Finally Noticed//c.d

By alwayzaddy

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She is a 17 year old girl, she has one more year before she moves away from her he'll hole aka her stepdad. T... More

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By alwayzaddy

Longest chapter ever☺️


"Wait w-what?" I ask so confused.

"I raped her ok? I did something I wasn't suppose to do." He did what? Did he use a condom?

Did he even think? Oh my gosh Cameron you are so stupid. "If you need me I'm going out." I go call an uber to go to her house.

Once I got there, I think about how she doesn't deserve any of this. I just want to know if she's ok.

I knock on the door, I then hear footsteps coming down the stairs. Then the door opens to a messed up Elissa in front of me.

"Come here." I open my arms and she just sobs into my shirt. "'s ok your ok. Everything is going to be alright." Then she starts shaking her head.

"No it's not there is a chance I'm pregnant with his baby. Then when people find out that he raped me and I'm carrying his baby his whole life and career is over." She looks down and walks to the couch. I close the door and sit in the couch across from her.

"So he didn't use a condom?" She look like she was gonna cry again.

I carry her in my lap and let her sob. Ugh I'm stupid, I remember when she told me her plans for her future.


"Ate? Ate?" I hear a little voice behind me. I lift my head to Grace scratching her eyes.

"Yes Baby ko, bakit hindi ka na tu-tulog. Late na." She just looks at me while Grayson is looking confused.

I get out of his lap and carry Grace to the kitchen. I put her on the counter and go to the fridge to grab her milk. I then grab a bottle and pour the milk, close it and gave it to her.

"Your look like you can be a great mother Elissa. If you are pregnant then I know your gonna be a great mother. Ignore and forget that jerk you don't deserve that at all. But just know your not alone if you have that baby you have me, Ethan, Matt, your parents, Brooke, and Grace. Just know we all love you." I nod and give him a weak smile.

"Thanks I really appreciate that. So I guess it's late and you didn't drive I'll drive you back home or you want to sleepover?" I ask the 15 year old boy.

Right when he was gonna answer, Matt comes in the house with my favorite candy. SOUR PATCH KIDS!!

Grayson stays and sleeps over because he wants some candy.

(A/N: So now I'm gonna skip two weeks ok cause I need to get to the parts I want.)

-2 weeks later-

I'm doing my homework plus babysitting Grace since Matt is doing his movie and dad is at work as usual. I have been only studying for 5 mins and I'm so dizzy already.

Then I have this verge to throw up, I run to the bathroom and aim for the toilet. I threw up all my dinner from last night and my breakfast from this morning.

Once I finish, I call up Matt and tell him to buy me the test. He and Grayson have been really helpful, but there's one thing that can never help me and that thing is how I get the nightmare of the same night every night.

I get up and get something to eat in the fridge. I grab pickles and Nutella, I then dip the pickle in the Nutella and eat it. This taste so delicious omg why. "I have the....why you eating Pickles and Nutella. I thought you hated those and why do we even have pickles." I shrugged.

I put down the things I'm eating and grab the test. I do my business on the stick then wait for five minutes. Once I finish I look at the stick, I drop it. "MATTHEW!!!" I scream his name.


I was typing on my phone then suddenly I hear "MATTHEW!!!". I drop the phone immediately but I need to know if it cracked.

I run to the bathroom where my precious little sister was crying tears of joy? She hands me the 3 sticks and it all says 'positive' but why she cry tears of joy?

"Do you wanna keep the baby?" She looks up and gives me a weak smile.

"I do but I really wanna finish my education and get the job I want. Matt I know I'm only 18 but I know I will do anything for this baby even tho it's from that jerk." I nod.

"But aren't you gonna go to New York in June? Cause if you are then you have to stay there and move there but with who? Because I'm not letting you stay there by yourself!" I tell her.

"Matt I should tell you I'm moving there in 2 weeks because I rather have the baby there. Also so I'm far away from you know who. About the moving part im getting a dorm so no worries." WHAT!?.

"Ok I'll let you go now. Let's go to mall with Grace and buy us some new clothes." She nods and probably goes upstairs to get herself ready.

I go get Grace and put her in a pink floral dress with some black and white vans. Once we were all done we drive in my car to the mall.


I remember this mall, this is the mall when I bought my bathing suit with him. I still have that swim suit too, I shouldn't think of that monster.

We all then end up with a lot of bags from Forever 21, Cotton On, Vans, Converse, Nike, Aeropostale, Hot Topic, Pac Sun, etc. I also went through baby clothes I can't wait until I find out about the gender.

