You Are My Everything { A Fre...

By Creamiepuffs

15.2K 258 88

Ariana "Ana" Cruz has just recently found out that her parents are really her adopted parents and that she is... More

[2] Do I know You?
[3] He's MINE! M-I-N-E!
[4] Last Monday Night
[5] Are You Mad?!
[6] Starlit Nights
[7] Part One: They're Coming
[8] Part Two: They're Coming
You Are My Everything Contest Results
[9] Part Three: They're Coming
[10] Part Three and a Half: They're Coming

You Are My Everything { A Fred Weasley Story }

4K 42 13
By Creamiepuffs

Disclaimer: I, in no way whatsoever own, or claim any of the Harry Potter characters. All of the characters and places mentioned in either the movies or books of Harry Potter that were mentioned in this fan-fiction are property of the magnificent J.K. Rowling. The only characters I claim in this fan-fiction so far are Ariana Cruz and her family.

Chapter One: Do You Remember Me?

   I stared at the seat in front of me as I sighed with my head against the cold window of the Hogwarts Express. My mind pondering as to what would happen to my life once I stepped foot on the Hogwarts grounds. A single tear slowly began to roll down one of my cheeks. No, not from joy and happiness about attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, but from sadness and regret. I am usually a cheerful and peppy girl, but not today. It was only three weeks ago. Three weeks past since I found out that I was adopted. Three miserable weeks past since I found out that I would never be able to see my adopted parents anymore. I closed my eyes to be able to let the tears fall freely from my eyes. I tried my hardest to stop my mind from replaying  the moment of my life that I hope I would never have to think of ever again. The terrible memory then erupted from my brain and entered the room. The sunshine filled compartment was then replaced with my living room back home in France.

                                                         -------------FLACH BACK---------------

   It was cold that day. Colder than what it should be in August. Well, it was warm, until they came. It was an ordinary day that day. I was simply preparing my trunk for school that would be coming around in a couple of weeks. Beauxbatons was my school. I would be going into my sixth year this upcoming school year. I danced across my room when the bright and sunny sky became ominously dark and fearful. Thinking it was just another Summer storm, I ignored it. I then continued to pack my trunk. Then suddenly, there was a loud ''CRASH!" and "BOOM!". My hair turning a dark purple, I ran down stairs. My hair was always the dead give-away. Yes, I am a metamorphagus. I continued to run down the winding marble staircase. As I made my way to the last step, someone grabbed me and restrained me as they made their way to the living room. I saw the fear and terror in my eyes. The fear almost too much for me. The man took me into the living room and through me onto the couch. I regretted not bringing my wand with me. They then shot the "immobulous" spell at me and I was doomed. My house was invaded by death eaters.

"'Ello Ariana..." hissed a terrifying women in a black dress. I gulped, I knew who she was. I finally regained the ability to move. I gasped at the sudden ability to move. My hair and my eyes were red. Dark red.

"B-B- Bellatrix." was all I could manage to say. Her devilish smile turned to scowl and she screamed at me.

"HOW DARE YOU UTTER MY NAME YOU FILTHY HALF-BLOOD!" she screeched at me with her high-pitched voice. She walked closer to me. Wand out at the ready for her to cast a spell at me.

"DOLOHOV! Bring in this little half-blood's parents in NOW!" she demanded at an ugly man behind her.The ugly man then went into the kitchen and brought out my parents. I gasped as I saw their appearances. They were under the "Imperious Curse". I wanted to run up to Bellatrix and kill her. However, I knew I would fail. Although I hate to admit it, but she was an excellent witch. An excellent witch that used her talent for evil and misfortune. Finally, after seeing my parents as they were for so long, something inside of me just broke.I stood up and screamed at Bellatrix.

" HOW DARE YOU DO THIS TO MY MOTHER AND FATHER YOU TERRIBLE AND UGLY WOMAN! YOU ARE A DISGRACE TO WITCHES EVERYWHERE! YOU ARE A COWARD! INSTEAD OF USING ONE OF THE UNFORGIVABLE CURSES, YOU ACTUALLY FIGHT! MY PARENTS ARE GOOD AND HONEST PEOPLE! YOU,YOU,YOU B-" however, I was cut short when Bellatrix ran up to me and shot the "Cruciatus Curse" at me. Suddenly, a pain like no other I have ever experienced shot throughout my body. Like thousands of bullets and stabs going through my body. I wanted to scream, but no sound managed to come out of me.

