Love Will Prevail

By USWNT-Cabaeo

34.1K 694 268

Sequel to Your Ex. Tobin Heath and Alex Morgan have definitely had some trials with their relationship... wha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Alternate Ending
Okay heres the deal.

Chapter 8

2.2K 47 16
By USWNT-Cabaeo

Tobin wakes up before Alex like usual. Smiling, the midfielder kisses her girlfriend's hair before getting up carefully and sliding on some sweats and a sports bra.

She walks out in the kitchen and begins cooking breakfast for the other girl.

Once done she walks back into Alex's room to wake her up.

Right as Tobin is about to kiss her forehead, she hears Alex's phone go off.

"Tobes check that for me." Alex mumbles very sleepily.

The caramel eyed girl reaches over grabbing Alex's iPhone.

Serv: Hey Lex, I'm in Portland. Want to meet up somewhere?

As Tobin reads the message her blood begins to boil.

"Who is it baby?" The crystal eyed girl asks, her voice raspier than usual.

"See for yourself." The midfielder mutters coldly leaving the phone on the bed.

Tobin walks out of the room leaving a confused Alex.

Checking her phone, Alex sighs.

Al: No Servando.

She texts back before getting dressed and walking out into the kitchen of the small apartment.

"Tobin, I honestly have no clue why he texted me I haven't even talked to him since the divorce was finalized." Alex says.

"Don't fucking lie to me, Alex. I know how you two are, you've been like it your whole lives. You and I get going really well then he says some sweet things to you, you break things off with me...or just flat out cheat. I get my heart broken, again. Then you two live a happy life until I come back into the picture thinking for some reason things will be different and things never fucking are." The light haired girl's voice raises with each word and by the time she is done she is in Alex's face practically shouting.

Taking a deep breath, Tobin shakes her head. "Call me when you are serious about what you want. Until then I'm not going to play this game just to get hurt again."

With that, Tobin walks into the room she shares -used to share- with Alex.

She grabs the things she'll need for about a week then pulls a t shirt on and walks out the door.

"Tobin wait, please." Alex begs behind her, sobs wracking her body.

"I want you. You are my everything Tobin. I love you, please don't do this." She begs.

"Yeah, I've heard that before." Tobin says coldly as she walks out of the building.


Its been two weeks since Tobin left. Two very long and painful weeks for both Alex and Tobin.

The light haired girl is laying on the bed in the hotel she has been staying in.

There are stray bottles of hard alcohol lying around. Tobin is staring at the ceiling trying to think about anything but the crystal eyed beauty.

She hears a knock on the door. A confused look etches its way onto the soccer player's face.

She gets up, used to the feeling of being drunk by now. When Tobin reaches the door she looks through the peep hole seeing none other than Kelley O'Hara.

"What the fuck?" Tobin mumbles as she opens the door.

"Kell what the hell are you doing here?" The midfielder asks.

"Can I come in?" The freckled girl asks.

"Uhm yeah of course." Tobin says letting her friend in, shutting the door behind her.

"I'm worried about you, Tobin." Kelley states as she pulls a chair over by the bed and sits down.

"Why? I'm fine." The light haired girl shrugs.

"Alex told me what happened. The Thorns team manager has been calling Alex non-stop asking what is going on with you. People are worried about you, Tobin. I know that it hurts but Alex hasn't went one day without breaking down into a sobbing mess. I have been in Portland since the day after you walked out, Alex is a wreck." Kelley is cut off by Tobin.

"It just hurts so fucking much Kell. I saw the pictures of them on their date. He makes her so fucking happy. I thought I'd be prepared for it but I'm fucking not I can't stand seeing her with anyone else." Tobin says, tears filling her eyes.

"Tobes, she is truly in love with you. She is hurting too but she thinks that you don't want her anymore." The freckled girl informs the midfielder.

"I just want the pain to go away." Tobin mutters before looking at Kelley.

"You can help." The tan girl states.

"Tobin what are y-" the other soccer player is cut off by Tobin crashing their lips together desperately.

Kelley pulls back "Tobin wait. You aren't thinking straight." She states.

"Kell...I need this. I need the pain to go away." Tobin begs.

"You'll regret this tomorrow." The freckled girl reminds her.

"Please, Kelley. We don't have to tell anybody. It will stay just between you" Tobin kisses the other girl's neck softly, "and me." She whispers in her ear.

Tobin connects their lips together again in a deep kiss. Tobin pulls her shirt over her head before lifting Kelley's off as well, dropping the clothing in a pile on the floor.

The midfielder pulls the other girl up to her, kissing her desperately.


The next morning Tobin is woken up by her alarm clock that she sets so she can go jogging.

Glancing over to the freckled girl snoring lightly next to her last night's actions flash through her mind.

Sighing deeply, she gets up pulling on workout clothes before writing a quick note to Kelley telling her where she is.

When the midfielder gets back from her jog she walks into the hotel room to see it spotlessly clean.

"Kell?" Tobin calls out.

"I'm in the bathroom." The freckled girl answers before walking out dressed and ready for the day. "I uh borrowed some clothes from you, hope that's okay." She smiles timidly.

"Oh, yeah, no. That's fine." Tobin smiles. "Uhm did you clean?" She asks.

"Oh yeah, I threw out your alcohol too. You and Alex are going to sit down and talk like adults today." The freckled girl smiles.

Tobin sighs knowing it's probably for the best. "Alright well then let me get ready."


Tobin is sitting in a small coffee shop tapping her foot waiting for Alex to show up. Kelley is a couple tables away ready to jump in for damage control at anytime.

After about ten minutes the star soccer player steps into the building.

Tobin stands to greet her.

"Hey superstar." The midfielder says timidly with a half smile. "I uh ordered you a vanilla latte. Hope that's okay, I just remember you drinking those a lot."

"I swear charm flows through your veins, Tobin Heath." Alex jokes lightly, trying to ease the tension that is rising between the two.

As they sit down Tobin clears her throat. "I'm sorry, Alex. I overreacted because I'm scared of getting hurt by you because it has happened in the past. These past two weeks have been absolute hell without you by my side, you are my everything, Alex Morgan, you fill my thoughts and flow through my veins. I am so madly in love with you. It scares me sometimes the effect you have on me. Everytime I look at you I still get butterflies. When people hear the word home they think of a place. But my home, Alex, is you."

Alex's eyes tear up at the honest words spoken by the tan girl as a smile creeps onto her face. "I love you, Tobin Heath."

"I love you too, Alex Morgan." Tobin smiles her signature, wide smile.

"So are we okay?" The crystal eyed girl asks.

"That depends. Will you be my girlfriend, Alex?" Tobin asks.

"It would be my honor." The dark haired girl smiles.

After thirty more minutes of the two talking and joking they go to the hotel Tobin was staying at, grabbing her stuff then going to the apartment with Kelley.


After dropping Kelley off at the airport. Tobin and Alex are cuddling on the couch watching Stick It.

"I love you so much." Tobin murmurs as her thumb strokes Alex's exposed hip bone.

"I love you so much too." The ocean eyed girl smiles as she leans up connecting their lips in a soft kiss.

A/N: hey fam. This chapter sucks I'm going through some major writers block so I apologize. Anyway, let me know what you guys think! And remember to stay positive and dance for money and updates. (: -Kaycee

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