The Puppeteer

By RubyBlaze90210

639 296 217

In the land of Valens, there were only two things one could be a northerner or a southerner. The two kingdoms... More

"Daddy's Little Psycho And Mummy's Little Soldier"
"Shake Off All Of Your Sins"
"Let Me Live That Fantasy"
"If You Love Me With All Of Your Heart"

"As Long As I Keep Dancing"

102 57 41
By RubyBlaze90210


         The blonde hair would have been the first thing, the next would have been my eyes all things that gave me a label in the south, but that wasn't the only label I had. I had the label of being a freak, I didn't quite know what it was. Whether it was it my style of clothing? my choice of words?or my lack of southern quality? I was still what I'd always been, the best freaking freak in this shit of a place. But that was it, there was no way out of this place, I was trapped.

         I pulled the bow and let my arrow fly and smirked when it hit its target. I can't well say I had never missed considering the very first time was rough, but shooting wasn't my only talent. No, in turns of practises I had mastered the dance of swords as well. I wasn't allowed to do this, a lady of high court shouldn't be prancing around with stolen weaponry. I didn't want to become either my mother, brother nor sister. Daddy dear was a half-breed northerner, that gives me at least a quarter of northern blood. You don't see many freaks here, and even if there were any they'd all be locked up. 

          The only reason why I was still here was because I was a part of the royal family, I was part of the Latines. And yes, the were just as horrible as said. They were egoistic, spoiled, powerful, rich royals. I wasn't one of them, despite my genetics. I wasn't liked, I had no allies, there was nothing holding me back, except my mother. And boy did I hate her, with that thought in mind I took another arrow and shot it at my target, rage always helped me, but I had no control over it. Still just because I was a freak, that didn't mean I hadn't any emotions, they didn't have to treat me like an animal. 

          "Hey, who goes there." A golden one ran from the woods and met eyes with me. Oh no, if mother found out I might just lose more than just my dignity. He charged to words me as I shot him and watched him fall. He was dead, this wasn't my first kill no, my first kill had occurred two weeks back. Killing in the south was prohibited, not unless in a combat trial, or if you were a knight. So I ran, they could track me, I was quick on my feet. Two quick at times, I'd lose myself when I ran and end up in the middle of nowhere. 

          I stopped when I reached the town gates, they stared at me with disgust. There goes the demon girl, the pathetic halfbreed bastard. All lies my mother had fed them to keep me on her grounds. I ran my hair through my golden hair bringing it to the back so I faced them properly. I wasn't ashamed of who I was, I'd rather be a freak then a Latine. As long as I keep dancing I'd be fine. My name is Penelope Clare Latine, I am the youngest child of queen Nebula of house Latine, and I was trapped. 

         "You cannot be serious?" Alexie gasped dramatically. I brushed her golden hair as it shimmered under the sunlight, she was beautiful like our mother but she was also stupid like our mother. "Yes, dear I'm afraid so." She grunted. "Is he good looking?" I scoffed, she turned toward me and glared. "What if I am to marry a stranger from the north, he'd at least look good." I rolled my eyes as my mother continued. "Well Alexie you don't actually get to choose, he'll choose between you and your sister." She said that word like it actually hurt to comprehend my existence, I guess in her case she actually did. 

         "Why would he choose her over me." True, she had all the looks, and I had no intention of staying with a royal even if he is a northerner. "I'm not quite a sure dearest, they are freaks, after all, maybe they'd want someone more like them." They laughed, but I'd gladly be like the northerners then like them. I grabbed a knife and started cutting her nails, reminding myself not to cut her fingers off. "Well, then when are they getting here." Soon I hope, then he'd choose her sister and she'd be gone. "Actually Alexie, we'll be meeting them in the north." I gasped in shock and Alexie screamed staring at her nails. 

           "You dimwitted bitch, you almost cut my fingers off." She put her slightly bruised finger in her mouth and sucked it. "It's just a small cut," I say as Alexie came at me with more words, but I was no longer listening to her. We were going to the north, this was my chance to leave. I smiled brighter than I'd ever smiled before. "So that it was just gonna breed with those freaks?" My brother Hadrian yelled, now this was the one person whose hat I could match with my brothers. And oh how he hated me. "Yes and you will be wed with the younger girl, and your children will rule the new world." Hadrian scoffed, even my mother knew he was wicked, still she hoped he'd change. She needs to understand there's no cure for being a cunt. Not even he could ruin my mood, I was too happy, for this was the last day I'd ever have to see them, at least I hope it is. 