"Don't. You. Dare. Call. Me. That." Bellatrix bellowed at me frighteningly. Then, she shot another crucio curse at me, and both of my parents. I wanted to cry, but I knew I had to stay strong.

"You call your mum and your dad honest? Did they ever tell you that you are adopted? Huh? Huh Ariana?" she asked me bluntly. My eyes widened the moment she said that.

"WHAT?!" I screamed at the top of my lungs.

"I'll let your mum and dad explain that to 'ya." she smiled devishly. She then lifted the crucio curse off of all of us and my mum begin to speak.

"Ana, when you were born, your real parents were muggles from London. They already had one baby girl with them, and they told us that they didn't have enough money to care of you both. We were both very good friends with them, and they told us that you should go with us. They knew that we wanted another child, but we couldn't. So they gave you to us. Please do not be mad. We only didn't tell you because we knew you would run away and be found by death eaters because of" my mother told me quickly as she looked at me with pleading eyes.

"I'm not mad. You love me, and that's good enough for me. Just one thing. Who is my sister?" I asked pleadingly.

"Her name is Her-" my father will never finish that sentence, for at that moment, Bellatrix exclaimed "AVADA KEDAVRA!" and with that, both my parents were gone forever. I screamed and turned around to see that Bellatrix and her goons were already gone. Tear after tear rolled down my face.

                               -----------------------------END OF FLASH BACK-------------------------------------

   The misty memory then returned back to my mind with a loud "whoooosh!". Before I could stop myself, I was sobbing my heart out. It felt as if I would never be happy ever again. No, this was no dementor. This was depression. I rested my head back onto the cold window of my empty compartment. Over those past three weeks, I was living with my 'brother'. My adopted parents' real son, of blood relation. He too was a wizard, and he bought me everything I needed. He was working in Romania, alongside his fellow dragon-tamer, Charlie Weasley. However, I have never met this famous Charlie Weasley before. But considering what happened three weeks ago, my brother, Jake returned home to France and took care of me. I have heard many stories of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry from my brother, considering he had attended Hogwarts, and not Beauxbatons. I was too busy thinking about my family and sobbing to realize that someone, or rather two someones had entered my once empty compartment. They were laughing hysterically about some sort of prank they had pulled only a few minutes ago.They were two tall, red-headed boys. Twins I think they were.

"Hahaha!!!! Watch....Hahaha.....when....Hahaha.....Malfoy.....Hahaha......sees.......Hahaha........that!" One of the twins said.

"Hahahaha!!!! I.....Hahaha....Know!!!!! Hahaha!" The other twin, with a deeper voice said. Suddenly, their laughter stopped, when they noticed me in the corner of the compartment sobbing with my legs pulled up so then my head rested on them.

"Hey, what's wrong?" The twin with the higher voice asked my softly. My head turned to face them both. I sniffled several times before I answered. I wiped my eyes as well.

"I-I-I-I.....d-d-don't....wa-wa-want.....t-to......t-talk....ab-about.....i-it." I replied sniffling all the while.

"It's okay, my name is Fred. Fred Weasley by the way." The with the higher voice told me. I wiped my eyes once more and began to regain composure. I put my legs down back to the floor and sat up attempting to fix my glasses.My eyes travelled towards the red-headed twins. MAN, were they cute! My eyes then transfixed onto the eyes of Fred. Caramel brown. My eyes couldn't pull away from them. They were....enchanting.

"I'm George. George Weasley. I'm the more well-built twin." The deeper voice twin interrupted my gaze conceitedly. I giggled.

"Sure, whatever you say.....George." I managed to say with only one sniffle interrupting it.

"I-I'm Ariana. Ariana, Cr-" I stopped myself. I didn't know what my real last name was.

"B-B-But just Ana, or whatever you want." I smiled.

"So you CAN smile!" Fred exclaimed. I smiled once again.

"Yeah, I guess..." I replied now regained full composure.

"Well, we haven't seen you around Hogwarts at all! Which is weird, right Freddie Boy?!" George questioned me a tad too over dramatically.

