Descendants ( Carlos de vil l...

By chlxemx

62.3K 1K 119

Chloe , Mal , Evie , Carlos and Jay are all the children of the worst villains in The Isle Of The Lost , will... More

Meet chloe LeGume
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
chapter 7
chapter 8
Im broke.

Chapter one

10.9K 159 33
By chlxemx

Chloe's P.O.V
Running around the isle like crazy, it's what we do. At the moment I was painting a black silhouette paining of my father with red and black flames in the background with 'long live evil" painted within. As I finished I looked to my right to see Carlos doing the same. I smiled at best friend from over 10 years ago as he returned it flashing his bright white teeth.

"They say I'm trouble
They say I'm bad
They say I'm evil
And that makes me glad"
We heard mal sing which caused us to run off, we ran into a old building that inhabited a few of the low life's within. As we were running through, I noticed a gold chain lying on a kitchen table as quickly snagged it as we ran through more houses.

"A dirty no-good
Down to the bone
Your worst nightmare
Can't take me home"
Jay sang as he scaled some building as me and Carlos were coming through one of our last few houses.

"So I've got some mischief
In my blood
Can you blame me?
I never got no love"
I heard Evie sing as I looked out the window of our last house to see her strutting across the table gaining the attention of a few people sitting at it.

"You say I'm vain,
Say again?
I'll explain,
Why your I'm pain"
I sang as I jumped down a stair rail, stealing a few things off people while I met up with carlos

"They think I'm callous
A low-life hood
I feel so useless
Carlos sang as he pulled a red bandana off a man that was standing there. What can I say his favourite colour is red. As we were running around the corner I noticed a little girl with an apple, ha nope, mine. I lifted it out of her hands threw it in the air, took a chunks and threw it back at her. As I threw it back as her Carlos pulled me along.

"Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world"
Mal and Evie sang as me and Carlos were running through a shelter jumping on beds waking people up, well Carlos was, I was lifting their possessions shoving them into my jacket, which the pocket of my is now full of.

"I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more?
I'm nothing like the kid next—like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the (core), I'm rotten to the (core)
I'm rotten to the core."
We all sang as we met up at the steel gate. Shoving it open, causing mischief as we all scattered around grabbing steel pipes and banging them of everything causing havoc, as per usual.

"Call me a schemer
Call me a freak
How can you say that?
I'm just... unique!"
Mal sang as she pulled out her purple spray paint and strayed an 'M' on an old plastic shower curtain as she pulled it back to reveal a member of the isle sitting in the bath behind it.

"What, me? A traitor?
Ain't got your back?
Are we not friends?
What's up with that?"
Jay sang as he lifted a tea pot and rubbed it. Obviously stealing.

"So I'm a misfit
So I'm a flirt
I broke your heart?
I made you hurt?"
Evie sang as she ran through rows upon rows of material and in the end up pulling a red scarf of the clerk, wooing him over.

"I'll make you swoon,
You'll lose your mind,
You'd wish you were immune,
So undefined"
I sang to a bystander staring at me, then ran away at the last line meeting up with the others.

"The past is past"
Carlos sang as the both he ran over a table kicking buckets of apples whist swinging down of a support beam.

"Forgive, forget
The truth is..." Carlos sang as he joined me on the cart filled with hay.

"You ain't seen nothing yet!"
All of us roared close by each other as me and Carlos threw hay at the lady shouting about her damn apples. We eventually jumped of the cart and ran into a mill to see mal, Evie and jay

"Mirror, mirror on the wall
Who's the baddest of them all?
Welcome to my wicked world, wicked world"
Me, Mal and Evie sang as the boys messed around with a leaver. We all ran out of the small mill and ran out into the street causing a flash mob.

"I'm rotten to the core, core
Rotten to the core
I'm rotten to the core, core
Who could ask for more?
I'm nothing like the kid next—like the kid next door
I'm rotten to the (core), I'm rotten to the (core),
I'm rotten to the core"
We all sang as we finished up dancing. I moved my black hair out of my face, who was actually down today since I didn't get time to go see dizzy to put it up. Father had me combing his hair and polishing his boots for him, again.

