I Bought A Vampire At An Auct...

By vampire_queen

191K 2.3K 641


I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter One
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Two
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Three
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Four
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction- Chapter Five
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Six
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Seven
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Eight
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Nine
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Ten *MA*
I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Eleven

I Bought A Vampire At An Auction Chapter Twelve

13.8K 160 72
By vampire_queen

"Ahhh," I groaned in agony.

I was crouched over the toilet, emptying the contents of my stomach into it. My head spun and my stomach heaved. I pulled myself up again and dark liquid poured like a fountain from my mouth. The sight and smell disgusted me, making me vomit again and again. There was no stopping it. It had been nearly ten minutes since I had dropped the pregnancy test and practically immediately lunged for the toilet. From the moment I had read that small, supposedly inoffensive word, I had been vomiting into the basin, a frantic Austin hovering over me.

"Shh, it's alright love. It'll be okay."

I shook my head and dislodged what little bit I had left inside my stomach. That is what had me feeling so horrible. It wouldn't be alright. Nothing would ever be alright. Didn't he understand? Pain and strife followed me everywhere I went. That's why my last baby died. That's why my mother and sister died. It's why my whole life has just been a series of unfortunate events, one after another. Every time I think something good is going to happen, everything just turns to hell. Every time I experienced a moment of happiness, something inevitably came along to ruin it. It was the story of my life.

Nothing good would come of this pregnancy.

I would probably lose this baby, too. I knew I would. Or something bad would happen to it; or me. That was the way it had to go. Something horrible always had to happen. I had actually come to expect it, if not accept it. What was going to happen next? This question had my stomach churning all over again. My sole anxiety; the main reason for my grief. What was going to happen to my baby? I couldn't handle losing it again. I can't handle being responsible for the bad things that would happen to it. Because bad things would happen to it; because I was its mother.

"It won't be alright," I sobbed, still leaning over the horrid-smelling toilet. "It won't be alright!"

Austin let go of my hair that he had been holding and pulled me into his chest. His cold hand rested on my forehead and it felt good against my sweaty, clammy skin. "Of course it will, love."

Austin's free hand rubbed soothing circles into my back, but it did nothing to calm me. He hadn't realized it, yet. He hadn't seen that pattern my life seemed to be following. Nothing was ever alright where I was concerned.

"No, it won't. Don't you see?!" I yelled, startling him apparently, because he froze under me. "Nothing is EVER alright with me. Everything is always WRONG! If you think that this baby is going to come out of me without any complications, then you better think again, because-." But I never got to finish, because I was abruptly pulled to my feet, my back against a wall.

"Don't you ever think like that!" Austin growled at me. His expression was black; it shocked me. I pressed myself tightly against the wall, frightened by his bared fangs. "Did you ever think that bad things happen to you, because you believe that they will? That you expect them? It makes you so much more vulnerable then you have to be, Carmen! Fight back!"

"Fight back?!" I screamed in disbelief. "Do you want to know what happened last time I tried to fight back? I wound up with two broken arms, that's what! I couldn't sleep on my back for a month. I tried fighting back, and that almost got me killed! And do you honestly think that there is any way I could fight off a vampire? Do you?! That only manages to piss ya'll off more! So don't scream at me about fighting back! I do what I can to keep myself alive. I'm sorry if you think I'm weak or a wimp, but there's just nothing I can do about that! If you think I'm so vulnerable, then why don't you just change me into a vampire already, and get it over with?!" I yelled, surprising us both.

I actually hadn't thought of that much. With all that has happened lately, I hadn't had much time. But now that I think of it, I wonder why I hadn't thought of it before. If I was a vampire, that could solve all of my problems. Well, most of them, at least. I would be stronger. I would be able to stand up for myself, and my baby. I could stay with Austin forever, if that's what he wanted. Neither of us would ever grow old. We could get married and have a family and live forever, together. We would be one in the same, both creatures of the night.