"No. We haven't Georgie. Which is odd because we know EVERYONE!" Fred said over dramatically as he outstretched his arms to create an oval to emphasize his point. I laughed.

"So, what house are you in, love?" Fred asked. I starred once again into his caramel brown eyes.The fact that he called me love made my heart beat even faster.

"Huh? Oh, well, I'm not necessarily in a house. You see, I'm a transfer student." I told them awkwardly.

"Oh!" the twins replied in unison.

"Do you know of the houses then?" George asked me as he winked at me. Seeing this, Fred hit him upside his head.

"Er....Houses?" I asked curiously.

"Yes. You see, Hogwarts is split up into four houses. Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff and Slytherin. The houses are sort of like your family. Gryffindor is the best house, which we both are in, Ravenclaw, for the smart and nerdy ones, Hufflepuff, for the ones that are not suited for either Gryffindor, Ravenclaw or Slytherin, and Slytherin is for the pompous jerks." Fred explained all the while starring deep into my eyes. I have to admit, he did make me blush. Why must he make me blush?! I was screaming to myself in my mind.

"Oh, well considering that you both are in Gryffindor, then I would want to be in Gryffindor as well." I concluded as I smirked at them. The twins smiled broadly at me.

"But if not in Gryffindor, then I guess Ravenclaw would be okay as well." I muttered quietly.

"Sorry love what was that?" Fred asked

"Nothing!" I replied all too quickly.

"I thought so, because you better be in Gryffindor. I want to show you something when you are in Gryffindor." Fred told me adorably. However, George raised his eyebrows at his brother.

"Well, I'll be right back. I'm going to fix my.....well....face." I laughed as I walked out of the compartment.

"Well, I like how your face looks right now." Fred mumbled quietly.

"Huh? What was that Fred?" I asked

"Oh nothing!" Fred replied all too quickly as he scratched the back of his head.

"Okay then!" I then walked out of the compartment and headed for the loo. I looked at myself in the mirror and winced at my reflection. I looked horrendous. Silly Fred, I look awful! Unless he actually does like how I look. He really is cute. Fred that is. Fred actually comforted me, while George just stood there. George is just a tad too cocky for my liking. I fixed my...well....face and headed back to the compartment. However, before I walked in, I heard George confronting Fred.

"Fred! You can't just lead Ana on when you have a thing with Angelina!" George yelled at Fred

"Who says I was leading Ana on?! And what about Angelina?" Fred retorted angrily

"Fred, I'm your twin and I know you. You like Ana. You like like Ana. You only like Angelina, as a friend." George replied. "If you want to have a thing with Ana, then tell Angelina first! She still thinks that you two are together!" George finished.

"Fine. But can you be any quieter? Ana should be back any second and I don't want her to hear! And with Angelina, I alreadybrokeupwithher." Fred mumbled the last part as he looked away.

"WHAT?!" George exclaimed. I decided to come in, I didn't want Fred to suffer. He didn't let me suffer, and so I don't want him to suffer either. I walked in nonchalantly and smiled. I didn't change into my robes yet because I didn't have my house yet.

"So, did you guys hear all that yelling?!  I heard it from all the way from the loo!" I exclaimed. I knew where that yelling came from of course, I just want to see their reactions.

"Huh? Oh yeah, we definitely heard that!" They said together.

"Oh well, there it is Ana. Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry." Fred pointed to a large castle outside the window.

"REALLY?! I want to see it! I want to see it!" I yelled as if I was a little girl. I climbed past George and then ended up falling onto Fred.

"OI! Careful Ana! I have important things there!" George exclaimed

"Oh my gosh! Hogwarts is BEAUTIFUL!" I yelled at the top of my lungs

"Yeah, you-I mean IT is!" Fred said in awe

"This place is way better than Beauxbatons! This is going to be an amazing year!" I squealed excitedly

"Even better now that you're here." Fred mumbled

"I'm sorry what was that Fred?" I asked

"Nothing!" Fred said all too quickly once again. This time, both Ana and George were smiling at Fred. This was indeed going to be an amazing year.


Thank you for reading the first installment of " You Are My Everything"!

This first chapter is just introducing Ariana's past and such. Now it comes down to the sorting! What house will she be in? Who's her real sister? What is her last name? Why am writing like this? LOL anyways, once again thanks for reading!

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