As Mal pulled a lollipop out of a passing baby's hand, we laughed as Mal held it up in victory. I could hear the people of the isle shout run, which could only mean 1 thing. I went from my position from beside Evie to quickly behind Carlos as I stood being him a little as we saw 2 goons approach, Maleficent. I'm not scared of Maleficent, it's her goons, they have physically beat me up before because let's just say I got in the wrong side of them, broken arm and black eye for 6 weeks, let's just say the boys don't like it when there around me.

Mal smirked as she turned around and the goons moved out of her way. "Hi mom" Mal said to her bitchy mother. "Stealing candy, mal? So disappointed" Her mother asked in her irritating voice. I just looked at Carlos and rolled my eyes which caused him to snicker slightly. "It was from a baby" Mal justified as she held the lollipop out to her mom. "That's my nasty little girl" Maleficent said as he took the pop and spat on it, stuck it under her armpit and handed it to the goon who game me a black eye. "Give it back to the dreadful creature" Maleficent said as the goon went to give it back to the baby. "Mom..." Mal sighed, obviously disappointed that her mother took over her robbery. "It's the deets, Mal, that make the difference between mean and truely evil" Maleficent said slightly louder and waving to the woman walking away with the baby. "Boring" I whispered to Jay and Carlos, who just snickered a laugh. "When I was your age, I was cursing entire kingdoms, you walk with me" Maleficent said as she pulled Mal away so we couldn't hear their conversation. "Yeah as she was cursing babies too because she wasn't invited to a party, boohoo" I whispered. "Chloe shush, do you want another broken arm" Evie whispered as she was eying the goons who were obviously glaring at me. What can I say I'm like my dad, can't keep my mouth shut.

"Oh there's news! I buried the lead" Maleficent shouted as she went to stand in front of us again and the goons now moving to behind us. "You five have been choosen to go to a different school... in Auradon" Maleficent said, honesty when she started I heard Evie squeak but when he said Auradon we all attempted to make a run for it but there was a goon behind each of us. The goon who has me was the one who gave me a black eye. I was fussing around so much trying to get out of his grip, he held me upside down, by one leg. "What I'm not going to some boarding school, filled to the brim with prissy pink princesses!" Mal objectified towards her mother. "And perfect princes" Evie said in her elegant voice stepping forward. Mal just scoffed. "Yeah and I don't do uniforms, unless it's leather, you feel me" Jay said laughing and soon stopped as Maleficent wasn't getting the joke. "I read somewhere that they allow dogs in Auradon, mom said there rabid pack animals, who eat boys who don't behave" Carlos said frightened as Jay barked in his ear. I on the other hand was still squirming, all clearly forgetting me. "Of for goodness sake, Corbyn, put me down, I will hypnotise you" I threatened as I turned my eyes bright red, thrashing my free leg hoping to kick him with my red stiletto heel. Obviously he knew I couldn't hypnotise him as magic doesn't work on the isle so Jay had to threaten him. He threw me down and I landed on my stomach on the pavement. Carlos helped me up and we walked back over to the group. As I was walking I turned my eyes back to the original chocolate brown colour.

"Yeah mom, we're not going" Mal said turning to her mother arguing for all of us. "Oh you're thinking small pumpkin. It's all about world domination. Knuckleheads!" She shouted as she motioned them to follow her. "Mal..." she chimed meaning for us to follow her to our home. We all followed.

"You Okay Chloe" Carlos asked as we were walking up the stairs to our house. "Yeah just a little bang, had worse" I smiled, "you mean you've cause worse to other people" Jay said grinning in-between the both of us. "Precisely" I laughed as we walked through the door into the opened planned living room and kitchen.

"You will go, you will find the fairy godmother and you will bring be back her magic wand, easy-peasy" Maleficent said as she was filing her nails. "What's in it for us" Mal sighed and as she did so I rested one hand on my hip and my elbow of the other arm on Carlos shoulder, chewing my chewing gum. "Matching thrones, hers-and-hers crowns" Maleficent said sassily. "I think she meant us" Carlos said, "um of course she did, I ain't do nothing for free" I added as I heard my father stifle a laugh behind me. I heard a small slap of leather and a ow following with muttering "see, now she is definitely my daughter" I heard my dad laugh and I gave myself a small smirk.

