From where we come

By Ashleelovesyew

54 23 0

Eva Gordan has grown up in tough neighborhood. Her mom's on drugs and barely takes care of her sixteen year o... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Three

4 2 0
By Ashleelovesyew

Micahs POV:

I woke up to find Eva wasn't in my bed anymore. I got up and stretched and heard the shower running.

She must be in the shower I thought to myself and got clothes out of my closet.

I heard the shower turn of and decided I'd go wait by the bathroom door. I waited for about five minutes before she came out and ran right into me.

I smiled down at her and asked her if she slept okay. She nodded and said, "Yes, I've slept better than I have in weeks."

I told her She could go down stairs and make herself at home to whatever she wanted and she stepped out of my way to let me into the bathroom.

I took a ten minute shower, letting the warmth come over my body. It felt so nice.

After I got out of the shower and got dressed I headed down stairs and heard my mom and Eva talking. Her voice was beautiful. I'm glad I met her.

I stepped into the kitchen and smelled the eggs and sausage my mom had cooked and it smelled amazing.

We sat down and ate. After we finished Eva said, "we better get going if we are going to make it to school on time."

"Don't worry about it my mom will give us a ride. The only reason she couldn't yesterday is because our beat up ol' truck was packed with our stuff." I had replied.

She nodded and went to the living room. I peered my head in as she turned the tv on and looked like she was in love with it.

I sat down next to her and watched the tv with her. There was only a little small talk and then the door bell rang.

My mom got up and answered it. Eva must of recognized the voice because she got up and said hello.

It was an old woman who had brought a cake over to welcome us to the neighborhood.

My mom offered for her to come in and eat some breakfast and told me to take the truck. I grabbed the keys and my back pack and walked out the door.. Eva behind me.


I was sitting in first period thinking about Eva. I know I had only just met her but I was starting to like her already.. she was beautiful and kind. A little awkward at times but I thought it was cute. I couldn't wait to go to next period and see her again. I know I sound like a creep but honestly I'm not. I swear.


We drove home singing to the radio. Eva's singing voice was beautiful.. even if she was singing to metal and rock.

We arrived at the house and I noticed a woman sitting on Eva's porch with a black garbage bag in hand.

Eva got out in a hurry and went over there. I couldn't tell what was being said but I stood there waiting for her.

She walked back and looked a little sad.. hurt maybe.

"What's wrong?" I asked her.

She had explained to me what had just took place.

I got a little angry by what she had told me and ran into my house.

"Mom, come out here it's important. " I said and my mom flowed me in a hurry.

"Tell her what you just said." I said still pissed off.

Eva told my mom and my mom took off over there and scolded Eva's mother. I've only ever seen my mom angry a couple of times but she had never got like this.

"Go get your things Eva your moving in with us." My mom said and my heart dropped.

I couldn't believe that Eva was going to move in with us and I followed Eva into her house.

I was sad to see that she didn't have many clothes. What kind of mother would do this to their child? My mother had always made sure I was taken care of.


Eva offered for me to go next door with her to Mrs. Shannons but I denied. I had to keep an eye on supper and wanted to give her some space since her mother just basically abandoned her.


When Eva got home we had watched a movie, she seemed mesmerized by it. I told her I was sorry for how her mother just up and left her and she thanked me for letting her stay here even though it wasn't up to me. I also agreed to go walking with her to get applications but she didn't need a job. We would take care of her one way or another.


Okay, so I decided I'm going to do a couple POVs for Micah. It won't be very often just sometimes. It will mostly be in Eva's POV.





I'll upload the next chapter as soon as I can! Thanks bunches! Lots of love ;*

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