Dirty Little Secret (Camren)...

By leaveitbe98

82.4K 1.9K 292

Camila is the most popular girl in school and Lauren is the nerdy loser that no one likes always gets pushed... More

Ch1: Him *WARNING*
Ch 2: Her
Ch 3: Secret Friend
Ch 4: Late Night Convos
Author's Note
Ch 5: New Beginnings
Ch 7: The Visit
Ch.8 He's Back
Ch 9: The Kiss

Ch 6: Movie Night

7.7K 189 20
By leaveitbe98

A/N: I added Pia Mia (Picture in the beginning of the chapter) into this story because she is BAE

L: Hey stranger. Where've you been. You've been MIA for a while, I miss talking to you.

C: sorry :/ its just.. something happened and idk what to do i feel like my entire world is falling apart

L: Wanna talk about it?

C: idk if i can without breaking down

L: Oh, well if u want we can talk about it after school, you know when you get home. If you want to tho, I'm here for you. No matter what it is, ok

C: okay :/ sorry lauren

L: No I get it. Text me at lunch or after school maybe. I'm here for you you

C: thank you :)


*Camila's POV*

"Hey Walz, Ally, Mani, and Pia are coming over to my house you wanna come?" I heard Dinah say as I was gettin gmy things from my locker. "No, I'm good, thanks for the offer tho." I replied with a weak smile. "Come on Walz, we're all worried about him, but you can't keep going to the hospital everyday after school and mope around waiting for him to get up. Before you get all defencive and snap at me, hear me out. You know Austin hates it when you're all clingy because it makes him 'look soft' and whatever other shitty excuses he uses, so imagine what he would say if he was conscious, he would tell you to come hang out with us then go see him later" I guess she did have a point, Austin always got annoyed when I hung around him too much. "Uh. Yeah, sure I guess I could hang with you guys for a bit, then go to see Austin."

We pull up to Dinah's house and surprisingly no one is home, no cars in the driveway, no people in the yard, there wasn't even any shoes in front of the door. "D where's your family, don't you usually have a shit ton of people here." Pia said nervously. "Why y'all look so scared? So what? My family went out and left me because I was in school. It happens more often than you guys think." Dinah said with a chuckle as we walked into her house. "Mani, Why don't you, Mila, and Ally get some snacks and drinks while Pia and I look for a movie." "Okay." I say as I walk to the kitchen with Ally and Normani. Mani and Ally shuffle through the cabinets looking for anything and everything edible that we can eat during our movie marathon, while I walked over to the fridge to get some drinks. As I was pouring the drinks I felt a hand on my back, than Ally's soft and tender voice."Mila, at any point today if you want me to take you to see Austin just say the word and we'll go. I don't even care what time it is, if you wanna go right now or at three in the morning, ok" "Thank you Ally. You know I really wanna see him right now, but knowing Austin he would be annoyed with how much time I want to spend with him, and he would tell me to go and hang out with my loser friends." I say, smiling at the thought of him awake and talking. Ally turns my head to look at her as she uses the pad of her thumb to wipe away the tears streaming down my face. Wow, I didn't even realize I was crying. "What's taking you loser- oh Mila come here." Pia says as she walks into kitchen and wraps me in her arms. "You know we can go to the hospital later on if you want, we don't have to watch Dinah's lame movies the entire time." "No. I'm sorry. Can we just start watching the movies." I say slightly pushing Pia off of me. "Uh, ok. Let's go then, pass me some drinks Karla." "Ok eww. Stop calling me Karla."

We watched movies until it was seven when we decided to order a pizza and change into our pajamas. Soon after everyone was done eating we argued about what movie to on. Ally, Dinah, and I wanted a Mean Girls while Pia and Normani wanted to watch New Year's Eve, because it was three against two Dinah put the movie in, then laid on the floor. 15 minutes into the movie and everyone was already sleeping. Sad and lonely I decided to text Lauren, I lift my butt off the and retrieve my phone from my back pocket and sent Lauren text.

C: hey loser r u up??

L: What's up dork?

C: nm im at a friends house we were watching movies but everyone fell asleep and im up by myself

L: Oh that sounds like fun

C: i guess ate a lot of junk food then dinner then we got ready for bed and put on another movie and now everyone is sleeping

L: What did you guys watch

C: uh idk we watched a lot of movies first we watched was Finding Nemo and now New Year's Eve is on

L: Oh wow that's a big range of movies lol you went from a dramatic Disney cartoon to a suspenseful romance movie. What else is new I haven't talked to you in forever

C: oh. um well my boyfriend is in a coma

L: OMG is he ok? Are YOU ok?? What happened to him?

*Lauren's POV*

C: the doctors said he should be up in a few weeks but they dnt really know the extent of his injuries because he was attacked by someone and they hit him in the head with a rock then left him for dead in front of his neighbors house, his neighbor went out to grab the paper and found him unconscious on the ground. the doctors said he should be up any day now but, idk.

As I read the message I slowly put the pieces together and realized who I've been talking to. Then, what I did finally sunk in, I hurt the one person I swore would never hurt, I crushed Camila's world, but from this moment forward I vow to do whatever it took to make Camila happy again. The thing that killed me the most about this new situation was knowing that I was the one who put Austin in the coma and when he wakes up there's a high possibility that he'll remember what happened and I could get arrested, or he could wake up with amnesia and not remember anything at all, but even then he could regain his memory and I could still get into a lot of trouble. I was brought out of my deep thought when my phone vibrated again.

C: oh gosh i probably scared you away im sorry for dumping that on you and freaking you out.

L: Sorry it's just..

C: just what lauren??

L: I'm sorry about Austin.. Camila

C: oh, i guess you heard about it then

L: Yeah. It was the only thing people were talking about today

C: yeah :/

L: If you wanna talk about it I'm here for you

C: i know

lauren im scared

L: Answer your phone

After I pressed send I called Camila and waited for her to answer. "Hello?" That one word broke my heart. With that one word I could hear how in the dark she was, like she lost everything and now she was in a place of hopelessness that she couldn't escape. "Hello? Lauren?" "Oh sorry. Hey Camila." "Hi" There was a good 15 minutes of awkward silence between Camila and I before I finally broke the ice. "Hey Camila?" "Yeah?" "Why are you scared? The doctor said he's gonna wake up any day now, you should be happy." "I know, I am happy, it's just, I don't know. They said he was hit pretty hard so there's a possibility that he might have amnesia when he wakes up or he might have some other problems, I'm not ready to deal with any of that stuff. I was gonna break up with him before he got attacked, but I don't know if I can do it after he wakes up, I don't want people to think I broke up with him because he has a disability, ya know." "Yeah I do, but why were you gonna break up with him? You always look so happy when you're with him." "Well, yeah I looked happy, but I guess I wasn't, I only went out with him because I used to be the loser that always got picked on and he was popular and I thought dating him would boost my reputation, and it did but I wasn't truly happy with him. He would get mad when I tried to hang out with him and his friends, he said I was too clingy, and one time he sa-" It was now 2:48 and I wanted to be there for her, but sleep was calling me so I interrupted her before she could finish her sentence. "Yeah Lauren?" "I'm sorry I want to listen, I wanna be the shoulder that you cry on, but about to fall asleep and I don't want you to think that I fell asleep because you were boring me." "No its ok, its late, we should both get some sleep." She let out a sigh and told me goodnight, but before I could let her go I felt like I owed something to her for what I did. "Camila wait, before you go." "What's up?" "Um. Tomorrow? I can take you to the hospital to see him, y'know if you want to?" "Um. sure, thank you Lauren, goodnight." "Goodnight Camila."

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