             I hurried to my room an grabbed my backpack and put all my necessary weaponry inside. "What are you doing?" Alexie had said from behind. "What does it look like I'm packing we'll be leaving now anyway." I rolled my eyes at her idiocracy. 

             "You don't really think were going do you?" I nod my head as her cheeks turn red. "No way in hell am I leaving, you nor anyone else can make me. " This made me angry, no one especially not my bratty sister was getting in the way of my freedom. I grabbed her hair pushed her face close to mine. "Listen to me and listen to me well, not everything in this world will go as you wish it would. If you don't show up and agree to the agreement them northerners will have your head on a spike quicker than you can say sorry. So your gonna be a good little girl get packed and hurry to the garage." She sobbed and ran as soon as I let her go. There was a big thump, and I turned to face sir Icarus Geogun, the most eare kings guard in the south. He was four times my hight and was glaring at me like he wanted to squash the life out of me.I wasnt scarred of him, and if Im lucky I'd never see him again.

                  "Get going princess." He took me by my arm and dragged me painfully to the carriage where I was rudely shoved in. Sir Icarus wasn't a friend of mine, but he was strong, the strongest man I had ever seen, and with my luck, he just might end up killing me. 

                   "Are we there yet?"Alexie grumbled. "No!" I replied for the fourth time. "Well, then when will we know when were there?" I scoffed as she glared at me. "When you see snow and the cold become unbearable." I pushed my golden hair up into my hat so that I looked like a boy with short hair. I wad worn rag jeans and a coat of fur. My sister, on the other hand, had worn a beautiful gown and had styled her hair in curls. She might never admit it but she was hoping with all her heart that the northerner would pick her over me, he probably would I want anything to look at. I rubbed my hands together as it got colder, and soon I was breathing in cold air. "Mother its very cold, we are here right?" 

                   She shook her head, it was going to be colder. Maybe the north wasn't a place for me, it was soo cold I wasn't sure if I could survive. I hugged my coat, still, I'd always admired their practices. If I went out in the streets in the south with a bow and arrow I'd be humiliated, but in the north, I'd be cheered on. What if they were better than I was? What if they thought I was a joke? After all, I had no competition in the south, no one there wanted to fight with me. All my fears and doubts were soon gone as a single snowflake dropped on my arm. It was beautifully unique, and that was the north. The snow fell in the billions, I let the cold go and for that moment I'd never felt happier. I stuck my head out the window as the flaked flowed on my face, I let my hand run through his snow. It felt amazing, cold and wet, but beautiful. "Wow, this doesn't look that bad," Alexie says giggling. Wasn't it bad? It's amazing. 

                     The carriage was now behind the gates, the gates were huge at least 200 feet high. There was music, the sound of trumpets before the gates opened. The castle grounds were huge, it was like a giant home. The snow had seemed to grow thicker in the middle where the royal family stood. There were many of them, but what caught my eye was the one and only Nymeria Wildling. She was the most beautiful being I had ever laid eyes on, she had her head raised with pride, she wore thin fabric but the cold didn't seem to bother her one bit. Now that was a queen. The carriage stopped on its tracks, as my mother made her way out along with Alexie. 

                     "Welcome to the north Nebula." My mother looked a bit startled, she was used to be called queen but here she had no royal status. My father rode his horse and got off to meet the northern queen. "My "My queen!" He hugged her earning a glare from my mother, she didn't need to be jealous my father was fat and old, he was once a very good fighter not anymore, though. "This must be the oldest, Gein..." He went on with the wildling children but I wasn't paying attention anymore my mind and eyes were on the training grounds, I had read stories about northern swords, they were made of rare gems. What I would do to get my hands on one of them. 

                       "I see you've brought your daughters." I looked up to see the most beautiful fiery red hair I'd ever seen, even looking at her made me feel small. She was better than anyone else and she was hellbent on showing it, what a queen. "I'm Alexie its a pleasure to meet your queen Nymeria." Alexie curtsied polietly but the queen wasn't impressed. She moved on to me and stared at me. "My queen." I bowed but yelped when she took my hand. "My child you have a strong grip, how well do you shoot?" How the heck did she know? "My daughters don't play with weaponry Nymeria." My mother butted in but the northern queen just smirked. "This one does and next time you address me as queen." With that, she walked away leaving my mother in awe. 

I was finally home. 

A/N: Hello lovely people thanks for reading the second chapter of this novel,I'd advise you not to read T.F.R cause it will have many spoilers to this book. Comment and Vote below, let me know your opinions on this character. 

_Love RNB_

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