Daddy's Little Girl Fell In L...

By xXChocoChipKookieXx

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Chapter 1-He Came Into My Life
Chapter 2-Love At First Sight??
Chapter 3-Playing Hooky (Cutting Class)
Chapter 4- And So It Begins
Chapter 6-'You are in Love mate'
Chapter 7-Dads so called lecture
Chapter 8-My Way of Fun
Chapter 9-Dinner with Daddy
Chapter 9- Dinner with Daddy pt 2
Chapter 10- A Date && SpongeBob
Chapter 11-Can we join ?
Chapter 12-Dad's Mystery
Chapter 13-Busted
Chapter 14- Jenna Has Lost It...-_-
Chapter 15- There's a stranger in my house at 4am!?
Chapter 16-Trouble in Pancake Paradise
Chapter 17-Flashbacks & Hospitals
Chapter 18: Another Surpirse
Chapter 19: Decided
Chapter 20-'It Was a Stupid Mistake'
Chapter 21-He Said I Would Never Be Alone, But Who's By My Side Now?
Chapter 22- The War Begins...
Chapter 23- Redecorating
Chapter 24- 'Daddy bailed on your ass'
Chapter 25-New dude & Old Ex
Chapter 27-I Dont want better, I want John
Chapter 28- Your ass looks great
Chapter 29-Time to bond with my son
Chapter 30-On A Cruise or Having Flings?

Chapter 5-Pool time? But were in Winter and its freezing outside!

676 4 2
By xXChocoChipKookieXx

Hi, ok everyone yes. I did put chapter 6 up instead of 5 by an accident so who ever already read it, well you got a sneak peek. ;) Im so sorry if i confused anyone, my bad. Anyways here is the real chapter 5. Sorry about that i mixed them up.

Enjoy! And comment and vote. I really need feedback. :D

Chapter 5

Its now going on 8pm.

So far we’ve done almost everything you could think of doing in this house.

We played about 8 different games on the Xbox360, me and John made out, we watched 3 movies, we played hide-and-seek, we played Twister, Life, Monopoly, Sorry!, and a bunch of other board games. We stuffed our faces with junk food ALL day (we haven’t eaten anything else), Michael barfed it all up about an hour ago and still ate more.

I called my dad and told him I’d stay the night at Jenna’s house thankfully he didn’t ask about me picking up clothes, I never lied to him yet and I don't plan on it, but I think I would’ve told him not to worry that Jenna could lend me clothes, which is true she can. So I wouldn’t have lied. But he reminded me that I have to leave early tomorrow to got to the Poconos, then I remembered to invite Jenna so she’s coming with me and Alyssa might go, I doubt it because her parents are too strict.

Anyways so now were sprawled out all over the living room; im laying upside down on the couch-my head is hanging off while my feet are where my head is supposed to be-, Michael is lying on his stomach on the floor, John is also lying on the floor but he’s on his back with his knees up and Jenna is sprawled on the other sofa.

“What now?” Michael asks.

“Well you guys still haven’t called your parents, right?” I ask John and Michael.

“I sent a text saying I’d be home late.” John answered.

“And I called saying I’d pick up clothes later to stay at a friends house.” Michael answered.

“So your staying over?” Jenna asked.

“Yepp” he said grinning like a fool.

“Uh John, I think you’re beyond ‘late’. Its like 8 o’clock already.” I remind him.

“You want me to leave?” he smirks.

I blush, he knows very well the answer is HELL to the NO! Smartass. Not only because well because I might secretly like him (If you tell anyone I swear I will….well I don't know but I will do something you don't like or that you wont enjoy.) but also because then I’d be like a third wheel. Ok fine your right I wont be, but can’t a girl have a weak excuse, please?

Before I answer Jenna speaks “Oh yea, what happened after I left you guys in the dining room?”

I blush even deeper and John looks at me with that smile of his and I see his dimples.

“You have to spill what's up with you and Michael first, actually I don't even have to tell you. You owe me a pass from the last time Michael slept over and you called ‘pass’.”

She groaned “No fair! Fine I’ll tell you about the first time he slept over AND the present gossip on us. I’ll even throw in Melissa’s info on the cause of her operation.”

That’s tempting because there were sooooo many rumors about a boy in the loop with that.

Hmmm. “Nope. BUT! You have to by obligation tell me about the present between you and Michael, your out of passes.”

“JESSICA that’s not fair! You probably made out with the new boy and God knows what else happened…”

My jaw dropped to the floor and my eyes probably look as big as a frikken planet, but then I burst out laughing.

