Broken Together

By NiallsJournal

57.4K 1.7K 332

Sometimes our lives change when we least expect them to. We meet our best friends in when we're unprepared to... More

Chapter 1: Leave Me Alone
Chapter 2: Londons Teen Rehabilotation Center
Chapter 3: You Dont Love Me
Chapter 4: I Understand
Chapter 5: Just Talk
Chapter 6: Give Up On Me
Chapter 7: Just Trust Me
Chapter 8: Consequences
Chapter 9: What Did You Do
Chapter 10: Dirty Little Secrets
Chapter 11: Im Coming Home
Chapter 12: You Left Me
Chapter 14: Loving Through The Hate
Chapter 15: I Didn't Want This
Chapter 16: Tattoo Anyone?
Chapter 17: It Will Get Easier
Chapter 18: The World Stops Turning
Chapter 19: We'll Be Your Family
Chapter 20: Not Ready To Be Alone Again
Chapter 21: Home
Author/Character Q&A & Sequel?
Lost Boys||Sequel

Chapter 13: I Could Be Safe

2.4K 76 16
By NiallsJournal

It's been four days since I saw Greg. The next day I went to the hospital he was gone. He had been discharged. I don't care though he doesn't need me in his life. He has everything he wanted I mean that's why he left to make a new life for himself.

"Niall!" I roll over from where I'm laying in my bunk to see the lads all standing in the door way

"What?" I sigh

"It's time to get up!" Louis says as they walk over to me


Harry sighs "because ever since you told us about your brother you've been in bed!"

"That was four days ago!" Liam shows me four on him hand

"So?" I raise my eye brows

"So you've only left your bed for school meals and therapy which you don't even do any talking in!" Liam harasses me

"How do you know what do or don't do in therapy?" I spit annoyed with everyone

He sighs "Niall we over heard Grendale on the phone with your social worker" I sit up

"Is IFCA moving me again?" I ask not surprised

He shakes his head "I don't think so"

"We heard her say that when she gets here later today she's bringing the police and your therapist to talk about what happened to you and Greg." Harry explains

"She said she's tracked down your brother and is going to talk to him also" Louis adds

I shake my head"They can't make me talk"

"We just thought you'd like some warning"

"Thanks" I nod

"Niall?" Ben one of the nurses opens the door

I lean forward so he can see me behind the lads "you have therapy, c'mon" he tells me and I sigh

I stand up but in of the boys grabs my arm turning me around "what?" I face Harry

"If you won't talk to us please talk to Kristen, we're worried about you" he says honestly his green eyes looking at me pleadingly

"You don't need to worry about me" I pull my arm away from him and leave following Ben to therapy

"Hello Niall" Kristen greets me smiling like she always does "how are you?"

I sit down on the couch like I always do "fine" I mumble looking down at my hands in my lap

"Look niall I know you've had a rough few days since you found out about your brother so I haven't been pushing you. But I would really like to not do all the talking today?"

What does she want me to thank her? "Yeah" I sigh

He folds her hands in her lap looking at me "Your social worker is here today. She wants to talk to a bit about your brother, your family"

"Yeah I know they want to interrogate me again" I tell her annoyed

"So um id like to talk a bit about when IFCA found you?" She awkwardly changes topic

"I have the police report here" she pulls out a blue envelope full of papers "from the night you were found"

"Why are we talking about this it was two years ago?" I ask wondering if the investigation is starting already

"I was just hoping you would talk to me a bit about that night? How you felt? How you ended up there? Only if you're ready though"

"Fine" I grumble knowing she'll still push it if I say no

"Could you tell me what you remember from that day? I know it was a long time ago so take your time"

I bite my finger nails "I was 15 at the time um I passed out on the street. I woke in hospital a doctor told me a woman found me and brought me to the hospital. He said I was nearly dead" I tell her leaving out the details

"How does that make you feel now knowing that you were almost dead?" She asks and I think for a moment

"Sad..." I say quietly

"Sad? Why does that make you sad? She presses further

I sit there silently not wanting to answer "you can tell me Niall. This is a safe place for you to talk"

I take a nervous breath "sad because I wish I had died."

"We're you trying to kill yourself that night?" I shake my head

"No. I passed out due to hypothermia and starvation they said." I tell her what the doctors told me

"If you weren't trying to kill yourself why do you wish you had died?" She asks

"Because I" I pause not knowing how to put my feelings to words never having done so "because I feel so alone" I admit my eyes watering as I hold back tears

"Why do you feel alone? Haven't you made friends here and now your brother is back" I wipe a tear off my cheek

"Because nobody understands. No one not even my brother knows what it feels like to be bounced from place to place because nobody wants you. I may have friends now but eventually they'll leave or IFCA will take me away like they do every time because no one wants me" I spill my guts for the very first time. I didn't even know I felt this way. It all just came out unexpectedly like vomit

"That isn't true Niall. Do you feel that way because of all the foster homes you we're put in or because someone who you thought loved you told you that?" A pain in my chest goes through me like a stab wound

"I-I" I choke on my words as tears fall down my face no matte how hard I try and stop them "I can't tell you" I finally get out

"You can't? Or you're scared to?" She keeps pushing and I want to crack I want to just tell her everything I've kept bottled up inside me for 17 years so badly even what I told Liam is barely the half of it

"Both" I shake my head "I-I"

"It's alright Niall we can be done for today if you want" I nod quickly not being able to do this

