Uniquely Three - Larry Stylin...

By LarryWriting

1.7M 46.9K 47K

Harry and Louis have been together nine months when Harry develops a strange illness. Much to everyone's surp... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7 (Mature, read authors note!)
Chapter 8
Chapter 9 (mature)
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34 (mature)

Chapter 13

50.6K 1.4K 1.7K
By LarryWriting

[A/N]: Heeeey guyssss! It's monday. And I'm in my bed. Cause I don't have to go to school for the rest of the summer :D Okay, enough bragging! This chapter is dedicated to TheBeanieGirl for making me the awesome fanart in the multimedia! :DDD Woooo!

[Louis' P.O.V]

"Louis!" Harry's excited voice exclaimed. "Outside! There is... it, um... it... that stuff that is like rain?"

My eyes fluttered open as a smile slipped onto my face. I sat up to find Harry at our window, one hand on his tummy as his free hand pointed insistently outside. I couldn't see out the window, but a much brighter light than normal was illuminating Harry, so I stretched and sat up, " Merry Christmas! Did it snow, lovely?"

"Yes!" Harry nodded, beckoning me over. "Snow!"

Phoebe came rushing into the room as well, "When do we get to open presents? Mum said you decide cause it's your house!"

"Merry Christmas to you, too, Phoebe," I laughed.

The younger boy beckoned me over to the window again, "Snow, Louis, come see!"

I rolled from the bed with a chuckle, stepping up behind him slipping my arms around to place my palms on his large belly, "S'really bright."

Phoebe joined us, "Fizz and I already went out there... it's really cold though, so we didn't stay out long. Oh! Harry, Lucy is hungry I think."

"I will feed her when we eat, too," Harry nodded with a chuckle.

"How long have you been awake, handsome?" I stood up straighter to nuzzle my nose against his kitten ear.

"Just woke up a few minutes ago," Harry informed me, carefully taking my bandaged hand and pressing a kiss to my fingers. "I put on some sweats and one of my shirts... but then I saw snow and wanted to show you, too!"

"How are you and Jelly Bean this morning?" I asked him gently.

Harry pursed his lips, "Good! But pancakes... want pancakes."

"And applesauce?" I chuckled.

"And peanut butter," he nodded happily.

"Eww..." Phoebe's nose scrunched.

Harry pouted, "But Phoebs, it is good!"

"Whatever you say, Harry," the little girl giggled, holding her hand out for him to follow her.

Harry turned and gave me a quick peck on the lips, "Me...Merry?"

"Merry Christmas," I hummed, bumping our noses together.

 "Merry Christmas," Harry repeated brightly, and then allowed Phoebe to lead him from the room.

I quickly slipped on some warmer clothes instead of boxers and t-shirt, and then I hurried after them. They were gathered in the kitchen, and the girls were helping Harry feed Lucy. Lottie and Niall were talking to Harry's tummy, Daisy was cuddling the squirming cat while Felicity poured her food, and Phoebe was getting her fresh water. Liam and my mother sat at the table, drinking their tea. My mother chuckled, "Merry Christmas, Louis."

"Merry Christmas, Mum," I stepped forward to kiss her cheek. "I'm gonna make some pancakes, then we can open presents."

"How about I make the pancakes," she laughed. "No offense, dear, but we don't want to die on Christmas."

"Hey!" I chuckled. "I cook for Harry and I all the time!"

Harry joined me as I sat down at the table, and he hesitantly lowered himself on my lap. The boy was a lot more careful about sitting on me now, as if he were afraid to break me now that he weighed a bit more with Jelly Bean. To assure him that I was fine I gathered him better in my arms and snuggled him to my chest, kissing him softly on the forehead. He grinned largely, moving my hands to his tummy, "Very wiggly this morning... Merry Christmas, my baby!"

I leaned around the younger boy to kiss his stomach and croon, "Merry Christmas, baby Bean! Daddy loves you!"

Liam grinned at me, "You call yourself Daddy now, hmm?"

Harry stuck his tongue out at him for me, "He is our baby's daddy."

"And you're Dada?" Liam asked.

"Jelly Bean's dada," Harry nodded.