“Wait, lemme get this straight, you guys trade gossip for gossip?” Michael ask obviously amused.

I nodded.

“And passes are…?” John added.

“Passes are-“ Jenna began.

“NO! Jenna don't! Boys cant know until AFTER senior year.” I said.

“I thought Alyssa said they can find out during senior year. Oh no! Your right she said after senior year because during senior year we do the bet then we have to-I’ll stop now.”

“Yes please and thank you.” I said giggling.

“Wow, you girls and your dirty deeds.” John scowls being goofy.

“Next thing you know they’re hiding ‘cooties’” Michael teases and we laugh.

“Lets go swimming.” John says.

“Its probably 5o degrees out there and you wanna go swimming? No.” Jenna says.

John pouts and I giggle.

“C’mon lets go.” Michael says tugging at Jenna’s legs. “Lets go swimming.”

“Noooo its gonna be freezing.” Jenna whines and I laugh again and she glares at me.

“I would love to go swimming” I begin and the boys’ face light up “But not now, its too cold.” I say laughing and they glare at me and Jenna as we laugh.

Michael gives John a look but I was too busy playing with my hair and feeling the blood running to think about it.

“Go!” John yells and before I know it I’m being held over his shoulder and Jenna is screaming in the same position on Michael’s shoulder.

“JOHN NO! Its gonna be cold!”

They open the door and I shit a frikken brick.

I can see my breath, that’s how cold it is and these douche bag boys want to swim!?

John stops in front of the pool and puts me down right at the edge holding me by my hips firmly with an evil smirk. If I actually be able to move, I doubt it, I’d probably push myself into the pool; that’s how smart this boy is. Butt face.

“John please don't, John I swear to God I will hate you forever if you do. Please.” I say while he laughs. My heart is racing at the anticipation.

I feel like a jew about to be killed by a Nazi but the Nazi pauses to re-load his gun; that’s just evil; to have to wait for all that with anticipation and shitting a…well skip the brick and jump to shitting a whole frikken universe.

I look over and see Jenna going through the same thing.

“Oh Jess, that’s not a nice thing to say when your at the wrong end of the gun.” John teases. Mind reader!

I lift my chin up before I retort but then I feel weird so I lower it again, (what a fail, me trying to make up fake courage) “Fine throw me in.”

John looks at me surprise but quickly covers it up and opens his mouth but I speak first looking into his eyes.

“But you have to come in with me.”

He smiles and pecks my lips.



I gasp for air while my body immediately shivers from the cold water and I’m letting out gasps while trying to catch my breath, im an idiot….SPLASH! and in goes Jenna.

I look up and see John high five Michael and glare.

John looks at me and has this look when our eyes meet. Like an amused look but a loving look at the same time as if he was thinking ‘aww I’m sorry’ since he had wild eyes but a warm smile.

I hear the water move and see Jenna coming up from the water.

By now my teeth are chattering.

I go to her and whisper “we haahaavvve tttoo g-g-g-getttt the-th-them B-b-b-aaack.” And she nods.

I look back at the guys and they weren’t even there.

Where’d they go?

I walk toward the steps in the pool, trying to be fast but since im practically frozen I’m going at the speed of a stupid turtle. Then I see John and Michael come back in their swimming trunks and holding a few towels.

You’ve got to be shitting me.


And the boys are in the pool.

I rush over to John and as he tries to come up I dunk his head back in giggling.

Still underwater he grabs my hands from the top of his head and swirls me so I’m in front of him and he comes up with a smirk.

And I'm standing there shivering, my lips chattering.

I look over my shoulder and see Michael come above the water and Jenna pushes him and walks away, of course though he chases her and grabs her. They’re cute together, they always have been.

I look back at John, who’s staring at me with a genuine smile showing his dimples.

I couldn’t help myself and I poke his dimple with my trembling finger.

He grabs my finger and covers my whole hand with his and kisses it.

Jeez his hands are big.

“Wow, it really isn’t that cold out here.” John comments.

I give him a look “Its f-f-fri-kkkkkenn fr-fr-free-ee-eez-z-zin-g-g-g.”

He chuckles and pulls me into a hug.

How the hell is this boy so darn warm?

I immediately, searching warmth, snuggle in closer and he wraps his arms all round my back.

He kisses my head and whispers “I like holding you like this.”

I smile and look up at him “I l-l-l-iiii-i-i-k-k-k-ke y-“ I groan giving up on talking with my teeth chattering like this and of course he thinks its funny and chuckles.

