Regona City: Tempest (BK3)

By voif1d

217K 14.5K 3.1K

Given the chance to return to Regona, Sahara takes it. Times, however, have changed. Lithium City has stumble... More

The Calm
The Return
A New City
A Fleeting Moment
Unwanted Reunion
Double Trouble
Just Like Old Days
A Moment Together
A Troubling Question
A Seed Planted
A Forced Hand
An Offer of Help
Decision Point
A City Awakes
A Phantom Intrudes
Gain and Loss
A Sacrifice Made
No Boundaries (final)
Author's Note


6.1K 440 48
By voif1d

Voices drifted through the thick fog.

"You're kidding me...right?"


Sahara knew those voices. She pulled the sheet up, snuggling deeper as she refused to open her eyes. She didn't want to get up. Taking a deep breath a smile spread over her face as she realized she was breathing in Terrell's scent.


"It kind of makes sense though...she must have become trapped her after the virus...If she had said something the crews would have been at her throat."


"You don't think she brought..."

"Now you're going too far!"

Sahara took another breath. Why does it smell of Terrell? The question popped into her mind. Her eyes flew open and she sat bolt upright. She found herself sitting on Terrell's mattress at the top floor of the warehouse. What...? Slowly the events of the previous day filtered back into her mind. After crying her eyes out she had been too exhausted to do anything. She dimly remembered Terrell picking her up, taking her back to the warehouse, and then herself explaining to story in jumbled pieces before she had succumbed to her exhaustion. Terrell brought me all the way back... A pang of guilt shot through her.

"But still..." Reagan's voice was filled with frustration. "Why didn't she just go back the moment Lithium came?"

"Maybe she didn't want to," Arden replied.

There was a snort. "Have you heard of the royal city? It's paradise! Who in their right mind wouldn't want to go there! It's a place us mere mortals can only dream of!"

"Everyone has their reasons..." that was Orion.

"Okay...but then why didn't she put a stop to Lithium?"

Sahara pushed the sheet off her. She was relieved to see she still wore the same clothes as the day before, meaning that no one had tried to change her. It also made her realize how desperately she needed a shower. She shot a glance to the first floor where the guys were still talking. Her hand went to her face. Her tears had dried.

No more crying... Sahara scolded herself. Tears don't solve a thing. She got to her feet and took a deep breath. It's time to do something.

She headed for the stairs. As soon as she reached the top, the voices below died. The twins and Orion sat around the table, deep in discussion. There was no sign of Terrell or Noah. Swallowing her disappointment, Sahara made her way down.

The guys watched her, but no one said a thing. She didn't say a word either but headed to her part of the room, grabbed some fresh clothes, and walked to the showers. She got in and let the water wash over her while she thought things through.

Alegra said she's going to try see what she can find out her end. That leaves it up to us to see what we can do from here. She scrubbed furiously while thinking. When she reached her shoulder she winced at the pain. Looking at it she saw the angry bruise that had formed. She poked it only to wince again. Lithium took Naomi...Lithium took Alegra... She jutted out her chin. They're not taking anyone else from me. She commanded the water to stop and got out.

Drying off she threw on her clothes. For a moment she stayed to stare at her reflection in the mirror. A pair of determined brown eyes stared back at her. You're a leader, so start acting like one, she told herself.

Nodding to herself, she turned and walked out of the bathroom. She marched into the main room to find the guys sitting in silence. Upon hearing her, they turned to look. Sahara put her hands on her hips.

"We're going to find a way to get Lithium to give our family back," she announced.


"They're not going to give them back," Orion murmured.

"Then we're taking them back," Sahara replied.

A grin spread across Arden's face. Orion looked somewhat troubled and yet didn't voice what he was thinking.

"Yeah!" Reagan declared. "Don't mess with the Falcons!"

"You're planning to go up against an entire city?" Orion sounded doubtful.

"If that's what it takes," Sahara replied.

