A Scandalous Attraction

By Calida_Ally

460K 13.6K 742

Paige Chadwick has made a success of her life. Everything was in its place, just the way she wanted it. She w... More

Pitch Part 1
Chapter One Part 2
Chapter Two Part 3
Chapter Three Part 4
Chapter Four Part 5
Chapter Five Part 6
Chapter Six Part 7
Chapter Seven Part 8
Chapter Nine Part 10
Chapter Ten Part 11
Chapter Eleven Part 12

Chapter Eight Part 9

30.5K 1K 14
By Calida_Ally

Paige looked at her aunt and gently tried to remove her. "Jessie, this isn't Webster..."

"It is Webster! I'd know my Webster anywhere!" She stated.

Paige bit onto her bottom lip and looked at Blake. His brows were knitted in a frown as he placed his hands on Jessie and assisted her to an armchair and gently sat her down.

"Jessie, this is Blake."

"It's Webster!" Jessie said getting agitated.


Blake looked at Paige and shook his head, indicating for her to stop. He perched himself on the arm of the sofa next to Jessie. Paige stared at his contemplative expression, was he cooking up another plan, she wondered suspiciously.

Without warning Blake got to his feet. "Jessie, I have to go now, but I'll come back..."

"No! You promised me last time too, you never came back. I've been waiting..."

Blake bent down and took hold of her hands and gave them a gentle squeeze. "I'll come back, I promise." He murmured before straightening up and looking at Paige. "Paige see me to the door." He ordered, making her heckles rise.

"You promised to come back." Reminded Jessie just as Paige and Blake were about to leave.

"I did." He assured her warmly. "See you later, Jessie." He said then walked out followed by Paige.

"How come you're going all of a sudden, earlier you couldn't wait to get your feet under the table." Paige said, caustically.

He gave her a strange look which made her breath hitch. "I thought you couldn't wait to get me out of your house?" He murmured, his eyes raking over her face.

"You're right, I can't. Is there any particular reason for calling me out here?" She demanded, fighting to remain aloof.

"I need your car keys if I'm to have your car dropped off." He reminded her.

Paige hesitated then went over to the little table near the coat rack and picked up a spare set of car keys. "Here." She muttered dropping them into the palm of his outstretched hand.

His long fingers curled around them. "Thank you." He murmured without taking his eyes off her. "Is Webster the man you were telling me about, the one your aunt was supposed to marry?" He asked suddenly.

"Yes, why?" What was he up to?

"Do you know his sir name?" He pressed.

"Why the sudden interest?"

"Do you?" He repeated, his mouth drawing into a tight displeased line at her obstinacy.

"No, I don't and why did you go and make empty promises to my aunt? You had no right telling her you were coming back to see her." She scowled.

"Blake! Where are you going?" Georgia exclaimed, coming out into the hall with a tray of tea and biscuits.

"Sorry Georgia, there's something I need to do."

"Can't it wait?" She asked disappointedly.

"I'm afraid not."

"Paige, you've been rude to our guest haven't you?" Her sister said accusingly.

"No Georgia, under the circumstances, Paige has been very gracious." He murmured almost to himself, his eyes fixed on Paige.

Georgia looked from one to the other. "I'll just take this back into the kitchen then." She said rushing away.

"You've played that game already and been caught." She said unable to keep the bitterness from entering her voice.

He gave her a long assessing look before opening the door and letting himself out. "Get back to the office when you're better or I'll just bring you back home again." He warned as he left.

"Brute!" She flung at his retreating back then slammed the door shut. Paige made her way to the kitchen to make herself a coffee. Georgia was putting away the biscuits.

"There's some tea if you want." She offered.

"Thanks, but I could really do with a coffee."

"A couple of weeks ago I was watching something on tele. You'll never guess who I saw on the entertainments channel." Georgia said, carefully putting the biscuits back into the right place in the tin.

Paige's hand paused on the coffee pot. "Who?" She asked.

"You and Blake."

"Really?" Paige asked resuming her coffee making.

"Yep, they said you were a couple." She said, continuing with her exaggerated care with the biscuits.

Paige stopped making her coffee again. So Georgia had known about her and Blake but why hadn't she said anything. "If you knew why didn't you say something when I rang you?"

"I figured if it was true, you would have told me and since you never brought it up, I thought it best to leave it alone."

"Well, it's over anyway." Mumbled Paige a little surprised at her sisters tactfulness.

"Doesn't look like that to me." She drawled.

"Trust me Georgia, there wasn't anything to begin with and there's nothing now."

"Blake doesn't seem to think so. He looks kinda hooked on you." She said finally looking up. "Do you love him?" She asked suddenly.

