~ Light Of Hope ~ (A Toushir...

De AmeChan192

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Disclaimer: I DO NOT OWN BLEACH CREDITS GO TO TITE KUBO~SENSEI~~<3 Yuuki is a bright, cheerful, compassionate... Mai multe

Hi Guys!! (^w^)v
1. " Things Lost in the Rain "
2." Into the Abyss "
3. " New Beginning "
4. " Home "
5. " Unknown Origins "
6. " Shinigami Daikou "
7. " Parting and Reunion "
8. " To Soul Society "
9. " A Chance Encounter "
10. " A New Found Hope "
10.5. Extra Chapter - " 3 Again "
11. " Girls Day Out "
12. " The Sacred Jewel of Soul "
13. " Growing Feelings "
14. " Incoming Storm "
15. " Game Start "
16. " Missing Again "
17. " Battle Preparations "
18. " I Hear Your Voice "
19. " Reunion "
20.5. Extra Chapter - " Personality Gone Bad "
21. " Confusion "
22. " Vasto Lorde "
23. " Calm Before the Storm "
24. " The Guardian Deity "
25. " Friends and Foes "
26. " Frustrations "
27. " Visored "
28. " Espada "
29. " The Twelve Honoured Knights "
30. " Light x Dark "
30.5. Extra Chapter - " First Date "
31. " True Feelings "
32. " Training in Hell "
33. " Visions of the Past and Future "
34. " Deciding One's Fate "
35. " Personal Vendetta "
36. " Complications "
37. " Hell Has Fallen "
38. " Strategy Meeting "
39. " Under the Moonlight's Glow "
40. " Nagisa "
41. " Pledge of Loyalty "
42. " Awaken "
43. " True Meaning of Sacrifice "
44. " Memories "
45. " Camaraderie "
46. " A Heart That Doesn't Forget "
47. " Choices "
48. " The Inner Abyss "
48.5. " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 1) "
49. " Deepest Secrets "
50. " Truth Unveiled "
Final Chapter ~ A Place to Return To
51.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Part 2) "
51.5.5 " Extra Chapter - Lost Child (Last Part) "
Thank You

20. " Confession "

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De AmeChan192

As Haru slowly reaches his hand to Yuuki, fear suddenly struck her as an image of a woman covered in blood just like her dream years ago came to her mind. Instinctively, she slapped his hand away. Haru and Toushiro were both taken aback at her sudden action and saw fear in her eyes.

"What's wrong?", Haru asked.

"I-I... sorry... excuse me a bit...", Yuuki said as she starts to hyperventilate and steps outside.

The two watch as she walks away and looks at each other.

"Toushiro...", Haru simply said.

(*sighs*) "Okay...", Toushiro said as he figured what Haru wants him to do.

He rose up from his seat and follows Yuuki. She was just outside, deep in thought with a sad look on her face.

"Yuuki?", Toushiro called in a low tone of voice.

She didn't respond so he walks in front of her without facing her. Knowing that she might not want to be seen at her current state.

"Your brother wanted me to check on you... though he might have done it himself. So.... what's wrong?", he asked.

Yuuki presses her face against his back and clutched onto his clothes which made his heart beat faster.

"I... don't know, for some reason I just........ it's nothing..... it's nothing..... nothing....", Yuuki said with trembling voice.

(It doesn't seem like its nothing though....), Toushiro thought as he felt her trembling hands and tightened her grip.

Both were silent for a while, Toushiro was waiting for her to calm down. Then Yuuki lets go and steps back a little.

"If you're not going to or ready to tell me I understand, but we should get back inside.", Toushiro gently said as he faces her.

He stretches his hand to her and she took his hand without hesitation.

(What is this feeling? When I'm with Shiro I feel calm. My worries to fade away.....and his hand... feels pleasantly warm.), Yuuki thought.

She nods and they both went back to the room where Haru was waiting.

"Yuuki, I understand if you're still not ready. Shinjo-niisan won't make a move for a while. For now I can still manage to stabilize the monoliths and the seal. However it's causing me to use almost all of my powers so I'm in no condition to fight.", Haru said.

"I'm sorry, Haru-nii, please give some time."

"I understand how you feel, given this huge responsibility to bear at such a young age. But you are not alone, remember that......", Haru gently said. "So then, that's all I can tell you. I know this reunion is a bit short lived but I have to go."

"Go where?", Toushiro and Yuuki both asked.

"I have to check up on the monoliths to make sure everything is still okay, like a maintenance check."

"When will you come back?", Yuuki asked.

"I'm not sure either, traveling between four worlds isn't as easy as riding an airplane. Last time it took me more than twenty years."

"That long??", Yuuki said with a sad look on her face.