"So..." Arden sat up straighter, his face portraying his eagerness. "What's first?"

"Nothing," a voice cut them off.

Sahara turned her eyes to see Terrell had walked into the warehouse. He looked tired.

"Right now, nothing."

Sahara opened her mouth to protest, but Terrell beat her to it.

"You should all be in class, not turning up will just raise suspicion and call unwanted attention."

Reagan crossed his hands over his chest. "This is my way of protesting. Until they return our members I'm not going to their school."

Terrell raised his eyebrows. "I'm sure that'll work."

Sahara shook her head. "Terrell, there are more important things than..."

"Especially you," Terrell cut her off as his eyes turned on her. "The fact that you went with the princess to Lithium will make them watch you even more closely."

Sahara set her lips in a thin line. "We don't have time to play school," she argued. "They're sending Alegra out on the first shuttle..."

"She's a big girl," Terrell replied coldly, "she can take care of herself."

Sahara bit back the harsh response she felt coming to her lips, yet she couldn't help but send Terrell a glare. What's wrong with him? She thought in frustration. We should be rushing to help...not sitting back calmly. She crossed her arms over her chest, following Reagan's lead. "I'm not going to just sit back like nothing happened."

Terrell let out a frustrated sigh. "Seriously?" He ran a hand through his hair. "Why are you all being difficult?"

Orion got up. He motioned for his board.

"And where are you going?" Reagan asked.

Orion shot him a look before jerking a thumb to the door.

"It's not like you go to school anyway," Reagan muttered.

Arden got up.

"Hey!" Reagan protested as his twin headed for his board. "Arden!"

Sahara and Terrell watched in silence.

Arden grabbed his board before turning. Orion had already disappeared out of the door. "Look. We tried looking for Naomi, we haven't found anything. That isn't going to change."

"You're giving up?" Reagan protested.

Arden shook his head. "We've done what we can from our end. Terrell's right. We might as well not raise suspicion. Let's lay low until we hear from Alegra..."

"But she's..."

"She'll find a way, she's Alegra," Arden assured. He turned his eyes on Sahara. "If we're taking on Lithium then staying under the radar for now will give us the element of surprise when it's time to move."

Sahara knew he was right, however, by admitting that she had to admit Terrell had a point, and right now she didn't want to accept that. She said nothing.

"See you there." Arden turned, hopped on his board, and left.

"Idiot," Reagan muttered. He walked by Sahara and placed a hand on her shoulder. "Don't worry," he told her. "The moment you say go, we're going to rise and give Lithium hell." With that he followed his twin.

Sahara and Terrell were left standing in silence.

"I'll contact you later." Terrell turned.

Oh no you don't. Sahara ran forward and grabbed his arm, stopping his escape. "Where are you going?"

Terrell turned his head. "Go to school and leave the rest..."

"Where are you going?" Sahara repeated.


"You can't keep disappearing on me like this," Sahara scolded.

Terrell let out a sigh. He turned to face her. "If we're going to take on a city, we'll need all the help we can get."

Sahara waited for the rest.

"There's a person I'm going to ask...unfortunately," he muttered the last part.

Rayne! Sahara caught on. "I'm coming with." She made a motion for her board.

"You're going to school," Terrell replied.

"No." Sahara's board flew towards her.

"Stop being difficult."

"I'm not, you are!" came the protest as Sahara's board skidded to a halt next to her.

Terrell looked more than frustrated. "Sahara, school is..."

"Make me." Sahara put her hands on her hips. "I'm coming with you."


"So stubborn." Terrell seemed to give up. He got on his board.

Pleased at her victory, Sahara tried not to show her smugness. When Terrell shot off on his board, she leaned forward and followed. There was silence throughout most of their trip. It was only at the end that Terrell slowed down enough for her to pull up next to him.

"Any trace of Naomi?" Sahara asked.

Terrell shot her a glance. "No." His head turned back to the front. ""Wherever she is...they're doing a good job hiding her. Even with my connections it's like she disappeared completely."

