Together,forever. | Ethan Dol...

By blurryfaceed

158K 3.4K 592

Ariana moves in New Jersey with her best friend. Her life changes in days, and she finds the love of her life... More

Characters & Cast Media
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Thanks guys!!
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Hey guys..
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 36
Thank you all so much.
Hey lmao
WATTYS !!!!!

Chapter 35

2.2K 57 25
By blurryfaceed

Ethan's p.o.v
It was finally Friday and Ariana and I are gonna go on a date tonight , because its our 6 month anniversary.
~At school.
I used to be the cool kid in the school , but that changed and I am fine with this right now , but then..
"Ayy bro." Chris said with his cool kids crew behind him.
"Hey." I said.
"So , you wanna come to the party tonight ?" He said.
"I don't know man.." I said.
"Oh come on , it will be fun , Grayson agreed to come." Miley said.
"Fine , sure. Wait can Jack come too?" I said"
"Sure." Chris said.
"Awesome , well see you later." I said heading to the math class.
"Wait Ethan." Miley said.
"Yeah?" I said.
"You have math now , right?" She said.
"Yup." I said.
"Me too , well let's go , we don't wanna be late." She said.
We walked in and we weren't late. I saw Ariana sitting alone , and Jack came in and sat next to her. I sat with Miley behind Ariana and Jack.
The teacher came in.
Ariana's p.o.v
"Jack do you know this girl?" I whispered to him.
"Yeah , Miley the cool kid. Ethan used to be cool too." He said.
"Really? Was he like a fuck boy or something?" I said.
"Yup.." Jack said popping the P.
"Wow.." I said.
Ethan sat behind me and didn't even say hi. Its our 6 month anniversary , does he remember?
"Ariana." The teacher said.
"Yes?" I said.
"Come here." He said.
"Everybody's got a grade already but you , so here's some questions.." He added.
I didn't know anything , I'm really bad at math.. The whole class except for Melissa , Jack , Grayson and Jade laughed at me..Even... Ethan!?
"Ariana , you can sit down now , learn this all for the next time." He said.
"Okay." I said.
"Are you okay?" Jack said.
"Yup." I said and smiled.
I wasn't really , the whole class including Ethan was laughing at me , and I just felt embarrassed. Since 6th grade in middle school , I've been bad at math. Even the easiest question gets me so confused. I call it mind fuck. (This happens to me in RL too lol but I'm in 8th grade , let's get back to ze story xD.)
We got out of the class and it was lunch time.
Ethan didn't sit with us , he sat with the cool kids.
"Whats up with him." Gray said.
"I don't know." Jade said.
"Are you girls invited to the party?" Jack said.
"No , what party?" I said.
"The cool kids party." Gray said.
"Nope." Melissa said.
"You guys are going?" Melissa added.
"No , but I think Ethan is." Grayson said.
"When is the party?" Jade said.
"Its starting at 7 pm." Jack said.
"Oh wow." I said.
"What?" Grayson said.
"Well , it's our 6 month anniversary and we planned on going on a date at 7 , but guess he doesn't even remember." I said.
"Aw , babe , I'm really sorry." Jade said and hugged me.
"What a dork." Melissa said.
"He for sure remembers sis." Grayson said.
"Yeah , he maybe wants to surprise you.." Jack said.
"I don't know , we will see." I said.
It was our last class , chemistry. Ethan didn't talk to us for the whole day...
What is happening to him?
"Melissa." I whispered.
"Yeah?" She said.
We were sitting next to each other but this teacher is harsh so we didn't want her to hear us.
"Can we talk after school?" I said.
"Of course." She said.
"Thanks." I said.
The class finally finished and we headed home. Melissa , Jade and I headed to our house and Jack and Grayson went to Gray's house.
Jade went to take a shower.
"So , I'm guessing were gonna talk about Ethan." She said.
"You's right." I said and laughed.
"Well what's up with him like dude." She said.
"I don't know , but like should I get dressed for tonight , I don't know will he come at all." I said.
"I don't think you should." She said.
"What if he comes." I said.
"Well , tell him to wait and that you need to get ready." She said.
"He will think that I forgot about it." I said.
"Don't worry." She said.
"Thanks Mel , love you." I said and hugged her.
"Love you too." She said and hugged me.
~7 pm.

Ethan's p.o.v
I was getting ready for the party , and Miley called me to see if I'm ready.
I got out of the house , Gray and Jack ain't coming , so I'll just go with a bus.
I got to the party ans it was looking pretty cool.
"Hey." Chris said.
"What's up." I said.
"Where are Jack and Grayson?" Miley said.
"They couldn't come." I said.
"Its okay , good that you're here." Chris said.
"Be right back guys." I said.
"Oh shit." I said to myself.
I forgot oh my goodness. The anniversary.
Well fuck life.
I'm gonna text her that I can't come , she will understand , I can't just leave the party like this.
-Hey babe , I can't come.
She seen the message but didn't reply.
I went in the party and took a couple of shots...
Ariana's p.o.v
I was stupid and I got ready for tonight.
He texted me that he can't come.
I just sat at the bed , thinking , what did I do to him? Am I not good enough? What did I do wrong?
I went to the bathroom and got my makeup off.
I threw the dress on the floor and wore black shorts and a comfy hoodie , and of course my favorite , batman socks.
I went on twitter and went to Ethan's profile.
He posted a picture of touching Miley's "ass" and kissing her.
He cheated on me..
I ran downstairs and I saw Jack sitting on the couch.
"Jack." I said , ran to him and hugged him.
"Ariana , I'm sorry. He is a dork." Jack said.
"But why is he doing this to me." I said , crying.
"I don't know , please don't cry. It will all get better.
"It won't Jack. I am not forgiving him this time. Its....over.
"Ariana..." Grayson said.
Melissa and Jade ran to me and hugged me.
I stopped crying. I didn't even feel sad. I felt worthless , I had nothing left to say , but that he disguises me.
Heyy guys , here's the chapter. I hope you guys like it. I have nothing left to say but FUCK SCHOOL. Lol , yeah , hope y'all have an amazing day/night. xD

Love you all anddddd ,
~Stay beautiful. ♥♥♥♥♥

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