My heart swelled in adoration for the younger boy, and I kissed his cheek. The girls and Niall finally came and settled at the table, with Niall sitting on Liam's lap and Daisy and Phoebe sharing a chair to save room. Lottie handed out plates and cups to everyone, and my mum put the pancakes on table. I patted Harry, trying to get him to stand up so I could get him some peanut butter, applesauce, and put the milk on the table for my mum. However, my mum simply waved a hand as Harry, clung onto me desperately, "I'll get whatever you need, dear. You just sit with Harry. You don't need to strain your stitches in your hand, anyway."

"Applesauce and peanut butter?" Harry asked hopefully.

"You'll get your applesauce and peanut butter, babe," I assured, and Niall laughed.

"And I thought I ate weird stuff," Niall whispered to Felicity, who giggled.

Harry made a pouting face, "Is not weird... Jelly Bean likes it, too. Tastes good, is not weird."

"Leave my Kitten alone!" I scolded, petting his tummy. "He and my Jelly Bean have to eat, and Harry is eating good things for Jelly Bean cause he's so good to our baby. He's a good dada."

Harry blushed, petting my leg, "Louis is a good daddy to our Jelly Bean, too! He takes Harry so we can look at Jelly Bean, and he always makes sure Harry takes Jelly Bean's medicine."

"Speaking of medicine, you need to take your vitamins!" I told him, once again trying to slide out from under him. He allowed me to leave him sitting on his chair this time, and I retrieved his vitamins from the medicine cabinet. When I returned, he had poured himself some milk, and had pancakes on his plate, but while everyone was eating happily he was sitting and waiting for me. He grinned at me, standing happily to allow me to slide under him, and then he sat back on my lap. I opened his vitamins and placed them on the table, "You silly Kitten, you didn't have to wait for me!"

"Wanted to," Harry insisted. "Love you, my Louis."

"I love you, too, darling," I chuckled, reaching to grab his milk so he could take his vitamins.

"Hows work, Louis?" my mum asked.

"It's good," I informed her. "Zayn and I keep each other from boredom."

"So Zayn is dating that red haired man, now, right?" her eyes flickered to Harry, who was dumping applesauce onto his pancake that he'd already smothered in peanut butter. "Chris?"

"Right," I nodded. "He and Chris are actually visiting Chris' family, or else they'd probably be here."

"Is that even good, Harry?" Lottie spoke up, looking skeptical.

"It-" the younger boy began.

"To Harry it is cause hes's preggers," Niall interrupted. "But to us it would probably taste like absolute-"

"Niall!" both Liam and I warned.

The blonde boy's ears fell, and he poutingly ate his pancakes, but he left my Kitten alone. Harry happily ate my pancakes, and I ate as well with a hand resting on his tummy. Once Harry finished eating, and settled back against me contently, Daisy and Felicity started arguing. Felicity accidentally knocked over Daisy's milk, and Daisy let out a shriek. At the high pitched sound, underneath my good hand there was a quick nudge. Harry jumped in surprise as well, but then he burst into giggles, "I think you scared my Jelly Bean! Made him or her kick!"

"That was Jelly Bean?" I asked in awe. "He or she kicked?"

"I think so," Harry nodded. "Is not hiccups... felt like wiggly, kind of! But you felt it? So it was a kick!"

"I felt it," I whispered. No matter how often I felt the baby moving, I was still overwhelmed with such a strong feeling of mixed emotions. I felt love, wanting nothing more than to hold both Harry and the baby close and snuggle with them. I felt joy, because Jelly Bean was our baby. A tiny mix of Harry and I. I felt fear, because I wanted nothing more than for Jelly Bean to be safe and healthy and I wanted to do everything I could for that to happen. Which provided a strong urge to be protective and keep all harmful things and people away from my family.

"If it was a quick nudge it probably was a kick," my mother chuckled. "Or the baby jumped when Daisy startled him or her."

"Can I feel?" Lottie gasped, leaping up and rushing over.

And then everyone swarmed, apart from Liam and my mother, begging to touch Harry's tummy. I pulled Harry against me protectively, "Now, now! How about we open presents instead?"

