A Scandalous Attraction

By Calida_Ally

460K 13.6K 742

Paige Chadwick has made a success of her life. Everything was in its place, just the way she wanted it. She w... More

Pitch Part 1
Chapter One Part 2
Chapter Two Part 3
Chapter Three Part 4
Chapter Four Part 5
Chapter Five Part 6
Chapter Six Part 7
Chapter Seven Part 8
Chapter Eight Part 9
Chapter Ten Part 11
Chapter Eleven Part 12

Chapter Nine Part 10

28.2K 1K 33
By Calida_Ally

"Georgia?" Paige called peering into the lounge. Georgia was asleep on the sofa with the television remote in her hand. Paige gently woke her up. "Georgia." Georgia stirred.

"Paige?" She said blinking and giving a great big yawn. "You back already? What time is it?"

"Nearly past midnight. Why's the front door open, I nearly passed out thinking someone had broken in." She paused as cold fear washed over her. "Where's Jessie?" She asked slowly.

"Jessie? She's..." They both glanced around the room, Jessie was nowhere to be seen. "She was here."

"I'll check the kitchen you take the bedrooms." Instructed, Blake. Paige didn't need to be asked twice.

"She's not in the house." Paige said in a frightened whimper when she met up with Georgia and Blake in the hall. "Jessie must have let herself out." Paige said running out onto the street. "I was afraid of this happening! Georgia you stay here in case she returns!"

Blake helped her search up and down the street but Jessie was nowhere to be seen. "I can't find her anywhere!" Paige cried in anguish as she met up with Blake again.

"Is there any place where she might go to?" He asked, his eyes scanning the street. "What about the park? Do you think she might have gone there?" He suggested.

"It's only a couple of minutes walk from here but I can't see her going there..."

"Get in the car." He ordered, already striding towards it.

It was a long shot, but worth a try. The moment they reached the park, she unsnapped her seat belt and ran out. Paige bit onto her bottom lip as she looked around her wildly but there was no-one to be seen. "Jessie!" she called, her voice cracking.

"She's over there, sat near the lake." In a few long strides Blake reached Jessie and placed an arm around her shoulders. All she had on was her nightdress, dressing gown and slippers.

Paige ran to Jessie and hugged her tightly. Paige was visibly shaking out of fear and relief. She thought she was never going to see her again. Anything could have happened to her. She had no Idea how Jessie had managed to get to the park and the lake... Paige shut her eyes to block out the image of what could have taken place.

Blake helped Jessie towards the car. "Let's get her home, it's freezing out here."

Once they entered the house Georgia ran out into the hall to meet them. "Jessie!" Georgia cried with relief. "You found her!" She said to Paige as they went into the lounge where it was warm.

"Blake did, if he hadn't suggested the park she would probably still be there." Paige said as she sat Jessie down on the sofa and rubbed the aged hands to get them to warmed up.

"Thanks Blake!" Georgia said, then looked at Paige. "I'm so sorry Paige, I didn't know how I fell asleep..."

Paige looked up at her little sister. "Don't be silly it's not your fault Georgia. The only person who's to blame is me." She said. "Go on, get yourself off to bed." She said gently to the younger girl who looked distraught.

"Thanks Blake." Georgia said again.

"Georgia, Paige is right, it's not your fault."

Georgia gave him a grateful smile before heading off to the spare bedroom.

Jessie yawned tiredly. "You want to go to bed too, Jessie?" Paige asked her aunt.

"Bed." Jessie repeated.

Paige walked her to her room and settled her down, then kissed her goodnight before leaving the room.

As she closed the door she spotted Blake coming out of the kitchen with a mug. "Here, drink this." He ordered, steering her into the lounge.

"What is it?" She asked, her voice catching slightly. The thought of what could have happened sent another tremor shuddering through her.

"Hot tea. Wasn't easy finding where everything was, but I managed." He said giving her a smile which didn't reach his eyes.