"Georgia! Of course I'm not in love with him!" If he looked keen, it was only an act.

"Are you sure? Because I think you're into him too."

"You've been watching too many movies..."

"I think it's about time you got someone for yourself, Paige." Georgia's tone was so serious all Paige could do was stare at her for a moment.

"Why?" She finally managed.

"Everyone needs a special someone in their life. You've always been there for me and Jessie. Maybe it's time you gave something back to yourself."

"I'm doing fine on my own thank you." She said stoically.

"Just saying that's all." Georgia said shrugging her shoulders.

"I'm going to go and get changed, I won't be a minute." Paige said making an escape to her room.

Paige closed the door and walked over to her bedside drawer and took out her mother's locket. She still hadn't had a chance to fix the clasp yet, so she kept it in the drawer in case she lost it again.

Paige sat on her bed and looked at the locket. Touching her mother's locket always helped ease her worries. Georgia was right. It would be nice to come home to someone you loved and who loved you back, but she hadn't found that someone yet. All she'd found was an egotistical beast who had played her! He had taught her a very valuable lesson, never let your guard down, ever.

Next morning Paige sat her aunt down for breakfast. "What would you like to do today Jessie?" Paige asked, buttering pieces of hot toast. She had decided to take the day off, she didn't have the energy to war with Blake and decided to spend the day with Jessie instead. "What about the park?" Paige asked, watching her aunt chew a piece of toast. Jessie made no reply. She knew her aunt loved the park. "The park it is then." Paige smiled and cleared up the breakfast dishes. Luckily the park was within walking distance, which was a relief since her car was still at the office.

Paige had just helped her aunt get into her coat when the doorbell rang. "I won't be a minute Jessie." She told Jessie, going to see who it was. Paige staggered slightly when she saw Blake stood there, looking as handsome as ever, in his tailored suit.

"Good morning." Blake smiled at her, his eyes travelling over her like a slow caress. "You look a lot better today." He noted.

"The thought of not having to see you perked me up, but you've just ruined the day for me now." She retorted.

He ignored her barbed comment. "Here." He held out her car key to her.

Paige looked at him in surprise. "There was no need for you to bring it, I could have gone over with a taxi and picked it up myself." She muttered carefully taking the keys so their fingers didn't touch.

He arched a mocking brow as he watched her carefully take the keys. "Were you on your way out?" He asked his eyes trapping hers.

Paige seized hold of the opportunity to make him leave. "Yes, I'm taking Jessie to the park. Thank you for bringing my car back. Goodbye." She hinted heavily.

"My driver's come to pick me up. We'll drop you off."

"No thank you, I didn't go in to work today so that I wouldn't have to see you..."

"Webster!" Jessie cried, rushing past Paige and going to Blake.

"Hello, Jessie." Blake smiled.

Jessie slid her arm into the crook of Blake's muscular one.

Blake looked at Paige sardonically, a slow smile lifting the corners of his sexy mouth. "You don't have a choice now. Come on." He ordered, placing a hand gently over Jessie's and led her to his waiting Jaguar.

Paige stood fuming whilst Blake assisted Jessie into the car.

"Which park were you going to go to?" He asked sliding smoothly into the seat next to her. Paige felt her every nerve end spark at his nearness. She had assumed he had been waiting for her to take her seat then he was going to go and sit at the front next to his driver, not beside her! Paige was trapped between her aunt and Blake. There was plenty of room but she still didn't dare move much because to her dismay the side of her leg was pressed up hard against Blake's. She could feel the rippling muscles with his every movement and the heat emanating from his lean lithe body was setting her own body alight with desire.

"There's a park not far from where I live." She said stiffly unable to control the slight tremor in her voice, and gave him directions which he relayed to his driver. Why on earth did she have to be so acutely aware of him?

The driver pulled up outside the park gates. Paige nearly tumbled out on unsteady legs. He had probably sat next to her irritate her!

He took Jessie's hand and gently placed it in the crook of his arm and walked slowly at her pace.

"It's a charming little park." He said looking at Paige over the top of Jessie's head. "Do you both come here often?" He asked.

"Weekends mostly." She replied coldly. "Shouldn't you be getting back to work?" She queried curiously, she knew how heavy his work schedule was.


"What about your meetings?" She demanded.

"I've had them postponed."

"Why?" This was a turn up for the books! He was known to be a workaholic, hardly ever taking time off for anything.

"I wanted to spend the day with you and Jessie. Yesterday you accused me of making empty promises to her I wanted to show you I meant every word."

"Why would you do that? We mean nothing to you." Her voice dropped to a soft whisper, so it was only Blake who heard her words.