Maleficent threw her nail file behind her causing it it clatter as she got up out of her seat. "It's all about you and me, baby! Do you enjoy watching innocent people suffer?" Maleficent said turning the situation back into her and Mal. "Well, Yeah, I mean who doesn't..." Mal started however her mother cut her off. "Well get me the wand, and you and I can see all that and so much more" Maleficent started. "Her head is getting a little to big" I muttered to Carlos getting irritated. He saw that and grabbed my hand attempting to calm me down and not making the signs of my anger obvious, because well red eyes. "And with that wand and my sceptre, I will be able to bend both good and evil to my will!" Maleficent shouted, again big headed, not even Carlos could calm me down now. "Our will" Evil queen spoke up, getting irritated too. "Our will, our will" Maleficent corrected. "And if you refuse, you're grounded for the rest of your life missy" Maleficent said to Mal winking. "What... mom..." Mal said however her mother shut her up and started her staring competition. I noticed Carlos quickly look at me and turn away but quickly turning back. With him doing this it caught the attention of my father. "Come on Chloe, it's fine" my father said pulling a red eyes me to the other side of the room. I noticed a few eyes on me them being Carlos, Cruella and Jay. "Breath and calming words, I know it's hard not wanting to rip her head of, I know, but calm" my dad muttered to me as I stared muttering calming words. Slowly but surely my eyes turned back to the chocolate brown and the staring between Maleficent and Mal had subsided.

"Now Chloe, remember, teacups and candle holders" dad said smirking, "Yeah dad, that walk and talk" I smirked back. "Oh lifted up a few things" I said smiling as I pulled out a gold chain, a watch, few tubs of hair gel and a few rings, all of the stuff and managed to snag and shove into the pockets of my navy leather jacket. "My girl" my father said as he took the items off me.

"Evie, my little evil-ette in training" Evil queen said as Evie came running towards her mother, "you just find yourself a prince with a big castle and a mother-in-law wing" Evil queen said. "And lots and lots of mirrors" the both of them said swooning. "No laughing wrinkles" Evil queen said which stopped Evie's laughter.

"Well, there not talking my Carlos, because I'd miss him too much" Cruella said as she placed her hand in Carlos' white and black hair. "Really mom?" Carlos asked in disbelief. "Yes, who would touch up my roots? Fluff my fur and scrape the bunions of my feet?" She said as she kicked her foot up into Carlos arm. "Vein" dad smirked into my ear. I just stifled a laugh. "Yeah maybe a new school wouldn't be the worse thing" Carlos muttered with sadness dropping his mother's foot. "Carlos, they have dogs in Auradon" his mother said. "Oh no, I'm not going!" Carlos said in panic turning to me. I just gave him a look of sympathy. "Oh" Maleficent sighed in disgust.

"Well Jay isn't going either, I need him to stock the shelves in my store" Jafar said as he pushed Jay a little further back. "What did you score?" He said trying to whisper but failing. Jay laughed before reaching into his jacked pulling out a rag, a few bit and pieces before eventually pulling out a lamp. His father gasped and dropped all of the items in his hand "a lamp" Jafar whispered as he started to rub it vigorously. "Dad, I already tried" Jay said as his father handed it back to him in discuss.

"Evie isn't going anywhere until we get rid of this unibrow. Hmm?" Evil queen said as Evie dragged her hand up to her perfect eye brows.

"Yeah well, neither is Chloe until I get us both the perfect dye job, she polishes my boots and waxes my leathers" my father said lifting my hair. "Really?" I asked in surprise, ignoring the other things just focusing on the hair. "Yeah these spilt ends are awful. Can't be having my daughter waltz around like this, just imagine if you ran into your brothers. We need to show them and your mother who got the better end" dad said dropping my hair as I just huffed knowing his rivalry with my mother who left him taking my brothers with her. "Plus can't have any boys now can we" he said kissing the side of my head.

