Gakuen Alice Crossover; Queen...

By KaylaHeartfilia

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Mikan Sakura Yukihara heard her friends talking bad things behind her back. Angry and sad, she requested her... More

Gakuen Alice Crossover; Queens of the Universe
Chapter 1: Betrayal and Request
Chapter 2- Confusion and Questions
Chapter 3- Depart and...Brother?!
Chapter 4- Free
Chapter 5- Home Sweet Home & Seeing Again
Chapter 6- Finally Meeting
Chapter 7- The Story of the Past (Part 1)
Chapter 8- The Story of the Past (Part 2)
Chapter 9- An Oath to Take
Chapter 10- One Goal
Chapter 11- Royal Dimension
Chapter 12- Illusion of Aggravation
Chapter 13- Underestimating
Author's Note
Chapter 14- Spar of the Elements
Chapter 15- Karin Visits
Chapter 16- Meeting Jin and Micchi and Umbras
Chapter 17- Transformation
Chapter 18- Explanation
Chapter 19- The Past Happenings and the Trip
Author's Note
Chapter 20- Mikan's Arrival
Chapter 21- Feelings and Intentions
Chapter 22- Fight with the Ferus'
Author's Note
Chapter 23- Stay in Alice Academy (Day 1)
Chapter 24- Stay in Alice Academy (Day 2)- Part 1
Chapter 24- Stay in Alice Academy (Day 2)- Part 2
Chapter 24- Stay in Alice Academy (Day 2)- Part 3
Chapter 25- Stay in Alice Academy (Day 3)- Part 1
Chapter 25- Stay in Alice Academy (Day 3)- Part 2
Chapter 25- Stay in Alice Academy (Day 3)- Part 3
Authoress' Show...I Think
Chapter 25- Stay in Alice Academy (Day 3)- Part 4
Chapter 26: Tomoeda
Chapter 27: Final Ritual and Demon Twins
Chapter 28: The Queen of Magic
Chapter 29: Have Faith and Calling the Light
Authoress' Show- Birthday Special
Chapter 30: Transfer Students
Authoress' Note
Chapter 32: He Has Return
Chapter 33: Return to the Royal Dimension
Chapter 34: They Finally Meet
Authoress' Show: Is this the End?
Chapter 35: Jewel of the Prophecy
Chapter 36: Entrance Riddle
Complete Chapter 36: Entrance Riddle
Authoress' Show

Chapter 31: Clow Reed's Past and the Origin of the Clow Cards

270 11 3
By KaylaHeartfilia

It was dark. He can feel the scorching flames running through his body, all because of her. His eyelids shut tighter as another wave of pain coursed through. That girl will pay for sealing him like this, in front of minions no less! With difficulty, he curled his fists at the remembrance of his humiliation.

It will only be a matter of time before his awakening, and he will get his revenge. He can already feel his conscious stirring. He can vision his two generals doing what they can to release him.

The memory of a girl with flowing golden blind hair and icy aquamarine eyes popped in his mind. Her arms outstretched as a blinding light surrounded them before everything went black and pain erupted.

'Soon, Kaylina, I will destroy you.'


Aquamarine eyes snapped open as a sudden chill ran down her spine. She looked around her darkness-covered realm with her dress flowing with her movements and narrowed her eyes in thought.

"Could he be...?" Her hand moved to the pendant on her chest and clutched it. "Mikan, Karin, hurry."


A pair of arms reached the sky before falling down on the brunette's side. All seven students were on the rooftops for their lunch and were enjoying the light breeze and warmth of the sun. The four girls occupied the bench facing the fenced side of the roof with the guys on the blanket covered ground.

"It's getting chilly, don't you think?" Tomoyo started a conversation, getting nods of agreement in response. "I hope the weather will be fair soon."

Mikan was the only one who didn't agree.

"NO! I hope it will rain really hard soon! So all the classes will be cancelled!" A fist smacked her head. "Ouch!" She turned to the culprit beside her. "What was that for, Karin?!"

The peach-blond swallowed before replying with a blank stare, "One, don't jinx it. Two, don't even think about using your Weather Alice." At this, Mikan avoided eye contact. "Three, stop whining and eat!"

"...Sorry." The brunette pouted. Feeling a glare on her, she didn't bother to turn. "Is something wrong, Mister Li?" From the corner of her eyes, his own orbs widened but he didn't show any indication of being surprised.