But as human, I would grow older and older while Austin stayed in all of his sixteen year old perfection. And who knew what our baby would be like, if it survived this time. Would it be immortal, too? Would it have to drink blood, or would it eat human food? Would it have a heartbeat or would his be as still as his fathers? Was this baby even a he? It was a new baby? The other one was long gone. Dead. I wonder what happened to it. Surely, a new baby could not have been born with a dead one still in my womb. My heart ached at the thought of my deceased baby, my stomach churning again.

Just when I thought I was going to puke again, I caught a glimpse of Austin's face. His expression immediately pushed aside all thoughts of nausea and grief. Austin's furious expression was slowly subsiding, giving way to horror and pain. I had never seen his face so white before. His entire body shook against me, his lips turning white- not because of lack of oxygen, but because of the amount of force he was using to press them together. It wasn't long until I saw blood start to spread among the crease, dribbling down his chin from the corner of his mouth. His fangs were poking through slightly. He had never looked so much like a vampire before now. It terrified me, making my head spin again. I gripped my forehead with one hand, that was one again drenched, and clutched my stomach with the other.

"Aus-," I started to say, needing him to get off of me so that I could reach the toilet, but I didn't have to finish my sentence. Austin abruptly released me and turned on his heel, swiftly disappearing through the door.

Pain and hurt washed through me as I watched his stiff form exit the bathroom, leaving me all alone, but I didn't have long to dwell over his departure before my stomach curled and I vomited onto the floor. Oh great! Now I would have to clean all this up. Why didn't I go to the toilet? I just had to stand there and watch him leave. Now I've ruined his rug! He's going to hate me for this.

What am I saying? He already hates me! He just stormed out of here! I should've never said anything about becoming a vampire. I shouldn't have screamed at him. He was just worried about me. It's all these damn hormones! They catch me off guard, making it all that much worse. I was just so upset and so... scared. I took it all out on him. What if he doesn't come back, now? What if he really does hate me? What if he leaves me?

Tears spilled as I considered that. He probably doesn't want me anymore. I wouldn't blame him. Emotional, moody women that scream at you about their problems all the time are not very attractive. And now what was I doing? Sitting here being all emotional, still. Even after he was gone. I knew I was going overboard, letting my hormones take over. Austin probably wouldn't just drop me and leave. He would at least tell me he was going first. No matter how cold-hearted he was or how mad at me he got, he wouldn't just leave me here without a word, especially since I was pregnant. Right? Right?! I got no answer.

Austin's P.O.V.

Carmen's words had completely taken me by surprise. I had never even considered changing her before. But could you blame me? With all that has been happening lately, I haven't really had anytime to be rational. These past few days have all been a panicked blur, caused by none other than my father. The man who raised me; the man I trusted. I thought he was the only one in the world I could trust. He was my father! Sure, he was cruel and unjust sometimes, but he was my father and he usually knew best. Or so I thought.

I can't believe he would try to kill Carmen, the love of my life. And I especially couldn't believe that he would hurt me, his own son! The guards had burst into the house, soon after I had back to my room to find Carmen gone. I had tried to fight them off, but since I wasn't a full vampire yet, and they were, that proved kind of difficult. They had dragged me off to my now former home, explaining that they had orders from my father to take me to him. I already knew that, though. They would never come and beat up there prince just because they wanted to. They knew my father would read their mind eventually and find out, or I would go and tell him. They would be killed for something like that. Or that's what I thought, but apparently my father would've wanted that to happen.

When I had seen Carmen chained up to the wall, I felt fury and fear bubble through me. I was scared of what my father would do to her. When they had hurt her, I had nearly lost every ounce of sanity I had in me. There was nothing I could to do to help her. All I had been able to do was sit there and watch her get hurt, watch them rip her stomach to shreds. The stomach that used to hold my baby. Our baby.

