Secret Existence (A Harry Pot...

By kc1997kc

1.6M 27.2K 8.5K

Take a second and imagine that Harry Potter had a twin sister. This would leave you with alot of questions I'... More

Chapter 1 My Ticket Out Arrives
Chapter 2 Diagon Alley
Chapter 3 Welcome To Hogwarts~The Grand Sorting
Chapter 4 Why me? Oh yeah, because no one bothered mentioning my existence.
Chapter 5 Trolls anyone?
Chapter 6 No more lies
Chapter 7 Secret Existance The Fast Forward Version of Sorcerers Stone
The First Fight- Secret Existence
Secret Existence: The Best Summer Ever Rescue Mission
Secret Existence: The Best Summer Ever Diagon Alley Not Knockturn Alley
Secret Existence: Crash Landing
That Git They Call a Teacher: Secret Existence
The Worst Fail of a Quidditch Practice: Secret Existence
Secret Existence: Hogwarts Halloweens Never Go As Planned
Disaster in the Quidditch Pitch
Why is it always us? Secret Existence
Polyjuice Potion for Christmas: Secret Existence
Tom Riddle's Diary: Secret Existence
The Strangest Book I've Ever Seen: Secret Existence: Watty Awards
So Alone: Secret Existence (A Harry Potter Fanfic) (Watty Awards 2011)
Spider Attack: Secret Existence (A HP Fan Fic) (Watty Awards)
Entering the Chamber:Secret Existence (Watty Awards
The Chamber of Secrets and Learning about True Evil:Secret Existence
Everything Must Come to an End

Staying Out of Trouble Secret Existence

40.2K 717 177
By kc1997kc

Happy Independance Day to anyone from the USA! I'm uploading early in honor of the holiday!


As soon as Filch arrived he began blaming Harry.

“It wasn’t Harry,” I told him rather annoyed. Then Dumbledore arrived. He took us, the cat, Filch, Snape, and Professor McGonagall to the fool’s classroom. Dumbledore began looking at Mrs. Norris and Lockhart went on babbling. Finally Dumbledore said the cat was stunned and that it could be easily fixed.

“It wasn’t Harry,” I snapped at Filch. “We were at Sir Nick’s death day party. We have much better things to do then stun your dumb cat.”

“I believe their story. You may all leave, except Sky. Sky, come with me.” I silently groaned and followed after Dumbledore to his office.

I sat down, “I might as well move in here, I’m here all the time.”

“You wouldn’t be if you behaved or were respectful,” He pointed out.

“Being a distraction isn’t against any rules, they just get annoyed and give me detention for it. I’m not rude, I’m just honest.” I objected.

Dumbledore chuckled, “Your dumb cat?”

“It’s true! That cat is both dumb and annoying. I’m very sorry it was stunned though, had he not been blaming my brother I’d have felt a lot worse.” I said simply.

Dumbledore sighed, “Regardless, can you try to be more respectful? Professor Lockhart has sent you here three times in the last week because you refused to do what he asked.”

“I refused to participate in his dumb skits from his books. The man is a fool. Hermione could teach the class better. We’ve learned nothing all year except that he is full of himself and can’t control Cornish pixies,” I pointed out.

Dumbledore looked at me over his glasses, “Please Sky? He’s a hero. How about Snape? He sends you here or gives you detention at least once a week.”

“Yeah, but he has no good reason. When did walking suspiciously warrant a detention? And when I complain he either doubles them or brings me here. It’s not my fault he has it out for me,” I pointed out. “Besides them when does Professor McGonagall give me detention? Or Professor Flitwick? Or Professor Sprout? I have a lot less issues with Professor Bins., even if I still get in trouble sometimes. It’s mainly Snape or Lockhart. Snape loves getting me in trouble and Lockhart is an arrogant fool.”

“Behave. Next time you get detention I’m going to make it the worst one yet. Maybe I’ll combine Severus and Gildoroy and make you clean.” He mused.

I felt the color drain from my face, “I’d rather die than deal with both of them at once. In fact that might set me over the edge.”

“Then stay out of trouble,” Dumbledore reasoned. “At least for a few weeks.”

“Yes Sir, I’ll go now Sir.” I mumbled running to my common room.

In the weeks that followed they tried everything to get rid of the writing on the wall to no avail. It was horrible having to walk by it all the time. One day all of us were in the library, Ron and Harry doing homework Hermione and I had already done Hermione looking for information on the Chamber of Secrets, and me sitting quietly trying not to get in trouble for talking. It had been two weeks or so and I had stayed out of trouble.  A while had passed when I whispered, “We have history of magic. Let’s go if I’m late I’ll get in huge trouble with Dumbledore.” The others chuckled and we headed towards the class.

Now I’ll remind you, or maybe tell you for the first time, about my relationship with Professor Binns. First day I demanded to know why he was so boring and why he was teaching after he died, pointing out that it must be about time for him to retire. We didn’t exactly get along. But this year I’d learned to shut up and sleep in that class. Hermione lent me her notes; she knew how hard it was to stay awake. Then I shared with the boys who rarely paid attention.