Sahara scowled. "Do you think she's in Lithium?"

Terrell shook his head. "That's what we assumed at first. But somehow...I have this feeling that they don't exactly want to mix what's happening here with maybe not."

That made Sahara think. "So...there's a chance she's still in Regona?" she murmured.

If Terrell heard her he didn't show it. They boarded the rest of the way in silence. All around them people bustled around with city life. Going at a leisurely pace, Sahara and the leader of the Phantoms avoided obstacles with ease. They made it to the center of the city not too long after. As with the last time they had visited Rayne, they ignored the main gates leading to the tall building. Going around the back they found Keepers who took one glance at Terrell before opening the gate without so much as a word.

Sahara followed Terrell along the familiar path. They left their boards at the entrance before entering the building and heading for the elevator. Their trip was in silence. Soon they stood before the doors Sahara knew all too well. She wasn't sure what she felt every time she saw Rayne.

Terrell ignored the Keeper standing by the door. He didn't even knock but pushed the door open. Sahara trailed after him.

Rayne was sprawled on a couch. Seeing his brother he sat up. "You really came!" His eyes lit up like a Christmas tree.

"I need your help," Terrell announced.

Rayne let out a sigh. He patted the empty spot beside him. "Sit?" he hopefully asked his brother.

When Terrell ignored him his smile fell slightly. Then, as his eyes landed on Sahara it froze. "You're still here?" He cocked his head. "Ever ask him about it?"

Sahara knew he was referring to the device. Terrell shot her a confused look. Sahara crossed her hands over her chest, her mouth sealed shut.

"So..." Rayne put both hands behind his head and leaned back. "Why do you only visit me when you need something?"

Terrell raised his eyebrows. "Is there any other reason I should?"

His older brother winced. "That's cold." He nodded towards the hologram screen that hovered on one end. "You seem quite busy with your've been messing around with the system. Trying to find someone?"

"You tell me."

Sahara closed the door and proceeded to lean against it. She stayed silent as she watched the exchange.

"I hear you lost a member or two of the suspicious crew." Rayne shot a glance toward Sahara. "I'm guessing that's why you're here...though it took you longer than I thought."

"Where's the twerp?" Terrell demanded.

Rayne raised his eyebrows and cocked his head. For a moment the two brother's looked almost the same. "The only twerp I know is a little brother who wounds me more every time he..."

"Let's leave the whole we're related thing out of this and talk business," Terrell cut him off.

For a moment Rayne simply stared at him. Letting out a sigh, he got to his feet. "We really have to work on our relationship." He walked toward his younger brother. "There was a time you were cute and would call me brother." He put a hand on Terrell's shoulder. "How about we revert to those times, hmm? Try it, just once, one word." He looked more than hopeful as he peered into his younger brother's eyes. "It starts with a B and ends with and R," he prompted.

Terrell's hand shot out. In a moment he grabbed Rayne's arm and twisted it hard.

"Ah!" Rayne protested. "I get it, I get it! It's too soon." He jerked his arm from Terrell's grasp. "How about a nick-name"

Terrell looked far from amused.

"Don't other people usually assign you nicknames?" When Rayne turned to stare at her Sahara blinked in surprise. She hadn't realized that she had said that out loud.

"Where are they keeping Naomi?" Terrell repeated.

Rayne shrugged. "I can say with all honesty that I have no clue."

His younger brother narrowed his eyes.

"I swear!" Rayne raised both arms in the air as though to surrender. "I'll admit I got curious..." his eyes followed Terrell as the younger boy headed for the holoscreen that was open, "and I looked. But there isn't a trace."

Ignoring him, Terrell pulled up a smaller screen within the first, His eyes scanned and his fingers began to type.

"You'll get me in trouble going into the main frame from here," Rayne warned.

"They won't even know I'm there," came the reply that sounded like Terrell couldn't care less.

Rayne let out an exasperated sigh. "How did I raise you?"