Paige stared at him. His act of kindness was the last straw. "I can't do it Blake." She muttered hoarsely. "I can't do it anymore." She stated softly as pain darkened her eyes. "I can't keep it all together, because I so stupidly thought I could, Jessie nearly got hurt! Anything could have happened to her and it would have been my fault! I'm not helping her Blake, I'm helping no-one!" She declared as hot stinging tears streamed down her pale cheeks.

Blake placed the mug of steaming tea onto the coffee table. An inscrutable emotion flitted across his features, then vanished. "You were only doing what you thought was right Paige and no one can blame you for that." He reassured her gently.

She looked up at him, vulnerable and defenceless. "What if she'd fallen into the lake?"

Blake advanced towards her then halted, dropping his hands to his side. It looked as though he had been about to take her into his arms then thought better of it. "She didn't. She's fine, don't think about what might have happened, just be glad that she's safe and well."

"For once, I don't know what to do. How can I send her away to live with strangers? How can I abandon her?"

"You won't be abandoning her and after tonight, I don't think you have any choice." He stated ramming his hands into the pocket of his trousers.

Paige looked at him through the stream of tears. "You're right." She said swiping away the tears. "I know what I have to do." She said making up her mind.

Taking his hands out his pocket, Blake reached down and pulled out several tissues from the tissue holder which sat on the coffee table and held them out to her.

Paige blinked before taking them. He watched with a grim expression as she wiped away the tears. "Thank you." She murmured looking at him.

"I should get going." The words sounded as though they had been torn from him. "Will you be alright?"

She felt her heart sink when she heard he had to leave. She didn't want him to leave, she wanted him to take her into his arms and hold her and make all the pain go away. "Thank you for... for doing what you... you did for us tonight." She mumbled huskily.

"I did nothing Paige. Are you sure you're going to be alright?" He asked frowning.

She nodded, afraid if she opened her mouth to speak she would start begging him to stay.

"You don't have to come in tomorrow, sort things out here, come back when you're ready."

As soon as her gaze dropped to his mouth, she heard him say her name. "Paige." He ground out.

Her gaze shot to his questioningly. There was a hunted look in his eyes as he reached out and tenderly wiped away a tear from her cheek with his thumb, then dropped his hand to his side. "Just lock the damn door." He muttered gruffly then turned on his heels and strode out.

Guilt gnawed at Paige all night until she was forced to give up on sleep and sat up in bed. She opened her bedside draw and touched her mother's locket before putting it away to get dressed.

In the kitchen, she made herself a strong cup of coffee and waited until it was office hours so she could start making phone calls and set up appointments to visit some of the homes.

Paige realised after last night's episode, they had past the home help stage. Her aunt now needed around the clock supervision which she couldn't give her, not with the hours she worked.

Georgia came into the kitchen, yawning. "You're up early." She stated switching on the kettle.

"I've arranged to go see some places where Jessie can be given the care she needs." Paige informed her.

Georgia stared at Paige. "Really? What made you change your mind?"

"Yesterday. We can't give her what she needs Georgia, I realise that now."

"It's the best thing you can do for Jessie, Paige. I know it's really hard for you, but you're doing the right thing."

"Why doesn't it feel like that then?" She asked miserably.

"When you get used to the idea and check out some of the places, you'll feel a whole lot better."

"I doubt it." Paige mumbled getting up. "I know how she got out." Paige said guiltily.


"It occurred to me last night in bed, that I'd forgotten to lock the door when I left, I'd only pulled it closed, so if anyone's to blame for what happened, it's me."

"No point dwelling on it now." Georgia said making herself a drink.

"I've got a couple of appointments lined up." She said, picking up her mobile and car keys. "I'll catch you later Georgia."