"I don't have the ability to travel between worlds so I just have to do it the hard way. Besides, I know you can handle things from here on out. You just have faith in yourself just as others have faith in you.", Haru said as he pats her on the head.

"I'm sorry for making things harder for you."

"No, don't be, as a matter of fact, as an older brother, I wish that I could take all of the responsibilities fate has given you....", Haru said. "I'm a bit pressed for time, my companions are waiting for me."

"Okay... please come back safely."

Haru didn't respond and smiles bitterly.

"Toushiro, can you escort me outside for a bit?", Haru said.


Haru turns his attention back to Yuuki.

"I'll just borrow him for a little while."

Yuuki nods and they silently exit the room. As soon as they reached outside, Haru suddenly stopped.

"So... what's stopping you?", Haru suddenly asked out of the blue.


Toushiro turns around and looks at Haru with a puzzled look on his face.

"I can tell just by the way you look at Yuuki that you have feelings for her."

Toushiro suddenly blushed.

"But what I just don't understand is what's stopping you from expressing what you really feel?"

"I don't get what you are saying but I think you are mistaken. I mean, I like her but not in the way you think."

(Come on, you can't fool me. You have to do better than that.), Haru thought. "So you're denying it now.... I'm not sure who you're lying to, me... or to yourself."

"I told you, you've misunderstood. Just because you said that we're m-married means nothing. Your ways and beliefs are different from ours."

"Yes, you're right about that. But you can't deny how you look at her.", Haru said and stares into the distance.

He was thinking of his lover, he denied his feelings for her at first because he didn't have time for love. He has heavy responsibilities to bear with being a member of the main house. Meaning, if he ever lose track of what's important or lose focus then everything will turn up in disaster. But they eventually got past that and had a proper relationship. Though it didn't last long because Shinjo attacked the village shortly afterwards. Yuna was killed with their unborn child.

Toushiro didn't fail to notice the pained expression on his face so he kept quiet. Haru turns his attention back to Toushiro with serious look on his face.

"They say that you'll only know the true value of something... when it's gone, I believe it to be true. So I'll ask again, what's stopping you?"

The moment Haru said those words, an image of Momo suddenly came to Toushiro's mind.

(Why did... Hinamori suddenly came to my mind?), he thought.

Haru waited patiently for his reply.

"It's none of your concern. Now I have to get back, excuse me.", Toushiro sternly said.

(*sigh*)(Kids....), Haru thought as he disappeared into the night.

Making his way back to Yuuki, Haru's words kept repeating into his head.

"...ro... Shiro?", Yuuki called repeatedly.

Toushiro snapped out from his thoughts upon hearing her call.

"Are you okay? You seem to be lost in thought. Did my brother say something before he left?"

"It's nothing to be concerned about.... we should get going.", Toushiro sternly said.

"O-Okay...", Yuuki said as she noticed his slight change in behavior.

Then Ichigo came into the room.

"Are you guys leaving now?", Ichigo asked.

"Yes, I'll be back as soon as I can.", Yuuki said.

"You should be, I called dad and told him that you're back. He said that he'll be back in two days, he also said he can't wait to see you again."

"Two days it is then... I'll make sure to get back before he does. See you then Ichi-nii."

"Okay then, I'll see you in two days."

The two enters the Senkaimon and Ichigo watches as the gate closed.


Arriving at Soul Society, Toushiro insisted on walking Yuuki back to the 4th division barracks.

"You know... there's really no need for you to walk me back to the 4th division barracks, I already know my way around.", Yuuki said.

"It's fine, we don't know when will the enemies attack. If you get ambushed again like last time what can you do?"


"No buts... don't make such a big deal out of this. I know 'he' said he won't make a move for a while but we can't always be too sure.", he coldly said.

She kept quiet upon noticing his cold behavior and walks silently behind him. Awkward silence fell between the two until they reached their destination.

"Thanks for walking me here. Are going back to the 10th division barracks? ", Yuuki asked and smiled.

"Yeah.", he said in a brusque manner.

Toushiro turns to his heels and started to walk. Irritated, Yuuki ran and kicks him on the back. Toushiro falls and faceplants on the ground, he gets up and glares at her.

"What was that for?!", Toushiro angrily said.

(*cross popping veins*) "That's for being so annoying!", Yuuki yelled.


"Ever since your talk with Haru-nii earlier, you've been acting strangely. You seem more unfriendly than usual. If you don't want to tell me, then it's fine. But please.... don't be so distant... I thought you started to hate me because of all the trouble I caused...I don't... want you to hate me... because after all.... I li-..... love you.... Shiro.", Yuuki said as tears glide down her face.

He was left speechless and an image of Momo suddenly came to his mind again the moment she uttered those words.

"....ken...", Toushiro mumbled.

