Bloodclan Queen

By Silver_dropp

61K 1.4K 1.3K

I am not good at these...... But anyway, ... Ivy is a normal kit born into a two leg nest, but when her house... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 2

3.4K 85 83
By Silver_dropp

"Well Ivy, you don't seem like you are old enough to eat prey, so we will have to put you with another queen." Kyla meowed. She wasn't carrying me anymore. "And I know exactly who. Her name is Kitty, she isn't as cruel as some other cats in our clan. She has other kits, a Tom named Ash and a she kit named Nut. You will fit in good there." She mewed.

"Okay." I muttered. I haven't said much since I got here. And I didn't want to. Kyla seemed nice. As if she didn't want to be in bloodclan. But Fang and Smokey seemed like they enjoyed killing. Like it was all a game.

After some walking, we turned sharply into a dark alley. I saw three cats, one adult and two kits.

"Kitty?" Kyla called out,

"Yes?" A voice spoke back, padding out of the darkness. She was a brown tabby she cat.

"We have a new member, a kit. You will be taking care of her."  Kyla meowed.

Kitty gave me a disdainful sniff. "You think I want Her? Ever since Spruce was hit by the monster, I've had to care for my lumps of fur myself. I can barely feed all three of us." She snorted

I flattened my ears against my head and crouched down.

The hair on Kyla's back began to raise. "You ungrateful she cat!" She hissed. "This kit was welcomed into Bloodclan by Scourge himself! I am one of his best cats. I patrol the two-leg place and fight off intruders. I bring prey for you! And what do you do? Sit here moping about the death of your mate. You will care for this kit, or Scourge will know about how you haven't been pulling your weight." She spat.

Kitty was crouched in the same position as me, her eyes narrowed.

"Fine. What is her name." Kitty grumbled.

"I'm Ivy." I meowed.

"Well Ivy, Welcome to Bloodclan. These are my kits, Nut and Ash." She meowed, pointing and a white and brown tabby she cat, and a gray tom.

"I'll keep bringing you prey, and I expect you to be kind to Ivy.  But make her learn the ways of Bloodclan." Kyla mewed, dipping her head and turning around to leave.

I stared and watched her until she was out of sight.

"How old are you, Ivy?" Kitty mewed, sitting next to me.

"Four moons." I answered blankly.

"So you are just old enough for you to start being taken off of milk and start eating prey. Don't worry, I'll still give you some milk, but you'll have to get used to eating meat." She meowed.

I stared at her. What happened to the grumpy she cat from a few minutes ago? 

"I'd like to apologize for earlier. I was rude. But my mate, Spruce, was hit and killed by a monster a half-moon ago. I've had a hard time taking care of Nut and Ash. Kyla has helped a bunch." She mewed.

"It's ok. I get it. My mother ran out of milk after my twolegs left. She came to join here, and the black cat killed her. That's why I'm here." I mewed.

"Well you don't have to worry anymore. I can take care of you. And as long as you don't Defy Scourge, you should be fine." She purred.

"Can I meet your kits?" I asked.

"Of course!" She mewed.

I followed her towards the back, where they were chasing a spider.

"Nut, Ash, come meet Ivy. She will be staying with us, as your littermate. " Kitty called out.

They rushed forward, scrambling over each other.

"Hi! I'm Nut!" The she cat mewed excitedly. She wasn't very big, but she wasn't small either. Bigger than me though.

Her brother caught up.  "I'm Ash!" He mewed. He was huge! Almost as big as kitty!

"Where did you come from? Were you a kitty Pet? What happened to your mom? How did you find us?" Nut chattered on.

"I.. Uh..." I stammered.

"Alright alright. Let's let her get used to us before we start bombarding her with questions." Kitty chuckled and turned to me. "You must have had a long day. Why don't you rest? There is a place in the corner where we sleep. You can rest there."

I nodded. "Thank you." I padded over to the pile of rubbish, curled up and fell into a fitful sleep.


"Ivy! Where are you?"

I knew that voice.

"Mama? Mama! Where are you?" I cried, running through the darkness.

"Ivy! Ivy!" The voice cried out.

"I'm coming mama! I'm coming!" I cried out, running harder. I saw a light, and ran towards it. The voice was in there.

"Ivy! I need you!"

"Mama!" I meet, dashing towards the light figure.

When I reached it, the whole world went white. The figure turned into the black cat that had my mom killed.

He laughed and turned into a shadow, swallowing me whole.

"Mama! Help me!" I squeaked.

Suddenly I was under water. I kicked with my legs, trying to get up, but something pushed me back down. Water filled my nose and mouth and my lungs screamed for air. Then I felt something grab my scruff and pull me up.

I coughed several times, then opened my eyes to see who saved me.

"Mama?" I mewed.

"Quiet little one. Your future will be tough, but you must make it through. Don't let it drown you." She meowed.

"What does that mean?" I asked, but she was already fading.

"Mama! Come back!" I cried.

Note: I'm still looking to make my allegiances bigger. I need OC's! Message me yours! And so you know, Kitty, Nut, and Ash aren't mine. You know who  you are.





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