"You didn't."

"Ungrateful brat." Rayne didn't sound like he meant it in the least.

There was silence as Terrell typed away. Finally, he let out a sigh and abandoned the screen.

"Satisfied?" Rayne asked.

The younger boy didn't reply as he looked lost in thought.

"Security is worse now than before. It seems Lithium is just a tad upset that we were hiding their princess, eighth in line to the throne to be exact."

"Eighth?" Sahara asked, her eyes widened. She has seven siblings?

Rayne ignored her. He looked at his younger brother. "You didn't happen to know any of this before...did you?"

Sahara's eyes turned to Terrell. There's no way...

Terrell didn't answer the question.

You're kidding... Sahara's eyes narrowed. He's always disliked Alegra...was that why?

Terrell turned to his brother. "Can you access and shut down the shuttle?"

"That's on the Lithium grid. If I had a heads up I could maybe get in and put it off for a few minutes...hour at the most. With the security it wouldn't be easy to keep it for much longer..." Rayne's eyes narrowed. "Terrell, why are you even asking that?"

Terrell didn't reply as he walked to the window. He looked out, eyes scanning the city.

"Terrell," Rayne said sharply.

Terrell turned to spare him a glance.

"What are you up to?" Rayne walked toward him.

Terrell did another sweep of the city. "It's time we take back what's ours."

"Ours?' Rayne snorted. "As much as none of us like Lithium, we need them..."

"They didn't find us by chance." Terrell turned to face his brother. "You know that, Rayne. They knew what they were walking in to." He didn't move his eyes once as he calmly stared at his brother. "The virus, all those people that died...they knew about it. You would think they'd be sorry, but no." He shook his head. "Instead they acted like they cared on the surface, but in the dark they rounded up Regonans like cattle to find if they're little experiment was successful."

Sahara shifted, her eyes darting to the window.

"That's all just a theory as of now," Rayne told his brother softly.

A bitter smile made it to Terrell's face and he let out a short laugh. "Is it?"

Rayne didn't answer.

"Can you shut it down?" Terrell demanded.

"I'm not going to do that, Terrell."

Terrell nodded his head. "Of course." His expression hardened. "Are you even with us or are you with them?"

"Are you seriously asking me that?"

Sahara felt a chill take over the room.

"Perhaps I wouldn't have to if you weren't comfortably sitting in your tower watching everything unfold."

Rayne got defensive. "Who do you think has been keeping things from exploding between Lithium and us?"

"Um..." Sahara tried to pitch in. She was ignored.

"Keeping things calm? Do you have any idea how many people were kidnapped?"

"Do you think we could fight back on even ground?"

Terrell didn't reply to that.

"Terrell, I've looked at our options. Believe me, I've thought things through. There's no way we can come out on top." His eyes darted to Sahara before returning to the leader of the Phantoms. "As your brother I'm telling you to let the princess go home and to forget about the little girl. Lithium has what they came for, they'll leave soon."

Sahara felt the anger well up inside her. Leave them? She opened her mouth but Terrell beat her to it.

"I can't do that," he said softly.

"For goodness sakes!" Rayne burst out. "If you care about this city and the people in it then you'll turn a blind eye and let it go. If not it'll be the end of us all!"

"We're not abandoning Alegra and Naomi!" Sahara burst out.

Rayne and Terrell both turned to look at her.

Sahara stuck her chin out. "We don't abandon family."

"Did you say something?" Rayne asked coldly. "Because I seem to remember something...what was it?' He cocked his head to the side. "Ah, yes!" He raised a finger. "This isn't your world, therefore, your view is invalid."

Sahara glared. "If it was Terrell they had taken you would do anything to get him back, right?"

"That's different," Rayne didn't even hesitate.

Sahara crossed her arms over her chest. "This may not be my world, Rayne. But they are my family."

"Good, then go get them yourself, but don't drag my brother into this."

"Childish," Terrell muttered as he walked past his brother.