And the worst part of it all... if I wasn't being held captive by those two guards, I would've killed her myself. Her blood, practically gushing out of her wound, had sent me into a frenzy. I would have killed her, and I know it. Even though I love her, even though I would die for her, I would have taken her life in that moment. I would have put her through even more pain. I hated myself more than I ever had in that moment. Watching her scream and sob in pain and longing to cause her more of it. Not even really caring that she was in pain, either. I was too focused on the three long gashes traveling from her neck to her stomach to really be concerned about anything she was feeling.

It wasn't until her stomach had actually started glowing that I regained sanity. I had watched in disbelief as her stomach had somehow healed itself, stopping the blood flow and making it a little easier to breath and think. And then there was horror again as my father had aimed to kill her, pointing a spear at her miraculously healed stomach.

I had screamed in terror and agony, while she glanced at me in panic and... resignation. I saw that she was trying to convey something to me. An apology. She was apologizing that she was going to die. She was apologizing that she was leaving me. She knew that she wasn't going to survive this last torture and she was telling me goodbye. I got a sense that she was actually okay with this, though. I didn't blame her for feeling that way. After all that she has been through, all that my father and I have put her through, all that her own father has put her through, death probably didn't seem all that horrible to her.

But it would've been too much for me. I couldn't lose her. Not now, not ever! I can't ever let her go. And when she glanced at me one last time, her face almost peaceful as her eyes stared fixedly at me, roving over my face almost frantically, I had cried out one last time in despair.

Then I did something I hadn't done in... well, never. I prayed. I prayed hard! I begged God to save her. I begged him to take me instead. I begged him to spare my one and only love, begged him to have mercy on her just once.

My father's arm had reared back, and I thought that all was lost. God was going to punish me for all my sins. He was going to take away the only thing that mattered to me. I couldn't watch as Marcus had launched the spear at her fragile body.

And then I saw a flash from behind my eyelids and I immediately wrenched them open to see that Carmen's stomach was glowing a bright blue, a bubble surrounding her stomach. It was slowly getting smaller, retreating to show the spear that was now lying on the floor, a few feet away from Carmen's feet. I almost cried in relief. God had answered my prayers! He had saved her. It was a miracle. Whatever had happened, he had saved her.

Then I had watched in astonishment as my father and all the guards in the room had caught on fire. It all seemed to have come from Carmen- or Carmen's stomach. I'm pretty sure that the power had come from the baby.

The baby. Thinking of it got me back on topic. Carmen was pregnant. Again. She was scared and hysterical. She was expecting something to go wrong, expecting that something bad was going to happen to one of them. As the images of one of them hurt entered my head, I had become enraged, and unfortunately, taken it out on Carmen. I couldn't bear the thought of losing her, or my baby. Again! The thought of something going wrong yet another time was almost too much to handle. Hadn't we both been through enough already? At some point, all of this had to end , right? There had to be at least one grace period in someone's life. It didn't seem like Carmen had ever had one. When was life going to stop punishing her? It wasn't fair.

I sighed. But that's usually how life works, isn't it? Nothing is ever fair. Some people get everything they want without ever having to lift a finger, while the rest of us bust our asses, usually getting nothing at all in return. For Carmen, life had been ridiculously unfair. When I heard about what her father had done to her, the only thing that had held me in the bathroom instead of taking off to find her father and rip his miserable head off, had been her last outburst.

Turning her into a vampire. I hadn't realized that she even wanted that. Did she? Or did she just say that in the heat of the moment? But I couldn't change her. I just couldn't. I couldn't take away her life like that! Even if she wanted it. Which I'm sure she doesn't. She must've not have understood what she was saying. She did looking genuinely surprised at herself when she said that, like she hadn't been expecting herself to say it. I'm sure she hadn't. Must be all those hormones from being pregnant and all.

When I had stormed out of the house, shocked and shaken, I had just started running. Running had always helped me relieve my stress and clear my mind, like it had when I had found out Carmen was pregnant for the first time. And that I had to marry her. And that I had to become King. Talk about an overload of information.

