selena laughed, Taylor joining in unison. What am I doing with my head bowed? I'm the Logan Lerman. I am the man here.

"Fuck off, let's just forget that and carry on with this stupid thing" I finish harshly, shoving my hands into my pockets.

"Okay, no need to bitch about it" Taylor taunts, just when Chace joins us.


Selena's P.O.V

His face was priceless! Here I am, laughing my head off, holding Taylor by the shoulder for support. Jus then, I feel a hand, sweep behind my ass and I turn only to see...him. Immediately, I stop laughing, and I stare at the ground, not wanting to see his fucking face. Whilst Logan and Taylor fought, he leans over to my height, "Want you finish off where we stopped" he whispers only causing me to scoff with disgust. Logan and Taylor raise their eyebrow as I suddenly silence my screeching laughter, but soon are distracted by...him. Well, if you're wondering, that's what I'm going to call...him.

"Come on, everyone's already having breakfast and the zip wiring session is only in 10 minutes" he states, ushering us to move faster. Distancing myself, metres away from...him, I quickly walk alongside them. Then the angel on my right hand shoulder who happens to be quite a feisty one decides to speak up.

"What the hell are you doing? Forget about that idiot, have fun. You have here to enjoy yourself so don't let him get in the way. Just try to avoid him and always have someone close by your side"

For once, I agree with my angel and not my devil and speaking of the devil...

"No, Selena. Kill him. Murder him in his sleep. Don't let him bring you down" my devil debates.

Well, she has a point.

"No. Don't do anything like that. Killing him will only ruin your life. Just avoid him" my angel argues.

Okay, maybe killing him isn't the best idea so as my companions disappear and my mind connects with my eyes, I find myself standing outside a medium sized building which has it's door open revealing lines of tables with chairs position around them, reminding me of those days at high school in the canteen.  

"I'll go and get breakfast for all of us," ....he offers as we nod and as he walks past, I feel a hand sneak up the back of my top and massage my skin, causing me to shiver with shock and fear. Hold it in, Selena. Hold it in. It's only for a couple of days and he'll be gone. Just then, Logan slings his arm over my shoulder like I am his property, only receiving a rough shove.  

"Fuck you" I hiss, venom dripping from my words. I am certainly not in the mood for Logan. Looking around, I sit on the table which has the least ketchup stained on it, leaning his elbow, chin on fist, evidently expressing my annoyance. 

"Okay if you want to fuck me in public" he teases, taking a seat opposite me.

Smacking my forehead with frustration, I watch his stupid little smirk creep onto his stupid little face. All I want to do now is smack his face just as hard as I smacked my forehead. Pulling the sleeve of my jumper down, I divert my attention to those cuts. Those flipping cuts. Fortunately, I brought this jumper along otherwise Taylor and everyone else will think I cut myself and I am a suicidal. That's the last thing I want to be known as right now. Fucking Chace. Every second, I am frightened he will drag me somewhere, take advantage of me then finally kill me. I promised myself an hour ago that I will clear all the negative thoughts but I should state the fact that it's very difficult. You are probably wondering why on earth I care about being raped when I literally hook up with any guy I see. There is a very simple, but complicated explanation to that. A few years ago, I witnessed my mother get murdered by the man she was supposed to love and I was supposed to love, Bill. I have no heart to call that hideous man, my father; he never did and never will deserve that  title. Returning from what he called work, drunk as a skunk, he would beat my mother and sometimes I would be a victim as well. One night, he crossed the limits and stabbed the most important person in my life with a cracked beer bottle. Those few unforgettable seconds changed my life as a whole. Tears prickle my eyes, these memories like onions and I keep my head lowered from my surroundings and remember another night which also turned my life; turned it into a whole different life. That 18 year old girl, that went through more than just pain...


I hear the footsteps, those dreaded footsteps outside the front door. I remain beside my mother's rotting corpse which he threatens me to keep silent about. Those sounds of footsteps, transform into visual sights as I see his shoes get bigger and bigger as the monster gets closer and closer. Trembling, I look up into his eyes, as he roughly grabs me by the hair as I yelp in pain. Tightly, I shut my eyes, awaiting the series of painful beatings but I end up having to open them when I realise he is not abusing me. If only I knew. I watch him lick his lips in.... hunger and lust? 

"Now I can do what Ive always wanted to do with you, with your fuckin' mother out of the way"

I stumble backwards, trying to take in the words but he grabs my hips with his rough hands.

"The day I saw you at the beach this summer. The second I saw you step out with that bikini, I went crazy...crazy for you". What is he going on about? Crazy for me?

"I couldn't help but look at that smokin' body of yours. Those slender legs. That lovely ass. Those juicy breasts" he mutters, eyeing each body part as I cringe with disgust. 

Suddently, his hands both travel up my tanktop and up my bra. Stunned by his actions I remain still whilst he teasing my nipples and returning to my sense, I push him away with disgust.

"You disgusting bastard. You kill mum and now you're doing this."

Stifling my yells of disgrace, he clamps his hand over my mouth, smothering my cries from the neighbours. Clothing by clothing he rips off and tear by tear I cry. As his grinds against my nude body, I hear those last words before my eyes are forced to shut.

"You're mine now"


After that horrendous experience, I loathed the idea of men and sexual assault and that was how I became this slut. This slut who sleeps with guys and leaves them to suffer how they make us girls suffer. The idea of Chace only reminded me of Bill and the days of suffering I had to face, just at the age of 18. When Bill was arrested I though it was over, until now. Nevertheless, I have come across a sensation of feelings I have never encountered before, with the guy I respect but hate, Logan. Moments that allowed me sense life through a unique perspective. Those moments when his warm hands skimmed my arm, the moments of electric shocks jolting through my body, the moments of having someone caring about me. Care that I have never experienced in the last two years. I cannot describe these feelings. Leaving these thoughts aside, I look up to view his beautifully annoying and annoyingly beautiful face. Those oceanic eyes that mesmerized me, that smirk that teasingly intrigued me. Catching my eye, he winks as me playfully causing me to chuckle softly. 

"What do I do with a boy like you?" I mumble under my breath.



Hey people. Sorry for not updating for so long. I just heard quite an old song and I love it. It's 'A Boy Like You' by Kesha and Ashley Tisdale. So I linked this chapter to it and added this video which  I made and this pic. Hope you liked this chapter. I will love comments and even critisism. Thank you so much guys!!! Love ya!!

Do you think Chace will attempt anything?

Do you think Logan will find the cause for her cuts soon?

Thank you. I know it's getting boring because I haven't made them a couple yet but I love the idea of denying their feelings. Sorry if that's disappointing. Thanks again!!!

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