Ella Gamberro

By maiyawho

35 2 0

Bobbie Smart The name alone put fear in the hearts of people in New York, LA, Georgia, Texas, and most foreig... More

||He who's hated, She who is loved||
||It who is smart, He who is clueless||


5 0 0
By maiyawho

Bobbie and Ezra ate while laughing. Something that they hadn't stopped doing since he sat down.

"Ok ok I have anotha wun." Bobbie expressed laughing loudly. She had currently been telling him her best jokes and he was still laughing at the last one.

"No more , no more. I've had enough foolishness with your corny jokes"

She giggled while placing her hand on her chest gasping. "My jokes are not corny" Looking up at her he gave her a straight face.

"Are you trying to convince yourself or me?" He asked while giving her a side eye. She laughed some more sighing.

"Oh gosh my tummy hurts" she smiled. He smiled back at her slightly looking over his left shoulder.

"You okay" she asked. It had been the 5th time he looked over his shoulder. She wondered if he was ready to just leave her.

Looking at her he nodded. "Umm yeah I just feel someone watching us" he shrugged his shoulders. "It's probably nothing"

Bobbie straightened her posture. Beginning to feel uncomfortable she tensed. Looking over her shoulder she instantly spotted a white man sitting in a booth alone staring at her .

White man, short brown hair,chinky eyes flushed skin, he has on a black heavy jacket. She noted his appearance.

It's fucking 98 degrees and he's wearing a wind breaker? Fed.

"Follow me" she stated. She got up and walked towards the man.

Without question Ezra hopped up and followed Her. He wasn't sure what she wanted to do, but he knew that he has to be with her no matter what. He had this gut feeling that shit was about to get real.

Looking up he noticed Lourdes was already talking to a white man a few feet from where he stood. The man looked slightly terrified looking up at the girl he knew as Lourdes.

He quickly made his way to her.

"Lonnie" the man stated. He noticed how Bobbie immediately angered.

"Whut ya last nayme?"  Her accent was stronger than ever. You could practically see the fumes coming out of her ears.


Almost as soon as the word left his lips, Lourdes hopped across the table grabbing him by the collars of his shirt.

"Yuh tha batty boy dat fuck wit me eh?"

She violently shook him repeating the word "huh". Ezra pulled the enraged Lourdes off the man. He had no idea why she was so mad but she was cussing a scene and he didn't like attention.

"Get the fuck" Bobbie yelled at him. She was beyond angry and  the last thing she needed was for a guy she just met to try and calm her down.

She managed to get out of his grasp and run after the man who she recently tried to choke to death. He had ran towards the exit dropping something on his way out.

Bobbie ran after him, hot on his tail. As soon as she ran out the door she seen Lonnie hop into a car. Immediately reacting she read the license plates determined to remember it.


She took a mental picture of the car and license plate. Turning on her heels she counted to ten, attempting to calm herself down. She walked back into the restaurant tripping over something.

Looking down she noticed a leather suitcase. Is this what he dropped?

Excitement grew in the pit of her stomach. This could be a big lead on her side of the situation. She hurriedly picked up the suitcase.

Turning to the left clutching the suitcase to her chest. Ignoring the stares from everyone she proceeded to get her stuff from the booth. She dropped a twenty on the table and turned right back around, now carrying her purse along with the suitcase.

She walked to her car quickly. She needed to get home, so she could figure out what really was going on.

"Lourdes!" She turned around to see Ezra jogging up to her. She forgot all about him. Too much was going on for her to think about tending to him.

He seen me choke that man and act like a mad woman. Oh gosh. What does he think of me now? I probably looked crazy. Fuck what he thought. That man is trying  to lock me up. I should've killed his bitch ass.

Ezra called her names twice more snapping her out her thoughts. "Lourdes are you okay? What the hell happened what did he say to you?"

She sighed shaking her head. "Nothing in fine ya ohkay?" She  asked genuinely caring about his well being. It was partially her fault on why that restaurant was up side down and inside out, at the moment.

"I'm fine. You sure you okay though?" He was amazed at how she was worrying about him when she had gotten into a physical altercation with a man.

"Hey, don't worry bout me Kay? I'll be fine. Mi have fa leave." She kissed him on the cheek climbing into her car.

"Can I have your number?" He asked hopefully. Ezra was beyond interested in this girl and he wanted to get to know her better. He watched as she looked up at him.

Bobbie debated whether or not she would give him her number . He's really cool. Maybe we could be good friends. But, he has a lot going for himself. I ain't shit. He's too good for me.  Bobbie thought to herself.

Ezra was one of those guys who had his shit together. He was in school, studying business. It was his last year, and he had more than a few job offers. He worked at Apple bee's because his grandfather founded it, the man who raised him, That and the fact that they were in need of employees. She had learned that he was originally from Toronto and moved out here when he was around 8 with his grandfather. After he graduated in 2 months, he was offered a job at one of the biggest law firms in New York, and would gladly accept it. This young man was perfect. He was everything a women would want and then some. He was out of bobbies league.

"No" Bobbie stated. He looked at her shocked.

"No?" He asked. "Why not? " he was honestly very confused. Bobbie sighed. "I'm no good fa ya". Ezra shook his head upset.

"What are you talking about Lourdes. I would love to get to know you, why aren't you giving me that chance?" He asked sadly.

Bobbie shook her head. "You an amazing guy Ezra. I really tink you are great. I'll hol' ya back. Mi na wanna do that ta ya. Go be great baby. If it's meant, I'll see ya again."  With that she pulled off. Leaving Ezra standing there, mesmerized.

He smiled touching the cheek she kissed while looking down at his shoes.

Oh she's gonna be mine.

Bobbie at the spa😛in mm

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