Oblivious To The Signs

By ElaineyyM

79.6K 1.6K 896

The perfect man? Or the man that makes you feel perfect? Emma Stone's way of choosing her man has been guide... More

Prologue: The List
February 1: Meeting Mr. Garfy
February 1: Diary Entry
February 2: How My Mommy Met Garfy
February 3: Garfy Won't Give Me Back My Diary!
February 3: Diary Entry
February 4: Who Calls Garfy A Booty Call?!
February 5: Kissing And Slapping
February 6: Meeting Trish Garfy
February 7: Sexual Harassment?
February 7: A Kissing Déja vu
February 8: I Am Not Jealous!
February 9: Never In Your Wildest Dreams
February 12: Game On
February 12-13: Never Say Never to Perverted Jokes?
February 13: Garfy's Diary
February 13: Garfy's Diary (Pt. 2)
Epilogue: Andrew's List

February 1: And Then There's Jakey

4.6K 96 38
By ElaineyyM

"Hey, what are you staring at?" Andrew asked me while trying to see what I'm looking at. 

So I quickly averted my gaze from Jake and said, "Nothing." I cleared my throat. "So, about our tutoring sessions?"

"Oh, right." He grinned then as if noticing Maggie's presence for the very first time, he faced her and said, "Uhm...?"

She cleared her throat. "Maggie. My name's Maggie Evers." Then offered her hand for him to shake. Which he did.

"Sorry for the interruption of your girly time with Emma, Maggie. But we––"

"Girly time?" I snorted, making Andrew cover my mouth to shut me up.

"As I have said," He continued, smiling. And still not removing his right hand from my mouth. "We just needed to talk about our tutoring sessions."

"No, it's fine." Maggie replied with a wave of her hand and turned to me, saying, "I'll just be over to my locker. Don't want to interrupt your session." She smirked at me, which didn't go unnoticed by Andrew. "I'll see you later, Em!" And with one last playful wink at me, she walked away. Leaving me alone to deal with Andrew.

"What do you want to talk about?" I asked him.

He chuckled. "You make it sound like we're a couple having a major closure before a break-up." 

I gaped at him. He's right! It did sound that way when I asked him. Trying a new approach, I said instead, "At least we're breaking up." Realizing how wrong it souded, yet again, I mentally slapped myself while Andrew laughed louder.

"We don't have to if you don't want to." He joked after sobering up.

He received a smack in the shoulder from me for saying that. "Whatever." I scoffed. 

"Chill down, Little Miss Cocky." He playfully nudged me.

I sighed. "Are we going to have a serious conversation or not?"

He smiled in return and said, "Alright, alright."

"Wait!" I interrupted him. "Before you continue, I want to ask you something."

His eyes held a glint of amusement. "Shoot."

"What's that blond bimbo's name?" I asked him, indifferently.

"Who?" He asked me, looking fairly confused.

"That cheerleader that you mentioned in Physics class a few hours ago." I reminded him. "You know, the one you said who's been eyeing us while we keep on exchanging notes.

You can almost see the spark of familiarity in his strange but beautiful hazel brown eyes. "Oh yeah! She does seemed pissed. What about her?"

"What's her name?" 

He thought for a bit. "I think it's either Carly or Candy. I'm not sure."

"So which is it?"

"Don't know, don't care. Why'd you ask?" Then he suddenly smirked before saying, "Don't tell me..."

"Don't tell you what?"

He studied me for a few seconds. "You're jealous." He stated, confidently.

"I am not!" I exclaimed. How can he come up with that conclusion? Is he delusional or something? I wouldn't ever like him that way. Besides, I've already set my eye on one of his friends.

He studied me again, but I can tell that he's only pretending. "In denial." He stated once more.

I raised my hand to pose a threat of hitting him. Because of that, his playful smirk dropped and replaced it with an apologetic smile. 

"Moving on," I urged. "What are the days that we're going to have our tutoring sessions?"

"I'm not really sure if my activities' schedule is going to handle it but..." He trailed off. I almost smacked him again but then I realized that he's serious.

So, instead I just chuckled at him. His head snapped up to look at my face. "What?"

"Nothing." I said, "You just made it sound like you're a celebrity with packed up schedules."