I slowed now, planning to turn around and go back home. I didn't want Carmen to worry about me or think that I had left her. Which, technically I had, but not in that sense. I would never leave her. I loved her. But I had just needed some cool off time. And apparently, so had she.

As I paused, about to change directions, I noticed my surrounding for the first time and saw that I was in the little garden with the tiny hill that I had found Carmen in the other day. The two graves on top of the hill, the ones that belonged to her mother and sister, caught the sunlight just right and the stones glistened luminously. I traipsed over to them, wanting to examine them closer. I had already seen them once, but I had this strange urge to see them again. There seemed an actual physical pull as I got closer and the curiosity grew stronger, making me anxious. What was on this stone that I just had to see?

I climbed up the little hill to the flat surface on the top and crouched down beside the graves, running a hand over them. They were plain, the same as I had seen them before. I was about to turn away and go back to Carmen, when my finger encountered something at the bottom of the headstone that I hadn't noticed before. It was a slightly raised bump. I bent down and squinted my eyes, trying to see what I was feeling. It was difficult but I finally I saw it.

It was a crescent. My father's crescent; the one that marked his territory. It was the same symbol that was hanging proudly on the front of his castle doors, the same one that decorated the stone walls, the one that was flapped wildly in the wind on a flag. The same one that was on a necklace my father always wore around his neck.

It was a heart with two swords plunged through it, the tips sticking out on opposite ends so that it made an 'x'. Running through the heart was a figure eight-looking symbol. The symbol of infinity. My father had explained to me that it meant eternal love. He had said no more about it except that it had belonged to my mother.

My dad hadn't spoken much about my mother. She had died a few years after giving birth to me, though I don't know how. All I know is that she had been beautiful with flaming red hair and dazzling green eyes, much like my Carmen did. My father always said that I looked absolutely nothing like my mother. I had inherited every single one of his traits. He had always neglected to tell me her name for some reason. I don't know why, though. Maybe because it was too painful for him to speak. Maybe another reason.

As I looked down at the barely visible sign, even to a vampire, I felt a wave of horror and almost disgust wash through me. Marcus told me that his necklace had a twin. My mother had worn it. It was a locket with the symbol of eternal love on it. Hadn't I seen Carmen wearing a necklace like this a few days ago? She usually kept it tucked into her shirt, but that one night of passion- I shuddered in pleasure as I thought of it- we had shared had exposed it. I had been, erm, preoccupied at the moment so I hadn't regarded it, but now that I think back, I recognized the symbol. It was the same one on this grave, the same one on my father's necklace, the same one that decorated the castle.

I looked around, for the first time noticing the all two familiar flowers. They surrounded the castle and lined the walls, filling every face and flower pot- orange blossoms. The flower that represents eternal love. That was the main flowers, but there were also Arbutus', Asters', white Camellias', red Chrysanthemums', daffodils', daisies', forget-me-nots', Gladiolus', Jonquils', red Roses', and red and yellow Tulips'- all flowers that were symbols of love and passion.

Calendulas', Marigolds', Sweet Peas', and purple Hyacinths' were also mixed in, all flowers that stood for sorrow or grief. The purple Hyacinths' said 'good-bye' or 'thinking of you.'

What confused me the most was the two rings that surrounded the place, making it look like a circle. One ring was made up of orange Lilies'- meaning hatred, the other consisting of Asphodels'- meaning unending regret. One single flower was planted firmly in the ground, seeming to be in perfect condition, no signs of wither on its soft petals. It was a Rudbeckia. It meant justice.

I have no idea why I hadn't recognized the scent earlier- perhaps because I was distracted, worrying about my love and my now dead baby boy- but the entire place was covered in my father's scent. It had my father's mark. The stone- after a thorough search, I found that it was only my Carmen's mother's stone- had been marked by his symbol of eternal love.