"Okay" she comes over to me rubbing my back try to comfort me as tears fall down my face even though I try to make them stop I just can't

"We have to go talk to your social worker now" she says once I've calmed down "why don't you go clean up your face and I'll meet you in the conference room" I nod and walk out going to the bathrooms just down the hall

I splash water on my face breathing heavily and shaking my head as I walk out

I gasp when I open the door to be meet with Liam "oh my god Liam you scared me!" I shout at him

"Sorry are you alright? Kristen told me you were in here" He asks eyeing me up and down

"Yeah I'm fine" I say emotionlessly walking down the hall "I have to get to that dumb meeting with my social worker"

"Right...are you sure you're okay your eyes are kind of red" i click a button on the elevator as the doors close

"I just had an eyelash in my eye" I roll my eyes annoyed with all his stupid questions

"In both of them?"

"Uhg Liam would you stop interrogating me! God I wasn't doing drugs in therapy if that's what you're getting at!" I say angrily

"Okay sorry" he says sounding hurt

"I'm sorry I just really don't want to go to this damn interrogation" I walk out of the elevator and down the hall to the conference room

"It's alright. I'll see you after" he tells me

"Yeah" I sigh turning the door handle to the conference room to reveal a bunch of people sitting at the conference table.

Greendale, Maura, Kristen, a police officer, some other girl I don't know and "Greg?" I say walking in

"Hey" he stands up

"What are you-" Maura cuts me off

"I tracked him down he's going to be talking with us also" Maura explains and Greg hugs me

"Don't tell them a word" he whispers in my ear before turning to siting down. I sit next to him while everyone else sits across from us which is so awkward to have all these adults just staring us down like we're two criminals convicted of murder

"Alright let's begin" Grendale says

"Okay Niall," Maura says across from me "I know you don't exactly know what's going on but listen you're not in trouble at all" she tells me slowly as if I'm a child "we're just here to talk about you and Greg. Talk about what happened to you both"

"We have to have a police officer here to do so?" I ask eying the Asian man next to Grendale skeptically

"He's just here to write things down for the police report" the random lady says

"Police report?" Greg asks just as confused as I am

"Yes we'll get to that later though for now we need to talk to you two about the nights you were both found" the random lady with dark hair says

"who even are you?" I ask defensively why does she think she can go nosing around in our lives

"I'm Carol I was your brothers old social worker" she says and I look to Greg for some kind of confirmation and he just nods slightly

"Anyway Greg let's start with the night you were found. It says in the police report you were 14 and found asleep in someone's garage you had stayed the night. The person called the police and you were immediately taken to the hospital having mental and physical injuries suspected to be from abuse though you wouldn't tell the police anything. We understand you were young then and probably scared you're an adult now though and realize we're on your side and are only trying to help so can you answer my question being; at any point in your life were you physically, verbally or sexually abused?" The police asks and I look at Greg not sure how he'll get out of this

"I don't feel comfortable talking about any of this with strangers" he says staring the officer down

"We maybe strangers but we are trying to help you both. If you would just tell us yes or no and if yes then who did this to you we will lock them up in jail and you two will never have to worry about them again." I look down "you could be safe if you just talk" Maura practically begs. Honestly it doesn't sound awful. Being safe all we have to do is tell them dad's name and we could be safe? Not have to live in fear?

"What about you Niall?" The officer asks and I look up my heart racing

"Please Niall just tell us yes or no. I know this is hard to talk about but if you just tell us You wouldn't have to be scared anymore" Kristen says obviously talking about our therapy session

"Niall, were you or Greg ever verbally, physically, or sexually abused at any point?" The officer asks and the room goes silent the only noise being the thumping of my heart that I swear people in Alaska can hear.

I look at Greg glaring at me telling me not to say a word and the people in front of me all with pleading eyes telling me I could be safe from the threat of my father? I could go to bed at night and not be scared he'll find me and take me back while I sleep...

"Yes" I whisper closing my eyes not being able to look at their faces. everyone sighs. Greg sighs in anger everyone else in relief that I answered honestly

I watch as Maura and the police officer write things down.

"Thank you Niall for being honest. Now all you both have to do is tell us who did this to you and exactly what they did" the officer tells me and Maura takes my hand from across the table giving it a tight squeeze and smiling at me supportively. Somehow that actually helps me a bit

"Niall it says in the report about you that you were found passed out and nearly dead on the street having almost died from hypothermia and starvation you were 15. They brought you to the hospital only to find you also displayed clear signs of physical and mental abuse. Can either of you tell us who was hurting you?" We both fall silent both too terrified to say his name aloud that somehow he'd hear us and come in here and kill us in front of each other

"We were told that if we said a word to anyone he would kill the other one in front of us..."Greg admits and I look at him shocked "so if we tell you and you go and arrest him you have to promise that we will never have to see him not in court not in jail no where" Greg says and I nod agreeing

"Of course" Kristen assures us

"It was our father" I say quietly looking at them all as they have that guilty look come across their face

"Thomas Horan" Greg tells them spitting the name out quickly

A/N: Not sure about this chapter:/ what do you all think? And before you comment saying that isn't Niall's dad I know I just couldn't make bobby this mean!☺️ thank you for all the lovely comments really appreciate them all!

Hope you liked the chapter! Please tell me your thoughts in the comments and leave me some questions for the authors/Characters  Q&A at the end of the book!! All the love always~HXx

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