"You'll like it here." Paige assured her aunt as they sat on the bed in the residential home. The home which Paige had decided upon was friendly and welcoming. It was split up like several apartments and the staff were amazing. "I'll come to see you every day." Paige said, biting back tears. Seeing the anxious look on Jessie's face broke Paige's heart. Part of her wanted to re- pack her aunt's belongings and take her back with her. But she knew that wasn't an option.

After settling down her aunt, she drove back to the bungalow. Georgia hadn't been able to see Jessie settle into her new environment because she had been given the job she'd applied for. It felt like everything was falling into place for everyone except for her. For her, it felt like the world which she'd crafted around herself so carefully was falling apart at the seams. Paige pulled up outside her house and hesitated. She didn't want to go into an empty house. The pain and guilt which engulfed her was intolerable. She had to do something to get her mind off of her aunt so she turned the car around and headed off to work.

Feeling cold, numb she headed for her office. Just as she sat at her desk her door opened and Blake strode in looking thunderous.

"What the hell are you doing here?" He demanded closing the door behind him and walking up to her. "My secretary told me she saw you come in, she said you looked awful." His eyes travelled over her. "She wasn't wrong." He muttered roughly.

"I needed something to take my mind off Jessie. " Piage said trying to log into her computer, but was having difficulty remembering her password.

"What's happened?" He asked his eyes narrowing.

"Jessie's in a residential home. I helped her move in this morning." She told him brokenly.

"I see." He said. "You did the right thing, Paige."

"Right thing for who?" She asked jumping out of her chair angrily. "It's easier all round isn't it if she's someone else's responsibility? Then we can all get on with our lives! Well what about Jessie? Who has she now? No one! I did the one thing to her which I vowed I would never do, dump her!" She said finishing on a sob. She whisked around and walked over to the floor to ceiling window and stared out, turning her back on Blake so he wouldn't see the tears which streamed down her face.

"Paige, you can't provide her with the care she needs, it's natural for you to feel guilty, but you know deep down you did the right thing. You wouldn't have done Jessie any favours by keeping her at home."

Paige spun around to face him and heard his swift intake of breath when he saw the tears and pain in her eyes. "Are you saying I've done her a favour by dumping her into the hands of strangers?"

"You haven't dumped her, they're professionals, they know how to provide the care she needs." He said, trying to make her see reason.

"She doesn't need strangers what she needs is family who stand by her and not desert her as soon as things start getting a little rough. It's now that she needs me!"

"How will you give her the care she needs? Leave work and sit at home with her day and night? What about money? What about food, clothes, bills?" He said harshly. "Would it be fair on Georgia for you to carry on the way you have been doing? It's obvious she wants to do something with her life, Paige."

Paige stared at him, her shoulders sagging as all fight drained out of her. "It hurts so much." She admitted to him suddenly, breaking down. "The thought of going home and Jessie not being there, the thought of her sat all alone in that place, with people she doesn't know..." Paige broke off on a sob.

"Paige." Blake said gruffly. "Stop tormenting yourself."

"I wish it didn't hurt so much." She said in a child like voice.

Blake muttered a savage oath under his breath before striding over to her and gathering her into his arms.

Paige didn't fight him. She needed him so desperately. "Make it go away Blake, please make it go away." She begged clinging to him as fresh tears streamed down her face. He held her tightly against his hard frame and cupped the back of her head with one hand whilst his other arm snared itself around her slender waist.

"Shh." He soothed softly. Then placing his forefinger and thumb on her chin he tilted her face upwards so he could look into her eyes. Then slowly his head descended towards hers and claimed her mouth in a deep gentle kiss.

Paige sank against him. She wanted to melt into him, wanted him to make her his, possess her. Love her, do anything to her to make the hurt go away.

Blake lifted his head and stared down at her for a long moment. "Get your things, we're leaving." He grated roughly, taking her by complete surprise. He released her and strode to the door. "In fact, wait here, there's one thing I have to do before we go. I'll only be a minute." He ordered, striding out.