He looked at her as if to say something then decided against it. "I can see a cafe, would you like a coffee, Jessie?" He asked turning his attention to her aunt.

Jessie looked up at him and smiled.

"Come on." He smiled back easily and led her to the cafe.

The coffee shop was nearly empty which meant they had no trouble finding a table. Blake helped Jessie into her chair then seated himself opposite Paige. "What would you like?" He asked Jessie. "A slice of cake?"

"Cake." Repeated Jessie.

"Cake it is. And you Paige what would you like?" He asked.

"For you to go away and leave us alone." She said smartly. She didn't know what his game was but she would tell him that whatever it was she wasn't going to fall for it or allow him to embroil her aunt in any of his cruel games.

"I walked right into that one." He grinned. "Sorry, no can do. You'll have to settle for tea, coffee or cake."

"Coffee." She sighed resignedly.

Blake placed the orders then turned to Paige. "What are your plans for the rest of the day?" He asked leaning back in his chair and allowing his eyes to carry out a detailed scrutiny of her.

"Going home and relaxing." She said trying not become affected by his presence.

"I see." Was all he said as the waitress brought them their food and drinks.

Paige automatically began to help her aunt with her food, unaware of Blake's eyes on her. When she'd wiped the corners of her aunts mouth with a napkin, she felt her gaze being drawn to Blake's. His expression made her breath catch. His features had softened and there was a look in his eyes which she'd never seen before.

"Webster." Jessie said snapping Paige out of the trancelike state she had found herself trapped in.

Blake dragged his gaze away from Paige and settled it on Jessie. "Jessie?" He enquired smiling at her.

"You came back." She repeated what she'd said the day before.

"We can't sit here all day." Paige said picking up her bag.

"If there's some other place you'd like to visit, I can take you both..." he offered.

Paige walked around the table and stood in front of him. "I'm not interested in spending time with you Mr Deveraux." She hissed after making sure she was out of earshot. "So you can turn off your charm tactics because it won't work a second time." She said glaring at him. "And I don't know what game you're playing with my aunt, but I'm warning you, stay out of our lives."

Blake looked down at her angry, set face. "I'll drop you off at home." He said curtly. "Come on Jessie time to go." He informed her, taking her hand again.

To her surprise and slight disappointment, on the way back, Blake sat at the front next to his driver.

When they stopped outside her house Blake was instantly at Jessie's side, helping her to the door.

"Bye Jessie." He said with a warm smile but when he looked at Paige the smile became a wry twist of his mouth. "See you when you get back to the office, Paige." He said brusquely.

"Expect to see me back tomorrow." She told him firmly before turning her back on him and letting herself and Jessie into the house.

Paige led her aunt into the little hall and helped her out of her coat. "Webster's come back." Jessie said as she waited for Paige to hang up the coat.

"I'll put your favourite programme on Jessie." Paige said avoiding encouraging Jessie's false hope.

Over the next several weeks Paige noticed her aunt's condition deteriorate at a frightening rate. This threw her into a dilemma about what to do. Georgia had had several job interviews and was waiting for replies to find out whether she had been taken on. Paige knew she had to make a decision about what to do soon. If Georgia did get one of the jobs she'd applied for she would have to take it and even if she took time off work herself she would eventually have to go back, so she was left with no choice but to come up with a long term solution. She was being forced to contemplate doing the one thing she thought she would never do.

A few weeks later when Paige had a moment to spare at work, she decided to research residential homes for people who suffered from dementia not that Jessie needed to go into one just yet. After taking down details of several homes, she shut down her computer.

The door to her office opened and Blake walked in. Paige felt her pulse pick up speed.

"Don't you know how to knock?" She demanded irritably, getting to her feet. The sight of him made her become flustered. She hadn't seen much of him only fleetingly in passing since the day he had taken her and Jessie to the park.

"Sit down." He ordered, closing her door. "Something's come up."

"Can't it wait? I'm tired and I want to get off home." She asked refusing to obey his command.

"Flint and his wife are flying over to London this weekend."

"So?" She said haughtily.

"So, we are taking them out on Saturday."

"What do you mean we?" She demanded hostilely. How dare he expect her to carry on with that act, especially after what he had done.

"They think we are still a couple."

"Then you'll have to correct them, won't you?" She said with saccharin sweetness.

"You have no choice, you're going to have to play along, besides it'll be for one night." He stated.

"Do you really think I'm going to..." her voice trailed off, a chill running through her. "Is that why you've been trying to charm my aunt... so that I play along?"

"Despite what you may think of me Paige I'm not that merciless." He ground out.

