Excitement?... I'll pass

By ashleyjohnson_11

23 5 0

All Abby Connic's ever wanted was excitement. That's until she got it. All in a week her boyfriend dumps her... More

Chap. 1


11 2 0
By ashleyjohnson_11

It was a nice sunny day Abby went to meet her best friend and boyfriend at the bus stop like they always do when.. none of them showed up.
Are they sick?
Are they mad at me?
Maybe there just late?
Are all questions flying threw Abby's head. She's never been blown off and wasn't intending on it starting today. She calls, she texts.. No answer.
When the bus shows up and they still aren't there Abby has no choice but to get on the bus and head to school.
The bus pulls up to the front of the school, she walks off staring looking for them both. It seems like everyone's staring wondering why she's alone and got blown off. But of course it's just in her head. She sees Brittany approaching her.
"What do you want ?" Abby snaps
"I just wanted to let you know that Ben got a ride with me to school today." 
What? Why would he do that your his ex. Wouldn't that be sorta awkward?" Abby says with a hint of sass.
" you should go and talk to him. I don't want to get in between you two." Brittany replies trying to act like she's nice.
" maybe I will"
Abby quickly replied. And she hurried off to find Ben. As she's walking in the halls she still can't find Ella, she pushes that to the back of her mind as she rushes over to Ben.
"Why didn't you tell me you weren't going to be there and why on earth would you get a ride with your ex-girlfriend?!"
Abby yelled.
" Because she's no longer my ex. Look Abby your so nice and I never wanted you to find out this way but I think our relationship has come to an end."
" I don't get it. Your breaking up with me? Why am I that bad?"
" No not at all. Your actually amazing. Don't think anything less o your self but I just don't think we click anymore. We have nothing in common. Sorry but it's over."
Ben said turning around and walking away.
" Ugh can my life get any worse"
Abby whispered to herself.
Abby thinks to her self,
" I wish I could tell Ella about this... If I knew where she was."

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