Daughter of the Seas (Complet...


201K 3.9K 192

The Fanfiction you PotC fans have all been waiting for! Davy Jones's and Calypso's daughter! Woo! Hope you en... More

The Bretherin Court
William Turner
Pirate Dice
The Kraken
Goodbye Jack Sparrow
Lord Cutler Beckett
The Heart
This Shall Be The Death of Me
The Pirate Goddess
Daughter of the Seas: Queen Anne's Revenge
I have no words
Holy soggy cabbage

The Chest

11.2K 264 8

          After an hour of sailing, we neared Isla Cruces. Davy looked through his telescope, then lowered it angrily.
         "They're here. And I cannot set foot on land for near another decade."
         "You trust us to act in your stead?" Maccus asked.
"I trust you know wait awaits should you fail!" Maccus was surprised by his choice of words.
"Down then!" Davy yelled and the crew repeated him. I felt the bow tip towards the water, then seconds later I was submerged in water. My salty hair was whipped from my face, and I had to hold onto my bandana. I still had no idea how my fathers hat never flew off. Davy started to call out who would come. Maccus was leading the 'expidition', I was coming, and part of the crew. We walked along the sea floor till we reached the beach. I got to the big chest full of letters and a few dead flowers, but the chest, containing the still beating heart of Davy Jones, was no were in sight. Suddenly, a bell rang from an old church tower. The crew ran after the noise, knowing it belonged to Jack Sparrow. When the church was in sight a little better, I could see Jack, a man I didn't know, and a man that looked strikingly alike to William Turner, but he was dead, so it could not be him. Jack jumped off the building, and the two mystery men started fighting again, then jumped onto a water wheel, which broke off, then rolled down the slope. We went through the jungle, trying to find a way to get the chest and key, but not get squashed. Then, just our luck. We stumbled upon two men who were holding the chest, and a woman. They gave the woman their swords, picked up the chest, and ran, the woman following shortly after. We ran after them, and the woman screamed as we got nearer. The two men, which I'm guessing aren't the brightest, ran between a tree, dropping the chest. They stopped, deciding to grab it or not, for we were getting closer. We ran over the chest and they had no choice but to fight. They fled closer and closer to the beach, were their longboat was. Jimmy Legs (A.K.A Jim), picked up the chest, running from the battle. As we pushed our enemy farther and farther back, then we got to a clearing. Jack was sitting by a tree with the chest. He took one look at us (who were charging him), then ran away. We continued fighting the three people, then the two stupid men grabbed the chest and ran to the beach. Jack was by the longboat, with a jar of dirt. He is still the weirdest person I have ever met. Pacifico tried to hit Jack with his sword, but he dodged. Jack grabbed an oar and defended himself. I got my chance  to fight the woman, who was a handful. She blocked my sword with her two, she wasn't as strong as me, and she realised that. She stopped blocking with one sword, then stabbed me in the chest, pulled the sword out, and stepped back.
          "Nice shot!" I said attacking her again
          "What?!" She was flabbergasted. I smirked. We fought and fought, then something quite odd happened. The water wheel we were avoiding came rolling across the beach, and everyone stopped fighting, staring at the wheel, confused. It rolled for a while, then tipped over and we all continued to fight. The two men came from the wheel, incredibly dizzy. They stumbled around for a bit, got un-dizzied, then the mystery person went to the longboat, and the William-imposter joined the fight, and of course, he had to help the woman, who was already a handful.
"Elizabeth!" He exclaimed.
"Oh! So it is you back from the dead."I said sarcastically.
"Yup. By the way, thanks for the favor." I glared at him. Ogilvey took on Elizabeth, and I nodded my thanks.
"What has become of my father?" He asked.
"Oh, Bootstrap? He is extremely depressed, in the brig, after you faked your death. Be thankful Davy never killed the man! I really thought he would." I turned my head to the longboat. The two stupid men had the chest and were moving the longboat into the water. I stopped fighting, turned and went to stop them. Will stepped in front of me, his blade to my throat.
"This is very familiar, yes?" Will said cockily. I rolled my eyes. He ran towards the longboat, and just when I went to stop him, the mystery man stepped in front of me, and started fighting me.
         "And who may you be?" I asked him, blocking his sword.
         "Commodore James Norrington." He replied in a deep voice.
         "And what are you doing with pirates, Commodore?"
         "Business." He fled closer and closer to the longboat, then joined Elizabeth, Jack, the two stupid men, and Will. We circled the boat, plainly outnumbering them. They talked amongst themselves, deciding what to do.  James Norrington grabbed the chest and ran. We left Will, Jack, Elizabeth, and the two men, and chased him into the jungle. He tripped, the chest and his sword flying from his hands. He got the chest, put his hand on his sword, but Jimmy Legs stood on it.
          "Your bravery is waisted. I shall now pry the chest away from your cold, dead hands." James stood up, looked around then tossed the chest to him.
          "Here you go!" He ran off, probably joining his 'friends'. Then we walked back to our ship laughing.

I am so happy, I just got twelve reads, I have been writing this for only five days, thank you guys! I am almost finished chapter six, and seven is going to be epic. Once again thank you and comment anytime, I love the little tidbits I get from my readers! :)

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