The Heart of Seasons

By Liliana_Fae

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Blake has everything going for him at the moment. He and his wife are stronger than ever, his sixth album is... More

Chapter 1: Thoughts of the Night
Chapter 3: A Recovery Meal
Chapter 4: Finally Found
Chapter 5: Complications in Love
Chapter 6: The Painful Discovery
Chapter 7: A Morning in New York City
Chapter 8: Sweet Dreams
Chapter 9: A Knotty Situation
Chapter 10: Break Out to Break In
Chapter 11: Say Goodbye
Chapter 12: Stuck Between Stage and Heart
Chapter 13: Decisions
Chapter 14: Detour
Chapter 15: Rescue
Chapter 16: Another Damn Promise
Chapter 17: In a Crazy, Ill-Fated Way
Chapter 18: Surprise
Chapter 19: Back to the Beginning (Epilogue)

Chapter 2: Lights, Camera, Ship!

2K 49 15
By Liliana_Fae

~Blake’s POV~

 “Adam!” Blake yelled for Adam. He wasn’t answering his door and it was raining. Blake despised the rain. He waited another minute, then knocked loudly again. He was about to go around the side of the house when the door swung open, exposing a bare chested Adam clad only in a white towel wrapped hastily around his waist at risk of falling. His hair was wet and spiky and his skin glistened with water droplets.

“Goddamnit. Impatient much?” But he was only joking; Blake saw it in his eyes.

“I hate the rain. Now let me in.” Pushing past Adam, he stepped in the door, shaking his head like a dog and ruffling his hair. So much for making it look decent, he thought annoyedly.

“Ahem, doggy. Must you shake your water everywhere?” Blake looked at him and laughed. Adam was currently soaking wet as well, also dripping on the tiled floor of the main hall. He seemed to realize this, looking down and shaking his head and smiling. “Fine. Point made. I’ll be right back, I’m going to get changed. Make yourself comfortable. You know where all the goodies are.” He disappeared up the stairs and Blake took his shoes off and placed them by the door, then went off to the kitchen in search of food.

He walked into the large open room, bright as day even though it was only ten in the morning. He loved Adam’s kitchen. It had large glass double doors on one side and the stove was in the middle of the long marble-topped island. It was neat, modern, and one of the coolest rooms Blake had ever been in. He fished around the cabinets above the counter searching for snacks. He let out an “Ah ha!” when he found the bag of chips and grabbed it, putting it on the island and going to the refrigerator for a soda. When he turned back around, Adam was walking into the kitchen with a light grey tank top and black jeans with his legendary belt.

Tossing him the soda and grabbing one for himself, Blake said, “Do you ever not dress up? Or am I just so special you need to impress me all the time?” He grinned at Adam, who laughed but said nothing, staring outside at the greenery in his yard.

“So what are we going to do on our vacation? Won’t be very much fun if we spend it indoors watching TV the whole time.”

“Does that include sitting at a bar indoors watching TV?” Blake asked jokingly. Adam took a chip from the bag and threw it at him. He caught it and plopped it in his mouth, thinking. “I know, we could go for a bike ride. Or go hiking.”

“I thought you didn’t like the rain.”

“I don’t. I meant when it clears up, you idiot.” It was his turn to throw a chip at Adam, and he wasn’t as successful at catching it as Blake. He hit it, sending up into the air, and caught it in his mouth, saving it. He smiled big at Blake, showing off his trick to him.

“Lucky save.” Blake grabbed the bag and his soda and strolled past Adam towards the living room, another bright room with lots of windows and modern furniture. Adam followed closely behind. “More like extremely skilled, if you will.”

Blake ignored Adam’s comeback and turned on the TV. What came on made his cheeks turn red and before he could change the channel, Adam reached over and snatched the remote out of his hand. “No need to be watching that. Though it was quite fun.” He flipped through the channels until he landed on the MTV show Ridiculousness. Blake forced himself to forget what he just saw on the screen.

It had been when Adam kissed him on the cheek, and the next clip had been of Blake kissing Adam on the back of the neck. Who knows what the show was going for, but Blake had a funny feeling that it had to do with a certain “ship” that was going around that paired them.

~Adam’s POV~

 The two spent the majority of the afternoon laughing at people failing miserably and eating plenty of junk food. When it came around for dinner time, they decided they would go out.