I just wish can forget about him. We go home and I sit on the couch with Grace watching Teen Titans Go. I wish I can just go back to where I never met Cam and just live how I used to be.

I decide to call Andrea Russett to come over because I need a girl around my age right now. "Hello? Elissa OMG long time no talk, where have you been?"

"I'm living with my big brother right now. I was wondering if you would come over because I need a girl to have girl talk." I sigh.

"OK.ADDRESS.NOW" I text her it and not even 15 mins I hear a knock on the door.

I open the door to see her with her glasses, sweatpants, crop top. I pull her in the house, I turn to Matt and see his mouth dropped.

"Close you mouth before you catch flies Kuya." I turn to Andrea.

"He's your old brother?" I nod to her.

"How he's more like ugh and you more like AHHH." I laugh at her and pull her upstairs to her room.

"Ok so what's up girl?" I tell her everything and by everything I mean EVERYTHING.

"Ok so your pregnant with the jerk? OMG CAN I BE THE GODMOTHER!?!" I smile.

"Of course your on the list now, anyway I have to tell you that I leave in two weeks for New York cause I need to move there before school starts. And I have 2 weeks left."

"2 WEEKS!?! OMG!! Is that why this room has a lot of boxes?" I nod.

"I mean it's best for me so I can start my music in New York instead and get away from him once and for all." She nod and from there on we talked all night.

This has been the longest two weeks of my life. During the past two weeks I have been packing, throwing up, babysitting, and doing my classwork. I also graduated at Los Angeles High School.

Right now I'm in my new apartment and still unpacking the boxes. It was hard to leave Grace with Matt because she wouldn't let me go. I just miss them so much already.

Thinking about how this baby and I are gonna survive in this big city is tough. But with all the confidence I have I know I'll succeed in my life.

I finish then I get a knock on the door, I open it to see my mom and Brooke. "OMG you guys I miss you guys so much." I hug them.

"We miss you too, now young lady you have to explain yourself." I sigh and bring them to the couch.

"Mom, I know your disappointed in me but just please don't send him to jail, I rather not him lose his career because of one stupid mistake. Yea I may still mad at him but mom he has so much ahead of him. I will do anything for this baby even if my water brakes in class." She looks at me then nods.

"If that's what you decided. Then I guess it's fine but someone has to live with you here so I invited one of my friend's daughter who you used to play with." She opens the door to TIFFANY.

Tiffany changed so much, she's 5'5 with pretty ombré brown eyes and long brown hair. She is goals but she's so much taller than me. I feel short so much.

"Omg Tiff I missed you. I guess we're roommates now." I hug her tight.

"I guess we are Eli. Plus I missed you too anyway who's the baby daddy?" I should tell her later.

"I'll tell you when I'm ready right now I don't know yet." She nods.

Now my mom and Brooke went out to explore New York while me and Tiffany catch up.

I guess I can keep this friendship right? I mean who needs boys when you have your best friend?

Just then I get a flashback of my first kiss with him and how I found my confidence.


I fake a smile and stand to go to my dresser but Cam grabbed me by my hips.

He then took this chance to finally kiss me, I of course kiss back. His lips are so soft ugh. He then licked my bottom lip and I let him enter my mouth.

Then I remember stepdad. I immediately push Cam of me and run to the bathroom.

Once I get there I close and lock the door. I slide down the door and start crying.

I just started getting flashbacks on how I was raped. I get up and look in the mirror.

"You need to be happy, forget about the past. Your pretty, you need to love yourself. One person can't just ruin your life if you don't forget what they did. You don't deserve being like this. Forget the past Elissa Beth Perez." I point at myself.

I wash the left over makeup, I redo it and look at myself one more time. Before opening the door and going back to my room.

I see cam have his head in his hands. I go up to him and lift is head up, I stare at his chocolate brown eyes. They're so pretty.

I sit in his lap and grab the back of his head. I bring my lips to his and start making out with him.

Flashback over-

That was the best day of my life besides the one where he witness me fangirling in person.


"Brooke, he's not my boyfriend. He's here cause he helped me with something plus he's been here for the past day or 2." She looks at me with the 'ya lyin' face.


I hear laughing behind me, I turn to see Cam loosing it. He was on the floor laughing holding his stomach. I then realize I said everything out loud for him and the whole neighborhood to hear.

I feel my face get really red. "Ate, omg I'll be back in gonna go get my present thing for Cam." I nod and walk over to Cam with my arms folded.

"Cam you can stop now." He looks at me and finally calming down.

"Your so cute when you Fangirl, babe." Did he just call me babe. Omg I think I'm gonna die.

