Lay is the father?

By mortal_shadowhunter_

3.1K 86 10

Marie Martinez did not expect to wake up in a strangers bed and find out she was pregnant with the strangers... More

Chapter 1: Finding out and Telling Him
Chapter 2- The Date (Part One)
Chapter 3- The Date (Part Two)
Baby Time
Can You Just Leave me alone
Lets Try
Surprise Surprise
I cant believe this
I had enough
Working it out
Well look who it is
I have to let you go

Chapter 4- Are You Kidding Me?

211 7 0
By mortal_shadowhunter_

Two Weeks Later

Marie's Pov

Ever since that date with Lay he hasn't called or texted me for two straight weeks. I do know he is an idol but I thought he would have called to at least check up on how I am doing. He left me with that impression in the first place with the passionate moment we shared with one another.

However I need to get my life together, I am not going to chase him. I have a baby to worry about and myself included. I already told myself, whether Lay is in my life or not, I am not going to stay around moping. I have to be strong and continue with my life.

In a way when I think about it if Lay were to just forget about the baby and me to just continue his career. I would not have to worry about the crazy amount of paparazzi or the Koreaboos that would start attacking me and my integrity.

I am about to become a mother so I need to make my baby a priority right now. So I made the decision to schedule an appointment for the baby because I am 5 weeks pregnant and I need to make sure that my health is in check. Plus I feel that I need some dietary advice because I have been eating like a madwoman.

So I ignored any thoughts concerning Lay and I called my OBGYN Dr. Lin. She is a Chinese woman in her late twenties with black long silk hair and very petite features. When I began going to her clinic she was nothing but super sweet to me and is more like an older sister.

I do not know how to bring up my pregnancy to her because she is another person besides Laura that I am able to confide in. I gathered up my courage and dialed her number on my cell phone, on the second ring she picked up. Despite my nerves flaring throughout my body, I greeted her in a steady tone, "Hi Dr. Lin it is me, Marie, I just wanted to ask if you can possibly bump me in your schedule for an appointment".

I can hear her faint chuckles from the other side of the receiver, "Marie stop being so formal by calling me Dr. Lin just call me Lin, you should know that by now. However, to answer your question, I would be able to bump you into my schedule. I am confused though because I believe you already had a pap smear done, is there something wrong.

Shit, I don't know what to say, I rather tell her about my pregnancy in person rather than on the phone, "Oh I just have some questions concerning things, do not worry it is not a big deal."

Really, Marie, it is not a big deal. You are literally having a celebrity baby due to the stupid one night stand that you had on your birthday. Let alone the father of your baby is not even communicating with you to make sure that you are alive or dead.

I hear Lin on the line clear her throat and then say, "Okay that is no problem, I just need to double-check to make sure I have open slots for you".

There was a 1-minute silence on the phone and then I heard her say, "Marie you're a very lucky woman. If you are not doing anything today, I am able to see you today at 5:00 pm. Does that sound good to you because I am letting you know that I would be busy for the rest of the week since I have to check up on a lot of pregnant patients.".

When she mentioned the word pregnant, I felt the oxygen leaving the body and the only thing I am able to say is, "That would be great, I will see you later Lin. Bye".

She lightly chuckled and said, " Bye Marie."

I heard the receiver on the other end disconnect and I took off my phone. Despite it being such a short conversation, I have been feeling lonely because, for the last 2 weeks, Laura has been busy. I am not sure if it has to do with Chanyeol but all I know is she has not been around me much.

I am happy that she found someone she could deeply connect with despite all she has been through with men however I am still salty that she has not been here for me much. I swear when she gets pregnant I would ignore her like the Black Plague just so she can understand what I am feeling.

All of a sudden I felt a wave of sadness and began to cry out of nowhere. Fuck these hormones I swear. At least I do not have crazy symptoms during my first trimester because I have heard stories and trust me they were very disgusting. However, I must not be too rash and make early assumptions because I do not want to jinx anything.

Then suddenly my phone starts ringing and I feel a slight tinge of hope that it might have been Lay or Laura but I was wrong it was my crazy mother calling. Out of all days of the week, she has to call me now where I am having a mental crisis.

However, despite everything, I have to pick up the phone because my crazy Trini mom would cut off my head if I don't. The funny thing is she would never deny it either.

I picked up the phone and heard a loud shriek, "My baby, how are you, how is Korea, have you found a boyfriend yet, do I need to go over there? Hey, answer your mother when she asks you questions!"

I mentally sigh and I responded in a semi-sarcastic tone, "Oh thank you, mother, you are just too kind to me not like you gave me time to answer any of your questions".

She began laughing on the line, "I know I know, I just get so excited to speak to you. I just get so worried about you being so far away."