"Come on, Em." He snorted. "With a face like this?" He pointed towards his face. "It's about time you noticed."

I couldn't help but smile at him. 

Arrogant jerk, I thought.

Suddenly, he snapped his fingers. Just like what they do on cartoons and tv shows when they had a brilliant idea. "I got it! Ms. Sanders said that I'm going to tutor you for two weeks, right?"

"Yup." I replied, popping the 'p'.

Instead of continuing what he said earlier, he grinned. "Don't say/do that again?"

"Why?" I asked him, suddenly confused. 

"You'll spray saliva all over me when you pop the 'p'."

I just gaped at him.

Did he really just say that?! Ohmygosh, I can't believe him! Is he serious? For the first time in so many months, I was completely, ridiculously and utterly speechless.

Then all of a sudden, he laughed. Hysterically. "Your face! So priceless!" He managed to say in between fits of laughter. 

"Wait, wait, wait." I stammered. "So you're just kidding?"

"Of course I'm just kidding!" He said before another round of laughter. 

"Why would you do that?" I accused him but can't help but lose my anger at seeing him like this. So carefree and happy.

"I just wanted to see your reaction!" He said, smiling widely. "I never thought you'd look that way! Your jaw practically dropped!"

Oh yeah? I thought. How's this for a change?

For show, I dropped my head mournfully and looked away from him. I felt him stop laughing almost immediately. As an added effect, I covered my face with my hands, trying to look miserable and feigned crying. I felt him shift in his position so that his body is now angled towards mine. Then, he raised his right hand and softly patted my shoulder.

He cleared his throat. "Hey." He weakly called.

I didn't budge.

"Hey, Em. I'm so sorry." He tried again.

Still no response.

He inhaled deeply before saying, "I sort of went a little too far. I'm sorry, I was just kidding. I really, really, didn't mean it. I was just trying to see your reaction since you have cute ones and I thought you'd laugh with me but I guess I was wrong. I promise I won't do it again and––"

"Chill." I cut him off in the middle of his rant and faced him. "I'm just messing with you."

His jaw dropped, but after seeing my satisfied reaction, he quickly recovered from his bewilderment and frowned at me. "So you were faking?"

I nodded. "Yup. So now we're even."

He didn't respond. Instead, his frown just grew deeper.

"You mad?" I asked him. Suddenly feeling anxious.

"That was definitely not funny." He spat. "I can't believe you'd be that deceiving."

Oh crap, I thought. Now I'm the one who went a little to far. "Hey, look. I'm sorry, okay?"

Instead of answering, he just looked away from me.

"Hey, Garfy! Come on, I was only kidding." I apologized once more, my hand reaching out for his arm.

But just as my hand touched his, he quickly pulled away. "Let's just talk about our tutoring session some other time." And with that, he stood up.

Gosh, he's really mad! I have to do something! He's basically the very first person who befriended me in this school. I owe that to him. I can't believe I just pissed him off! What's wrong with me?

So I grabbed his hand before he was able to walk away. He looked down at me disapprovingly. "Hey, I'm really sorry. I promise I won't do it again. Just..." I looked down from embarrassment and continued, "Don't be mad, okay?"

Then without warning, he burst out laughing. Like seriously laughing. His eyes are now becoming so teary. "You actually bought it!" He tried to say in-between laughs.

"You are so messed up!" I slapped his arm once he sat down beside me again. "What's wrong with you?"

And with that, he sobered up almost immediately.

"Babe, I don't play to get even." He winked. Did he just call me 'babe'

"Whatever." I mumbled, embarrassed.

"Admit it, my acting skills fooled you." He nudged me. 

"Please," I snorted. "I did better than you."

"Yeah, right." He replied. "Just... Don't be mad, okay? You practically begged me."

"I didn't!"

"And you grabbed my arm!" He continued. "Just admit it already. I won."

I studied him. Seems like he isn't going to back down. Damn it. 

I sighed very heavily. "Fine. You won."

"Yeah man!" He fist-pumped the air triumphantly.

I forced back the smile that threatened to appear on my face and pulled his hands down. "Come on." I urged. "Let's talk about our tutoring session."

"Alright." He nodded. "Well, since I am a busy guy, our first session will be on..." He trailed off. "Wait, what day is it today?"