"Terrell!" Rayne reached out to grab his arm.

Terrell dodged him.

Rayne growled in frustration. "Dam it, just this one time listen to me!"

Terrell paused. He turned his eyes to the shadows. "Sven," he said a name.

A guy dressed as a Keeper seemed to materialize from the shadows. In one hand was a knife he had been playing with.

"Rayne doesn't seem to want to play." Terrell didn't bat an eyelash. "Make sure he stays here till it's over."

Sven nodded.

Rayne let out a long sigh. "All the way into my Keepers?" He looked toward Sven. "I thought you said you didn't know he was alive."

Sven shot him a grin as a reply.

"I should have known," Rayne muttered. "You were way too close before..." his eyes darted to his brother. "Just how many more Phantoms did you have planted?"

Terrell lifted a finger to his lips and shook his head. He dropped his hand. "If you're going to play the game then you better be a step ahead...I remember those were your words." He turned for the door. Sahara stepped aside to let him open it.

"Terrell!' Rayne called. He muttered something under his breath. "Let me know when. I'll shut it down...just for you."

Terrell paused, his hand half way to the door.

"You're time will be limited...just..." his older brother let out a frustrated sigh. "Not even you can take on an entire city." His eyes pleaded with him.

For a moment, Terrell didn't reply. Then, his hand settled on the door knob. "Watch me." With those words, he walked from the room.

Sahara paused. She hesitated as she saw Rayne's eyes follow his brother's back as he walked away. He opened his mouth and reached out a hand, as though wanting to say something. Yet as Terrell reached the elevator, Rayne curled his fingers and put his hand down. "Idiot," he whispered. "Stupid idiot."

Sahara bit her lip, a stab of guilt shooting through her. She turned to follow Terrell.

"Hey, you."

She paused and turned to find Rayne neither glaring nor scowling at her, instead his eyes were filled with worry.

"You don't let him do anything stupid, you hear me?"

Sahara pointed at herself in surprise.

"Sahara!" Terrell called from the elevator.

"We'll be fine," Sahara assured Rayne.

"I don't care about you," Rayne shot back.

Sahara scowled.

"Just...look after him, okay?"


Sahara turned to hurry after Terrell. She turned as she got into the elevator. As the doors closed she saw Rayne watching them, his lips set in a line. The door closed and his face was gone.

Terrell's fist smacked against the wall and Sahara jumped. "He ruins my mood every time I see him," Terrell muttered. "What a useless brother."

Sahara raised her eyebrows as Terrell actually referred to his brother as one.

"An idiot," he added under his breath.

To Sahara he sounded exactly as Rayne had and she couldn't help the smile.

"What?" Terrell asked.

Sahara shook her head. Maybe one day they'll make up, she couldn't help but think. Her smile widened at the thought.

They picked up their boards and walked for the gate. However, before they reached it Terrell paused. He turned to face Sahara, a troubled look on his face.

"I have a plan."

"I realized," Sahara replied. She adjusted her board under her arm. "What's happening in the hour we have?"

Terrell blinked in surprise.

"You asked your brother to shut the shuttle down, he gave you an hour max," Sahara pointed out.

Terrell chuckled. He reached out a ruffled her hair. "Look at you catching on."

Sahara grinned. "Hanging out with you, how could I not?"

That was when Terrell's hand froze and his smile dropped. "Sahara..." he reached into his pocket and pulled something out. Taking her hand he placed the object within it and closed her fingers in a fist over it.

Sahara felt a smile spread over her face. She could already guess what it was. So he forgot to give it to me ea...

"Leave." The words made her feel as though a bucket of ice water had just drenched her. Sahara's smile froze and she looked up. Terrell was staring at her, eyes serious. "Go back home."

"W-what?" Sahara stuttered.

Terrell didn't reply.

"Come on," Sahara laughed it off. "If this is a test to see if I want to stay..."