They took Adam’s SUV to a famous restaurant in the heart of L.A. and took a booth in the corner so as to attract as little attention as possible. However, it did not completely work as at least a dozen or so people had come up to them asking for their autographs. In the moments they got alone, they reminisced about the past year on The Voice and all the best points. And of course, they fooled around.

“I think we should get some tangerine ice cream and take a picture of it and send it to Shakira. Tease her.” Adam popped an olive into his mouth, remembering the battle round where they got onto the topic of ice cream somehow. “Catch.”

Blake opened his mouth and Adam threw an olive in it from across the table. He caught it cleanly and smiled. “Or we can sit with our legs up and take a picture of that and send it to Usher.” This sent Adam into hysterics. After regaining his breath, he looked around the room. Some people were looking at him weird, but he didn’t care. He was having more fun than he had in weeks.

He and Blake spent hours there, until it was eight thirty at night and they decided they were going to go to the bar for a few hours and play some pool.

On the way to the bar, Blake’s new song Do You Remember came on and he began singing it. Adam stayed quiet, listening to him sing and enjoying his smooth voice enveloping him. He had always been a huge fan of Blake, and hearing him so relaxed and raw was special, even if he did hear it more often than anyone else. Coincidentally, Harder to Breathe came on afterwards and Adam found himself singing his song, fully aware of Blake’s eyes watching him. He couldn’t help the blush that crept up his face, thankful for the dark cover of the night to conceal it. It was his song, and he wasn’t sure how many times Blake had heard him sing live like this before. The song ended, and a song by another pop artist came on. Adam fell silent and continued driving, not daring to remove his eyes from the street. His heart was beating a mile a minute, and he had no idea why.

I just need a drink.

They got to the club and ordered a shot each. They then proceeded to play game after game of pool, challenging each other and others in the bar. After the seventh game played, they decided to have an arm wrestle, something they did quite a lot and enjoyed very much. Everyone gathered around to watch. However, this night, they agreed they would have to down a half a beer bottle each time they lost. By the time they finally ended the war, both were eight and nine and a half beers in and too tipsy to leave, so they decided to stay around and sober up.

Adam clapped Blake on the back after their last arm wrestle. “Good games, bud.” In response, Blake stood up from the table they were playing on and hugged him. “Any time kiddo.” They went and sat at the bar to watch TV and talk to some friends. However, the two eventually got back to talking to each other and blocked out the world.

“So about what was on the TV earlier...what do you think that all about?”

Blake wasn’t sure he wanted to talk about that right then, but he threw caution to the wind. Not wanting anyone to hear their conversation, he faced Adam and leaned in a little further. “I think it was just done to get The Voice more views and popularity. Any show they can create those “ship” things on will definitely be reviewed more than another one without them. People are crazy about that star crossed lovers shit.”

Adam didn’t look convinced. “Yeah, but why didn’t it show any of the moments between Shakira and Usher? ‘Cause damn, I swear there was something going on between them near the end.” Blake laughed in response. “I don’t think so, Adam. She spent quite a lot of time around me actually. Not sure why.”

Now Adam just looked plain jealous. “Why would she do that? And the cameras didn’t catch any of that. I watched all the episodes. It focuses mainly” He trailed off on the end, looking away uncomfortably. He felt that weird motion in his stomach again thinking back to all the video clips of them he saw on the episodes and online. There were a lot.

“Hey, we ain’t gonna let that bother us though, right? We can ignore them. Let them fantasize and do what ever those crazy fans do.” Blake looked at Adam, and Adam’s stomach flipped. He didn’t understand what was going on with him. He later blamed his next sentence on the alcohol.

“Fantasize what? Cameras don’t exactly lie, Blake.” His gaze met Blake’s and stayed there. They shared a moment that seemed to him to last forever. Eventually it was broken by Blake, who looked down.

“Maybe you’re right. This may be the beer talking, but were the cameras just exposing something that we maybe didn’t see?”

Adam’s eyes shot to Blake’s and suddenly the room started to spin. He couldn’t breathe, and felt like he was suffocating.

I have to get out.

“I-I have to go.” And with that, he spun off the stool and nearly ran out the door.

Blake blinked and followed Adam as he dashed out of the bar.


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