"I wouldn't put anything past you. You're so selfish you'd do anything to get your own way. You said as soon as we got back to London, you'd tell the press we'd split up, so why haven't you?" She demanded.

"I only want you to do this so that the deal goes through without any hitches." He stated ignoring her question. "The last thing I need right now is complications, I just want this damn deal to go through as soon as possible. Flint said he'd made his decision and he'd tell me on our evening out."

"Surely whatever is happening in your personal life won't influence flint's business decisions." Paige said frowning.

"No it won't but I don't want to be answering awkward questions I've got enough to contend with as it is." He stated wearily.

For a split second Paige nearly felt sorry for him then remembered how ruthless he was. "I'm not going to do it." She stated defiantly.

"Paige just this once stop being so damn pigheaded and do as you're told. I knowI don't deserve your help after the way I behaved with you but you have no choice. They both treated you very kindly when we were in the states, so the least you can do is return their kindness."

"By lying to them?" She asked contemptuously.

"Damn it Paige, just do it. I'll collect you at eight on Saturday. You'll get a bonus in your pay packet for overtime as a reward."

"Don't you dare insult me! Not everyone is like you! You can't lure me into lying with money." She said bristling with indignation.

"I'm not trying to lure you into doing anything, just merely asking a favour of you." He stated coaxingly.

She glared at him. "I've got you eating out of the palm of my hand now." She scorned.

He looked at her for a long moment. "I guess you have, Paige." He murmured, his tone softening slightly.

"For one night?" She asked.

"One night."

"Straight afterwards I want you to publicly announce our break-up, I don't want to be tied to you in anyway."

"If that's what you want." He said a shutter coming over his features.

"It is what I want!" She insisted coldly.

"We have a deal?"

"Yes." She said instantly regretting the word as soon as it left her mouth.

"Thank you Paige." He said giving her a tight smile before striding out of the room.

When Saturday arrived Paige couldn't keep the butterflies that fluttered in her stomach at bay. Whilst battling with nerves she picked out a dress to wear for the evening she was going to spend with Blake, Flint and his wife Harriet. Finally she settled on a chic blue lace dress with a deep v shaped neckline and flattering form fitting design. The dress was cut to mid length and showed off her shapely slender legs. Paige left her shoulder length mass of waves open so that it framed her face. She applied a light touch of make-up except on her lips which she painted in bold red just as starlets had done in the old movies.

There was something about the old Hollywood glamour which she loved. Grabbing her little clutch bag she made her way into the hall. It was nearly eight and knowing Blake he would be on time. And sure enough just as she told Jessie and Georgia she was leaving, the door bell rang.

Paige took in a deep fortifying breath and went to answer the door. A quiver ran down her spine as she saw Blake stood in her doorway, dressed in a dark evening suit. He looked so roguishly handsome. The way his eyes trailed over her, set fire to her skin and made her heart thud against her ribcage.

"Are you ready?" He asked his eyes hard and unsmiling.

"Y...yes." Paige murmured closing the door behind her.

Without another word, he led the way to his Porsche. Holding the door open for her, he waited for her to get in then walked around to the driver's side and slid into his seat.

"Are you going to pick up Flint and Harriet too?" Paige asked desperately making light talk to disperse the sexual tension which thrummed between them.

"Yes, from their hotel. There's no point taking two cars." He paused at the traffic lights. Paige couldn't help but notice the way his hands gripped the steering wheel, his knuckles showing white. His fingertips drummed impatiently on the wheel as the traffic light took it's time in changing colour. He muttered something harsh and unintelligible as he glared at the lights, willing them to change, which they did eventually.

Paige turned her gaze to the view outside the window and stared out at into the night. Her mouth felt dry as she fought hard against the desire to rush into his arms. She so badly wanted him to hold her, to kiss her.

"Remember, we are supposedly madly in love with one another." He reminded her mockingly as he pulled up outside a glitzy Mayfair hotel. "I won't be long." He said getting out and going into the swanky hotel. Moments later Paige spotted the three of them coming out and stepped out of the car to go and greet Flint and Harriet.

"You get more attractive every time I see you." Harriet smiled, giving Paige a big hug.

"Thank you Harriet. It's lovely seeing you both again." Paige murmured as they all got into the car.

"First it's a show at the Royal Albert Hall then dinner." Blake informed as he started the powerful engine.

"Sounds like a dream!" Harriet said excitedly. "London is one of my most favourite cities." Chatted Harriet.

Paige didn't say much during the journey except for a few sounds to show that she was listening to Harriet's cheerful chatter. It suddenly occurred to her that Blake barely said a word either.