I sighed. "Monday. How can you forget that it's Monday today? Just by looking at the student body's gloomy faces, you can tell that it's the start of the week again."

"Don't know, don't care." He simply shrugged. "Anyway, so I'll be free on Wednesday. Our tutoring session will be after school. Where do you want us to do it?"

I thought for a second since we just moved in to this town. "The library?" I suggested.

He dismissed the idea with a wave of his hand. "Nah, too boring."

"Then where do you want?" I asked him.

He seemed to think for a few seconds and said, "Let's study at a cafe!"

I frowned. "Won't we get a little distracted?"


I sighed. "You know, 'cause there are many people mingling around. Talking to each other. Canoodling shamelessly."

His thick brows frowned in confusion, "What's canoodling?"

I cocked an eyebrow at him. "Seriously? That seems to be your specialty."

"What, studying?"

I snorted. "No, stupid bloke." I mimicked his British accent. "Canoodling means flirting."

"Are you sure?" Now it's his time to cock an eyebrow. "I don't believe you."

"Look it up. And when you do, try to swallow your embarrassment when you find out I'm right, 'kay?" I simply challenged.

He sighed in defeat. "Fine, whatever. So, back to the topic."

"Alright, we can study on the nearest coffee shop from here and––"

"Hey, wait a minute!" He cut me off. "What do you mean that canoodling is my specialty?"

I suppressed my laughter from exploding. I can't help it! It's so hilarious when he said that word. His accent totally ruined it. "Why, Mr. Garfy, isn't that the first thing that you did when we met? Pretty much today?"

He chuckled. "Who said anything about me flirting with you? It's not my fault that you assumed it that way."

So of course, I smacked him hard for saying that. I cleared my throat. "Are you going to take me seriously or not?"

"Fine, fine. Sorry." He apologized, though he didn't sound like it. "So on Wednesday––which is February 3––I'll be treating you for Starbucks! Isn't that great?"

I feigned enthusiasm. "Yay! All hail Andrew!"

He just rolled his eyes and pouted like a child.

I smiled. "Alright, thank you! Happy now?"

"Very." Then he winked.

Yeah right. Not being flirty my ass.

"Moving on," I urged. "What time are we going to meet up at Starbucks?"

"Who said anything about meeting up?"

I frowned in confusion. "I thought that's what you meant." I said reluctantly.

He shook his head. "No. What I meant was, we're going to Starbucks on Wednesday after school. Is it that hard to understand?" He joked.

Wow, that seems...thoughtful, I noted. "Okay. So what time are we leaving school?"

"Uhm, can you wait for a few minutes?" He asked. "Maybe ten?"

"Sure, why?" I simply replied.

"I still need to stop by at the Office of The Student Affairs." He informed me.

"Oh, right. You work for your aunt." Then a new thought came to my mind. I snapped my fingers.

"What?" He asked.

"So that's why you know my whole name!" I said to him accusingly.

His eyes sparked with amusement. "Yes, and?"

Another realization. "That's also why you weren't recorded late by Ms. Sanders since you came from the OSA room!" 

"Very good! Nice to see you're catching up, Ms. Stone." He teased.

I pursed my lips. "They're so biased. Just because your aunt works here and that you work for her, you can always manage to get off the hook."

He nodded. "Well, it's not just that. I am the school's basketball team's most valuable player, right? I also have good grades. And," He paused dramatically. "The school's heartthrob-slash-golden boy."

"Narcissist." I muttered. 

He light-heartedly laughed. "Shall we please get back to the topic at hand?"

I sighed. "Alright."

He cleared his throat. "After I'm done with a few things from the OSA room, we can go. And don't worry, I'll give you a ride."

"Aw, thanks." I gave him a grateful smile.

"Hey, just because I'm handsome doesn't mean that I'm not a gentleman." He said in a matter-of-fact way.

"Again, narcissist." But this time, I didn't drop my smile.

"Okay, so our next tutoring session will be on...probably Friday. If I'm free." He stated. "I think we have a game practice that day but I'm still not sure yet."

"Fine with me." And I gave him a two thumbs-up.