"In other words," my mum stood, moving to break up the huddle around us. "Too many people are too close to Harry for Louis' liking. He doesn't want the baby accidentally being jostled. Let's move to the living room, and I'll clean this mess up later."

So as soon as the kitchen was clear, I ushered Harry into the living room.  The girls were all claiming their presents and stacking Harry and I's gifts in the recliner. I moved them carefully to the floor, sitting down in the recliner and letting Harry sit on my lap. All of us gave Mark, who was in the States, a call and he wished us Merry Christmas and said he'd wished he could be with us. We told him we missed him as well, and the allowed the girls to open their gifts first. In our stockings, we'd all received chocolates and lollipops. Daisy and Phoebe got new Easy Bake ovens, barbies, an iPod touch, and a few new clothes from my mum. I got them each silver lockets that they could put pictures of whatever they wanted in it. They both agreed that they'd put pictures of Jelly Bean in it whenever he or she was born.

Felicity got lots of new clothes, several games for her Nintendo DSI, and an iTunes gift card from my mum, and I'd given her a locket as well. Lottie got gift cards for her favourite clothing stores, since she never liked anything my mum picked, and then fifty more pounds to spend on anything she wanted. From me, she also got a locket, but I'd also slipped her a 'Driving for Dummies' manual, just to keep up my annoying big brother reputation since she'd be driving in another year or so.

My mum received drawings from the girls, a gift card from Liam and Niall, and a diamond necklace from Harry and I. Liam, Niall, Harry and I opened our gifts at the same time. From my mum Niall and Liam had received one hundred pounds and a gift card to Nandos. Coincidentally, I had also gotten them a gift card to Nandos, so Niall was pretty happy about that. The girls had all drawn them pictures, and they promised to hang them on their refrigerator.

The gifts that were from both my mum and the girls, were for Harry and I to share. Or, I suppose they were for Jelly Bean as well. We'd received several outfits that could be for either a little boy or a little girl, and Harry and I had to take a few minutes to gush over how small they were. We also received nappies, baby wipes, and then much to my excitement, we'd received a carseat for newborns. We all thanked each other for the gifts, and I asked Harry if he'd help me carry the baby's stuff to the room, only I just wanted to get him alone for a few minutes. I had him carry the baby wipes, and I carried everything else. We placed the items by the crib, and then I reached for the younger boy.

He walked into my arms, "This is a good Christmas. I like this Christmas. Thank you, my Louis... Merry Christmas. Did not hurt your hand, right?"

"Merry Christmas to you as well, baby," I told him softly, stroking his curls. "I'm glad you've liked it. No, lovely, I didn't hurt my hand. But I've got one more thing for you, though."

Harry laughed, "I have something for you, too! Hid it in our room."

"That's where your gift is! It's in our closet," I kissed his cheek, seizing his hand to lead him to our room.

Harry grinned, "That is where yours is!"

"Great minds think alike, hmm?" I asked him as we slipped into our room and I shut the door behind us. I reached into my pillow case, pulling out the black box that contained Harry's gift. At the same time, Harry stretched his tall limbs up to the top shelf of the closet, one hand cradling his tummy while the other felt around on the shelf, pulling down an envelope. He walked back to me shyly, glancing at the black box in my hands and then down at the white envelope in his, and he blushed in embarrassment.

"Is that for me?" I asked hopefully, pointing at the envelope.

"It is not like what you got me," Harry said slowly. "But I had to give you something because you are my Louis and I just love you so much!"

"I'm sure it's perfect," I soothed, handing him his gift as I reached for the envelope. "Open yours and then I'll open mine?"

"Kay," Harry squeaked, hesitantly swapping gifts with me. He opened up the black box, his eyes widening as he pulled out the silver chain necklace inside. Attached to the necklace were two silver flat, hearts, and a silver bean looking object. I'd had the two hearts engraved, and Harry shakily read them aloud. "To my baby K-Kitten... F-forever and always, baby."

His eyes welled up with tears, his ears slipped into his curls, and then he flung his arms around me, careful not to bump his stomach. I nuzzled my face against his temple, "Merry Christmas, Kitten."

Harry pulled back, wiping at his eyes, "It is... you, me, and Jelly Bean? That is Jelly Bean, right? Love you so much, my Louis, thank you!"

