Chapter Four Part 5

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"What?" She asked, hopeful of a solution which was going to ebb the tide of media frenzy which was bound to follow once the photograph was published.

"Eat." He stated casually.

She stared at him, dumbfounded. "Excuse me? What do you mean, eat?"

"Eat. As in have lunch." He elaborated "We'll be able to think better on a full stomach."

"Have you gone insane?" She questioned, her eyes wide with disbelief. "How can you think of food at a time like this?"

"Worrying about it isn't going to help."

"How can I not worry? My name is going to be sullied..."

"You'll get over it." Blake shrugged his shoulders indifferently.

"Mr Deveraux." She bit out slowly. "You may be accustomed to having your name splashed across every known tabloid because of your selfish playboy antics, but I am not used to that sort of thing and I certainly don't want to be part of it! " She pushed the words through her teeth.

"There's nothing you can do about it. It's happened, forget about it and move on."

"That's your attitude to everything, isn't it? Brushing everything off as though it doesn't matter, like the incident with the pregnancy..."

"Don't bring that up again. It's dealt with." He warned with a steely glint in his eyes.

She stared at him, his callous attitude astounding her. "You have no regard for people's feelings do you? You think everything is a game, a bit of fun?"

"What do you want me to do? Worry unnecessarily about things?"

"Yes! Maybe a little concern from time to time wouldn't go amiss. Show some empathy and not be so blasé about everything!" She flung at him, frustrated by his lack of concern for anything.

"If by that remark you're referring to the pregnancy again, I've told you numerous times that it's not mine. If it was mine do you think I'm that selfish and heartless enough to turn my back on my own flesh and blood?" He asked, his mouth setting into a grim line as he drew in a controlling breath.

Paige eyed him resentfully. "Yes, I think you would."

He features hardened. "Careful Miss Chadwick, you're overstepping the mark again." He warned, his eyes narrowing chillingly. "You don't know the first thing about me, so don't be so quick to judge me without knowing the full facts. Now are we going to lunch or not?" His change of subject was so swift, it took a moment for his words to register.

"What about this situation we're in?" She broke off, throwing her hands in the air helplessly. "What I can't understand is, who on earth could have tipped him off?"

"They don't need tipping off." He opened the passenger door for her. "They're like vultures, they can smell a juicy story a mile off." He waited for her to get in. "You're familiar with the press, you should know how they work."

"It's different being on the receiving end." She muttered and slid into her seat.

"Welcome to my world." His softly spoken words made her heart flip over. Had she misjudged him? Was he not the publicity craving monster she imagined him to be?

"I know of a great place we can go and eat." He said, getting into the drivers seat.

"I've lost my appetite." She couldn't stomach the thought of food right now.

Blake expertly maneuvered the powerful vehicle around a tight corner. "I've told you, worrying won't solve anything. Just let it ride out and before you know it, it'll be history. Making a song and dance about it will only give the story a longer shelf life."

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