"What is wrong with you all, people used to cower at the mention of our names!" Maleficent roars. "For 20 years I have searched for a way of this island. For 20 years they have robbed us from our revenge!" She shouted. "Revenge on Snow White and her horrible little men!" Maleficent shouted pointing to Evil queen "ow" Evil queen scoffed . "Revenge on that beast and his dancing teapots" Maleficent then turned towards my father. "Don't remind me" my father muttered pulling me into his side. "Revenge on Aladdin and his bloated genie!" Maleficent shouted as she turned to Jafar. "I will..." Jafar started, "pop" Jay cut him off as he calmed him down. "Revenge on every sneaky Dalmatian that escaped your clutches!" Maelfient said the. Turning to Cruella. "Oh but they didn't get baby. They didn't get the..." Cruella said as she squealed the stuff dog on her shoulder laughing hysterically as Carlos just looked at his insane mother. "They didn't get the baby" Cruella started again as she laughed. "And I, Maleficent, the evilest of the all. I will finally have my Revenge on sleeping beauty and her relentless little prince, villains!" Maleficent said then carhing the attention of all our parents, "yes?" Evil queen replied, "yes?" Jafar said chewing on bread. "What now?" My dad sighed leaning beside me on the back of a chair. "Our day has come, EQ, give her the magic mirror" Malefient said as she handed Evil queen the magic mirror, "Yeah" she replied taking it and giving to the Evie. "This is your magic mirror?" Evie asked her mother disappointed. "Yeah, well, it ain't what it used to be, but then again neither are we!" Evil queen said laughing to Maleficent "it will help you find things" Evil queen explained. "Like a Prince" Evie whispered in awe. "Like my waist line" Evil queen joked. "Like the magic wand! Hello!" Maleficent said to Evil queen. "Hello" Evil queen sarcastically replied. "Gaston, explain her powers" Maleficent said to my father. "As you know kid, your eyes go red, but out side that barrier they will hypnotise people. There are other powers but I Don't know the ins and outs as you got it from your mother, but hey use them as much as you can" dad said laughing. "For what candle holders and clocks" I said smugly to my father. "Yes" he turned to me pointing a finger as he said it seriously. "Again like trying to get the magic want, gosh" Maleficent said turning to the fridge. "My spell book, my book. I need my... that book" she said to herself as Evil queen pointed towards the freezer. "Ah the safe, the safe" Malefient said as she attempted to open it. "Queen help me. I can never figure this thing out" Malefient shouted banging on the doors of the freezer. Evil queen got up and simply pulled the handle ofpening the old fridge door. "Voila" she said as she left to go sit back down. "My spell... come, darling. Come. Oh... ooh! Oh, Oh. There she is. It doesn't work here, but it will in Auradon. Remember? When we were spreading evil and ruining lives" Maleficent said holding her book in awe. "Like it was yesterday" Evil queen replied. "And now you will be making your own memories by doing exactly as I tell you, door" Maleficent said as she handed the book to Mal and got Evil queen to close the door. We heard a beep signaling our ride was here. "Let'sget this party started" Jay said. "Carlos come" Cruella shouted. "Who is the fairest of them all?" Evil Queen asked, "me" Evie replies looking into her mirror. "Ah" Evil Queen Warned, "you" Evie replied. "Yes! Let's go." Evil queen said as he lead Evie to our room. "Now Chloe, remember moving candlesticks and wardrobes, but no boys. At all" dad warned as we walked to my shared room with the girls to pack all of my stuff. He pulled out my large navy suit case as we both began to throw all of my clothes, make up and hair products into it. I zipped it up and made my way to the door where it was only Evie who was waiting for the rest.