"Can I open mine, now?" I asked him, wiping the tears that had spilled over his eyes away with my thumbs.

Harry nodded, croaking, "It is not like your gift to me... I wish I could give my Louis something like that but I cannot get a job..."

"I'm sure you're gift is perfect, lovely," I tore the flap on the envelope, reaching inside for the first thing I saw. I pulled out a folded piece of paper and tucked the envelope under my arm. I unfolded the paper, finding that Harry had wrote quite a bit in his adorably messy scrawl. I read it silently to my self, ignoring the spelling, grammar, and punctuation errors while Harry carefully took the envelope from me, reaching inside it.

Harry's Louis. I am writing this with out Liam's help becuz i wanted it to be a saprise. A lot of things are not spelled write I bet and I am sorry 4 that. It is that one day soon that you give people you love things on! You will read this on that day. I just wantid to tell you that I love you my Louis with all of my heart. You take care of me, and I made our Jelly Bean with you! I want to stay with my Louis 4 ever and you said that I cud but I did not have a ring and I do not have muney to get one. So I made one. I hope that you will like it. Love you Louis.

My eyes misted over, and I looked up to Harry in surprise to find that he was holding out a ring of paper. And then my tears spilled over, and I held my hand out, and although it was my injured one, had Harry slide the paper ring onto my finger. I wiggled my ring finger so Harry would know where to slip it as carefully as possible on at, and then I gently pulled him into my embrace, "Oh Kitten it's so perfect! Thank you so much, baby, of course we're spending forever together! I love you so much."

Harry nuzzled into my embrace, asking softly, "You liked it? And could read it? I know I did not spell lots of things right..."

"It was wonderful and so thoughtful," I assured him with a sniffle. "Best present ever, Kitten."

I reached around Harry without breaking the embrace to place the note on the night stand, planning on keeping it forever. Harry held out the necklace he still had in his hand, "You will put this on me?"

"Yes, baby," I nodded. "Then we're going to go talk to our friends and family about getting married."

I wiggled my hand with the paper ring, and Harry reached up to kindly brush the tears off of my cheeks, "Then we can see the snow?"

"Anything for my Kitten," I nodded. "We'll have to bundle you up really warm."

So we went into the living room where the rest of our family and friends were, holding out my hand to show them what was on my finger. Harry tapped me carefully, "They probably will not know what it is..."

"Harry has asked me to marry him," I announced, catching everyone's attention. "He made me this ring, and it's perfect, couldn't ask for more. So of course I said yes. He's my Kitten, I'm his Louis, and we're going to be together forever. Me, Harry, and our Jelly Bean. We're all a family. You all, too, of course!"

My mum burst into tears of joy, "That's fantastic! When's the wedding? I'm planning it, right?"

"Well since Jelly Bean is due sometime in April, should we have the wedding in June? It gives Harry time to recover, and that way Jelly Bean is at least two months old," I said thoughtfully.

Harry snuggled closer to me, and my mum agreed, "Is Lucca going to get you a certificate again?"

"I should call him," I nodded. "Wish him a merry Christmas... and bring that up."

"Liam and I will be your guys' best men, right?" Niall asked hopefully.

"And we'll be your flower girls?" Daisy and Phoebe grinned largely.

"We're the wedding greeters!" Lottie called, motioning between herself and Felicity.

Harry and I agreed to them all, then disappeared into our rooms again so Harry could layer bundle up to go outside. While he did that, I rang Dr. Shell. The man answered on the third ring, greeting me with, "Merry Christmas, Louis! Everything alright?"

"Merry Christmas, Lucca. Just called to wish you that... and... to ask if you could ask that guy from Niall and Liam's wedding to make Harry and I a wedding license? We'd of course like to use the upstairs area of your lab, as well, if that's alright..."

"Of course, of course!" Dr. Shell chuckled. "I expected this at some point. Congrats. Is this happening before the baby or after?"

"After," I grinned at Harry, who was tugging a beanie onto his ears. "June sometime."

"I can do that," Dr. Shell agreed. "I'm pretty much open whenever I feel like being open."

"Except for today," I pointed out. "You didn't come!"