"I don't trust you."

"Oh? May I ask why?"

"...Those twins appeared out of nowhere and Sakura barely managed to defeat them even with me around. Then you guys appeared."

"You're suspicious of our motives." It was not a question, both of them knew that. "Sakura already trusts us because we are telling the truth, even more when we have proof. She can't defeat them alone and neither can we. Everything depends on us now." To avoid suspicion, she conversed with Sakura on her other side but made eye contact with him.

Syaoran tried not to let his tightened grip on his lunchbox show. "How is...Kaylina related with Clow?" His eyes narrowed when her amber eyes seemingly twinkled.

"Now you've asked the right question." Shifting her gaze, she maintained an innocent expression. "Hey, hey, we still haven't told you how Kaylina knew Clow Reed, right? I think this is the perfect chance!"

Sakura perked up at this and Tomoyo leaned in with interest. "Yes, please."

Karin placed her finished lunch on her lap and looked thoughtful. "You're right. Well, it all started when one of Kaylina's spell accidentally went wrong..."
(A/N BTW, all of their pasts will be revealed a whole lot later. Right, @chewybillabong? *wink*)


A boy with midnight blue hair strolled the shore of the huge lake. His hair was long enough to be tied into a low ponytail and two spiked bangs framed his face. His dark blue eyes scanned the place and took a seat under a huge cherry blossom tree. He was wearing a black shirt and a pair of black pants with a cloak tied around his neck. The soft, gentle breeze and the refreshing smell of the water took away the tension from his body. Soon, his eyes fluttered close...


Fluttering eyelids opened, he was face to face with a girl with long golden blond hair and shimmering aquamarine eyes. Surprised, he leaned back only to feel hard wood. His power spiked in cautiousness as he stared deeply at the girl. Blue eyes blinked before a smile crept her lips.

"Sorry for surprising you, but I am no threat. You don't need to be cautious, I won't harm you or anything." Her gentle voice spoke.

Still keeping his guard up, he asked, "Who are you? I've never seen you before in the academy. Moreover, how can I not sense your presence? What are you doing here? Can I trust you?" He fired one question over the other.
She blinked again and giggled. He was taken aback by her carefree attitude. Only then did he noticed her attire.

A blue dress that was tight on the bodice with its skirt a little flowing reaching above her knees, a dark ribbon around the waist and neckline, accompanied with a pair of simple blue flats with long white socks. He noticed that her hair reached her midback and has wavy ends. But what caught his attention the most was the multi-colored pendant on her chest.

He can feel some kind of hidden power in it.

"Curious are you?" She playfully said. His eyes snapped back to meet hers and they narrowed. "My name's Kaylina and I guess I am talented in magic but I accidentally messed up a teleportation spell and I'm curious on my location. Perhaps you would be kind to help me...?" Her trailing voice made him realize that he hasn't given his name.

'Then again, who will to a random stranger who suddenly appeared.' He thought to himself. "Clow."

"Mister Clow-"

"Just Clow, please. No formalities." He cuts off, his guard went down. "We are currently in Asteria Academy of Magic in China, the backyard grounds a few meters from the main campus, to be exact. (A/N Please bear with the name and info! If you have a better one, TELL ME, PLEASE!) Seeing as its a transportation spell that brought you here, and already knowing the location, you can find your way back home." He said, then a thought popped in his mind. "Wait, if you don't know this place, but you can use magic, where are you from? All wizard families send their children here and yet--" A giggle stopped him.

Kaylina realized her rude behavior and smiled apologetically. "So China, huh? So this is Earth of the Milky Way Galaxy."

"Huh? You speak as if you're from a different world!" Clow exclaimed, eyes wide. Kaylina gave a mysterious smile.

"That's because I am." Standing from her position, she turned her back on him. "Thank you for helping me. Have a nice day." Giving one last smile, she began to walk away.

Somehow, seeing her going farther away didn't sit right with him. He just met this strange girl less than half an hour ago but...
A strong wind blew, enough to capture many cherry blossoms petals in its currents and past Clow to the girl.
He feels like she can understand him.

"Wait!" A voice yelled. His voice, desperate and... What feeling is this?

High expectations from his parents, fear of losing control, pressures of being a talented magic-user...
She paused. Her body did not face him but her head turned to him. Her eyes were soft but curiosity was swimming in its blue depths.