"Sahara." Terrell's hands went to her shoulders. She was too shocked to even wince at the touch to her wounded shoulder. Terrell's green eyes stared right into hers. "I'm serious."

Sahara's smile fell and her eyes searched her boyfriend's. There was no warm glint in those eyes, just a calmness.

"Why?" Sahara whispered.

"Because, if you're not here there's one less thing I need to worry about," Terrell told her. "Sahara, this isn't going to be..."

"One less thing to worry about?" Sahara bristled. She brushed Terrell's hands from her shoulders. "Is that what I am to you? Someone you have to constantly worry about?"

Terrell let out a sigh. "I didn't mean it that way."

"I thought we were all in this together, Terrell and now you're telling me to go home?"

"Sahara," Terrell looked frustrated.

Sahara wouldn't let him finish as the anger built. Anger at Terrell for a lot of things. Anger that had built up over the past days. For the lack of his presence, for the avoiding. "There's a lot of things I am, but a coward who abandons my family isn't one of them!"

"I'm not calling you a coward!" Terrell's outburst made her flinch. "I just..." Terrell reached out. He took a hold of the back of her head and pulled her forehead to his. "I want you to be safe."

Sahara didn't reply.

"I just..." Terrell let out another sigh. "Sending you home is the only way I know how."

"But...what about this home?" Sahara whispered.

Terrell kissed her forehead. "Come back when it's over." He pulled back. "When it's safe." With that he turned.

Sahara felt the tears welling up, yet she didn't let them fall. Her fingers slowly opened and she stared at the small object within it. A green light winked up at her. Mr. Kane's voice suddenly echoed in her mind; Once I fix the machine the light will go on. When it does all you have to do is push it and the machine will activate to bring you back. Sahara turned the object. Did Terrell purposely keep it until the light turned green? She turned it once more. As she stared at her way home the anger built. She closed her eyes.

"You can't do that!" she yelled.

Terrell paused in midstride.

Sahara's eyes flew open and she lifted her head. "It doesn't work like that. You can't keep me here and then send me away as you please!" Sticking her chin out she walked forward and marched right past Terrell. "I'm staying! If you think I'm letting my friends jump into danger then you're wrong!" She turned her board on and let it drop before getting on.

"Sahara...please listen to me."

"No!" She got on the board before turning to glare. "I'm tired of not being able to do anything, Terrell. I'm tired. If you don't want to babysit me then fine." She didn't move her gaze once.

"Rayne was right, Lithium isn't to be taken lightly. You shouldn't get involved..."

"Watch me," Sahara delivered the same line he had told his brother right back at him. She leaned forward

"Where are you going?" Terrell called after her.

"Away from you!" Sahara yelled back. "To find a way to get Naomi and Alegra back."


"Don't talk to me!" Sahara yelled back as she leaned forward and picked up speed. Only when she was out of sight did she wipe a sleeves across her eyes. "Jerk," she whispered. Her hand went to the ring that hung from her neck. "Jerk," she repeated before zooming around a corner.

From the top window of the building she had left behind a face watched. Rayne placed a hand on the glass as he stared down at the courtyard. His eyes moved to the sky that was crystal clear.

"What do you think, Sven?"

The Keeper behind him looked up. "Of what?"

Rayne didn't reply as his eyes returned to the figure standing below. Two new boarders appeared, approaching the lone one.

"When your mother told you bedtime stories, would she end them with a happily ever after, or would she go for the tragic end?"

Sven shrugged. "The happy one I guess. Don't all mothers?"

Rayne watched the boarders below head off together. "My mother never told us bedtime stories," he murmured. "But she once told me to always listen to my gut."

Sven came to stand next to him only to stare at an empty scene below. The boarders had already disappeared. "Then what does your gut tell you?" he asked.

Rayne didn't reply. Instead he closed his eyes and took a deep breath. A moment later they flew open. "Guess I better start preparing so that I don't disappoint when my little brother sends word." With that he turned and walked to his desk, leaving Sven behind to stare at an empty courtyard below.

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