After he parked the car outside the Hall, they made their way inside the grand building. Paige felt goose bumps prick her skin as she looked around. It was awe inspiring.

"Cold?" Blake murmured close to her ear.

Paige stiffened slightly. "No." She muttered as they were shown to their seats. Paige wasn't surprised to find that Blake had bought the best seats in the house. Desperate to give herself something to do, she read the programme. A group of well known opera singers were going to perform a collection of famous arias from popular operas.

Paige felt excitement tingle down her spine as the curtains went up and rapturous applause broke out when the artists came onto the stage to perform their numbers. She adored music and the theatre. The singers gave stunning performances. Some of the arias which were sung were humorous and some were heart wrenching. One in particular which was about a woman who was lamenting for her love.

Paige swallowed convulsively. The aria was so hauntingly beautiful it pierced through Paige, she may not have understood the lyrics but she certainly felt the song. Paige felt such a strong yearning to be loved, to be wanted to be desired, that a sob nearly escaped her. She fought back tears as an overwhelming sense of loneliness invaded her. Paige felt her gaze being pulled in the direction of where Blake was sat. His gaze met with hers. How long had he been watching her she wondered as she fought for composure. Her eyes slid down to his mouth as memories of the way he had made her feel complete flooded her. Paige tore her gaze away. There was no denying it any longer. Blake was the only man she wanted. The realisation that she had fallen hard for him slammed into her. Feeling lost and helpless, she continued to look down at the program she was holding in order to conceal the pain in her eyes. How and when it had happened, she didn't know but it must have been gradual. A hush fell over the hall when the last note was sung. Then loud clapping and whistling broke the silence. When the show ended the artists received a standing ovation, deservedly so. Then the audience made their way out of the old building.

"Wow! That was amazing!" Harriet enthused as they made their way to Blake's car. "Thank you, both of you. My, I won't be forgetting that any time soon." She said holding onto her husband's arm.

"You're awfully quiet Paige." Flint pointed out.

Paige forced a smile. "I'm feeling quite moved by what I've just heard too. I love operas and those were some of my most favourite arias ." Paige said softly as she got into the car beside a somewhat subdued Blake.

When they reached the exclusive restaurant, the maitre de showed them to their table and brought them their menus.

"Blake, I'd like to order some champagne, to toast our new business partnership!" Flint stated.

"You've agreed?" Blake asked, not appearing very surprised.

"I think you knew what my answer was going to be. I'd be a darn fool to turn down your offer. Here's to a lasting business relationship and a friendship which I hope is also long lasting!" Flint stated raising his glass, everyone followed suit before taking a sip of their drinks.

Throughout the dinner as the men talked business and Harriet spoke about shopping, Paige was aware of Blake's gaze on her from time to time. Paige couldn't stop herself from meeting with his unfathomable gaze. His face was unsmiling as their gaze meshed. Harriet said something to Paige which forced her to focus on her.

Somehow Paige managed to get through the ordeal of dinner. Even though the restaurant was full of people she was only aware of the powerful presence of one man, Blake Deveraux. His sexual charisma was overwhelmingly potent.

When Blake dropped their guests off at their hotel, Harriet placed a hand on Paige's arm and spoke to her softly, whilst the men carried on their business talk.

"Paige dear, I don't know what the situation is between you and Blake." She said as they stood outside the hotel. "But it'll work out don't worry. I've noticed he can't keep his eyes off you!" She whispered confidingly. "If it's something you can work out, work it out, don't let it slip through your fingers. Trust me dear, it wasn't plain sailing for me and Flint either, he used to be away on business so much that at one point I was very tempted to leave him. But I didn't, we worked through it and now look at us, thirty years on. Two old coots, still crazy about each other."

A heartfelt "Thank you." Was all she could manage before bidding them both goodnight.

"What what was all that about?" Blake asked, a strange inflection in his tone as he drove Paige home.

"Congratulations, again you've succeeded in pulling off another one of your cunning plans. You've managed to convince Harriet that you're mad about me." Out of the corner of her eye she saw his frame become rigid. "She was advising me to work out any problems we were having." She said frostily. "I hated lying to her, she's such a nice woman, it made me feel worse!" She said flashing him an icy glare.

"You won't have to see them again." He said, his voice suddenly cold.

"You don't get it do you?" She hissed turning in her seat to look at him. "The fact that I may well never see them again isn't the point, the point is I don't like tricking people."

"You tricked no one." He stated, pulling up outside her house.

Paige was about to make an angry remark when she noticed that her front door was ajar. Blake followed her horrified gaze. "Why the heck is my door open?" She gasped, an icy chill hurtling down her spine as she rushed out of the car and ran into the house closely followed by Blake.

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