 Andrew and I spent the rest of the lunch period bantering, bickering and just chatting away about random things. He also told me stories about some of the students here. There's one topic that became our favorite. And it's about that blond cheerleader girl. He told me many hilarious stories about her. Like last year when the whole Junior year went on a field trip somewhere and once during the whole ride, the school's bus drove over a small hole in the road. A few seconds later when Candy stood up, her pants were wet in the middle. Every single one of the students laughed at her. Even those students who seem scared of her shamelessly laughed at her face. Of course, she blamed it on one of her so-called friends (who by the way was also busy laughing maniacally at her) for accidentally spilling their water into her pants. But when they arrived at their destination, she immediately went out to find the nearest comfort room.

After hearing that story, I cracked up real good. That's classic! The cheerleader being desperate to cover up her embarrassment? How cliché can that get?

And also, I took advantage of the time to ask Andrew more about his friends––more specifically, Jake. I found out a few things about him. His last name is Mason. He just transferred to this school last year. He plays for the school's football team. And, on the first week of senior year, Candy tried to make a move on him, which he publicly refused and turned her down. This last bit made me like him even more. Good looks plus having a decent taste in girls? Jackpot!

"Although there's one more thing that you should know about Jake." Andrew added.

"What is it?" I asked, trying not to sound too eager. Good thing Andrew didn't notice.

"He tends to––" The school bell rang. 

"Crap!" Andrew cursed. "We still need to get to class."

"Spanish class? Why, what's wrong with that?" I asked him.

"That's on the other side of the school! We have to run if we don't want to be late." And with that, we both stood up, gathered our things and bolted for the Spanish class. Thinking back on it, I sort of felt idiotic for not noticing that most of the students in the cafeteria had left and only a few were seated at their table besides Andrew and me. I guess we were so caught up on all our stories that we seemed oblivious of our surroundings.

We made it to the Spanish room barely on time, panting. Once we entered the classroom, we sighed in relief in seeing that the teacher, Mr. Lerman, was not here yet. Apparently, we're the only ones who haven't came in at the right time so we had no choice but to sit together in the last two vacant chairs. At the very back. I noticed that my seats in some classes pretty much suck. In physics, I was front-and-center. And here, I'm on the very back. Good thing we weren't near the corner or else I'd probably zone in and out of class.

As Andrew and I approached our seats––him walking a few steps ahead of me––he fist-bumped someone who's seated on the right side of my newly-claimed chair. And when I looked to see who it was, my jaw threatened to drop. It's him!

"Hey Jake!" Andrew greeted him as he made his way towards his seat which was on the left side of mine.

"'Sup, bro!" Jake greeted back as Andrew sat down.

And they both looked at me with amused and curious stares. Then it hit me.

I was still standing there in the middle of the room, pretty much gawking. Upon realizing this, I immediately closed my mouth and made my way to my seat.

"Hey, what's your name?" Jake asked me after I've sat down.

"Em. My name's Emma." I offered to shake his hand which he gladly shook.

"And my name's––"

"No need to do that man. She already knows who you are." Andrew informed him.

Jake cocked an eyebrow. "And why is that? Have we met before?"

I cleared my throat. "No, uhm, Andrew told me about you." I said to him. "Well not just you but his friends too."

"Aw man! No fair." Jake complained. "How come you always get the pretty ladies first?" Pretty ladies, I mused. Did he just describe me like that? I tried very hard not to smile triumphantly.

Andrew chuckled. "Perks of working in the OSA. I get to see them even before you know that they're transferring here."

"Now I want to join you." Jake replied. 

And that pretty much ended all of our conversations because Mr. Lerman just entered the room.


The final bell rang. Signalling the end of the day. 

"Alright class. Don't forget that I'll be giving a quiz tomorrow. So be prepared." Mr. Lerman reminded us.

And of course, everyone in the class groaned.

"Aw don't worry, it'll only be a 10-item quiz. And it's easy!" He tried to enlighten us, which obviously didn't work.

He sighed. "Alright, class dismissed."

So I gathered all of my things and headed for the door. Then all of a sudden, someone grabbed me by the crook of my arm and lightly pulled me back.

"Where are you going?" Andrew asked me.

"Uhm, home?" I said it like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

"All by yourself?" He asked, seeming a bit concerned. Aw, how sweet? I cooed. "In a new neighborhood?"