“Professor I was wondering if you could tell us about the chamber of secrets.” Hermione asked.

I sat upright only to hear him respond with a negative answer about how that wasn’t fact but a legend.

“Aren’t all legends based in fact? Besides no one wants to hear what you’re teaching, and everyone wants to hear that.” I said simply before realizing I should have shut up. Luckily the whole class began murmuring in agreement so he reluctantly agreed.

"Hogwarts was founded over a thousand years ago by the four greatest witches and wizards of the age. The four Houses are named after them: Godric Gryffindor, Helga Hufflepuff, Rowena Ravenclaw and Salazar Slytherin. Slytherin wanted to ban muggles from entering the school and it came to an argument which made him leave the school. The story goes that he built a hidden chamber in the castle. Only his heir would be able to unseal the Chamber of Secrets to unleash the horror within and use it to purge the school of all who were unworthy to study magic. The horror is believed to be some sort of monster which the Heir of Slytherin alone can control. Of course that’s all nonsense. Anyways…” After that I ignored him. I’m sorry, he was boring! After class I was summoned by Dumbledore.

“Sky, I hear you got in a bit of trouble last class,” he began.

I fell to the floor and curled in a fetal position, “The walls have eyes! They listen to you! They have eyes!” I yelled in a twisted vice rocking back and forth while darting my eyes around the room. Some of the old headmasters were watching, some amused and some worried. Dumbledore began to come towards me and I yelled, “Master of the walls stay away, the walls have eyes!”

“I’ll fetch Professor Snape, Lockhart, and Madame Pomfrey.” He chuckled. I jumped up,

“No!” I yelled jumping towards him.

He laughed, “I thought so. You’re not in trouble. Hermione thought it’d be funny to tell me.”

“Can I get detention now for my revenge? It’ll save me the trip.” I said evilly.

He laughed even harder, “Sure, what are you going to do?”

“Sabotage her homework, wreck a few of her books, get her clothes to say things like I’m a tattletale or I can’t keep a secret.” I said simply, none of that would be too hard,

He chuckled, “If you don’t do the first or second one you can skip detention and not get in trouble.”

“Deal,” I said laughing as I ran to our room. The spells didn’t take long and I went downstairs chuckling.

“Oh Sky,” Fred said putting an arm around my shoulders.

I shook my head, “No, I can’t help you. Dumbledore’s ready to send me packing. Snape’s given me at least a hundred detentions, Lockhart’s probably around fifty, and Binns’ is at least ten. Not to mention the fiasco of my arrival, or punching Malfoy which each got me two.”

“Please Sky, this is an awesome prank. We’re going to get all of Lockhart’s pictures to say things like I suck, or I’m ugly, and maybe even edit them a bit.” George explained.

I looked at them, “What do I need to do?”

“Just stand in the hallway and if Lockhart comes then loudly ask him for help with something,” Fred told me.

I sighed, “I do need help with my essay about his defeat of the werewolves. I was just gonna ask Hermione, but if it would help you guys I’ll put up with him.”

“Thanks Sky, you’re a real life saver,” Fred said hugging me. I hugged him back and George joined in.

We all walked toward the room and they went in. I began pacing the hall.

“What are you doing?” Snape’s annoying voice asked.

I turned to him, “Waiting for Lockhart, I need his help with our essay about his defeat of the werewolves.” I rolled my eyes. “Hermione’s busy so there’s no one I can ask for help.”

“Want me to get him?” Snape asked.

I shook my head, “Don’t trouble yourself; I’m not in a hurry to spend time with him.”

“If I see him I’ll let him know, otherwise you may be waiting while.” Snape said leaving I sighed in relief. Then the boys finished and we went back to the common room where Hermione, Harry, and Ron were talking.

“What’s going on?” I asked.

“Harry thinks he’s the heir of Slytherin, Ron thinks it’s Malfoy. We’re gonna use polyjuice to talk to Malfoy.” Hermione said absentmindedly.

“The ingredient list is in the restricted section. Who’s stupid enough to let you get it?” I asked. We all instantly realized it. This was going to be fun.


So what do you guys think?

So I've decided to ask a question on every chapter, since when I do you guys seem to comment more. So, alot of stories have facebook pages. I was wondering if you think I should make a facebook page for this story. Let me know what you think, if more than half of the comments say yes I'll set one up.

I'd like 50 votes and 50 comments before I upload.You guys make me smile when I see how amazing this story is doing. It hasn't even been a year since I joined wattpad and I've already accomplished so much! If you guys can reach this set of goals by lets say Wednesday or Thursday I'll upload two parts instead of one.

This chapter is dedicated to KaylaLane. It was about time to write a fun chapter about her trouble maker ways wasn't it?

Hope you love this chapter!

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