He can feel it... She can feel it... They were the same.

"Will I see you again?" Will I get to know you more?

"Do you want me to?" Are you sure?

"Of course, I feel like we can be great friends." Yes, I need someone to talk to, someone who can understand me.

"..." She pursed her lips. "You barely know me." We are different.

"In identity, yes. So?" But we are the same. Can we?

It took a while for her to respond, before she fully faced him with a huge smile. "Okay!"
The cherry blossoms circled her, blowing her skirt in a twirling motion.
With a blink of his eyes, she was gone.

This's hope.


No one made a sound after that. Sakura and Syaoran shared the same expression of awe and curiosity. Tomoyo pursed her lips at what sounds to be the beginning of a love story. Natsume gave no indication of listening, his eyes focused on the brunette. Kazune had his eyes closed as he imagined the scenes. Karin had a look of nostalgia.

"W-Wow, that was... Clow long ago was it?" Sakura stuttered.

"When he was 12, I believe." Mikan thought. "Do you want to hear more?" Nods were her response. A small mysterious smile crept on both of her and Karin's lips as they stared at each other and sent a silent conversation.

"After that encounter..."


Just as she promised, she appeared again under that same tree in front of the same lake. This time her outfit was pink. Clow visibly brightened up at the sight of her and began to stand up, setting the book he was reading aside.

"You're back!"

"I promised, didn't I?" She playfully countered. "What do you want to talk about?"

"I was thinking we could talk about ourselves. I want to know about that planet of yours." He replied in an eager tone.

Kaylina giggled. "Fine."

That hour was spent on sharing their life stories with each other. Days passed, more information about them were exhanged until a bond grew. They were different yet alike in so many aspects. Their relationship was thinner than strangers but stronger than family. Blood is thicker than water did not apply to them. It was deep, fragile and something Clow could not exchange. He hadn't felt this much weight being removed from his shoulders for a long time.

Until a letter from his relatives appeared on his bed.
Until a news was revealed in the principal's office.


He ran. The trees blurred past him. Splotches of liquid from his eyes dropped behind him.

He needs to see her.
There was light at the end of the rows of trees.
He needs her.
He can't bare to lose her.
He didn't want this.
He didn't ask for this.


He burst through and immediately saw her under the same tree, her eyes closed as if sleeping.
He ran to her.
She opened her eyes.
He collapsed on her folded knees.
She can feel her dress wet with tears.

Her arms wrapped around him, whispering soothing words.
"Clow...what's wrong?"
"M-My parents...they're...d-dead." She didn't flinch nor speak. Actions is more suited. "Then the p-principal...h-he wants...m-me to f-fight...a-against a c-council...member."
He heaved until his sobs stopped and only tears flowed. "I was s-said to be blessed by strong magic b-because parents. Western and eastern p-powers could grow a-and I...could become a p-powerful magician."
"And you're upset because...?"
His upper body shot up and his hands gripped her shoulders tight. "If I become a powerful magician, more expectations will be placed upon me! And you know that I don't want to disappoint! What if, because of this power, I'll cause destruction instead?! What if-"
"Do you really doubt yourself?"

He was taken aback.

"Do you really think that you were chosen from a whim because of your immense control?" Somehow, Clow can feel a different aura from her. It felt regal, demanding and powerful. Very different from her carefree aura with a hint of lost. "Wrong!" He flinched from her sharp voice, loosening his grip. "They trust you, Clow. If you don't want to fail, then make sure you don't drown yourself in self-doubt! If you are afraid to lose control, then remember what you are fighting for! If you feel it is too much...then find someone whom you can share it to."
His eyes widened in shock.

I'm leaving.


Kaylina raised a hand and cupped his cheek. "Teleporting from a universe far from your own takes a lot out of you. The magic that both you and I use may be the same in enchantment but far from compatible. The presence of magic-users here ate away the little magic that anchors me to this place." We won't see each other again.
Clow choked for another batch of tears when she forced his head to lean closer, until their foreheads touched. "I-I...won't see you anymore?"
"...I'm afraid so."
He backed away quickly. "N-No. There must be something I can do! M-Maybe I can find a book about-"
"There's no such thing."
"But I can at least-"
"Clow!" Her warning tone stopped him. Her eyes softened at his heartbreaking face. "You and I are like the Sun and Moon, you know?"
"Sun and... Moon?"
"Yin and Yang, black and white, possessing the forces of nature that we can used for ourself or others. We are different yet alike. You may not notice it now...but you will in the future."
"What are you-!" He gasped when Kaylina became transparent in front of his own eyes. What's happening?!
Her smile still remained. "It seems like my time is up." She took his hand in hers and gave it a gentle squeeze.