We walked out to the limo driver who was putting our stuff into the trunk. "Really Chloe that big suit case?" Jay asked, "you know how vein my dad is" I muttered as I saw the driver struggling to lift it. "Of course you've already stolen something" I said smiling to him noticing his missing hat, "of course" he said holding up his hat which was weighed down. "Ah! Smells like common folk" Evil queen said as Evie got into the car. "Come back here, now! Carlos! Ingrate." Cruella muttered as Carlos threw his plastic bag of clothes into the truck and quickly got into the car. "Chloe LeGume, absolutely no boys, I'm warning you" my father scolded and I jumped into the car beside Carlos. "Maniac" I muttered as Carlos laughed and put his arm around me. "Chloe LeGume, it's gonna be okay, your away from him you can do what ever you want" Carlos said to me smiling. I smiled back and scooted closer to him.  I rested my head on his shoulder and laced my hand though his. As I did so I got this funny sensation in my stomach, no you can't be falling for your best friend. That's aboutly crazy. Your father would kill you. His mother would kill you quicker than she would kill a dalmation, she despises you. All your thoughts lefts your head without a worry as the limo took off once Mal got in. "The jackles have landed" the driver said into a mic. "Bring home the gold" you heard Jafar about. "Bring home a puppy" you heard Cruella, "bring home a prince" you heard Evil queen. "Don't bring home a boy" you heard your father, that caused your eyes to go the slightest tint of red. "Hey Chloe is okay, he can't get to your head now" Jay said smiling at you. "Thanks Jay" I said lifting my head of Carlos shoulder. As I did so I noticed the mass amounts of candy in front of us. Me and the boys all looked at each other and dig into it all. The boys munched in it like animals, whilst you at normally. "Your looking a little washed out. Let me help you out" Evie said as she started to apply blush to Mal. "Ew! Stop! I'm plotting. Go do Chloe's make up or something" Mal said pushing her off. "She already done mine today, 4 times" I said to the girls putting some red sour strip into my mouth. "Ew" I said as I screwed up my face as everyone started to laugh. "Well it's not every attractive" Evie said picking up a blue crystal looking lollipop biting into it. Carlos then lifted some chocolate covered candy. "Ohh, these... it's salty like nuts but it's sweet like I don't know what" Carlos said hitting me and jay as he took another bite. "Let me see" Jay asked as Carlos stuck out his tongue. "Carlos, stop that's gross" I said laughing as Jay groaned in disgust grabbing it out of Carlos' hand taking the rest to try, eyes wining in shock. "Look!" Evie shouted. "It's a trap" I screamed as I clung onto Carlos and Jay cling onto the both of us. I nuzzled my head into Carlos' shoulder not wanting to see us plummet to our death. Great, that stomach feeling is back.

I opened my eyes to see that we were still driving. I pulled away from Carlos as we all relaxed to see we were driving on a magical gold bridge "what just happened?" Carlos asked confused. "I have no idea" I replied still shocked. "It must me magic" Evie cooed. "Hey, did this little button just open the magic barrier?" Mal asked. Come on Mal, who would the leave he button to open that barrier with 5 evil kids. "Nope this one opens the magic barrier" the driver said holding a little gold remote. "That one opens my garage, and this button..." the drive said as he pressed a button which caused the visor to rise. Mal the turned around, "okay" Mal replied amused, "nasty, I like that guy" she said looking out the window. I lay my head onto Carlos' shoulder as we were still driving across the bridge. "Right well guys in away to sleep, I have a feeling this is going to take a while" I muttered as I closed my eyes and Carlos wrapped his arms around me. I briefly heard Evie squirm in her seat and squeak a little bit I pushed it off and fell into a slumber.