Oh my god.

Marcus's P.O.V.

Flames. Fire. Pain. Hurt. Agony. Hot! Fire! Pain! Pain! Pain! Pain!

That was all my mind was registering. The flames were all consuming, burning me from the inside out, as well as from the outside in. They ate at me, never actually physically burning me. I knew that it was all mental. Or so it seemed. There were no blisters on my skin from the flames, my clothes remained untouched by the fire, too, instead of turning to ashes at my feet.

I was burning. In hell, it seemed. I hadn't really believed that place existed. Nor had I believed in the existence of God ever. I still didn't. But this definitely proved the existence of the Devil. Or of hell, at least. The flames licked up and down my skin, internally burning me. For some reason I couldn't force the images of every wrong I had done out of my mind. Every life I had taken, every hurtful word I had spoken, every argument I had started, every mistake, every wrong choice, flashed before my eyes over and over again, torturing me worse than the flames ever could. One face in particular kept popping up behind my closed eyelids.

Sarah's. My Sarah's. My love's. I had done her so much wrong. So much wrong! I curled in on myself, begging the images to stop, begging the flames to go out, begging the universe to forgive me! I had done horrible, horrible things in my life time, but I had been so blinded my hate and grief and regret that I hadn't even really noticed. I had been so cruel to her! She was right to have left me. And she was right to have wanted a different family. The one I offered her was not in any way suitable for her. She should have had a better life, a longer one. But I ended it. And I will always regret that; I will always hate myself for it.

There was a more selfish part of me, though. A part that wanted there to be some kind of middle ground. It wasn't just my fault. It was hers, too! She had left me, without a single good-bye, to go be with him! She hurt me. She left her son, her husband, her duties as my Queen, to go be with some loser human. She had cheated on me, humiliated me. She had two other kids with someone else. Not me. Another man. Another man she had touched. Another man she had loved. Not me.

I should've been kinder to her. I should've have spent more time with her. I should have loved her the right way. But I had not, and she had left me to go be with someone who would. But that doesn't change the fact that she was wrong. That she had burned me in ways that I'll never forget. She had hurt me more than physical pain ever could, more than these flames ever could.

So she had to die. If I couldn't have her, then no one could! That man would never be allowed to touch her again. Her two children would never be allowed to see her again. Though, my plan had backfired a little. When I had attacked, I had not realized that the child was there with her. I had killed them both, allowing them to live together in their afterlives. Whether they were in heaven together or not, that was not what I had been planning to do. That little girl- Cecelia, I think her name was- was supposed to suffer, too.

But I took whatever I could get. The one child and father would do. Grief- and mind-control, of course- drove the father completely mad. I think his name was Bill or Billy or something like that. He became very abusive towards his only daughter, who was still grieving over her deceased mother. The little five year old girl had been taken by surprise as her dead beat her, the attacks starting as little verbal ones and eventually growing in intensity as the years passed.

Her father had gotten worse and worse- my doing, partly, though I found that he needed little encouragement as time went on- until I finally decided to take little Carmen out of his hands.

I put my son in an auction house, telling him that it was to find his new wife, and used mind-control to force the dad to bring her on the right day. I also controlled Carmen into buying Austin and Lilly. I had finally had enough of watching the father torture her. I wanted to have her for myself. She and her father were the only reminders of what Sarah did to me.

Sarah herself was gone, along with her daughter that belonged to another man, not me. Now all there was were Carmen and her half-insane dad. I had brought Carmen here, and killed her dad soon after. I had let him suffer without his beloved wife long enough. I had freed his mind, letting him be himself for just a few minutes before I had ripped him to shreds.

And he practically begged me to do it. Because all the memories were still there. All he had done to his daughter, all he had lost, the complete misery his life had become. I made it nice and slow for him, too.

I had tried to make my son understand. He was supposed to kill Carmen himself. The wedding and coronation was just supposed to freak him out so much that he would kill Carmen so that he didn't have to go through with it.