“C’mon.” he says and picks me up and I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his neck. It kinda felt like when daddy used to pick me up. Funny huh?

We get out the pool and without letting go of me John puts a towel around my back and it reaches my arms, but I only snuggle deeper into him resting my head at the crock of his neck.

He brings me inside and a wave of heat runs into my skin but I’m still shivering; I’m still cold.

We go upstairs and he stops at the bathroom “I’ll go get your duffle bag.” He says.

I close the door and get undressed tossing my clothes into the tub. Dang, I already showered earlier and now I have to wash my hair. Screw that.

I grab the a bottle of conditioner and rub it in my hair and leave it there so when my hair dries it wont be too hard and too dried to comb out.

Then theres a knock at the door and I open it slightly, just enough to grab my duffle “Thanks.”

I close it again and get dressed with my PJ’s.

I didn’t know the boys would be staying over so I packed a pair of VERY short shorts that about 3-4inches above half my thigh. But I brought a very long t-shirt, it’s a guys t-shirt. I love sleeping in them since they're so big. It has the logo of one of my favorite guy brands: Harley Davison.

I slip on my fuzzy socks and im done.

I open the door, still shivering a little bit but at least my teeth are still.

I walk out and didn’t realize John was waiting for me until I heard a footstep behind me, and of course I jumped 5ft in the air. Why do I get scared to darn easily?

John chuckled then got serious “you look…” he swallowed hard “good.”

And I blushed looking down at what I was wearing; the shirt passed the shorts.

“Are you wearing pants?” he asked.

“Yea I am, but I wasn’t expecting you guys to sleepover sooo…yeah. I would’ve packed something more appropriate.” I said in a low voice feeling self conscious.

He shook his head “No no, you look fine.” He smiled and I felt good. With just that smile I felt relaxed.

I put my bag in the guest room and he came up behind me wrapping his arms around my waist. Still having my back against him, I rest my head against his rock hard chest. His Chest!

Gosh I missed it! We were in the pool and he was shirtless but I was too frikken cold and now I didn’t get to actually look at his chest! Hmmf.

“What are you pouting about?” John chuckled.

Oh shit. “I-I was just thinking, im hungry.”

He laughed “You’re so cute.” He said and kissed my head.

I sighed in content.

“Lets order pizza, where’s Jenna and Michael?” I ask.

“Making out in her bedroom.” He says.

That little dork still hasn’t told me about them. Are they back together? Are they being each other’s fuck-buddy again? What's there relationship at the moment? No strings attached?

I look up at John, would he look at me as just a ‘fuck-buddy’? I hope not. I'm no ones booty call. And I never will be, Kyle learned that lesson pretty well after breaking my heart. Asshole.

“What are you thinking about?” John asks me and I realize I was still looking at him.

Should I tell him? Is it too early, will I scare him away?

Well if he gets ‘scared away’ that’s his problem, im not a damn booty call.

“What do you see me as John?” I ask.

He gets serious. “I want to look at you as my girlfriend, whenever your ready for that, but if not then you are my very special amazing friend that I’d always be ready to dump any girl on Earth to be with.” He answered.

Whoa, that was deep.

I look down; he wants me to be his girl? I feel my cheeks burn up with blush and hope he doesn’t notice.

He kisses my cheek “I love your blush.” No such luck. But a rush of joy runs through me and I cant help but smile.

I look up at him again only to see him looking as sincere as always.

“Let’s order that pizza.” I say smiling.

He nods and we go downstairs to the fridge where the number is written down on a paper.

After ordering I get a vanilla/chocolate pudding from the fridge.

“You like pudding.” John pointed out.

“I love pudding.” I said smiling.

“I love how cute you are.” He retorted but then looked down as if he wasn’t supposed to say it out loud and I could’ve sworn his cheeks had a light shade of pink, just like mine.

“John are you blushing?” I dare ask.

He glared at me “In your dreams”

“And as of now, it’s also in reality.”

He chuckled “Shut up.” He said and nudged me with his hip.

I nudged him back and we started doing it back and forth.

“What are you guys doing?” Jenna appears and ask holding back her laugh.

“Hahaha I didn’t know 17yr olds play that game.” Michael chuckled.

I glared at them “Well you know me, I’m not your ordinary 17yr old.” I retorted.

“Your bet your ass you’re not.” Michael said then looked at Jenna “She’s very mature for her age yet she acts like a 5yr old sometimes.”