Paige did as she was told. There was no point in her staying at work because she wasn't able to focus on anything anyway right now. Letting out a quivering sigh she switched off her computer at the mains and picked up her bag.

"Ready?" Blake asked coming into the room again a little while later.

She nodded.

Paige followed Blake to the car park. "I'll take you home."

"I've got my car..."

"Forget your car, you're coming with me." He stated opening the door to his sleek sports car.

"Where to?"

"Paige Chadwick you ask too many questions, just get in the car." He ordered grimly.

Paige reluctantly got in and sat in puzzled silence as he slid into his seat and sped off.

Pulling up in her drive he turned to her. "Go and get changed into something comfortable, I'm taking you out." He said looking at her, his eyes daring her to disobey him.

"I'm not in the mood for going out..."

"Go in and change or I'll take you out looking as you do, dishevelled but still very sexy."

"Fine." She mumbled.

"Would you like me to come in with you?" He offered.

She hesitated and glanced at the house which suddenly looked dark and cold. "No, I'll have to start getting used to the idea of Jessie not being here."

"Don't take too long." He said as he brought out his mobile and started to make calls.

Paige washed her tear stained face and put a brush through her hair after changing into a pair of jeans and top before going back to the car.

She avoided meeting Blake's eyes as they travelled over her. "Even without make-up Paige, you're breathtaking." He observed before starting up the car again.

Paige stared out of the window without responding to his compliment. She had noticed that he had taken off his suit jacket and tie. His shirt was unbuttoned at the collar, allowing a glimpse of the smooth expanse of his broad chest.

"Where are you taking me?" She asked.

"It's a surprise." He said mysteriously.

Not long after, Blake pulled into the vast parking lot of a concert arena.

"What are we doing here?" Paige asked as they got out of the car.

"All will be revealed." He said mysteriously, taking her hand in his, as he steered her towards a private entrance to the arena. Blake pressed a buzzer and gave his name. After being let in, they walked up to the reception desk where a woman greeted them.

"Enjoy the concert, Mr Deveraux." She said and handed Blake an envelope.

"Thank you." Blake gave her a charming smile. They followed the steward to what looked like VIP seats.

"Concert?" She whispered.

"Yes, Rod Stewart." He informed, smiling as he watched her mouth drop open in shock.

"How did you manage that?! He's sold out... and how did you know I like him?" She asked, taking her seat.

"Your personal file. When I left you in the office earlier, that's what I went to look up, your likes and hobbies. You stated you liked concerts, Rod Stewart's in particular. You also went as far as naming his songs." He smiled as if it amused him.

"I'm speechless. I don't know what to say." She mumbled feeling dumbfounded and... touched that he'd gone to so much trouble for her.

"You don't have to say anything Paige, just enjoy yourself." He said softly.

Paige gave him a tentative smile before focusing her attention on the stage as the lights dimmed. Excitement darted through her as the music started which meant Rod was going to come onto stage, forgetting herself, her love of music took over and she started to clap enthusiastically when he appeared. She stared at him in awe as he greeted the audience.

Rod made humorous comments before starting to sing. Then after several songs he spoke again.

"Is there a Paige Chadwick in the house?" He asked placing a hand to his forehead and peering out into the crowd.

Paige froze in her seat as she cast Blake a startled look. "He doesn't mean me, does he?" She whispered but Blake merely shrugged his broad shoulders. Paige looked up at Rod again, hoping against hope he didn't mean, her.

But then he glanced down at the front row and smiled at Blake. "Blake my old mate." He said. "Is this Paige?"

"It is." Blake confirmed smoothly.

"Come onto the stage, Paige, don't be shy." He invited then made a comment about her name rhyming with stage which sent the audience into bursts of laughter.

A steward waited to help Paige up the stairs. It looked like she had no choice but to join her crush on stage.

"So, Paige." Rod said putting an arm around her shoulders. "I hear you do an excellent karaoke version of 'I don't want to talk about it'?" Paige shot Blake a look! He must have told that to Rod too, because there was no other way this singing legend could have known about it.