I felt bad for using that tone with her because I know she means well but this mood swings are affecting me badly, "Sorry Ma, I had a late night and have not slept and I've been busy, I apologize for my attitude. However you do not have to come to Korea, I am completely okay."

This is utter bullshit because the minute my mom finds out about my pregnancy, she is going to flip her shit on me.

My mom sucked her teeth and said, " Oh really you are busy then why when I called Laura she said you were at your apartment doing nothing eh. Has it come down to this that you would start to ignore your poor mother."

There she goes again being all dramatic. I mean woman can't you take a hint or something. I love my mom but she doesn't know how to give me my space which is why I left Korea in the first place.

"Mom I just don't feel good. Give me time to rest and I would call you later."

My mother gasped and said, " Oh my gosh Marie are you okay. If you want I

will take the next plane to Korea."

Knowing this woman I just knew that she was not kidding around at all when she said that. My eyes widened and I said to her in a frantic voice, "No Ma it's just a slight headache, I will sleep it off."

"It better be Marie because if it's a fever you know I would come there."

I sighed, "Yes Ma I know, please get some rest too, I love you bye."

" Okay honey I love you bye." Then she hung up the phone.

Thank god that is over because I was not ready to have an interrogation session with my mom. However, now I can get some sleep until I have to wake up and get ready for my appointment with Lin.

However, my luck was short-lived because I heard my doorbell ring. Ugh, I am so sorry mom that I did that to you but I really was hoping that karma would not bite me in the ass at this moment.

I opened my front door and to my surprise, I saw a random Korean girl looking at me with a harsh glare on her face. She had 5-inch heels on, a mini skirt, and a super short crop top. I never recalled hiring an escort but whatever I am going to leave my asshole responses to myself.

I looked at her with a confused expression and said, "Hey I think you have gotten the wrong apartment.

I was about to close the door but the girl stuck her foot out so I couldn't close my fucking door. Just great, first my mother and now her. Can I just get a break and fall asleep, like I am fucking pregnant.

She sneered, " You are the ugly bitch my man left me for."

I don't know what type of crack she is smoking but where the hell is this psycho chick came from. I said in a pissed off tone, "Hoe I do not know which hole you crawled out of but last time I checked the only bitter ugly bitch I see here is you."

I did not give her any time to respond to me, instead, I closed the door on her face. Wow, that felt really good to do. Finally, I can take a peaceful nap without any disturbances.

However that luck was short-lived because I see that out of all the time in the world, this jackass decided to call me now. Of course, he is acting like nothing wrong and said in a nonchalant tone, "Hi Marie, what's up is everything okay? Do you need anything?".

I was so fired up at the moment that I just disregarded his questions, "I really do not need this bullshit right now Lay, I just want to know who this brunette bitch telling me that I stole her man. I really do not care who you sleep with but do not have these women come to my house."

There was a long pause on the other line of the phone, however, he responded nonchalantly, "Marie relax that is my friend, I asked her to check up on you so do not insult her, if anything she was doing a good deed by seeing how you are doing despite not knowing who you are."

Hold the fuck up, did he just defend her, let alone gave her the address to my home without my consent, "Listen here I appreciate the thought but it should have been you checking up on me not her. Second of all, she was not doing a good deed because she came to my house and began insulting me for no apparent reason. Like I said before, you can do whatever you want but do not bring this shit to my house. That whole speech about wanting to try things out and the kiss was all lies."

He chuckled," What is with all the drama and theatrics, I did not lie about anything. If anything it is probably your hormones acting up because I know her and she would not do such a vile thing to you. Have you been sleeping because you might be imagining things."

I stared at my phone looking at it as if it was some sort of alien, "Are you fucking kidding me right now, I am not imagining anything. I think I would remember clearly that some girl came to my door uninvited with a bitch ass attitude saying I stole her man."

He sighed deeply which triggered my anger even more, "Whatever you say, Marie, however, I just want you to know that if you are jealous of her because she is a female. I want that thought out of your head immediately because she is someone who is really supportive of me so I do not need you to break up our friendship. I am busy at the moment so I am going to call you later. Before I leave I want to know if you scheduled any upcoming doctor appointments."

Should I tell him the truth? Does he even deserve to know, he hasn't made the effort to check up on me, he is being cold as fuck to me and he basically called me psychotic. I quickly said, "No I don't but I will keep you posted bye."

I hung up the phone quickly not listening if he said goodbye or not. The only thing I was thinking to myself was who the hell was that girl to him?

Hey, guys, I hope y'all are staying safe, as many of you know, I have been editing the chapters for the story and hopefully, soon I will be posting new chapters because I can still see that a lot of you guys continue to show my love on here. I also would like for you guys to check out my second story since I would alternate updating both so I would not forget to update either or story. I cannot wait for you guys to see what I have planned next.

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