Jenna laughs “That’s so very true actually.”

I laugh. “Whatevs. I ordered 2 pizzas. One half cheese half sausage and the other one is half meat lovers and half pepperoni.”

I love meat lovers.

“Ok awesome. You didn’t ask for soda though, right.” Michael asked.

“No, we’re beyond loaded with soda. And we still have a douche load of candies and junk left.” I said.

He nodded.

“So. What were you two doing up there?” John asked them.

I smirk, I have a pretty good idea.

Jenna blushed and Michael spoke “Rocking the bed like Fred frikken Flintstone.” He laughed proudly and me and John also laughed while Jenna hit his arm.

“Jenna the gossip you owe me is almost expiring, and soon your going to have to tell me way more than you had to.” I point out.

She groaned “Then lemme tell you what's up now. Let’s go to the living room.”

We all go to the living room sprawling on the couches and the floor.

She sighed. “Ok, me and Michael decided to do one night stands with each other-no strings attached- again like 2 weeks ago. That’s why he slept over the first time you caught us, well not the first time but you know the first time in a long time. Anyways, then we got more connected and well we’re in-between being boyfriend and girlfriend and friends with privileges.” She says blushing.

“Awww. I don't see why you never just eat it up. Michael you need to swallow your pride and stick with Jenna and Jenna only because I know that you don't want to lose her. But your wasting time. If and when she finds a boyfriend, well we all know she’d never cheat on anyone so where does that leave you?  A player jumping from girl to girl even more often.” I said and Jenna flinches a little towards the end and Michael looks like he’s deep in thought.

I know I’m right.

Michael sighs and rubs the back of his neck “Look I just, I don't know. Its not easy for me to talk about stuff like this you know that.” He says strained.

“Then me and you, lets go talk guy talk upstairs then we’ll come back down.” John inputs.

Michael nodded and happily goes upstairs with John.

I sigh. “I don't see why its so hard for a guy to open up.” I point out.

“Yea, tell me about it.”

“So tell me, what's up in your head?”

This time she sighs “I like him, just like always, I still like him. I never really stopped actually. But he doesn’t know that because if he’d find out then I’ll look like his pathetic booty call, and lemme tell you I’m not about to put myself out there like that, in that position. Hell no. But I wonder how he feels about me. Like, does he like me? Does he want to be together?”

“Babe, listen to yourself. You’re obviously crazy about him, so you need to tell him. Because I know, and I mean I KNOW he still likes you just as much as you like him. Hell you guys probably still love each other. But I think he doesn’t want to let go of his rep as a player just yet; either that or he’s not ready for a committed relationship.”

 “Well you know what? Everyone makes sacrifices in a relationship so if he wants me then hell yes he has to drop his pride a little and give up the stupid ‘rep’ of being a player. We’re seniors, it doesn’t matter anymore. In a few months we graduate and we’ll be out of that school for good. But if its about the whole committed thing, I guess he’s right. IN A WAY. Because you know, people need to take leaps of faith. And a relationship is all about that because by doing that you learn to trust each other.”

Damn, I cant help but reflect myself on the last part.

Should I take a ‘leap of faith’ and be with John?

I sigh. Ughhh! Boyfriends can be such a complicated subject.

“Babe.” Jenna began. I looked up at her and she continued. “You need to take a chance with John. I, honestly, think he is ‘crazy’ about you. I mean the way he looks at you, its just so cute. He looks at you with so much passion and he just admires you with his eyes. Look I know he was a player; Alyssa told me.” My eyes open wide, how come I didn’t find out? “That boy deserves a chance.”

“Ugh, I guess your right.”

“Oh giiiirl you know I’m right, you also hope I’m right” She laughs “You know you wanna be with him just as bad as I want to be with Michael.”

Wow, I do don't I?

Before I could speak again the boys came down and looked at each other as if saying ‘go’.

What are they doing?

Michael takes Jenna’s hand and goes upstairs and John takes my hand and looks into my eyes, like he’s looking for something.

And I couldn’t pin-point the emotion in his eyes; it was mixed. Like joy, excitement, nervousness, unsure, maybe confused?

But I want to be with him; and that’s all that’s really going through my mind.

True, I only just met him yesterday, but that’s all it took. Two days and I’m falling for the player that claims to be and ‘ex’-player, just for me.

He smiles as if he found what he was looking for and his dimples poke out making me melt.

I smile back and he leans in and gives me a quick peck on the lips.

Then he looks back into my eyes and opens his mouth to speak.

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