"It's one of my favourite songs." She said looking at Rod.

"Well Paige, I'd love to do a duet with you." He smiled.

Paige couldn't believe what was taking place! She was on stage with her favourite singer in the world and about to perform a duet with him! She couldn't stop smiling.

"I'm not good at singing." She warned as he passed her a spare microphone.

"That makes two of us!" He joked as the music started to play. "Come on Paige I'll lead you in..."

Rod started off the song then indicated for her to join in which she did, nervously at first then began to enjoy it. As she sung the lyrics her eyes travelled to Blake. He was sat back in his seat watching, as if he was transfixed by her. Paige faltered slightly as their eyes locked then as the music came to an end, she returned her gaze to Rod.

"Yay! Let's hear it for my new singing partner, Paige!" Rod said kindly, hugging her to him.

"Thank you!" Paige said warmly. She would never forget this moment ever! She thought excitedly as she made her way back down whilst the audience clapped and cheered.

Blake was still clapping as she took her seat next to him again. "Thank you, Blake. Thank you so

much." She said, her eyes gleaming with happiness. The smile on Blake's lips faded as he stared down at her. Then hearing Rod mention another number he was going to sing, Paige tore her gaze from Blake's and pinned it on Rod.

Paige drunk in every second of the concert and didn't want it to end. For the first time since she and Blake had made love, she felt close to him again. Her growing love for Blake, had just expanded by epic proportions. The concert eventually came to a close and Rod thanked everyone including Blake and Paige.

Paige felt a sinking feeling when he pulled up outside her house.

Blake looked at her, his eyes dark and glittering. "Will you be alright?" He asked, a strange inflection in his tone.

Paige didn't dare to look at him in case he read the need in her eyes, instead, without looking at him, she thanked him for the unforgettable evening then headed for her house. Just as she reached her door she realised she'd left her bag in his car.

"Paige." The sudden sound of Blake's deep voice from behind her startled her into whirling around. He held out her bag. "You left this." He murmured, his features strained.

"Thanks." She mumbled breathlessly as she took it from him and searched for her keys with unsteady hands.

Blake removed the bag from her, found the keys and deftly unlocked the door and flung it open for her.

"It's so cold." She muttered trying to explain the shiver which ran over her slight frame. "Thank you again for... for a lovely evening."

"Stop thanking me, Paige." He ordered gruffly. "Rod's a friend, I just called in on a favour." He muttered, closing the gap between them.

Paige involuntarily took several steps backwards as Blake kicked the door shut and moved closer. The bag dropped from her nervous hands as she backed away from him, terrified that if he touched her she wouldn't be able to stop herself from giving in to the desires which were lapping at her nerve ends. Paige took another step backwards and nearly tripped over her bag.

Instantly Blake's hands shot out and grabbed hold of her arms to stop her from tumbling over. His hands tightened their hold as he read the flare of awareness and need in her eyes.

"Blake..." Was all she managed before his head swooped down and his mouth ground down onto hers. The kiss wasn't tender or gentle like it had been earlier in her office, this kiss was hungry, demanding, persuasive and savage. Paige moaned against his mouth as she felt herself melt into him.

Giving a stifled groan he crushed her to him, fitting her against the hardness of his arousal. Mind-blowing sensations rocked her very being.

"These past few weeks have been hell." He murmured thickly as his lips trailed down the elegant length of her throat, driving her wild. "You have no idea how many times I've come close to dragging you into my arms and making love to you."

Paige couldn't fight it any longer either. "I want you to love me, Blake." As soon as she murmured the words she felt him still. Her eyes fluttered open and she found herself staring into his narrowed eyes.

"What did you say?" He asked slowly as if the words were being pulled from him.

"What... what did I say?" She asked huskily, pretending she couldn't remember.

"You said you wanted me to love you." He reminded her.

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