Flashback over-

Ahhh those days I really miss. I wish it can be like that before. But no here I am pregnant with his child and he doesn't even know it.

-The Next Day-


I woke up throwing up again, once I finish I brush my teeth and use my mouth wash. Then I do the rest of my morning routine. I go to the kitchen to see Tiffany making us breakfast.

"Good morning Baby Mama. How did you sleep?" I laugh at what she called me.

"Awful, just threw up but I'm hungry now. Whatcha cookin?" She hands me a plate of eggs, bacon, and rice.

"Yum, my favorite can you hand me the jar of Nutella in the cabinet." She looks at me like I'm crazy.

"Don't you hate Nutella and you gonna put it in your food? Omg who are you?" I laugh.

She then goes to the cabinet and hands me the Nutella. "Have you ever heard of pregnancy cravings? Yea well anyway what's the plan today?"

"Idk want to go to the mall?" I nod and continue eating my food.

Then I wonder how Cam's doing. Wtf he's a jerk I should forget about him.


The past month has been the same routine I use. I wake up, eat breakfast, go on Twitter, eat lunch, look at all the pics I have with Elissa, cry about what I have done, skip dinner and cry myself to sleep.

I just wish I can be with her again but just knowing what I did to her she won't take me back. I really want to te-. I get cut off with a knock on my bedroom door.

I open it to Addy, I try closing the door but she opens the door. I sit on my bed and she sits next to me.

"What do you want Addy?" I stare at the floor.

"I just wanted to say sorry for everything I did anyway I'm with Johnson now. I'm sorry for making you break up with Elissa. I changed and I promise you I have no feelings with you what so ever also you have to worry about me cause I'm pregnant with Johnson's kid anyway. Well I'm gonna go now cause I have a doctors appointment. Bye Cam." Right when she was gonna leave I grab her wrist and look at her.

"Friends?" She smiles.

"Friends." I then let her go now.

I lay down in my bed and look at the ceiling. I wonder how Elissa is doing, I hope I didn't ruin her as much.

If she was still mine she would be safe in my arms because there is no way I'm not going to let her hurt. But then I already hurt her.

I imagine having our children and I remember she wanted to name her daughter Teresa Allysa because it reminds her of her grandma's name. I want to have a daughter with her one day but that is never now. If I have a daughter I'll be that protective dad because I don't want my little princess to have the problems as much as I do.

She can't date till she's 32 and no boy will enter our house ever. I grab my phone and stare at my lock screen then I feel the tears coming.

I wonder if she's as happy without me.

Addy: (A/N: Didn't see me coming huh? Yea im miss nice pregnant girl now.)

I just got back from Cam's place and now I'm headed to the house. I open the house to my baby and Gilinsky on their phones

"Hey babe. How was it with Cam?" Johnson says as he peaks my lips.

"It's fine were friends again anyway what do you guys want for dinner?" He smiles and hugs me.

"I'm fine with whatever. G what do you want?" He looks up from his phone.

"Oh, I know you should cook your famous seafood pasta. Cause that is shit." Johnson and I laugh and I head to the kitchen.

I'm only two weeks pregnant and let me tell you it's so much harder cause of all the throwing up. I get started on my favorite thing to cook and eat in the whole world.

As I was cooking I feel kisses being planted on my neck. I suddenly get chills on my back. "Stop, babe it tickles." He chuckles and continues.

"I'" He finally stops and turns my head to peaks my lips for the last time.

I'll love him and our unborn so much that they are my number one priority. I'm glad to have them both.


I finish my first essay for my school. I then fall asleep.


I wake up to a baby crying, I go to where I hear the crying. Then I suddenly hear the crying stop.

I peek into the room to see Cameron? He's rocking the baby and singing a lullaby. I go in the room and see its purple and white theme.

So I have a daughter? I looks the walls to see her name which is Teresa Allysa Dallas.

"Babe, why are you awake I told you to sleep while I get her." He tells me.

"Yea but look, isn't she so beautiful?" What am I saying I'm suppose to be hating him right now.

"Yea she is, just like you." I smile and I take her carefully into my arms.

-2 years later-

"Mommy, where's Daddy?" I frown at her.

"Teresa, we talked about this. Daddy is on a vacation." I tell my daughter a lie.

Cam and I were not meant to be so we bro-

End of dream:

This baby is my number one priority. I will do anything and I mean ANYTHING for her.

Do you like this really really long chapter. So I decided that I'm updating Every Wednesday's and Weekends because those are the days I have time. Anyway I hope you enjoyed this took me at least three days to finish.

This chapter has 3129 words in it. Your welcome.





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