Forest Eyes

By Jacedog

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Would you be scared if you woke up every night after your sixteenth birthday with a vision of a man's bright... More

Chapter 1 Blue Skies
Chapter 2 The Dance
Chapter 3 Waiting
Chapter 4 Frosting
Chapter 5 Forest Eyes
Chapter 6 Déjà Vu
Chapter 7 Look For Me
Chapter 8 Him
Chapter 9 Uninvited Guest
Chapter 10 The Fight & The Kiss
Chapter 11 There's Truth In Love
Chapter 12 Silent Night
Chapter 13 Horror At The Front Door
Chapter 14 I'd Never Forgive Myself
Chapter 15 Sweet Dreams
Chapter 17 This Time She Wont Be Coming Back
Chapter 18 Blood And Heartache
Chapter 19 AND. IT. WAS. AMAZING.
Chapter 20 MURDER
Chapter 21 This Isn't Going To End Very Well For Me
Chapter 22 "I'm Sorry." "I Am So, So, Sorry."
Chapter 23 How She Fights Back
Chapter 24 Silence
Chapter 25 Drags Me Under
Chapter 26 RUN
Chapter 27 A Small Smile
Chapter 28 Relief
Chapter 29 I Close My Eyes
Chapter 30 We Will Be Prepared

Chapter 16 Will I Die (WID)?

18 4 0
By Jacedog

       There are so many different forms of torture, mental, physical, but they all have one thing in common. Pain. Pain in every part of you, pain that never stops, that never fades, that never ends. And right now pain was all that I felt.

    Lauren just kept shooting out skull splitting dreams throughout my mind. I clenched my teeth together, trying to fight the pain. She finally gave up in frustration and descended the staircase heading straight towards me. I knew what she was going to do even before she did it. She came right up to me and cracked me across the face. My cheek stung like acid, I could feel her handprint like it was branded into my skin. It hurt, but not as bad as when Samantha had stabbed me in the shoulder.

"Frustrated are we?" I asked like a smart ass. She took in a deep breath composing herself. "Just because I can't get you to talk, doesn't mean I can't get her too." "You can go ahead and try." I said cutting in. "But she's stronger than you think." I spat at her. "Maybe she is." She said raising her voice above mine.

"But I will always, be stronger."

    "Have you found anything?" I said starring at officer sparrow who was sitting across the table from me. He sighed and looked me straight in the eye. "I'm sorry but nothing has turned up." I sat back in my chair. "I just don't understand, one minute were celebrating her birthday, then the next she go's and disappears for day's with no calls, nothing, not even a note." "And there was a man on my lawn stabbed!" "There was even blood stains in my house!"

"We'll we're glad you called the police Mr...." I spoke up. "Just call me Frank." "Ah yes, well, Frank were scouring the area and other towns." "We've sent out an Amber alert to the whole state." "We'll find her." "I promise." His words did no use in comforting me, but I have to remain positive. "Thank you officer Sparrow." He sighed. "Well I'll leave you now, this must be really tiring." "Have a good night Frank." He started walking towards the door as I followed behind. "You too." I said opening the door for him and letting him out. I closed the door softly and locked it. Walking back to the table I sat down. "Oh Lauren if you can hear me, please be watching out for Samantha, please." "I don't know what I'd do if I knew I had failed you." "Just make sure she's not hurt." "That she's alive."

Her nails slashed across my face cutting like claws into my skin making my flesh bleed. If my father knew what his beloved wife my so called beloved mother was doing to me he'd flip. "How could my father ever love you your a monster, you lied!" I spat at her. "Hmmm." She gave me a dark scowl. "What did your father ever know of love, the man didn't love you or I!"

"Your lying!" I shouted at her.

  She cracked her hand along my clawed cheek. "I'm not in the mood for games I don't care about your father or you!" She brought her voice down to a calming tone. "All I care about is the power you posses my dear, and how soon I'm going to get it." "Now show me!"

Scorching hot pain shot through my skull ripping apart my brain like a knife. There were images, images everywhere they were scattered. They were almost like pictures instead of a dream this time but they were just as painful.

I saw my father and my mother arguing. I saw a flash of my aunt Nina, my mothers sister she died when I was six. Another image of my mother popped up she was pouring something into a wine glass. My aunt appeared a few moments later and picked up the wine glass as she raised it to her lips I screamed at her to put it down but she couldn't hear me. The wine slid down her throat and she fell over right in front of me. My mother ran over to the telephone and called nine one one, she was sobbing into the phone but I knew she was lying she knew what she had done and she was proud of it.

I could feel the suck of my brain being pulled out of the vision. I was back in the dark cold stone room. And my mother stood right in from of me. She spoke in a soft harsh voice. "He cheated on me." "With my own sister." "While you were born Samantha." "You call me a monster, but what makes him any different from me?" "Forgiveness doesn't come easily, and he will never have mine." "But as soon as you spill your secrets on how you can penetrate another one of our kind while your mind is already compromised I can have my revenge."

None of this was making any sense. "Why do you need to know how to do it to kill my dad?" She laughed. "Because if I killed him and they found out, I'd be hunted down by the council and all there loyal bastards." I need your skill to control them Samantha, I hate to say it but your special, unique, different.

Her words surprised me I didn't understand it, and I didn't know who these council people were but I didn't want my father killed. I will fight to my last breath, I'll die before she ever gets anything from me, but that's what scared me, I have no idea how I penetrate other minds like mine while being under there control, I just do it. And now, if I can't show her will she kill me?

Will I die?

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