I was awoken by the sound of trumpets playing. Ugh. We aren't even there yet are they are excited. "I am not going to like this place" I muttered to Carlos. "Don't worry we won't be here long" Carlos said pulling me closer to his side. "Let's hope not" I said as the limo was pulling up to a group of people. Just as it did Carlos grabbed a blue scarf going to steal it but Jay started a war with him, and when the driver opened the door, they both fell out. "Oh! Ah! Ow! Stop! You got everything else! Why do you want whatever this is?" Carlos shouted on the floor as I got out and stepped over the rambling teenagers."'Cause you want it!" Jay argued back playing tug-of-war with Carlos, who was on the ground covered in chocolate. "No! Give it to me! Ow! Let go!" Carlos shouted. "Guys, guys, guys! We have an audience" Mal said getting our after me standing in front of the two. They didn't stop. "You two, stop it now" I said but my voice went deeper and I felt my eyes go red, well hello hypnosis. Both boys looked at me with feared looks in there eyes eventually scrambling to there feet, well that got them to stop. I turned my eyes back to the chocolate brown as Carlos took my hand. "Just cleaning up" Jay said feeling successful in winning the scarf. "Leave it like you found it! And by that, I mean just leave it" a woman in light blue said, damn she too happy. "Too bubbly" I muttered to Carlos as he put a big smile on his face looking at me, weird stomach feeling again. No go away! "Hello, foxy. The name's Jay" Jay said interrupting my thoughts. He isn't here 2 minutes and he's already flirting. "Welcome to Auradon prep. I'm fairy godmother, headmistress" the fairy godmother said. "The fairy godmother? As in, "Bibbidi-bobbidi-boo?" Mal asked knowing our mission for the wand. "Obvious" I muttered to Carlos. "Bibbidi-bobbidi. You know it" the fairy Godmother said back way to happily. "Yeah, I always wondered what it felt like for Cinderella when you just appeared, out of nowhere, with that sparkly wand and warm smile" Mal said getting too excited, but I don't blame her, she, like all of us want to leave, now. "Oh" fairy godmother murmured. "And that sparkling wand" Mal added once more. "That was a long time ago. And as I always say, "don't focus on the past or You'll miss the future" fairy godmother said using extravagant hand gestures. "It's so good to finally meet you all. I'm Ben" prince Ben said as he stepped forward. "Prince Benjamin. Soon to be king" an annoying brunette said suddenly popping up behind him. "You had me at prince. My mom's a queen, which makes me a princess" Evie said stepping forward. "The evil queen has no royal status here and neither do you" the annoying brunette said, well annoying just turned into bitchy. "This is Audrey" Ben explained l, clearly uncomfortable. "Princess Audrey. His girlfriend. Right, Bennyboo?" Audrey said talking his hand, Okay this girl is annoying me. I felt my eyes go red as I heard Audrey Shriek in fear. "Just ignore her" Carlos said as he pulled my face into his chest so no one could see my glowing eyes. Damn he smells good, what no, Chloe this is your best friend, shut up. "Ben and Audrey are going to show you all around, and I'll see you tomorrow. The doors of wisdom are never shut. But the library hours are from 8:00 to 11:00. And as you may have heard, I have a little thing about curfews" fairy godmother explained as I lifted my head out of Carlos chest, to see her pushing Audrey and Bens hands apart then walking away with the band. "It is so, so, so good to finally me... meet you all" Ben started as he went to shake jays hand but jay held up a fist punching him in the shoulder. "This is a momentous occasion, and one that I hope will go down in history" Ben continues as he shook Mals and went to shake mine but I did the same as Jay "don't even think about it" I muttered as he turned to Carlos, "... Is that chocolate?" He said after shaking Carlos' hand which was covered in chocolate, scraping it off his thumb, just as Carlos sucked his, removing any other chocolate. "As the day our two peoples began to heal" Ben continued as he shook Evie's hand. "Or the day that you showed five peoples where the bathrooms are" Mal spoke up sarcastically "A little bit over the top?" Ben asked. "A little more than a little bit" I answered. "Well, so much for my first impression" Ben said smiling at Mal. "Hey! You're Maleficent's daughter, aren't you? Yeah, you know what? I totally do not blame you for your mother trying to kill my parents and stuff. Oh, my mom's Aurora. Sleeping..." Audrey stepped in clearly not likening the conversation between her boyfriend and Mal. "Beauty! Yeah, I've heard the name. You know, and I totally do not blame your grandparents
for inviting everyone in the whole world but my mother to their stupid christening" Mal said cutting Audrey of and talking in a sarcastic manner. "Water under the bridge" Audrey said with a fake voice. "Bitchy" I muttered to Carlos, he again smiled at me. "Totes!" Mal said with a fake preppy voice as they both done a dull laugh.

"Okay! So, how about a tour? Yeah? Auradon prep, originally built over 300 years ago and converted into a high school by my father when he became king" Ben said as we walked through a garden with a statue. he clapped his hands turning the statue into a beast. I wouldn't look I just kept my head down not wanting to know about the fairy tale that I was a part of. "Carlos, It's okay. My father wanted his statue to morph from beast to man to remind us that anything is possible" Ben explained as he saw Carlos shriek, rip his hand out of mine and jump into jays arms. "Does he shed much?" Mal asked as a joke but I could see that Audrey wasn't Impressed. "Yeah, mom won't let him on the couch" Ben replied to Mals joke. As we went to go into the castle I noticed Carlos standing there trying to get the statue to turn. "Come on you idiot" I said smiling pulling his arm as he caught up.