"What?", Yuuki asked as she wipes her tears.

"You're just mistaken!! It's because of what your brother said that you're saying things like that! You're just confused and tired, so you should get inside and rest!"

"It's has nothing to do with what Haru-nii said! It's how I really feel!! Since the day we first met, it grew stronger day by day!!"

"I told you, you're just mistaken... and besides... I... can't....", Toushiro stammered, unable to continue.

"I think you're the one who's mistaken.", Yuuki calmly said knowing what he's trying to say.

He looks at her with a puzzled expression on his face.

"These are my own feelings so it's my problem. Loving someone isn't a bad thing so I don't try to hide it. I'm not forcing you to feel the same for me. Because like I said, it's my problem.", Yuuki said.

They look at each other and an awkward silence fell between the two once again.

"Ah! There you are!", a familiar voice said, breaking the awkward silence.

They turn to the direction where the voice came from and saw Hanataro approaching them.

"Unohana-taichou needs your help right away, we need to hurry!"

She disregarded him for a second and looks back at Toushiro. Hanataro follows her gaze.

"Oh! Hitsugaya-taichou you're here as well, konbanwa.", Hanataro politely said.

Toushiro was still unable to speak, not knowing what to say.

"Yoohoo! Taichou, welcome back!", another familiar voice said.

They turn to the direction where the voice came from and saw Rangiku grinning as she saunters towards them.

"Matsumoto...", Toushiro mumbled.

"I'm here to get you, there are mountains of paperwork to be done."

"You were slacking off again, weren't you?", Toushiro said with an annoyed look on his face.

"N-No... no... of course not...", Rangiku stammered.

He raises an eyebrow as Rangiku sweat bullets.

"A-Anyway... let's go!", Rangiku loudly said


Both went their separate ways, Yuuki looks at Toushiro over her shoulder with a sad look on her face. He looks back at her just as she leaves with Hanataro.

While on the way to the 10th division barracks, Rangiku suddenly became silent with a serious look on her face, same with Toushiro.

"Is it because of Hinamori-chan?", Rangiku suddenly asked.

"What?", Toushiro asked with a puzzled look on his face.

"I just heard everything earlier...."

"You shouldn't be eavesdropping...."

"Who wouldn't hear you with such loud voices? Anyway, you still haven't answered my question."

"It's none of your business.", Toushiro coldly said.

"Taichou... you know as much as I do that you need to sort your feelings out. They're both important to you, aren't they? So far, Hinamori-chan doesn't know anything, you on the other hand are confused while Yuuki-chan is pain."

"I know that...", Toushiro said with a sad look on his face.

Seeing his expression Rangiku became quiet.

Meanwhile at the 4th division barracks, Restu notices the sad look Yuuki's face while purifying others.

"Yuuki-chan, he's the last one so if you're done treating him you can rest."


The next day,

Toushiro was busy with paperwork when he suddenly heard a scream then a loud thud came right after just outside from his office.

"Oh! I'm so sorry let me help.", one of his subordinates said from the outside.

"It's okay.", Yuuki said.

Toushiro stand up to check on the ruckus. He opens the door and saw Yuuki who just fell on the floor and documents scattered all over. His subordinate stretches his hand to help her get up.

(*sweat drop*) "Umm... your hand.", Yuuki mumbled.

He was holding her hand longer than necessary. Noticing this, he quickly lets go.

"S-Sorry.", he said and looks away, blushing.

Flustered, he then begins to pick up the scattered documents on the floor, Yuuki helps as well. The way he held her hand just now made Toushiro feel uneasy and annoyed.

"Thank you.", Yuuki said as he hands her the papers.

"It was my fault in the first place... sorry, I'm in a rush, see you later!", he said and rushed off.

As soon as he left, she turns her attention to Toushiro.

"Shiro! Good morning!", Yuuki energetically said.

"G-Good morning."

He was a bit surprised that she acts and speaks to him like normal again. Yuuki peeks at his desk and saw loads of paperwork.

"You seem really busy. Unohana-san asked me to give these documents you asked for."

"Oh, I see... thanks."

"...and I'll be going back to the human world this afternoon so I came to say bye."

"That's right! Your dad will be coming back tomorrow."

"Yeah! I wanted to throw a Welcome Home party for him.", Yuuki enthusiastically said.

"I see...", Toushiro said and curved his lips.

"Ah! That's right! I almost forgot to ask. You know Kurotsuchi-san right? Since you're both captains I bet might know something about him."

"Y-Yeah... why do you want to know about him so suddenly?"

"Well I never met him and he said he wanted to talk to me. Unohana-san said not to come near him, I asked why but she won't tell me. So I figured you might know something."

"First off, Unohana is right not to come near him."

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