K Project: The Purple Queen

By So_Kawaii_Tya

69.9K 2.7K 411

Izumi Kasamura tries to keep herself under the radar at all times and is a ghost at her school. During one da... More

Ch.1 A Normal Day Gone Wrong
Ch. 2 Time To Prove His Innocence
Ch. 3 Purple Vs. Blue
Ch. 4 Interrogation
Ch. 5 Saved!
Ch. 6 The Festival and Illness
Ch. 8 Hide and Seek
Ch. 9 All Around Me
Ch. 10 All Around Me pt. 2
Ch. 11 Closer to Closure
Ch.12 The Chase
Ch.13 Confessions
Ch. 14 Farewell

Ch. 7 Healing

4.9K 205 8
By So_Kawaii_Tya

I woke up the next day in my room. I was surrounded by worried faces.

"What happened?" I held my temples.

"You collapsed, my lady Izumi." Yasumoto said helping me lift up.

"I did?"

"Yes, I knew you weren't feeling well." Kuroh said worried.

"My head hurts." I said as I stopped rubbing my temples to see someone in my kitchen.

She had red hair that came to her shoulders. Her arm in circular motion might suggest that she's making something.

"Who's that?"

"That's Kasumi, apparently she's your strain." Kuroh said.

"Strain?" Confused I asked.

" Yea like me!!!" Neko said raising her hand in the air.

"Okay. Let's see if this will do the trick." Kasumi said holding a bowl full of herbs. "Itadakimasu!!"

"What is it ??" I asked holding my nose.

"Well my master told me to mixed together echinacea, golden seal, garlic, chapparal and Chineseastragalus root into a yummy soup!!" She demonstrates. "Well eat it."

I looked at it for a moment. "Am I going to die of an overdose of herbs??"

"My lady, just drink it and your fever should go away." Kasumoto said holding the bowl close to my mouth.

I just kept looking at it. "I'm sorry but this doesn't look very appetizing."

"Oh, just drink it already!!!!" Kasumi said as she jumped on top of me and smashed the bowl into my face.

"W..what are you doing??!!" I choked and guzzled. I actually felt like I was drowning so I pushed her off of me.
"Are you crazy?!?!?!" I yelled as I stood on my feet, surprisingly.

"Kasamura, you can stand now!!!" Shiro jumped for joy, Neko hugged him in hooray!

I just felt my body temperature drop to normal. My nose stopped running, coughs have seized, and my head doesn't hurt anymore. "Woah! I feel a lot better now. Thanks.....kassssss."

"Kasumi! It's KASUMI YOU SHOULD KNOW THAT, MY LADY!!!" Kasumi yelled.

"Yup!! My bad Kasubi." I gave her a peace sign.

"I think you're making me upset on purpose." She said as she crossed her arms.

"I feel spectacular." I twirled in my white gown.

"Those herbs that she mixed usually don't work that fast on regular people. This proves that you're one of the chosen one's by the Damocles sword." Kasumoto said.

"Well I want to do something, I feel like we've been in this apartment all night."

"What did you have in mind?" Kuroh asked.

"Hmmmmmm...." My stomach growled.

We were in town to go to a restaurant. The streets were very busy as people were talking about the festival last night. My head fell slightly.

"What's the matter Izumi?" Shiro asked.

"I made you guys miss the festival. I got in the way of you guys fun."

"Whatever. Hey, it's cool. You're our friend." He said as he nudged me.

"Correct. At least we're eating with each other." Kuroh reassured me.

We ate a huge dinner with one another as they were telling me what they did at the festival. They were telling me how the play went and good food they ate. I checked my phone as it was getting late for me. So I decided to leave everyone.

"You guys have fun, I'm gonna get going. My apartment locks doors at ten, so good night." I said as I walked away waving.

"Good night." They all said in unison.

I was halfway down the street freezing. Suddenly I heard my name being shouted from behind, it was Kuroh.

"Are you sure you want to walk by yourself?" He asked worrying about my safety.

"I'm okay. Is the cold hearted Kuroh worried about me?" I said sarcastically.

He rubbed the back of his head and blushed. "Well...I was just...being a gentleman...it isn't really~"

I interrupted him by kissing his cheek. "It's okay, I'm fine. Just go back and have fun, okay?" I said giggling and walking away.

He touched his cheek and blushed even more.

I was at least three blocks from my apartment when I suddenly saw a guy breathing hard in my peripheral. I stopped because he looked as if he was injured. He was tumbling over trashcans and holding onto the wall for support.

"Umm, sir? Is everything alright? Do you need an ambulance?" Something was making my knees move closer and closer to him.

The man was towering over me and he fell onto my shoulder, which made me fall. He was heavy and I tried to move from under him.

"Heeey!!! Get off of me!!" I stopped squirming and recognized that the man was Mikoto.

I tried to lift him up and helped him to my apartment. He was breathing heavy, so I laid him on my bed. I tried to get him something to cover his wound on his side. It looks as if he burned himself trying to close it. I came back with some bandages and alcohol. As I tried to lift him, he just fell onto me again, I was trying to pull his shirt off. I pushed him back on the bed and hovered him. Taking some alcohol with a cottonball, I dabbled his wound which made him jumped and grab me.

"Don't you realize that hurts?" He was sucking his teeth.

"It shouldn't burn that bad. You're strong aren't you??" I asked.

"I don't have time for this." He pulled me closer and kissed me. My eyes were wide open as I started to blush really hard. His wound started healing instantly. I pulled away then touched my lips.

"Wha..wha..what was that for?" I asked with a face full of shock.

"You're best healer out of us kings. It's the most effective in women with skin to skin contact." He said.

"Well didn't you heal just by grabbing my wrist, or falling on top of me?"

"It's more effective with a kiss."

"Cliché, but okay." I realized I was still kind of straddling him and hopped up quickly. I sat on the other side of my bed.  "So why were you hurt and how'd you get out of Scepter 4 headquarters?"

"Basically I fought my way out. Got a few wounds here and there but not anymore." He gave me a perverted look.

My eyes opened even wider, "I'm holding a convict, why mere??"

I turned to Mikoto, "You have to get...." He was asleep.

"I can't do this. I just wanna live a simple life. Oh well I'll worry about it tomorrow I guess." I looked at Mikoto and tried to lay far from him but not to the point where I fall out of my bed.

I closed my eyes.

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