We went inside the castle that was now a school. Stupid. "So you guys have a lot of magic here in Auradon? Like wands and things like that?" Mal asked wanting to know more about our task. "Yeah, it exists of course, but It's pretty much retired. Most of us here are just ordinary mortals" Ben replied. "Who happened to be kings and queens" Mal asked suspiciously. "I'm so bored" I moaned to Carlos, as I did he placed his arm over my shoulder, my eyes widened in shock, wired feeling again. But I could see Evie wanting to squeal beside Mal as she looked at us. "That's true. Our royal blood goes back hundreds of years" Audrey interupped, again clinging to Bens arm. "Doug. Doug, come down. This is Doug" Ben said introducing a boy in a band uniform. "He's going to help you with your class schedules and show you the rest of the dorms. I'll see you later, okay? And If there is anything you need, feel free to..." Ben continued but Audrey soon cut him off. "Ask Doug" Audrey said pulling Ben away with her as Mal fake laughed. "Hi, guys. I'm Dopey's son. As in Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and... Heigh-ho" dough said trying to count the 7 dwarfs, forgetting Sneezy as he got distracted my Evie. "Evie. Evil queen's daughter" Evie said approaching the boy. "Okay. So about your classes, I, uh, put in the requirements already... history of woodsmen pirates safety rules for the Internet, and, uh, remedial goodness 101" Doug said returning to his clip board quickly calling out all of our classes. I however just looked at Carlos and screwed my face up. "Let me guess. New class?" Mal said looking over dougs shoulder referring to remedial goodness 101. "Come on, guys, let's go find our dorms" Mal said as we all waltz up a set of stairs. "Oh, uh, yeah, your dorms are that way, guys" doug said as we were walking up the stairs, we quickly turned around as he was trying to remember the dwarfs. "Dopey, Doc, Bashful, Happy, Grumpy, Sleepy, and..." Doug muttered "Sneezy" me and Carlos said to his as we approached him, walking of into the direction of our dorms with Doug following.

We walked down a few corridors and Doug eventually stopped at a door. "Okay this is Carlos and Jay's room" he said as he stopped outside a big wooden door. Both boys went in as we continued to walk down another corridor. "Um okay Chloe, you have your own room and it's here" he said as we stopped outside a door similar to the boys. "Great, I'll see you guys later" I muttered as I walked into my room not liking the feeling of sharing a room my whole like not know what it's like to be alone. As I walked in I noticed it was all pink, ew. I also saw my suit case was already sent up. I pulled it over to the wardrobe unsure of weather to unpack it or not. I sighed as I closed to curtains, making the place darker. Soon enough I got bored and went to the boys room feeling isolated that I have no one to talk to.

I knocked on the door to see Jay open it. "Lucky, your room is actually nice" I said as I walked around admiring the navy items that I wish I could have had in my room. I noticed Carlos was playing a game and Jay was looking around the room. "My rooms is completely pink, and to make it worse, I'm by myself" I said sitting on a bed. "Where are the girls" Carlos asked turning to me. "I don't know, they probably got a room together" I huffed. "Well Chloe, you do know you can come stay her sometime if you want, come snuggle up into Carlos like you did on the isle" Jay said making it sweet at the start but just taunting me at the end. I quickly whipped my head around with glowing eyes as Jay held his hands up in surrender. "No but seriously come stay when ever" Jay said as he continued to look around the room, lifting random items. "Will do" I whispered. "At least there's a plus side to having my own room" I spoke up again gaining the attention to of the boys. "I can push the beds together to make a big massive bed" I said smiling as the boys smiled in return. "Aw man this game is awesome" Carlos said swinging his arms around with two sticks in his hand. "Move over then idiot and give me a go" I said jumping up of the bed over to Carlos, pulling off my jacket throwing it beside carlos' and grabbing the sticks of him. I quickly slipped out of my heels and jumped up on the to board. Quickly coping what Carlos was doing eventually passing a level. "Man this game is awesome, you two will see a lot more of me" I said smiling going back to the game. We played for a few hours until the girls showed up.

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