A Half-Bloods Nightmare ~ Per...

By VivianDarkblade

2.4K 49 69

Basil Greene, Ava Longing, and Alex Luster are thrown together not by chance, not choice, but by the gods of... More

I Get the Worst Grounding in History ~ Ch1
No Party Is a Party Without Wine ~ Ch2
Double or Nothin' ~ Ch3
I Get Promoted to Top Caterer ~ Ch4
My Tears Meet the Ocean ~ Ch5
Theres Nothing More Better Than Gambling For Money....Everyday ~ Ch6
My Father Fries Me Alive ~ Ch7
To Drink Or Not To Drink ~ Ch8
The Poker Goddess ~ Ch9
The Monster Part, Did Not Occur To Me ~ Ch10
I Level Up In Physcology ~ Ch11
P Is For Painkillers ~ Ch12
A Series Of Unfortunate Chapters by Cara Greene ~ Ch13
I'm Taken to My Personal Hell ~ Ch14
Ansel and Ellie ~ Ch15
Running Shadows and Youthful Demigods ~ Ch16
His Revelation ~ Ch17
Adrastos ~ Ch18
A Poem Even Apollo Would Hate ~ A/N

Caras' Nom De Plume ~ Ch19

20 1 0
By VivianDarkblade

"Who's your godly parent anyway?"
Those were the words coming from Alex Lusters mouth. Me and Ava gave him a glare, asking someone's godly parentage just felt wrong. It felt rude. Alex responded to our stares with a "What?!" As Olive solemnly looked ahead.

But she didn't answer, and that made me suspicious and a bit curious. Just as I was about to speak Ava interrupts, running up so as to talk to her even clearer. "So who is your parent?" Ava bluntly asks. Olive grunts, her eyes turning into nothing but small slits, "...S-Selene, the moon goddess."

Ava throws a throaty laugh, holding up her finger. "That's funny! No, no I know Greek mythology. Artemis can't have kids."

"I didn't say Artemis, I said Selene."

Ava's smile slowly dies, a dark flicker of ink covering her eyes, as if they were clouded. I squint, but try my hardest to ignore it. Chiron can deal with this, hopefully. "What? Who's she?" Ava's face turning into a look of concern. It was then that I saw the knowledge in her mind. The curiosity that she acted upon to learn about the things around her. She was a mystery, but the difference between us, was that I didn't want to uncover the mystery.

Especially not Olives. But Ava didn't let that stop her.
"Who is that? I've never heard of-"

"She's faded."

Me and Alex were already going to pull Ava's shoulders back to keep her from pouncing. But then the huge door ahead busts open, sending us to stop and watch as a girl jumps off the porch in anger.
"You can pay me as much as you want, but I'm not going back!"

The door clatters against the wall, but it's pushed back again once another person emerges. "You have to! It's the only way we can go home!" This time it was a boy. His greasy, scarlet hair came slightly undone as soon as the girl whips herself around, and he stops.

"Listen here, Pierce." She smacks her lips, jabbing her thumb into his shoulder until he takes an unsure step back. "You can do whatever you'd like, bribe me or force me. But I will not! I repeat will not! Go back to that hellhole. Trust me, the pain inflicted unto me at that school was worse than you could ever imagine. You know that, Zack, you were a victim as well. I don't care if a new demigod is in trouble over there. She can fight for herself!"

A trickle of sweat rolls down his temple to smear above his glasses. The boy bites his lip in anger once the fiery girl turns around, arms crossed. I take a glance towards my companions who are watching just as intently as I am. "...That doesn't matter, Beth. But what does, is that a new demigod is in trouble, she doesn't even know who she is! What she is!"

"-And we don't either! Plus there's no guarantee we'll be able to find her, or get her here!" The girl scowls, making her large nose turn downwards, like a hook.

"You won't have to." Someone speaks.

I jump, a bit frightened by the interruption. I turn my head down in concern, who were they talking about? A new demigod, whose life is at stake once more. What was going on? I look up, and notice the two disputing kids looking at me. No, not at me, at someone next to me. That was when I realize that it was Ava who spoke up.

A cloud passes over the sun, shielding Ava's face and making her look more intimidating. Her glare looks so deadly, she would seem both mad and tired, but her lips formed a daring smirk. I shivered.

"Zack...Beth," she acknowledges. "Long time no see." Ava's lighthearted voice, made the situation seem fake, like a joke.

Beth lets her arms fall to her side. "No."

Zack shakes his head and glares, "This is...this isn't real."

The breeze seems to pick up, sending my goosebumps to form goosebumps. Ava, Zack, and Beth all watch each other with distaste. And I turn towards Alex who looks just as confused as I am.

"Ava, Basil, Alex. Go inside." Olive orders, her voice shaky but loud. The two kids don't even look my way, only give one last glare at Ava, and sprint off. Alex sighs, leaning on one crutch and holding it with two hands. "Friends of yours?"

Ava throws her head back and laughs, "Friends?! Please, they weren't even on my social ladder. Let's just get inside, you know, before any other nerds show up for the reunion." She throws in another chuckle while walking determinedly at the blue house.

I take a look at Olive, who's solemnly shaking her head, just begging me not to question it.

"Don't ask."



I'm back.

Will edit later, but had to give you a piece of what was coming :)

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