But he, to my horror and disdain, had fallen in love with her. He had actually fallen in love with her! No matter how much I had shown him, no matter how much I had tried to control him, he had somehow fought it all. He loved her that much. He was going to have had a baby with her. He was going to marry her. They were going to rule the kingdom together. And he would've been happy. Carmen, too. I couldn't have that.

While I don't mind if my son is happy, I couldn't risk having Carmen around. Even if it meant destroying my son in the process, I had to get rid of the girl. I had to get my justice.

So I had kidnapped her in attempt to off her at last, but something had stopped me. Something had saved her and killed me. That was why I was here now. Suffering, burning. Because her stomach had protected her. Her stomach... wait, her stomach! Her stomach had protected her! Because her stomach had something in it. Someone to be more specific. Why that little.... She pregnant again! I should have known. I'm such a dumb ass. And so is my son, for getting her pregnant again.

They made love- AGAIN! How could he? Don't they know what this means? What this baby means? Oh no. Oh no, oh no, oh no! This can't happen. They can't let that thing be born! I can't let that thing be born! But there was no way that I could possibly stop it. I was dead. Gone. Finished.

I sighed and hung my head, my chin resting on something cool. As soon as I felt it my head snapped up. I looked down to see my necklace with my symbol of eternal love on it. Sarah and I had both worn ours, to protect ourselves from death. We would get a second chance at life. All we had to do was touch it and we would rise again.

But it would only work if we still loved each other. How, after all that I've done to her, to her daughter, to every one she ever loved, could she still love me? Still, I touched it. Just to make sure. I had to try. I would be a fool not to. I waited a few seconds, but nothing happened. I groaned in defeat, but kept my grip on it. It was the one cool thing in this horrible fire. It was the only remnant of her love I had left- even if it was meaningless.

Because she didn't love me anymore. If she did, then I would be alive right now. I would not still be burning. I would not still be replaying the scene of her death in my head- I had trapped her in her house, burning her alive. Carmen was at school. The little girl, Cecelia, was with her, but I didn't realize that at the time. I had yanked the necklace from her neck in my fury and knocked her around a bit, enjoying the feeling of my body melding with hers one last time, before I locked the door and dropped a match into the lighter fluid I had doused the house with earlier. And Sarah burned, just like I was now. I listened to her screams, chuckling evilly, too upset for how she had betrayed me to feel sorrow or remorse. I had hated her then. I still did now. But I also regretted my decision. It was harsh and cruel.

I shouldn't have taken her like that. I should have given her another chance. If there was anything I could change in my long, miserable life, it would have been that. I wouldn't have killed her. I would have loved her. I would have made her love me. I would have treated her right.

"Sarah, I'm sorry," I muttered as her screams echoed through my head. "I love you."

A second passed and then there was a blinding light. The locket I was still holding became white hot, hotter than the flames surrounding me. I muttered a curse and let it slip from my fingers. I watched as the locket started to glow, the light seeming to come from inside it. It got brighter and brighter, blinding me. It got so bright I couldn't resist closing my eyes. As soon as I did, the light seemed to die away, plunging me into darkness.

Everything felt amazingly cool all of a sudden. There was no fire. There was no painful images flashing through my mind, torturing me. I couldn't hear Sarah's screams anymore. I didn't see her face anymore. All I saw was black.... Hmmm, wonder why that is. Oh, wait. Right! I wrenched my eyelids open and glanced around me. I was in the garden. The garden I had grown for her.

My love, my Sarah Jordan Reed.

I had placed a headstone on the little hill that held so many memories for her when she died. Of course, there wasn't a body under it. When a vampire- or even half-vampire- dies, there body disintegrates, turning into a mist and blowing away with the wind. I had put a headstone beside her for her daughter, too. For some reason, I felt like that was the right thing to do, though I didn't want to. I hadn't put those headstones there until years after she had died, and I was feeling unnaturally kind that day. I had put nice little inscriptions and planted flowers around the entire meadow.