The breeze blew around her, carrying the cherry blossoms in its wake. The pendant around her neck glowed as she began to slowly disappear. Her eyes closed. His eyes widened.

"No, Kaylina! Wait, you can't leave yet! I-" Before he can continue, her figure disappeared in a swirl of blossoms. He can't feel her presence, just like the first time they met. His hand fell to his side. Tears fell again like rain drops, his chest felt constricting, his throat dry.
With curled fists, he screamed.

I never got to say 'I love you'.


Few weeks later, the battle commenced and Clow was victorious. As everyone expected, he became the greatest magician in history. His fame spread throughout China and other magical communities, telling of his power and kindness. But no one knew the sadness and regret that he hid from the world; the same child who found love but it was ripped away by distance and difference.

As he strolled in his new home, simple but traditional, he ventured to the backyard where at the center of the garden, stood a lone and tall cherry blossom tree with a small pond on the left. Flowers in full bloom and petals flew around, reminding him of the same tree beside the lake.
He stood in front of it and caressed its trunk, closing his eyes.

"We are different yet alike."
"You and I are like the Sun and Moon, you know."
"Yin and Yang."
"Possessing the forces of nature."

Her last words floated in his mind.

"I feel like I understand what you are trying to say, Kaylina." He whispered lovingly. "You and I belong in different worlds that possess an ability not entirely magic, yet how we use it is the same." Opening his eyes, a smile played his lips. "Just as the moon and the sun are different in controlling the day and night, they cross the same sky." At this, he stared at the blue sky above him and how it turns to night.

"If you don't want to fail, then make sure you don't drown yourself in self-doubt! If you are afraid to lose control, then remember what you are fighting for! If you feel it is too much...then find someone whom you can share it to."

"I know what I have to do, Kaylina. To keep the balance of my powers so what I fear may not be realized."

Clow waited until twilight, where the moon and sun are in the same sky until the earth continues to turn. He raised his hands under the sky and his magic poured out from his body, calling the elements within, beneath, above and consisting the earth. One by one, orbs of different elements circled him like a ring. He willed his magic to bind it to them.

"With this I bind all forces to me to balance the dark and light. This ritual I perform under day and night." The orbs began to take shape. "I seal these elements into cards of power. I, Clow Reed, am your new master!" The surroundings turned dark, the orbs lit up and turned to cards with an image of its physical manifestation. Clow willed a card to levitate near him and observed it.
It was an image of a fairy with a plump petal outfit with the label under it, 'The Flower'. The card was black with hints of brown and gold. He turned it over and saw that the back portion was blank.
"What to do...?" He thought.

"You and I are like the Sun and Moon."

"I wonder." He willed his power to unleash again and levitated the cards higher. Sweat drippd down at the side of his face but he payed no heed to his exhaustion. The cards glowed just as the night was slowly being replaced by day. 'I got to hurry.'
"The sun and moon who rules the sky, hear my chant, my plea comply. I create the ones who will protect these cards, whoever's light shall be its guard. As brave as a lion and as gentle as an angel, I bring you forth to protect and remain faithful!" The cards circled fast, their power was enough to stop even time.

Clow held on as he saw two beings slowly forming. A smile played his lips until his vision darkened and the cards stopped glowing, slowly landing in a pile near him. The last thing he saw were two wings flapping, one golden as the sun and the other silver like the moon.

'I did it, Kaylina. These things I created now... I will cherish them for they represent us. I will make you proud and...I hope we will meet again, sweet cherry.'

And he did, gathering more forces and turning them to cards to balanced the dark and light. Until they were 53 cards in all.


Same time but different place...

Kaylina stared at the stars in the sky then to the kingdom she swore to protect. A soft, gentle smile played her lips as some unknown power was created in one place she knew well.

"Until we meet again, Clow."

Crossing the same sky but never together. What connects them is that they knew the existence of the other.

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