"Kepa is an awkward child," he sighed. "He insisted on showing me sonograms of the hybrid he's made. He isn't going to be very happy when I inform him he can't sell it and that I'll put it up for adoption."

"If you do that," I said slowly. "Contact Niall and Liam about it... I bet Niall can talk Liam into adopting the kid. Is it a boy or a girl?"

"It's a little boy," Dr. Shell replied. "You really think Niall and Liam would want it?"

"Oh I know Niall would," I laughed. "He'd love that little guy."

"I'll have to consider that," Dr. Shell chuckled. "Well, I'll let you go. Again, congrats, Merry Christmas..."

"The same to you. Talk to you later."

Harry grabbed my good hand once I set my phone on the side table, checking to make sure my note was there. I carefully slipped the paper ring off my finger, and Harry looked at me, "So it does not... get lost?"

"Right," I nodded, pressing a kiss to his nose. "Or wet from the snow."

I didn't bundle up much, because I figured Harry shouldn't stay out in the cold for too long. Plus, we couldn't risk anyone seeing him. The girls made snow angels while I showed Harry how to make a snowball. I showed the boy how to catch a few of the snowflakes that fluttered down in flurries on his tongue, and he laughed, "Does taste like water!"

"It is water," Lottie chuckled.

Once Harry's feet grew cold, I took him back inside and we snuggled up to watch Aristocats while the girls and Niall and Liam continued to play outside. Harry nibbled on some crackers, and I ate one of the lollipops I'd been given. However, as I ate, I could feel Harry's gaze locked on me instead of the movie. I glanced at him, wiggling my eyebrows. He gave a small whimper, and worry instantly spiked through me, "Alright love?"

"Hot," he whined, squirming slightly.

"You're hot?" I asked gently.

Harry moaned, "Y-you are!"

The boy moved my good hand to his crotch, and I was surprised to find that he seemed painfully hard. My eyes flickered to the kitchen where my mum was reading with Lucy on her lap, "Oh... did I do that with... my lollipop?"

"I do not know," he sniffled. "Your lips are hot... and now I have an erection! Hurts!"

"Okay, okay," I soothed, looking at the front door and then to the kitchen, taking in a deep breath. "We can go in our room and lock the door... you'll have to be quiet, but do you want me to suck you off?"

"P-please, my Louis, please!" he begged, frantically scooting closer.

"Alright, baby," I nodded. I helped the sniffling boy to his feet, leading him to our room as quietly as possible. I stripped him down, getting tissues ready just in case and giving him a pillow to muffle any sounds he might make.

Ever so gently, I held his hips down with my good hand and stroked his tummy with my bad hand as I pulled him into my mouth, doing everything I knew pushed him over the edge to bring him to orgasm as quickly as possible. We needed to hurry before the girls and Liam and Niall came back in. I gave tiny licks to the head of his cock, and his hands found his way to pet at my hair. He squirmed and jerked on the bed, breathy whimpers escaping him although he fought to be quiet. Finally, as I dropped my mouth as far as I could down is length, he came, spurting hotly down my throat. I swallowed, only choking a bit. I pulled back and wiped at my mouth with a tissue, and Harry scrambled up and flung his arms around me.

"Thank you, my Louis! Thank you!" he whispered. "Always take care of me... take care of me, take care of our Jelly Bean..."

"Anything for my baby Kitten," I told him. "Let's get you dressed."

Once Harry was dressed and I'd gently wiped the sweat off of him, we restarted Aristocats and snuggled on the couch. Harry nuzzled against me where I was tucked behind him on the couch, "I am sorry that Jelly Bean makes me... need you more. Well actually I like needing you."

"I like when you need me, too," I chuckled, stroking Harry's tummy with my good hand. "Is Jelly Bean wiggly or do you think he or she is sleeping?"

"I think Jelly Bean is sleeping," he said. "My Louis... you and our Jelly Bean have made this my best Christmas ever."

"You made it my best Christmas ever, too, lovely," I told him gently. "You and Jelly Bean make each and every day the best day ever. I love you both so much."

"I love you, too, my Louis," he told me, and then wiggled backwards more so we could continue watching Aristocats on the best Christmas ever.

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