I sighed. "I'm going to be fine. Besides, it's still early."

He still seemed reluctant to let me go. What a gentleman! "Fine. Just be careful."

"I will." I promised. And, I also noticed that Jake's been eyeing us the whole time with a sly smile playing on his lips.

"Give me your phone." Andrew instructed.

"Why?" I asked. But I gave him my phone anyways.

"I'll type in my number so you can text me when you get home." He said while lightly tapping on my iPhone. "And while you're at it, you can also ask me about our tutoring session." He finished typing on my phone and handed it back to me.

"Alright. Thanks!" I said to him as I made my way to the door once again. "Goodbye!" I waved at both him and Jake.


As I made it out of the school grounds, I took a look around the neighborhood. For the first time I noticed that this was the time of neighborhood that people claimed as peaceful and nice. You know where the houses have perfect lawns. At afternoon the housewives would water their garden while chatting with each other over the fence. My mom's kind of place.

Now I get it why she wanted to move here. At first when we were looking for a new house, I suggested a different village than this. But she disagreed and made it firm that she wanted to move here. This whole place reminds him of my dad. The way these houses looked like dad's style.

See, my dad was a developer and an architect back when he was still alive. At home almost every night, he would ask my mom opinions about what she wants in a house. She would suggest things and then the next day, dad already made a blueprint about it and found himself a good number of investors. 

Right now, I was actually thankful that my mom argued with me about this place. If it weren't for that argument, I wouldn't even know this...peaceful paradise.

So as I made it to our house––which is only a few blocks from school––I got inside, checked my beloved cooper on the garage, changed clothes and slumped into the couch, packed with junk foods and a tv remote. My typical weekday afternoon.

Then I remembered something. 

I pulled out my phone from my denim shorts' pocket and searched for Andrew's number. After searching the name's in the 'A' category, I frowned. There's no new contact or whatsoever. I searched the letter again and still nothing. Did he pretend about giving me his number?

My disappointment quickly melted as I came across a new contact:

Garfy ;) 
(Andrew Russell Garfield)

Russell? That's his name? I've decided to tease him about it tomorrow. But right now,

TO: Garfy ;)

     Hey! I just got home :) Happy now?

Not even a few seconds later,

FROM: Garfy ;) 

     Who's this?

Oh right, he doesn't know my number.

TO: Garfy ;) 

     It's Darth Vader.

FROM: Garfy ;) 

     Nice try Emma. :P Better luck next time!

I groaned.

TO: Garfy ;)  

     How do you even know it's me?

FROM: Garfy ;) 

     One, because I'm so freakin' smart. Two, only you would dare send such a ridiculous text like that. And lastly, because you're the only person whom I said to text me when you got home. ;)

Well, that makes sense. 

For the rest of the day, we just stayed like that. Texting. Calling a few times. And just talking. My mom even noticed me being occupied with my phone. She kept teasing me if it's a suitor of mine. I just kept saying that he's a friend.

"First day of class and you already made a boy friend." She hinted. I decided not to react on that one since we are just friends.

And at around midnight, 

FROM: Garfy ;) 

     Hey, it's getting really late. You should go to sleep. We still have classes tomorrow.

I sighed.

TO: Garfy ;) 

     Okay, boss. You should go to sleep too. Goodnight! :)

FROM: Garfy ;) 

     Boss? I like that. :D Anyways, goodnight! Sweet dreams Little Miss Cocky :P 

I laughed, despite my drowsiness.

TO: Garfy ;) 

     Same goes to you Mr. Garfy :*

FROM: Garfy ;) 

    Haha! :D Oh, how I love our nicknames...


New update! Please, please, please let me know what you think :)) It would mean a lot! Oh, and Comment, Vote, Follow!

- E ♥

Quote/s of the day: 

"Live your dream, and never wake up."
       -Liam James Payne

"I'd rather be a boy and play with paper airplanes than be called a man and play with a girl's heart."
       -Niall James Horan

"It only takes a second to call a girl fat and she'll take a lifetime trying to starve herself...think before you act."
       -Harry Edward Styles

"Live life to the fullest because everything else is uncertain."
       -Louis William Tomlinson

"Just because you don't have a prince does not mean that you're not a princess."
       -Zayn Javadd Malik

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