At first, the place just held flowers that expressed my love for her. When she died, I had planted flowers that represented sorrow and grief, showing my despair at her departure. Then I had planted two rings of flowers around the entire thing. One had been made of flowers that represented hate. My hatred towards the choice she made to leave me, the hatred I felt towards myself for treating her the way I did, my hate for the way our life together ended. My hatred for her.

The second one was a ring of flowers that stood for regret. Regret for... well, everything. Regret for killing her, regret for abusing her, regret for not being able to be with her, regret for hating her in the first place. I regretted practically every moment we spent together. I could barely remember a happy moment we had spent together. The bad ones seemed burned into my brain, while all of the good memories had washed away by the resentment I had felt towards her for so long.

And then I planted one single flower by her grave. It was a Rudbeckia- a flower that represented justice. Her death was my justice.

I sighed and pushed myself off the ground where I had been laying, surrounded by tall flowers. I looked around and sniffed the air. It seemed as if someone had been here. Recently. I moved towards the hill, sniffing the air. The scent was getting clearer and it seemed slightly familiar. I moved closer and closer, inhaling the moist air.

"Ahhh," I said, finally recognizing the scent. Austin. And Carmen, too. They had both been here. Austin most recently. How ironic that they would escape from my castle to this place- Mine and Sarah's old place.

I had sent my guards here, knowing that this was where Austin would come. He didn't know I knew of his secret hiding place. He used to run away all the time, escaping to this place. He thought he had just found this place in the woods one day. He had no idea of its history.

I let his scent lead me further and further into the woods, smiling as I neared the house. I was almost there. I was about to be back to the place I had avoided so long. I was actually pretty excited to see it. And for them to see me. I was reminded once again of my missions in life. I was back, and it seemed I had more to do than before. I still had Carmen to deal with, but there was someone more important to eliminate... the baby. I had to kill it. I had to!

I finally broke through the woods and stared at the small, homey cottage. It was so beautiful, yet it seemed almost painful to look at. So many memories, all of them not necessarily good. I banished them all as I moved towards the house swiftly, bursting through the door loudly. I forgot Sarah. I forgot the past. I only had two things left to do.

First, I had to destroy that baby.

Second, I had to get rid of Carmen. And then, maybe, if I have time, get rid of my son. He will become one of the most powerful vampires in the world when he turns eighteen and come into his full potential. Though I hated the idea of having any competition, I was tiring of being King. Austin needed to take over that position. I weighed the idea of having a son who hated you or never having to be King again.

Huh, why not let him suffer without Carmen a bit? I mean, he practically disowned me in the torture chamber. Nobody treated me like that, not even my son. I would get my revenge on him, too. Hate, rage, and excitement flowed through me as I stomped through the house. It was all going to be over soon. All of it. I could never die. I was immortal with this necklace, with Sarah's love. Soon, they would all be dead, though. They had no magical trinkets. I chuckled evilly.



Author's Note: Hi, everyone. Thank you for reading this! I have a few stories I wanted to mention to everyone to read. I have had a few requests to do this, and I feel like I should mention some stories, too, because they are really, really good. So check out the title below! Thanks again for reading!

Shadow of the Night- by Arria_93

I found a vampire! by teddybear

Finally Met A Girl He Couldn't Impress- by dreamerangelina

The Devil Wears Playboy Boxers- by makemebreakme

I was saved by a vampire, what will happen to my life now- by WisconsinVampire

Who knew a juvinel delinquint could fall in love with the most powerful vampire in the world- by mikiry

Me, a school full of girl deprived guys, and... my brother- by chelsea2394

Also good writers:





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68 one-shots + 1 contents page. Art used in the cover isn't mine
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Warning: Boys love Heavy language Lgtbqia2+ Little of body horror Implied mpeg Blood Not a lot of violence Smut